ref: 8c3acde2def299eebbb9eaf59d075a84b5dab131
dir: /sys/src/ape/cmd/make/dosys.c/
#include "defs.h" #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> static int metas(char *); static int waitproc(int *); static int doshell(char *, int); static int doexec(char *); int dosys(char *comstring, int nohalt, int nowait, char *prefix) { int status; struct process *procp; /* make sure there is room in the process stack */ if(nproc >= MAXPROC) waitstack(MAXPROC-1); /* make sure fewer than proclimit processes are running */ while(proclive >= proclimit) { enbint(SIG_IGN); waitproc(&status); enbint(intrupt); } if(prefix) { fputs(prefix, stdout); fputs(comstring, stdout); } procp = procstack + nproc; procp->pid = (forceshell || metas(comstring) ) ? doshell(comstring,nohalt) : doexec(comstring); if(procp->pid == -1) fatal("fork failed"); procstack[nproc].nohalt = nohalt; procstack[nproc].nowait = nowait; procstack[nproc].done = NO; ++proclive; ++nproc; if(nowait) { printf(" &%d\n", procp->pid); fflush(stdout); return 0; } if(prefix) { putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } return waitstack(nproc-1); } static int metas(char *s) /* Are there are any Shell meta-characters? */ { char c; while( (funny[c = *s++] & META) == 0 ) ; return( c ); } static void doclose(void) /* Close open directory files before exec'ing */ { struct dirhd *od; for (od = firstod; od; od = od->nxtdirhd) if(od->dirfc) closedir(od->dirfc); } /* wait till none of the processes in the stack starting at k is live */ int waitstack(int k) { int npending, status, totstatus; int i; totstatus = 0; npending = 0; for(i=k ; i<nproc; ++i) if(! procstack[i].done) ++npending; enbint(SIG_IGN); if(dbgflag > 1) printf("waitstack(%d)\n", k); while(npending>0 && proclive>0) { if(waitproc(&status) >= k) --npending; totstatus |= status; } if(nproc > k) nproc = k; enbint(intrupt); return totstatus; } static int waitproc(int *statp) { pid_t pid; int status; int i; struct process *procp; char junk[50]; static int inwait = NO; if(inwait) /* avoid infinite recursions on errors */ return MAXPROC; inwait = YES; pid = wait(&status); if(dbgflag > 1) fprintf(stderr, "process %d done, status = %d\n", pid, status); if(pid == -1) { if(errno == ECHILD) /* multiple deaths, no problem */ { if(proclive) { for(i=0, procp=procstack; i<nproc; ++i, ++procp) procp->done = YES; proclive = nproc = 0; } return MAXPROC; } fatal("bad wait code"); } for(i=0, procp=procstack; i<nproc; ++i, ++procp) if(procp->pid == pid) { --proclive; procp->done = YES; if(status) { if(procp->nowait) printf("%d: ", pid); if( WEXITSTATUS(status) ) printf("*** Error code %d", WEXITSTATUS(status) ); else printf("*** Termination code %d", WTERMSIG(status)); printf(procp->nohalt ? "(ignored)\n" : "\n"); fflush(stdout); if(!keepgoing && !procp->nohalt) fatal(CHNULL); } *statp = status; inwait = NO; return i; } sprintf(junk, "spurious return from process %d", pid); fatal(junk); return -1;/*NOTREACHED*/ } static int doshell(char *comstring, int nohalt) { pid_t pid; if((pid = fork()) == 0) { enbint(SIG_DFL); doclose(); execl(SHELLCOM, "sh", (nohalt ? "-c" : "-ce"), comstring, NULL); fatal("Couldn't load Shell"); } return pid; } static int doexec(char *str) { char *t, *tend; char **argv; char **p; int nargs; pid_t pid; while( *str==' ' || *str=='\t' ) ++str; if( *str == '\0' ) return(-1); /* no command */ nargs = 1; for(t = str ; *t ; ) { ++nargs; while(*t!=' ' && *t!='\t' && *t!='\0') ++t; if(*t) /* replace first white space with \0, skip rest */ for( *t++ = '\0' ; *t==' ' || *t=='\t' ; ++t) ; } /* now allocate args array, copy pointer to start of each string, then terminate array with a null */ p = argv = (char **) ckalloc(nargs*sizeof(char *)); tend = t; for(t = str ; t<tend ; ) { *p++ = t; while( *t ) ++t; do { ++t; } while(t<tend && (*t==' ' || *t=='\t') ); } *p = NULL; /*TEMP for(p=argv; *p; ++p)printf("arg=%s\n", *p);*/ if((pid = fork()) == 0) { enbint(SIG_DFL); doclose(); enbint(intrupt); execvp(str, argv); printf("\n"); fatal1("Cannot load %s",str); } free( (char *) argv); return pid; } void touch(int force, char *name) { struct stat stbuff; char junk[1]; int fd; if( stat(name,&stbuff) < 0) if(force) goto create; else { fprintf(stderr, "touch: file %s does not exist.\n", name); return; } if(stbuff.st_size == 0) goto create; if( (fd = open(name, O_RDWR)) < 0) goto bad; if( read(fd, junk, 1) < 1) { close(fd); goto bad; } lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET); if( write(fd, junk, 1) < 1 ) { close(fd); goto bad; } close(fd); return; bad: fprintf(stderr, "Cannot touch %s\n", name); return; create: if( (fd = creat(name, 0666)) < 0) goto bad; close(fd); }