ref: 8a1c587c9c41e6ba34b50377d81465dfff8a2b20
dir: /sys/lib/python/wsgiref/
"""Miscellaneous WSGI-related Utilities""" import posixpath __all__ = [ 'FileWrapper', 'guess_scheme', 'application_uri', 'request_uri', 'shift_path_info', 'setup_testing_defaults', ] class FileWrapper: """Wrapper to convert file-like objects to iterables""" def __init__(self, filelike, blksize=8192): self.filelike = filelike self.blksize = blksize if hasattr(filelike,'close'): self.close = filelike.close def __getitem__(self,key): data = if data: return data raise IndexError def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): data = if data: return data raise StopIteration def guess_scheme(environ): """Return a guess for whether 'wsgi.url_scheme' should be 'http' or 'https' """ if environ.get("HTTPS") in ('yes','on','1'): return 'https' else: return 'http' def application_uri(environ): """Return the application's base URI (no PATH_INFO or QUERY_STRING)""" url = environ['wsgi.url_scheme']+'://' from urllib import quote if environ.get('HTTP_HOST'): url += environ['HTTP_HOST'] else: url += environ['SERVER_NAME'] if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https': if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443': url += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT'] else: if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80': url += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT'] url += quote(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') or '/') return url def request_uri(environ, include_query=1): """Return the full request URI, optionally including the query string""" url = application_uri(environ) from urllib import quote path_info = quote(environ.get('PATH_INFO','')) if not environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'): url += path_info[1:] else: url += path_info if include_query and environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'] return url def shift_path_info(environ): """Shift a name from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME, returning it If there are no remaining path segments in PATH_INFO, return None. Note: 'environ' is modified in-place; use a copy if you need to keep the original PATH_INFO or SCRIPT_NAME. Note: when PATH_INFO is just a '/', this returns '' and appends a trailing '/' to SCRIPT_NAME, even though empty path segments are normally ignored, and SCRIPT_NAME doesn't normally end in a '/'. This is intentional behavior, to ensure that an application can tell the difference between '/x' and '/x/' when traversing to objects. """ path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO','') if not path_info: return None path_parts = path_info.split('/') path_parts[1:-1] = [p for p in path_parts[1:-1] if p and p<>'.'] name = path_parts[1] del path_parts[1] script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME','') script_name = posixpath.normpath(script_name+'/'+name) if script_name.endswith('/'): script_name = script_name[:-1] if not name and not script_name.endswith('/'): script_name += '/' environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/'.join(path_parts) # Special case: '/.' on PATH_INFO doesn't get stripped, # because we don't strip the last element of PATH_INFO # if there's only one path part left. Instead of fixing this # above, we fix it here so that PATH_INFO gets normalized to # an empty string in the environ. if name=='.': name = None return name def setup_testing_defaults(environ): """Update 'environ' with trivial defaults for testing purposes This adds various parameters required for WSGI, including HTTP_HOST, SERVER_NAME, SERVER_PORT, REQUEST_METHOD, SCRIPT_NAME, PATH_INFO, and all of the wsgi.* variables. It only supplies default values, and does not replace any existing settings for these variables. This routine is intended to make it easier for unit tests of WSGI servers and applications to set up dummy environments. It should *not* be used by actual WSGI servers or applications, since the data is fake! """ environ.setdefault('SERVER_NAME','') environ.setdefault('SERVER_PROTOCOL','HTTP/1.0') environ.setdefault('HTTP_HOST',environ['SERVER_NAME']) environ.setdefault('REQUEST_METHOD','GET') if 'SCRIPT_NAME' not in environ and 'PATH_INFO' not in environ: environ.setdefault('SCRIPT_NAME','') environ.setdefault('PATH_INFO','/') environ.setdefault('wsgi.version', (1,0)) environ.setdefault('wsgi.run_once', 0) environ.setdefault('wsgi.multithread', 0) environ.setdefault('wsgi.multiprocess', 0) from StringIO import StringIO environ.setdefault('wsgi.input', StringIO("")) environ.setdefault('wsgi.errors', StringIO()) environ.setdefault('wsgi.url_scheme',guess_scheme(environ)) if environ['wsgi.url_scheme']=='http': environ.setdefault('SERVER_PORT', '80') elif environ['wsgi.url_scheme']=='https': environ.setdefault('SERVER_PORT', '443') _hoppish = { 'connection':1, 'keep-alive':1, 'proxy-authenticate':1, 'proxy-authorization':1, 'te':1, 'trailers':1, 'transfer-encoding':1, 'upgrade':1 }.has_key def is_hop_by_hop(header_name): """Return true if 'header_name' is an HTTP/1.1 "Hop-by-Hop" header""" return _hoppish(header_name.lower()) #