ref: 9e720c82b37e99b71373aa882b0cf6175fdd38ec
dir: /sys/src/games/galaxy/galaxy.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <draw.h> #include <thread.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <cursor.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include "galaxy.h" Cursor crosscursor = { {-7, -7}, {0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x03, 0xC0, }, {0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, } }; Cursor pausecursor={ 0, 0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x07, 0xe0, 0x07, 0xe0, 0x07, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0x3F, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x80, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x07, 0xE0, 0x04, 0x20, 0x04, 0x20, 0x06, 0x60, 0x02, 0x40, 0x0C, 0x30, 0x10, 0x08, 0x14, 0x08, 0x14, 0x28, 0x12, 0x28, 0x0A, 0x50, 0x16, 0x68, 0x20, 0x04, 0x3F, 0xFC, }; enum { STK = 8192, ZOOM = 0, SPEED, GRAV, SAVE, LOAD, EXIT, MEND, }; Cursor *cursor; Mousectl *mc; Keyboardctl kc; double G = 1, θ = 1, scale = 30, ε = 500, dt = .2, LIM = 10, dt²; char *file; int showv, showa, throttle; char *menustr[] = { [SAVE] "save", [LOAD] "load", [ZOOM] "zoom", [SPEED] "speed", [GRAV] "gravity", [EXIT] "exit", [MEND] nil }; Menu menu = { .item menustr }; Image* randcol(void) { static struct { ulong c; Image *i; } cols[] = { DWhite, nil, DRed, nil, DGreen, nil, DCyan, nil, DMagenta, nil, DYellow, nil, DPaleyellow, nil, DDarkyellow, nil, DDarkgreen, nil, DPalegreen, nil, DPalebluegreen, nil, DPaleblue, nil, DPalegreygreen, nil, DYellowgreen, nil, DGreyblue, nil, DPalegreyblue, nil, }; int r; r = nrand(nelem(cols)); if(cols[r].i == nil) cols[r].i = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, cols[r].c); return cols[r].i; } void pause(int p, int id) { static int paused, pid = -1; switch(p) { default: sysfatal("invalid pause value %d:", p); break; case 0: if(pid != -1 && pid != id) break; pid = id; if(paused) break; paused = 1; qlock(&glxy); break; case 1: if(!paused || pid != id) break; pid = -1; paused = 0; qunlock(&glxy); break; } } void drawstats(void) { Point p; static char buf[1024]; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "Number of bodies: %d", glxy.l); p = addpt(screen->r.min, (Point){5, 3}); string(screen, p, display->white, ZP, font, buf); snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "Avg. calculations per body: %g", avgcalcs); p = addpt(p, (Point){0, font->height}); string(screen, p, display->white, ZP, font, buf); snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "Max depth of quad tree: %d", quaddepth); p = addpt(p, (Point){0, font->height}); string(screen, p, display->white, ZP, font, buf); } void drawglxy(void) { Point pos, va; Body *b; int s; draw(screen, screen->r, display->black, 0, ZP); for(b = glxy.a; b < glxy.a + glxy.l; b++) { pos.x = b->x / scale + orig.x; pos.y = b->y / scale + orig.y; s = b->size/scale; fillellipse(screen, pos, s, s, b->col, ZP); if(showv) { va.x = b->v.x/scale; va.y = b->v.y/scale; if(va.x != 0 || va.y != 0) line(screen, pos, addpt(pos, va), Enddisc, Endarrow, 0, b->col, ZP); } if(showa) { va.x = b->a.x/scale*50; va.y = b->a.y/scale*50; if(va.x != 0 || va.y != 0) line(screen, pos, addpt(pos, va), Enddisc, Endarrow, 0, b->col, ZP); } } STATS(drawstats();) flushimage(display, 1); } void setsize(Body *b) { Point pos, d; double h; pos.x = b->x / scale + orig.x; pos.y = b->y / scale + orig.y; d = subpt(mc->xy, pos); h = hypot(d.x, d.y); b->size = h == 0 ? scale : h*scale; b->mass = b->size*b->size*b->size; } void setvel(Body *b) { Point pos, d; pos.x = b->x / scale + orig.x; pos.y = b->y / scale + orig.y; d = subpt(mc->xy, pos); b->v.x = (double)d.x*scale/10; b->v.y = (double)d.y*scale/10; } void setpos(Body *b) { b->x = (mc->xy.x - orig.x) * scale; b->y = (mc->xy.y - orig.y) * scale; } void dosize(Body *b) { Point p; p = mc->xy; for(;;) { setsize(b); drawglxy(); drawbody(b); readmouse(mc); if(mc->buttons != 3) break; } moveto(mc, p); } void dovel(Body *b) { Point p; p = mc->xy; for(;;) { setvel(b); drawglxy(); drawbody(b); readmouse(mc); if(mc->buttons != 5) break; } moveto(mc, p); } void dobody(void) { Vector gc; double f; Body *b; pause(0, 0); b = body(); setpos(b); setvel(b); setsize(b); b->col = randcol(); for(;;) { drawglxy(); drawbody(b); readmouse(mc); if(!(mc->buttons & 1)) break; if(mc->buttons == 3) dosize(b); else if(mc->buttons == 5) dovel(b); else setpos(b); } CHECKLIM(b, f); gc = center(); orig.x += gc.x / scale; orig.y += gc.y / scale; pause(1, 0); } char* getinput(char *info, char *sug) { static char buf[1024]; static Channel *rchan; char *input; int r; if(rchan == nil) rchan = chancreate(sizeof(Rune), 20); if(sug != nil) strecpy(buf, buf+1024, sug); else buf[0] = '\0'; kc.c = rchan; r = enter(info, buf, sizeof(buf), mc, &kc, nil); kc.c = nil; if(r < 0) sysfatal("save: could not get filename: %r"); input = strdup(buf); if(input == nil) sysfatal("getinput: could not save input: %r"); return input; } void domove(void) { Point oldp, off; setcursor(mc, &crosscursor); pause(0, 0); oldp = mc->xy; for(;;) { readmouse(mc); if(mc->buttons != 2) break; off = subpt(mc->xy, oldp); oldp = mc->xy; orig = addpt(orig, off); drawglxy(); } setcursor(mc, cursor); pause(1, 0); } void load(int fd) { orig = divpt(subpt(screen->r.max, screen->r.min), 2); orig = addpt(orig, screen->r.min); readglxy(fd); center(); } void domenu(void) { int fd; char *s; double z; pause(0, 0); switch(menuhit(3, mc, &menu, nil)) { case SAVE: s = getinput("Enter file:", file); if(s == nil || *s == '\0') break; free(file); file = s; fd = create(file, OWRITE, 0666); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("domenu: could not create file %s: %r", file); writeglxy(fd); close(fd); break; case LOAD: s = getinput("Enter file:", file); if(s == nil || *s == '\0') break; free(file); file = s; fd = open(file, OREAD); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("domenu: could not open file %s: %r", file); load(fd); close(fd); break; case ZOOM: s = getinput("Zoom multiplier:", nil); if(s == nil || *s == '\0') break; z = strtod(s, nil); free(s); if(z <= 0) break; scale /= z; break; case SPEED: s = getinput("Speed multiplier:", nil); if(s == nil || *s == '\0') break; z = strtod(s, nil); free(s); if(z <= 0) break; dt *= z; dt² = dt*dt; break; case GRAV: s = getinput("Gravity multiplier:", nil); if(s == nil || *s == '\0') break; z = strtod(s, nil); free(s); if(z <= 0) break; G *= z; break; case EXIT: threadexitsall(nil); break; } drawglxy(); pause(1, 0); } void mousethread(void*) { threadsetname("mouse"); for(;;) { readmouse(mc); switch(mc->buttons) { case 1: dobody(); break; case 2: domove(); break; case 4: domenu(); break; } } } void resizethread(void*) { threadsetname("resize"); for(;;) { recv(mc->resizec, nil); pause(0, 0); if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("resize failed: %r"); drawglxy(); pause(1, 0); } } void kbdthread(void*) { Keyboardctl *realkc; Rune r; static int paused; threadsetname("keyboard"); realkc = initkeyboard(nil); if(realkc == nil) sysfatal("kbdthread: could not initkeyboard: %r"); for(;;) { recv(realkc->c, &r); if(r == Kdel) { threadexitsall(nil); } if(kc.c != nil) send(kc.c, &r); else switch(r) { case 'q': threadexitsall(nil); break; case 's': stats ^= 1; break; case 'v': showv ^= 1; break; case 'a': showa ^= 1; break; case ' ': paused ^= 1; if(paused) { cursor = &pausecursor; pause(0, 1); } else { cursor = nil; pause(1, 1); } setcursor(mc, cursor); } } } /* verlet barnes-hut */ void simulate(void*) { Body *b; double f; threadsetname("simulate"); for(;;) { qlock(&glxy); if(throttle) sleep(throttle); drawglxy(); Again: space.t = EMPTY; quads.l = 0; STATS(quaddepth = 0;) for(b = glxy.a; b < glxy.a + glxy.l; b++) { if(quadins(b, LIM) == -1) { growquads(); goto Again; } } STATS(avgcalcs = 0;) for(b = glxy.a; b < glxy.a + glxy.l; b++) { b->a.x = b->newa.x; b->a.y = b->newa.y; b->newa.x = b->newa.y = 0; STATS(calcs = 0;) quadcalc(b, space, LIM); STATS(avgcalcs += calcs;) } STATS(avgcalcs /= glxy.l;) for(b = glxy.a; b < glxy.a + glxy.l; b++) { b->x += dt*b->v.x + dt²*b->a.x/2; b->y += dt*b->v.y + dt²*b->a.y/2; b->v.x += dt*(b->a.x + b->newa.x)/2; b->v.y += dt*(b->a.y + b->newa.y)/2; CHECKLIM(b, f); } qunlock(&glxy); } } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "Usage: %s [-t throttle] [-G gravity] [-ε smooth] [-i] [file]\n", argv0); threadexitsall("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { int doload; doload = 0; ARGBEGIN { default: usage(); break; case 't': throttle = strtol(EARGF(usage()), nil, 0); break; case 'G': G = strtod(EARGF(usage()), nil); break; case L'ε': ε = strtod(EARGF(usage()), nil); break; case 'i': doload++; break; } ARGEND if(argc > 1) usage(); fmtinstall('B', Bfmt); if(argc == 1) { if(doload++) usage(); file = strdup(argv[0]); if(file == nil) sysfatal("threadmain: could not save file name: %r"); close(0); if(open(file, OREAD) != 0) sysfatal("threadmain: could not open file: %r"); } if(initdraw(nil, nil, "Galaxy") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw failed: %r"); if(mc = initmouse(nil, screen), mc == nil) sysfatal("initmouse failed: %r"); dt² = dt*dt; orig = divpt(subpt(screen->r.max, screen->r.min), 2); orig = addpt(orig, screen->r.min); glxyinit(); quadsinit(); if(doload) load(0); close(0); threadcreate(mousethread, nil, STK); threadcreate(resizethread, nil, STK); threadcreate(kbdthread, nil, STK); proccreate(simulate, nil, STK); threadexits(nil); }