ref: 8e20bc7515448f92e24128d18426d6370be6b2f6
dir: /sys/src/cmd/spin/run.c/
/***** spin: run.c *****/ /* * This file is part of the public release of Spin. It is subject to the * terms in the LICENSE file that is included in this source directory. * Tool documentation is available at */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "spin.h" #include "" extern RunList *X, *run; extern Symbol *Fname; extern Element *LastStep; extern int Rvous, lineno, Tval, interactive, MadeChoice, Priority_Sum; extern int TstOnly, verbose, s_trail, xspin, jumpsteps, depth; extern int analyze, nproc, nstop, no_print, like_java, old_priority_rules; extern short Have_claim; static long Seed = 1; static int E_Check = 0, Escape_Check = 0; static int eval_sync(Element *); static int pc_enabled(Lextok *n); static int get_priority(Lextok *n); static void set_priority(Lextok *n, Lextok *m); extern void sr_buf(int, int); void Srand(unsigned int s) { Seed = s; } long Rand(void) { /* CACM 31(10), Oct 1988 */ Seed = 16807*(Seed%127773) - 2836*(Seed/127773); if (Seed <= 0) Seed += 2147483647; return Seed; } Element * rev_escape(SeqList *e) { Element *r = (Element *) 0; if (e) { if ((r = rev_escape(e->nxt)) == ZE) /* reversed order */ { r = eval_sub(e->this->frst); } } return r; } Element * eval_sub(Element *e) { Element *f, *g; SeqList *z; int i, j, k, only_pos; if (!e || !e->n) return ZE; #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n\teval_sub(%d %s: line %d) ", e->Seqno, e->esc?"+esc":"", e->n?e->n->ln:0); comment(stdout, e->n, 0); printf("\n"); #endif if (e->n->ntyp == GOTO) { if (Rvous) return ZE; LastStep = e; f = get_lab(e->n, 1); f = huntele(f, e->status, -1); /* 5.2.3: was missing */ cross_dsteps(e->n, f->n); #ifdef DEBUG printf("GOTO leads to %d\n", f->seqno); #endif return f; } if (e->n->ntyp == UNLESS) { /* escapes were distributed into sequence */ return eval_sub(e->sub->this->frst); } else if (e->sub) /* true for IF, DO, and UNLESS */ { Element *has_else = ZE; Element *bas_else = ZE; int nr_else = 0, nr_choices = 0; only_pos = -1; if (interactive && !MadeChoice && !E_Check && !Escape_Check && !(e->status&(D_ATOM)) && depth >= jumpsteps) { printf("Select stmnt ("); whoruns(0); printf(")\n"); if (nproc-nstop > 1) { printf("\tchoice 0: other process\n"); nr_choices++; only_pos = 0; } } for (z = e->sub, j=0; z; z = z->nxt) { j++; if (interactive && !MadeChoice && !E_Check && !Escape_Check && !(e->status&(D_ATOM)) && depth >= jumpsteps && z->this->frst && (xspin || (verbose&32) || Enabled0(z->this->frst))) { if (z->this->frst->n->ntyp == ELSE) { has_else = (Rvous)?ZE:z->this->frst->nxt; nr_else = j; continue; } printf("\tchoice %d: ", j); #if 0 if (z->this->frst->n) printf("line %d, ", z->this->frst->n->ln); #endif if (!Enabled0(z->this->frst)) printf("unexecutable, "); else { nr_choices++; only_pos = j; } comment(stdout, z->this->frst->n, 0); printf("\n"); } } if (nr_choices == 0 && has_else) { printf("\tchoice %d: (else)\n", nr_else); only_pos = nr_else; } if (nr_choices <= 1 && only_pos != -1 && !MadeChoice) { MadeChoice = only_pos; } if (interactive && depth >= jumpsteps && !Escape_Check && !(e->status&(D_ATOM)) && !E_Check) { if (!MadeChoice) { char buf[256]; if (xspin) printf("Make Selection %d\n\n", j); else printf("Select [0-%d]: ", j); fflush(stdout); if (scanf("%64s", buf) <= 0) { printf("no input\n"); return ZE; } if (isdigit((int)buf[0])) k = atoi(buf); else { if (buf[0] == 'q') alldone(0); k = -1; } } else { k = MadeChoice; MadeChoice = 0; } if (k < 1 || k > j) { if (k != 0) printf("\tchoice outside range\n"); return ZE; } k--; } else { if (e->n && e->n->indstep >= 0) k = 0; /* select 1st executable guard */ else k = Rand()%j; /* nondeterminism */ } has_else = ZE; bas_else = ZE; for (i = 0, z = e->sub; i < j+k; i++) { if (z->this->frst && z->this->frst->n->ntyp == ELSE) { bas_else = z->this->frst; has_else = (Rvous)?ZE:bas_else->nxt; if (!interactive || depth < jumpsteps || Escape_Check || (e->status&(D_ATOM))) { z = (z->nxt)?z->nxt:e->sub; continue; } } if (z->this->frst && ((z->this->frst->n->ntyp == ATOMIC || z->this->frst->n->ntyp == D_STEP) && z->this->frst->n->sl->this->frst->n->ntyp == ELSE)) { bas_else = z->this->frst->n->sl->this->frst; has_else = (Rvous)?ZE:bas_else->nxt; if (!interactive || depth < jumpsteps || Escape_Check || (e->status&(D_ATOM))) { z = (z->nxt)?z->nxt:e->sub; continue; } } if (i >= k) { if ((f = eval_sub(z->this->frst)) != ZE) return f; else if (interactive && depth >= jumpsteps && !(e->status&(D_ATOM))) { if (!E_Check && !Escape_Check) printf("\tunexecutable\n"); return ZE; } } z = (z->nxt)?z->nxt:e->sub; } LastStep = bas_else; return has_else; } else { if (e->n->ntyp == ATOMIC || e->n->ntyp == D_STEP) { f = e->n->sl->this->frst; g = e->n->sl->this->last; g->nxt = e->nxt; if (!(g = eval_sub(f))) /* atomic guard */ return ZE; return g; } else if (e->n->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC) { f = e->n->sl->this->frst; g = e->n->sl->this->last; g->nxt = e->nxt; /* close it */ return eval_sub(f); } else if (e->n->ntyp == '.') { if (!Rvous) return e->nxt; return eval_sub(e->nxt); } else { SeqList *x; if (!(e->status & (D_ATOM)) && e->esc && (verbose&32)) { printf("Stmnt ["); comment(stdout, e->n, 0); printf("] has escape(s): "); for (x = e->esc; x; x = x->nxt) { printf("["); g = x->this->frst; if (g->n->ntyp == ATOMIC || g->n->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC) g = g->n->sl->this->frst; comment(stdout, g->n, 0); printf("] "); } printf("\n"); } #if 0 if (!(e->status & D_ATOM)) /* escapes don't reach inside d_steps */ /* 4.2.4: only the guard of a d_step can have an escape */ #endif #if 1 if (!s_trail) /* trail determines selections, new 5.2.5 */ #endif { Escape_Check++; if (like_java) { if ((g = rev_escape(e->esc)) != ZE) { if (verbose&4) { printf("\tEscape taken (-J) "); if (g->n && g->n->fn) printf("%s:%d", g->n->fn->name, g->n->ln); printf("\n"); } Escape_Check--; return g; } } else { for (x = e->esc; x; x = x->nxt) { if ((g = eval_sub(x->this->frst)) != ZE) { if (verbose&4) { printf("\tEscape taken "); if (g->n && g->n->fn) printf("%s:%d", g->n->fn->name, g->n->ln); printf("\n"); } Escape_Check--; return g; } } } Escape_Check--; } switch (e->n->ntyp) { case ASGN: if (check_track(e->n) == STRUCT) { break; } /* else fall thru */ case TIMEOUT: case RUN: case PRINT: case PRINTM: case C_CODE: case C_EXPR: case ASSERT: case 's': case 'r': case 'c': /* toplevel statements only */ LastStep = e; default: break; } if (Rvous) { return (eval_sync(e))?e->nxt:ZE; } return (eval(e->n))?e->nxt:ZE; } } return ZE; /* not reached */ } static int eval_sync(Element *e) { /* allow only synchronous receives and related node types */ Lextok *now = (e)?e->n:ZN; if (!now || now->ntyp != 'r' || now->val >= 2 /* no rv with a poll */ || !q_is_sync(now)) { return 0; } LastStep = e; return eval(now); } static int assign(Lextok *now) { int t; if (TstOnly) return 1; switch (now->rgt->ntyp) { case FULL: case NFULL: case EMPTY: case NEMPTY: case RUN: case LEN: t = BYTE; break; default: t = Sym_typ(now->rgt); break; } typ_ck(Sym_typ(now->lft), t, "assignment"); return setval(now->lft, eval(now->rgt)); } static int nonprogress(void) /* np_ */ { RunList *r; for (r = run; r; r = r->nxt) { if (has_lab(r->pc, 4)) /* 4=progress */ return 0; } return 1; } int eval(Lextok *now) { if (now) { lineno = now->ln; Fname = now->fn; #ifdef DEBUG printf("eval "); comment(stdout, now, 0); printf("\n"); #endif switch (now->ntyp) { case CONST: return now->val; case '!': return !eval(now->lft); case UMIN: return -eval(now->lft); case '~': return ~eval(now->lft); case '/': return (eval(now->lft) / eval(now->rgt)); case '*': return (eval(now->lft) * eval(now->rgt)); case '-': return (eval(now->lft) - eval(now->rgt)); case '+': return (eval(now->lft) + eval(now->rgt)); case '%': return (eval(now->lft) % eval(now->rgt)); case LT: return (eval(now->lft) < eval(now->rgt)); case GT: return (eval(now->lft) > eval(now->rgt)); case '&': return (eval(now->lft) & eval(now->rgt)); case '^': return (eval(now->lft) ^ eval(now->rgt)); case '|': return (eval(now->lft) | eval(now->rgt)); case LE: return (eval(now->lft) <= eval(now->rgt)); case GE: return (eval(now->lft) >= eval(now->rgt)); case NE: return (eval(now->lft) != eval(now->rgt)); case EQ: return (eval(now->lft) == eval(now->rgt)); case OR: return (eval(now->lft) || eval(now->rgt)); case AND: return (eval(now->lft) && eval(now->rgt)); case LSHIFT: return (eval(now->lft) << eval(now->rgt)); case RSHIFT: return (eval(now->lft) >> eval(now->rgt)); case '?': return (eval(now->lft) ? eval(now->rgt->lft) : eval(now->rgt->rgt)); case 'p': return remotevar(now); /* _p for remote reference */ case 'q': return remotelab(now); case 'R': return qrecv(now, 0); /* test only */ case LEN: return qlen(now); case FULL: return (qfull(now)); case EMPTY: return (qlen(now)==0); case NFULL: return (!qfull(now)); case NEMPTY: return (qlen(now)>0); case ENABLED: if (s_trail) return 1; return pc_enabled(now->lft); case GET_P: return get_priority(now->lft); case SET_P: set_priority(now->lft->lft, now->lft->rgt); return 1; case EVAL: return eval(now->lft); case PC_VAL: return pc_value(now->lft); case NONPROGRESS: return nonprogress(); case NAME: return getval(now); case TIMEOUT: return Tval; case RUN: return TstOnly?1:enable(now); case 's': return qsend(now); /* send */ case 'r': return qrecv(now, 1); /* receive or poll */ case 'c': return eval(now->lft); /* condition */ case PRINT: return TstOnly?1:interprint(stdout, now); case PRINTM: return TstOnly?1:printm(stdout, now); case ASGN: if (check_track(now) == STRUCT) { return 1; } return assign(now); case C_CODE: if (!analyze) { printf("%s:\t", now->sym->name); plunk_inline(stdout, now->sym->name, 0, 1); } return 1; /* uninterpreted */ case C_EXPR: if (!analyze) { printf("%s:\t", now->sym->name); plunk_expr(stdout, now->sym->name); printf("\n"); } return 1; /* uninterpreted */ case ASSERT: if (TstOnly || eval(now->lft)) return 1; non_fatal("assertion violated", (char *) 0); printf("spin: text of failed assertion: assert("); comment(stdout, now->lft, 0); printf(")\n"); if (s_trail && !xspin) return 1; wrapup(1); /* doesn't return */ case IF: case DO: case BREAK: case UNLESS: /* compound */ case '.': return 1; /* return label for compound */ case '@': return 0; /* stop state */ case ELSE: return 1; /* only hit here in guided trails */ case ',': /* reached through option -A with array initializer */ case 0: return 0; /* not great, but safe */ default : printf("spin: bad node type %d (run)\n", now->ntyp); if (s_trail) printf("spin: trail file doesn't match spec?\n"); fatal("aborting", 0); }} return 0; } int printm(FILE *fd, Lextok *n) { extern char Buf[]; int j; Buf[0] = '\0'; if (!no_print) if (!s_trail || depth >= jumpsteps) { if (n->lft->ismtyp) j = n->lft->val; else j = eval(n->lft); sr_buf(j, 1); dotag(fd, Buf); } return 1; } int interprint(FILE *fd, Lextok *n) { Lextok *tmp = n->lft; char c, *s = n->sym->name; int i, j; char lbuf[512]; /* matches value in sr_buf() */ extern char Buf[]; /* global, size 4096 */ char tBuf[4096]; /* match size of global Buf[] */ Buf[0] = '\0'; if (!no_print) if (!s_trail || depth >= jumpsteps) { for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(s); i++) switch (s[i]) { case '\"': break; /* ignore */ case '\\': switch(s[++i]) { case 't': strcat(Buf, "\t"); break; case 'n': strcat(Buf, "\n"); break; default: goto onechar; } break; case '%': if ((c = s[++i]) == '%') { strcat(Buf, "%"); /* literal */ break; } if (!tmp) { non_fatal("too few print args %s", s); break; } j = eval(tmp->lft); tmp = tmp->rgt; switch(c) { case 'c': sprintf(lbuf, "%c", j); break; case 'd': sprintf(lbuf, "%d", j); break; case 'e': strcpy(tBuf, Buf); /* event name */ Buf[0] = '\0'; sr_buf(j, 1); strcpy(lbuf, Buf); strcpy(Buf, tBuf); break; case 'o': sprintf(lbuf, "%o", j); break; case 'u': sprintf(lbuf, "%u", (unsigned) j); break; case 'x': sprintf(lbuf, "%x", j); break; default: non_fatal("bad print cmd: '%s'", &s[i-1]); lbuf[0] = '\0'; break; } goto append; default: onechar: lbuf[0] = s[i]; lbuf[1] = '\0'; append: strcat(Buf, lbuf); break; } dotag(fd, Buf); } if (strlen(Buf) >= 4096) fatal("printf string too long", 0); return 1; } static int Enabled1(Lextok *n) { int i; int v = verbose; if (n) switch (n->ntyp) { case 'c': if (has_typ(n->lft, RUN)) return 1; /* conservative */ /* else fall through */ default: /* side-effect free */ verbose = 0; E_Check++; i = eval(n); E_Check--; verbose = v; return i; case SET_P: case C_CODE: case C_EXPR: case PRINT: case PRINTM: case ASGN: case ASSERT: return 1; case 's': if (q_is_sync(n)) { if (Rvous) return 0; TstOnly = 1; verbose = 0; E_Check++; i = eval(n); E_Check--; TstOnly = 0; verbose = v; return i; } return (!qfull(n)); case 'r': if (q_is_sync(n)) return 0; /* it's never a user-choice */ n->ntyp = 'R'; verbose = 0; E_Check++; i = eval(n); E_Check--; n->ntyp = 'r'; verbose = v; return i; } return 0; } int Enabled0(Element *e) { SeqList *z; if (!e || !e->n) return 0; switch (e->n->ntyp) { case '@': return X->pid == (nproc-nstop-1); case '.': case SET_P: return 1; case GOTO: if (Rvous) return 0; return 1; case UNLESS: return Enabled0(e->sub->this->frst); case ATOMIC: case D_STEP: case NON_ATOMIC: return Enabled0(e->n->sl->this->frst); } if (e->sub) /* true for IF, DO, and UNLESS */ { for (z = e->sub; z; z = z->nxt) if (Enabled0(z->this->frst)) return 1; return 0; } for (z = e->esc; z; z = z->nxt) { if (Enabled0(z->this->frst)) return 1; } #if 0 printf("enabled1 "); comment(stdout, e->n, 0); printf(" ==> %s\n", Enabled1(e->n)?"yes":"nope"); #endif return Enabled1(e->n); } int pc_enabled(Lextok *n) { int i = nproc - nstop; int pid = eval(n); int result = 0; RunList *Y, *oX; if (pid == X->pid) fatal("used: enabled(pid=thisproc) [%s]", X->n->name); for (Y = run; Y; Y = Y->nxt) if (--i == pid) { oX = X; X = Y; result = Enabled0(X->pc); X = oX; break; } return result; } int pc_highest(Lextok *n) { int i = nproc - nstop; int pid = eval(n); int target = 0, result = 1; RunList *Y, *oX; if (X->prov && !eval(X->prov)) return 0; /* can't be highest unless fully enabled */ for (Y = run; Y; Y = Y->nxt) { if (--i == pid) { target = Y->priority; break; } } if (0) printf("highest for pid %d @ priority = %d\n", pid, target); oX = X; i = nproc - nstop; for (Y = run; Y; Y = Y->nxt) { i--; if (0) printf(" pid %d @ priority %d\t", Y->pid, Y->priority); if (Y->priority > target) { X = Y; if (0) printf("enabled: %s\n", Enabled0(X->pc)?"yes":"nope"); if (0) printf("provided: %s\n", eval(X->prov)?"yes":"nope"); if (Enabled0(X->pc) && (!X->prov || eval(X->prov))) { result = 0; break; } } else if (0) printf("\n"); } X = oX; return result; } int get_priority(Lextok *n) { int i = nproc - nstop; int pid = eval(n); RunList *Y; if (old_priority_rules) { return 1; } for (Y = run; Y; Y = Y->nxt) { if (--i == pid) { return Y->priority; } } return 0; } void set_priority(Lextok *n, Lextok *p) { int i = nproc - nstop - Have_claim; int pid = eval(n); RunList *Y; if (old_priority_rules) { return; } for (Y = run; Y; Y = Y->nxt) { if (--i == pid) { Priority_Sum -= Y->priority; Y->priority = eval(p); Priority_Sum += Y->priority; if (1) { printf("%3d: setting priority of proc %d (%s) to %d\n", depth, pid, Y->n->name, Y->priority); } } } if (verbose&32) { printf("\tPid\tName\tPriority\n"); for (Y = run; Y; Y = Y->nxt) { printf("\t%d\t%s\t%d\n", Y->pid, Y->n->name, Y->priority); } } }