usbxhci: have to serialize and set read pointer for endpoint stop command
disk/edisk: add some headroom in the type table for dynamic entries
disk/edisk: add more partition type uuid's from wikipedia (thanks qeed)
usbohci, usbehci, usbxhci: save mmio base address in ctlr, cant PADDR() on 386...
usbxhci: provide shutdown function to halt the controller
nusb/usbd: support for usb3 hubs
libregexp: fix lexer so it doesnt move past the string when it gets a \ escape
xhci: experimental usb3 support
nusb/usbd: create endpoint files for conf #1, usb3 preparation
usbehci: fix crash in cancelisoio() for highspeed device due to wrong pollival
pc, pc64: enable usbxhci in the configuration
usbxhci: implement controller handoff, ignore usb3.0 ports, honor pollival for isochronous endpoints
usbxhci: basic iso write support (usb soundcard playback)
usb: fix wrong pollival calculation in setmaxpkt()
usbxhci: handle changing maxpkt on control endpoint by reevaluating endpoint context
usbxhci: use physical register addresses for matcing controllers and printing. simplify endpoint slot initialization.
usbohci, usbuhci, usbehci: use physical address of registers for matching controllers and printing
kernel: fix bounds check in screenputc()
usbxhci: implement command timeouts and aborts, serialize unstall
usbxhci: better approach to unstalling endpoint and fixup td ring
hpost: delimit @filenames by newline so files with whitespace aren’t mangled
hpost: fix field content mangling when newlines are present
pc kernel: mkfile target usbehcipc.$O needs ../port/usb.h, add usbxhci.$O
usbxhci: commit work in progress xhci driver, no config yet
/lib/{rob, rsc, theo}: Yup.
print(2): clean up vlong flag description
rc(1): catch up with a change made long before 9front
zynq: simplify initcode stack setup (just do it in init0 when the stack is mapped)
kernel: pass bootargs also in multiboot command line, retire the bootline mechanism to pass arguments to /boot/boot
change icanhasvmx to report extra info only with -v
vmx(1): I/O string instructions, incomplete support for IDE disks, misc fixes
vmx: fix build on non-x86 architectures (switch vlong)
libfis: fix inverted CHS bit
devvmx: add support for SG_STICKY segments
pc, pc64: support for multiboot framebuffer, common bootargs and multiboot code
aux/vga: simplify vesa by adding rgbmask2chan() function
upas/fs: handle plumbing for new messages for concurrent index updates
vmx(1): fix translateflat on 64-bit
devvmx: add support for extrap command to configure halting on exceptions
vmx(1): add support for (so far) crude 9p debugging fs; add gdb stub; clean up linux gdt code
devvmx: error handling in clearmeminfo
devvmx: remember segment names and free segments properly
segment(3): document sticky segment type
kernel: add support for sticky segments (cached, preallocated, never paged)
vmx(1): obsdfb: check if curmode is nil
vmx(1): round up frame buffer size to whole pages, ignore vga access in linear framebuffer, tell openbsd about framebuffer
vmx(1): clean up region handling code; changes to support amd64
pc, pc64: adapt devvmx to work on pc64
8l, 6l: get .frame offset right undoing $-4 hack
vmx(1), vmx(3): update manpages
ktrace(1): handle amd64 stacktraces correctly
vmx(1): i8042: translation changes reported keyboard id
remove /sys/lib/##redacted##.##redacted## (thanks ##redacted##)
authsrv(6): don't say old p9any isnt in use anymore...
vmx(1): linux kernel loading; PIT fixes to support linux; support VGA 0x3D4 word writes; support sending virtio ethernet packets to a file and prepending snoopy headers
devvmx: fix CR0/CR4 readout; also don't exit on PAUSE instruction
auth/factotum: complete p9any v.2 server protocol, but don't enable it.
upas/fs: work in progress...
vmx(1): fix '-v text'
vmx(1): don't zero all memory, don't abandon uart on eof, sleep before transmitting uart data
vmx(1): fix non-vesa framebuffer mode
vmx(1): support debug instructions
devvmx: support debug registers; simplify assembly
vmx: VESA support and other misc I/O improvements
correct the greatest omission
vmx: complete cmos
vmx: implement virtio reset
vmx: obsd: load kernel symbol table and allow setting root device
vmx: fix pic 'specific eoi' bug, fix kbd bug, add fake IDE and floppy controller
vmx: openbsd support: parse more options
vmx: fix virtio bugs
vmx: remove debugging print
vmx: support EFER and PAT access
vmx: slightly more vga support
vmx: improve PIT/keyboard support
vmx: support loading openbsd kernels
devvmx: support pat and efer registers
add vmx documentation
add vmx(1)
pc: add vmx device
pc/pc64: keep shadow copy of DR7 in Mach and use that to check whether we need to reset DR7 in procsave(); remove superfluous reset of DR7 in mmurelease()
remove accidentally committed reference to devvmx
pc/pc64: debugexc: ignore exception if in kernel mode and can't get hold of up->debug
acid(1), proc(3): document watchpoints
xd: use new bio magic to make -u more efficient
add aux/icanhasvmx
pc/pc64: reset DR7 in mmurelease
aux/cpuid: decode family and model bitfields
acid: fix goofup
acid: watchpoint support
acid: provide hooks 'procattach' and 'dying'
acid: always create proclist variable
acid: add getfields() builtin
kernel: reset nwatchpt in pexit
kernel: add support for hardware watchpoints