ref: 8c9e4efa17455ba801442a78ff4a4f5711727e83
dir: /sys/src/cmd/7c/swt.c/
#include "gc.h" void swit1(C1 *q, int nc, long def, Node *n) { Node tn; regalloc(&tn, ®node, Z); swit2(q, nc, def, n, &tn); regfree(&tn); } void swit2(C1 *q, int nc, long def, Node *n, Node *tn) { C1 *r; int i; Prog *sp; if(nc < 5) { for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { if(debug['W']) print("case = %.8llux\n", q->val); if(bval(q->val)) { gopcode(OEQ, n, Z, nodconst(q->val)); } else { gopcode(OSUB, nodconst(q->val), n, tn); gopcode(OEQ, tn, Z, nodconst(0)); } patch(p, q->label); q++; } gbranch(OGOTO); patch(p, def); return; } i = nc / 2; r = q+i; if(bval(r->val)) { gopcode(OGE, n, Z, nodconst(r->val)); sp = p; swit2(q, i, def, n, tn); patch(sp, pc); swit2(r, nc-i, def, n, tn); } else { gopcode(OSUB, nodconst(r->val), n, tn); gopcode(OGE, tn, Z, nodconst(0)); sp = p; swit2(q, i, def, n, tn); patch(sp, pc); swit2(r, nc-i, def, n, tn); } /* if(debug['W']) print("case > %.8llux\n", r->val); gmove(nodconst(r->val), tn); gopcode(OLT, tn, n, Z); sp = p; gopcode(OEQ, n, tn, Z); patch(p, r->label); swit2(q, i, def, n, tn); if(debug['W']) print("case < %.8llux\n", r->val); patch(sp, pc); swit2(r+1, nc-i-1, def, n, tn); */ } void bitload(Node *b, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *nn) { int sh; long v; Node *l; /* * n1 gets adjusted/masked value * n2 gets address of cell * n3 gets contents of cell */ l = b->left; if(n2 != Z) { regalloc(n1, l, nn); reglcgen(n2, l, Z); regalloc(n3, l, Z); gopcode(OAS, n2, Z, n3); gopcode(OAS, n3, Z, n1); } else { regalloc(n1, l, nn); cgen(l, n1); } if(b->type->shift == 0 && typeu[b->type->etype]) { v = ~0 + (1L << b->type->nbits); gopcode(OAND, nodconst(v), Z, n1); } else { sh = 32 - b->type->shift - b->type->nbits; if(sh > 0) gopcode(OASHL, nodconst(sh), Z, n1); sh += b->type->shift; if(sh > 0) if(typeu[b->type->etype]) gopcode(OLSHR, nodconst(sh), Z, n1); else gopcode(OASHR, nodconst(sh), Z, n1); } } void bitstore(Node *b, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *nn) { long v; Node nod, *l; int sh; /* * n1 has adjusted/masked value * n2 has address of cell * n3 has contents of cell */ l = b->left; regalloc(&nod, l, Z); v = ~0 + (1L << b->type->nbits); gopcode(OAND, nodconst(v), Z, n1); gopcode(OAS, n1, Z, &nod); if(nn != Z) gopcode(OAS, n1, Z, nn); sh = b->type->shift; if(sh > 0) gopcode(OASHL, nodconst(sh), Z, &nod); v <<= sh; gopcode(OAND, nodconst(~v), Z, n3); gopcode(OOR, n3, Z, &nod); gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, n2); regfree(&nod); regfree(n1); regfree(n2); regfree(n3); } long outstring(char *s, long n) { long r; if(suppress) return nstring; r = nstring; while(n) { string[mnstring] = *s++; mnstring++; nstring++; if(mnstring >= NSNAME) { gpseudo(ADATA, symstring, nodconst(0L)); p->from.offset += nstring - NSNAME; p->reg = NSNAME; p->to.type = D_SCONST; memmove(p->to.sval, string, NSNAME); mnstring = 0; } n--; } return r; } int mulcon(Node *n, Node *nn) { Node *l, *r, nod1, nod2; Multab *m; long v; int o; char code[sizeof(m->code)+2], *p; if(typefd[n->type->etype]) return 0; l = n->left; r = n->right; if(l->op == OCONST) { l = r; r = n->left; } if(r->op != OCONST) return 0; v = convvtox(r->vconst, n->type->etype); if(v != r->vconst) { if(debug['M']) print("%L multiply conv: %lld\n", n->lineno, r->vconst); return 0; } m = mulcon0(v); if(!m) { if(debug['M']) print("%L multiply table: %lld\n", n->lineno, r->vconst); return 0; } if(debug['M'] && debug['v']) print("%L multiply: %ld\n", n->lineno, v); memmove(code, m->code, sizeof(m->code)); code[sizeof(m->code)] = 0; p = code; if(p[1] == 'i') p += 2; regalloc(&nod1, n, nn); cgen(l, &nod1); if(v < 0) gopcode(OSUB, &nod1, nodconst(0), &nod1); regalloc(&nod2, n, Z); loop: switch(*p) { case 0: regfree(&nod2); gopcode(OAS, &nod1, Z, nn); regfree(&nod1); return 1; case '+': o = OADD; goto addsub; case '-': o = OSUB; addsub: /* number is r,n,l */ v = p[1] - '0'; r = &nod1; if(v&4) r = &nod2; n = &nod1; if(v&2) n = &nod2; l = &nod1; if(v&1) l = &nod2; gopcode(o, l, n, r); break; default: /* op is shiftcount, number is r,l */ v = p[1] - '0'; r = &nod1; if(v&2) r = &nod2; l = &nod1; if(v&1) l = &nod2; v = *p - 'a'; if(v < 0 || v >= 32) { diag(n, "mulcon unknown op: %c%c", p[0], p[1]); break; } gopcode(OASHL, nodconst(v), l, r); break; } p += 2; goto loop; } void sextern(Sym *s, Node *a, long o, long w) { long e, lw; for(e=0; e<w; e+=NSNAME) { lw = NSNAME; if(w-e < lw) lw = w-e; gpseudo(ADATA, s, nodconst(0)); p->from.offset += o+e; p->reg = lw; p->to.type = D_SCONST; memmove(p->to.sval, a->cstring+e, lw); } } void gextern(Sym *s, Node *a, long o, long w) { gpseudo(ADATA, s, a); p->from.offset += o; p->reg = w; if(p->to.type == D_OREG) p->to.type = D_CONST; } void zname(Biobuf*, char*, int, int); char* zaddr(char*, Adr*, int); void zwrite(Biobuf*, Prog*, int, int); void outhist(Biobuf*); void zwrite(Biobuf *b, Prog *p, int sf, int st) { char bf[100], *bp; bf[0] = p->as; bf[1] = p->reg; bf[2] = p->lineno; bf[3] = p->lineno>>8; bf[4] = p->lineno>>16; bf[5] = p->lineno>>24; bp = zaddr(bf+6, &p->from, sf); bp = zaddr(bp, &p->to, st); Bwrite(b, bf, bp-bf); } void outcode(void) { struct { Sym *sym; short type; } h[NSYM]; Prog *p; Sym *s; int sf, st, t, sym; if(debug['S']) { for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) if(p->as != ADATA && p->as != AGLOBL) pc--; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) { print("%P\n", p); if(p->as != ADATA && p->as != AGLOBL) pc++; } } outhist(&outbuf); for(sym=0; sym<NSYM; sym++) { h[sym].sym = S; h[sym].type = 0; } sym = 1; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) { jackpot: sf = 0; s = p->from.sym; while(s != S) { sf = s->sym; if(sf < 0 || sf >= NSYM) sf = 0; t = p->; if(h[sf].type == t) if(h[sf].sym == s) break; zname(&outbuf, s->name, t, sym); s->sym = sym; h[sym].sym = s; h[sym].type = t; sf = sym; sym++; if(sym >= NSYM) sym = 1; break; } st = 0; s = p->to.sym; while(s != S) { st = s->sym; if(st < 0 || st >= NSYM) st = 0; t = p->; if(h[st].type == t) if(h[st].sym == s) break; zname(&outbuf, s->name, t, sym); s->sym = sym; h[sym].sym = s; h[sym].type = t; st = sym; sym++; if(sym >= NSYM) sym = 1; if(st == sf) goto jackpot; break; } zwrite(&outbuf, p, sf, st); } firstp = P; lastp = P; } void outhist(Biobuf *b) { Hist *h; char *p, *q, *op; Prog pg; int n; pg = zprog; = AHISTORY; for(h = hist; h != H; h = h->link) { p = h->name; op = 0; if(p && p[0] != '/' && h->offset == 0 && pathname && pathname[0] == '/') { op = p; p = pathname; } while(p) { q = utfrune(p, '/'); if(q) { n = q-p; if(n == 0) n = 1; /* leading "/" */ q++; } else { n = strlen(p); q = 0; } if(n) { Bputc(b, ANAME); Bputc(b, D_FILE); Bputc(b, 1); Bputc(b, '<'); Bwrite(b, p, n); Bputc(b, 0); } p = q; if(p == 0 && op) { p = op; op = 0; } } pg.lineno = h->line; =; = h->offset; if(h->offset) = D_CONST; zwrite(b, &pg, 0, 0); } } void zname(Biobuf *b, char *n, int t, int s) { char bf[3]; bf[0] = ANAME; bf[1] = t; /* type */ bf[2] = s; /* sym */ Bwrite(b, bf, 3); Bwrite(b, n, strlen(n)+1); } char* zaddr(char *bp, Adr *a, int s) { long l; vlong v; Ieee e; bp[0] = a->type; bp[1] = a->reg; bp[2] = s; bp[3] = a->name; bp += 4; switch(a->type) { default: diag(Z, "unknown type %d in zaddr", a->type); case D_NONE: case D_REG: case D_FREG: case D_FCREG: break; case D_OREG: case D_CONST: case D_BRANCH: v = a->offset; bp[0] = v; bp[1] = v>>8; bp[2] = v>>16; bp[3] = v>>24; bp[4] = v>>32; bp[5] = v>>40; bp[6] = v>>48; bp[7] = v>>56; bp += 8; break; case D_SCONST: memmove(bp, a->sval, NSNAME); bp += NSNAME; break; case D_FCONST: ieeedtod(&e, a->dval); l = e.l; bp[0] = l; bp[1] = l>>8; bp[2] = l>>16; bp[3] = l>>24; bp += 4; l = e.h; bp[0] = l; bp[1] = l>>8; bp[2] = l>>16; bp[3] = l>>24; bp += 4; break; } return bp; } long align(long i, Type *t, int op) { long o; Type *v; int w; o = i; w = 1; switch(op) { default: diag(Z, "unknown align opcode %d", op); break; case Asu2: /* padding at end of a struct */ w = SZ_VLONG; if(packflg) w = packflg; break; case Ael1: /* initial allign of struct element */ for(v=t; v->etype==TARRAY; v=v->link) ; w = ewidth[v->etype]; if(w <= 0 || w >= SZ_VLONG) w = SZ_VLONG; if(packflg) w = packflg; break; case Ael2: /* width of a struct element */ o += t->width; break; case Aarg0: /* initial passbyptr argument in arg list */ if(typesu[t->etype]) { o = align(o, types[TIND], Aarg1); o = align(o, types[TIND], Aarg2); } break; case Aarg1: /* initial allign of parameter */ w = ewidth[t->etype]; if(w <= 0 || w >= SZ_VLONG) { w = SZ_VLONG; break; } w = 1; /* little endian no adjustment */ break; case Aarg2: /* width of a parameter */ o += t->width; w = SZ_LONG; break; case Aaut3: /* total allign of automatic */ o = align(o, t, Ael1); o = align(o, t, Ael2); break; } o = round(o, w); if(debug['A']) print("align %s %ld %T = %ld\n", bnames[op], i, t, o); return o; } long maxround(long max, long v) { v += SZ_VLONG-1; if(v > max) max = round(v, SZ_VLONG); return max; }