libc: import more endianness fixes (thanks cherry9)
libsec: fix probably_prime() endless loop for n == 3
init: remove dependency to <authsrv.h>
tapefs: remove dependency to <authsrv.h>
import(4): -o, -O flags gone
cpu, import: remove old9p support
cmd/auth: remove private /dev/random reading routines, use genrandom()
auth/changeuser: set the aes key in plan9 database, but not in securenet db
keyfs: fix typo (thanks jpm)
kernel/boot: do not handle kfs boot
remove kfs references from manual
disk/mkfs: rmeove kfs support
authsrv: randomize aes key in mkkey(), not used yet.
authsrv: more aes key stuff
introduce AES key into nvram and keyfs
kfs: adjust to new libauthsrv
cwfs: adjust for new libauthsrv changes
libauthsrv: add missing files (thanks mischief)
libsec: add pbkdf2_hmac_sha1() (from wpapsk factotum module)
libauthsrv: generalize ticket service, not hardcoding ticket format and DES encryption
/lib/1oct1993: use words correctly (thanks, spew)
aux/statusbar: use title as rio window title (thanks qrstuv)
libsec: TLS1.2 server support, make cipher list with most prefered first
libsec: TLS1.2 client support
bullshit: app, deep-learning, responsive.
cc: improve (non-) side effect detection (thanks charle)
games/doom: fix array offsets for respawn angle (thanks qu7uux)
games/doom: fix gamma correction and key translation (thanks qu7uux)
games/doom: fix idclev cheat in doom2 and final doom (thanks qu7uux)
games/doom: fix unterminated comment causing sound bugs (from qu7uux)
devether: duplicate flags when copying blocks (thanks erik quanstro)
gs: fix alignment bug in image_render_interpolate()
6l: fix vlong byte order when running on big endian machine (thanks erik quanstro)
libcontrol: fix label memory leak
rio(4): document "delete" wctl message (thanks mischief)
libsec: fix mistake breaking tlsServer() (thanks sl)
cpu: cleanup ssl code, make sure -p works for any auth method
import(4): clarify -E and -e options
libsec: TLS1.1 support (needs new devtls)
devtls: TLS1.1 explicit iv support
kernel: try freebroken() *before* killbig() (thanks aiju)
hjfs: fix abort() in givebuf()
libc: fix wunlock() libthread deadlock
mount, srv: add -N flag to skip authentication and attach anonymously as "none"
fortunes: If you want to do the work, I will review the results.
lib9p: make reqqueueflush() use new threadint(), which will also cover channel operations
libthread: use "interrupt" proc ctl message instead of posting a note for threadint()
libthread: fix mistake, make "all" the default target again
acid -k: fix intrcount() for amd64
acid -k: fix procenv() to new data structure
zunq: remove unused variables from devqspi
kernel: move "setargs" field in Proc structure after "nargs" and "args"
kernel: mount flag is int not ulong, reduce size of Mount struct by putting mflag field in what would be wasted as padding
kernel: pgrpcpy(), simplify Mount structure
python: fix build for objtype=$spim
gs: fix build for objtype=spim
libmp: fix build for objtype=spim
ape: fix build for objtype=spim
fix library mkfiles for objtype=spim
libmach: remove redundant check for big endian
libmach: remove useless error check from previous commit
libmach: set correct endianness with little endian ELF32 mips binaries
kernel: remove unused MAXCRYPT constant from portdat.h
vgaigfx: remove #define MB, theres a MB enum in portdat.h
kernel: have to validate argv[] again when copying to the new stack
kernel: limit argv[] strings to the USTKSIZE to avoid overflow
kernel: validnamedup() the name argument for segattach()
kernel: fix indention in validname0()
kernel: limit syscallfmt user strings to 64K (as in validname)
kernel: change vmemchr() length argument to ulong and simplify
kernel: use Etoolong[] constant instead of string literal in validname0()
kernel: make shargs() function static in sysproc.c
kernel: reject empty argv (argv[0] == nil) in sysexec()
init: do not run $home/lib/profile when cd $home failed
kfs: set permission of / to 0775 on ream
cwfs: set permission of / to 0775 on ream
pc, pc64: remove unused psaux driver, cleanup devkbd
devkbd: disable mosue/keyboard on shutdown, disable ps2 mouse on init, remove kbdenable()/kbdinit()
kernel: remove unused qstate() function
devkbd: poll pc keyboard before blocking on kbd.q