ref: 9f880e595c9b6a3bb606339f87ea9c6c2e368671
dir: /sys/src/cmd/spin/pangen4.c/
/***** spin: pangen4.c *****/ /* Copyright (c) 1989-2003 by Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories. */ /* All Rights Reserved. This software is for educational purposes only. */ /* No guarantee whatsoever is expressed or implied by the distribution of */ /* this code. Permission is given to distribute this code provided that */ /* this introductory message is not removed and no monies are exchanged. */ /* Software written by Gerard J. Holzmann. For tool documentation see: */ /* */ /* Send all bug-reports and/or questions to: [email protected] */ #include "spin.h" #include "" extern FILE *tc, *tb; extern Queue *qtab; extern Symbol *Fname; extern int lineno, m_loss, Pid, eventmapnr, multi_oval; extern short nocast, has_provided, has_sorted; extern char *R13[], *R14[], *R15[]; static void check_proc(Lextok *, int); void undostmnt(Lextok *now, int m) { Lextok *v; int i, j; if (!now) { fprintf(tb, "0"); return; } lineno = now->ln; Fname = now->fn; switch (now->ntyp) { case CONST: case '!': case UMIN: case '~': case '/': case '*': case '-': case '+': case '%': case LT: case GT: case '&': case '|': case LE: case GE: case NE: case EQ: case OR: case AND: case LSHIFT: case RSHIFT: case TIMEOUT: case LEN: case NAME: case FULL: case EMPTY: case 'R': case NFULL: case NEMPTY: case ENABLED: case '?': case PC_VAL: case '^': case C_EXPR: case NONPROGRESS: putstmnt(tb, now, m); break; case RUN: fprintf(tb, "delproc(0, now._nr_pr-1)"); break; case 's': if (Pid == eventmapnr) break; if (m_loss) fprintf(tb, "if (_m == 2) "); putname(tb, "_m = unsend(", now->lft, m, ")"); break; case 'r': if (Pid == eventmapnr) break; for (v = now->rgt, i=j=0; v; v = v->rgt, i++) if (v->lft->ntyp != CONST && v->lft->ntyp != EVAL) j++; if (j == 0 && now->val >= 2) break; /* poll without side-effect */ { int ii = 0, jj; for (v = now->rgt; v; v = v->rgt) if ((v->lft->ntyp != CONST && v->lft->ntyp != EVAL)) ii++; /* nr of things bupped */ if (now->val == 1) { ii++; jj = multi_oval - ii - 1; fprintf(tb, "XX = trpt->bup.oval"); if (multi_oval > 0) { fprintf(tb, "s[%d]", jj); jj++; } fprintf(tb, ";\n\t\t"); } else { fprintf(tb, "XX = 1;\n\t\t"); jj = multi_oval - ii - 1; } if (now->val < 2) /* not for channel poll */ for (v = now->rgt, i = 0; v; v = v->rgt, i++) { switch(v->lft->ntyp) { case CONST: case EVAL: fprintf(tb, "unrecv"); putname(tb, "(", now->lft, m, ", XX-1, "); fprintf(tb, "%d, ", i); if (v->lft->ntyp == EVAL) undostmnt(v->lft->lft, m); else undostmnt(v->lft, m); fprintf(tb, ", %d);\n\t\t", (i==0)?1:0); break; default: fprintf(tb, "unrecv"); putname(tb, "(", now->lft, m, ", XX-1, "); fprintf(tb, "%d, ", i); if (v->lft->sym && !strcmp(v->lft->sym->name, "_")) { fprintf(tb, "trpt->bup.oval"); if (multi_oval > 0) fprintf(tb, "s[%d]", jj); } else putstmnt(tb, v->lft, m); fprintf(tb, ", %d);\n\t\t", (i==0)?1:0); if (multi_oval > 0) jj++; break; } } jj = multi_oval - ii - 1; if (now->val == 1 && multi_oval > 0) jj++; /* new 3.4.0 */ for (v = now->rgt, i = 0; v; v = v->rgt, i++) { switch(v->lft->ntyp) { case CONST: case EVAL: break; default: if (!v->lft->sym || strcmp(v->lft->sym->name, "_") != 0) { nocast=1; putstmnt(tb,v->lft,m); nocast=0; fprintf(tb, " = trpt->bup.oval"); if (multi_oval > 0) fprintf(tb, "s[%d]", jj); fprintf(tb, ";\n\t\t"); } if (multi_oval > 0) jj++; break; } } multi_oval -= ii; } break; case '@': fprintf(tb, "p_restor(II);\n\t\t"); break; case ASGN: nocast=1; putstmnt(tb,now->lft,m); nocast=0; fprintf(tb, " = trpt->bup.oval"); if (multi_oval > 0) { multi_oval--; fprintf(tb, "s[%d]", multi_oval-1); } check_proc(now->rgt, m); break; case 'c': check_proc(now->lft, m); break; case '.': case GOTO: case ELSE: case BREAK: break; case C_CODE: fprintf(tb, "sv_restor();\n"); break; case ASSERT: case PRINT: check_proc(now, m); break; case PRINTM: break; default: printf("spin: bad node type %d (.b)\n", now->ntyp); alldone(1); } } int any_undo(Lextok *now) { /* is there anything to undo on a return move? */ if (!now) return 1; switch (now->ntyp) { case 'c': return any_oper(now->lft, RUN); case ASSERT: case PRINT: return any_oper(now, RUN); case PRINTM: case '.': case GOTO: case ELSE: case BREAK: return 0; default: return 1; } } int any_oper(Lextok *now, int oper) { /* check if an expression contains oper operator */ if (!now) return 0; if (now->ntyp == oper) return 1; return (any_oper(now->lft, oper) || any_oper(now->rgt, oper)); } static void check_proc(Lextok *now, int m) { if (!now) return; if (now->ntyp == '@' || now->ntyp == RUN) { fprintf(tb, ";\n\t\t"); undostmnt(now, m); } check_proc(now->lft, m); check_proc(now->rgt, m); } void genunio(void) { char buf1[256]; Queue *q; int i; ntimes(tc, 0, 1, R13); for (q = qtab; q; q = q->nxt) { fprintf(tc, "\tcase %d:\n", q->qid); if (has_sorted) { sprintf(buf1, "((Q%d *)z)->contents", q->qid); fprintf(tc, "#ifdef HAS_SORTED\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tj = trpt->ipt;\n"); /* ipt was bup.oval */ fprintf(tc, "#endif\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tfor (k = j; k < ((Q%d *)z)->Qlen; k++)\n", q->qid); fprintf(tc, "\t\t{\n"); for (i = 0; i < q->nflds; i++) fprintf(tc, "\t\t\t%s[k].fld%d = %s[k+1].fld%d;\n", buf1, i, buf1, i); fprintf(tc, "\t\t}\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tj = ((Q0 *)z)->Qlen;\n"); } sprintf(buf1, "((Q%d *)z)->contents[j].fld", q->qid); for (i = 0; i < q->nflds; i++) fprintf(tc, "\t\t%s%d = 0;\n", buf1, i); if (q->nslots==0) { /* check if rendezvous succeeded, 1 level down */ fprintf(tc, "\t\t_m = (trpt+1)->o_m;\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tif (_m) (trpt-1)->o_pm |= 1;\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tUnBlock;\n"); } else fprintf(tc, "\t\t_m = trpt->o_m;\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tbreak;\n"); } ntimes(tc, 0, 1, R14); for (q = qtab; q; q = q->nxt) { sprintf(buf1, "((Q%d *)z)->contents", q->qid); fprintf(tc, " case %d:\n", q->qid); if (q->nslots == 0) fprintf(tc, "\t\tif (strt) boq = from+1;\n"); else if (q->nslots > 1) /* shift */ { fprintf(tc, "\t\tif (strt && slot<%d)\n", q->nslots-1); fprintf(tc, "\t\t{\tfor (j--; j>=slot; j--)\n"); fprintf(tc, "\t\t\t{"); for (i = 0; i < q->nflds; i++) { fprintf(tc, "\t%s[j+1].fld%d =\n\t\t\t", buf1, i); fprintf(tc, "\t%s[j].fld%d;\n\t\t\t", buf1, i); } fprintf(tc, "}\n\t\t}\n"); } strcat(buf1, "[slot].fld"); fprintf(tc, "\t\tif (strt) {\n"); for (i = 0; i < q->nflds; i++) fprintf(tc, "\t\t\t%s%d = 0;\n", buf1, i); fprintf(tc, "\t\t}\n"); if (q->nflds == 1) /* set */ fprintf(tc, "\t\tif (fld == 0) %s0 = fldvar;\n", buf1); else { fprintf(tc, "\t\tswitch (fld) {\n"); for (i = 0; i < q->nflds; i++) { fprintf(tc, "\t\tcase %d:\t%s", i, buf1); fprintf(tc, "%d = fldvar; break;\n", i); } fprintf(tc, "\t\t}\n"); } fprintf(tc, "\t\tbreak;\n"); } ntimes(tc, 0, 1, R15); } int proper_enabler(Lextok *n) { if (!n) return 1; switch (n->ntyp) { case NEMPTY: case FULL: case NFULL: case EMPTY: case LEN: case 'R': case NAME: has_provided = 1; if (strcmp(n->sym->name, "_pid") == 0) return 1; return (!(n->sym->context)); case CONST: case TIMEOUT: has_provided = 1; return 1; case ENABLED: case PC_VAL: return proper_enabler(n->lft); case '!': case UMIN: case '~': return proper_enabler(n->lft); case '/': case '*': case '-': case '+': case '%': case LT: case GT: case '&': case '^': case '|': case LE: case GE: case NE: case '?': case EQ: case OR: case AND: case LSHIFT: case RSHIFT: case 'c': return proper_enabler(n->lft) && proper_enabler(n->rgt); default: break; } return 0; }