ref: 84c4c81ceecfa8f51949787fc2dbe7b14164a353
dir: /sys/src/cmd/ip/tftpd.c/
/* * tftpd - tftp service, see /lib/rfc/rfc783 (now rfc1350 + 234[789]) */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <auth.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ip.h> enum { Maxpath= 128, Debug= 0, Opsize= sizeof(short), Blksize= sizeof(short), Hdrsize= Opsize + Blksize, Ackerr= -1, Ackok= 0, Ackrexmit= 1, /* op codes */ Tftp_READ = 1, Tftp_WRITE = 2, Tftp_DATA = 3, Tftp_ACK = 4, Tftp_ERROR = 5, Tftp_OACK = 6, /* option acknowledge */ Errnotdef = 0, /* see textual error instead */ Errnotfound = 1, Errnoaccess = 2, Errdiskfull = 3, Errbadop = 4, Errbadtid = 5, Errexists = 6, Errnouser = 7, Errbadopt = 8, /* really bad option value */ Defsegsize = 512, Maxsegsize = 65464, /* from rfc2348 */ /* * bandt (viaduct) tunnels use smaller mtu than ether's * (1400 bytes for tcp mss of 1300 bytes). */ Bandtmtu = 1400, /* * maximum size of block's data content, excludes hdrs, * notably IP/UDP and TFTP, using worst-case (IPv6) sizes. */ Bandtblksz = Bandtmtu - 40 - 8, Bcavium = 1432, /* cavium's u-boot demands this size */ }; typedef struct Opt Opt; struct Opt { char *name; int *valp; /* set to client's value if within bounds */ int min; int max; }; int dbg; int restricted; int pid; /* options */ int blksize = Defsegsize; /* excluding 4-byte header */ int timeout = 5; /* seconds */ int tsize; static Opt option[] = { "timeout", &timeout, 1, 255, /* see "hack" below */ "blksize", &blksize, 8, Maxsegsize, "tsize", &tsize, 0, ~0UL >> 1, }; void sendfile(int, char*, char*, int); void recvfile(int, char*, char*); void nak(int, int, char*); void ack(int, ushort); void clrcon(void); void setuser(void); void remoteaddr(char*, char*, int); void doserve(int); char bigbuf[32768]; char raddr[64]; char *dirsl; int dirsllen; char *homedir = "/"; char flog[] = "ipboot"; char net[Maxpath]; static char *opnames[] = { [Tftp_READ] "read", [Tftp_WRITE] "write", [Tftp_DATA] "data", [Tftp_ACK] "ack", [Tftp_ERROR] "error", [Tftp_OACK] "oack", }; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-dr] [-h homedir] [-s svc] [-x netmtpt]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[64]; char adir[64], ldir[64]; int cfd, lcfd, dfd; char *svc = "69"; setnetmtpt(net, sizeof net, nil); ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': dbg++; break; case 'h': homedir = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'r': restricted = 1; break; case 's': svc = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'x': setnetmtpt(net, sizeof net, EARGF(usage())); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND dirsllen = strlen(homedir); while(dirsllen > 0 && homedir[dirsllen-1] == '/') dirsllen--; dirsl = smprint("%.*s/", utfnlen(homedir, dirsllen), homedir); fmtinstall('E', eipfmt); fmtinstall('I', eipfmt); /* * setuser calls newns, and typical /lib/namespace files contain * "cd /usr/$user", so call setuser before chdir. */ setuser(); if(chdir(homedir) < 0) sysfatal("can't get to directory %s: %r", homedir); if(!dbg) switch(rfork(RFNOTEG|RFPROC|RFFDG)) { case -1: sysfatal("fork: %r"); case 0: break; default: exits(0); } snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/udp!*!%s", net, svc); cfd = announce(buf, adir); if (cfd < 0) sysfatal("announcing on %s: %r", buf); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd started on %s dir %s", buf, adir); // setuser(); for(;;) { lcfd = listen(adir, ldir); if(lcfd < 0) sysfatal("listening on %s: %r", adir); switch(fork()) { case -1: sysfatal("fork: %r"); case 0: dfd = accept(lcfd, ldir); if(dfd < 0) exits(0); remoteaddr(ldir, raddr, sizeof(raddr)); pid = getpid(); syslog(0, flog, "tftp %d connection from %s dir %s", pid, raddr, ldir); doserve(dfd); exits("done"); break; default: close(lcfd); continue; } } } static Opt * handleopt(int fd, char *name, char *val) { int n; Opt *op; for (op = option; op < option + nelem(option); op++) if(cistrcmp(name, op->name) == 0) { n = strtol(val, nil, 10); if (n < op->min || n > op->max) { nak(fd, Errbadopt, "option value out of range"); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftp bad option value from " "client: %s %s", name, val); sysfatal("bad option value from client: %s %s", name, val); } *op->valp = n; /* incoming 0 for tsize is uninteresting */ if(cistrcmp("tsize", op->name) != 0) syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d setting %s to client's %d", pid, name, n); return op; } return nil; } static vlong filesize(char *file) { vlong size; Dir *dp; dp = dirstat(file); if (dp == nil) return -1; size = dp->length; free(dp); return size; } /* copy word into bp iff it fits before ep, returns bytes to advance bp. */ static int emits(char *word, char *bp, char *ep) { int len; len = strlen(word) + 1; if (bp + len >= ep) return -1; strcpy(bp, word); return len; } /* format number into bp iff it fits before ep. */ static int emitn(vlong n, char *bp, char *ep) { char numb[32]; snprint(numb, sizeof numb, "%lld", n); return emits(numb, bp, ep); } /* * send an OACK packet to respond to options. bail early with -1 on error. * p is the packet containing the options. * * hack: bandt (viaducts) uses smaller mtu than ether's * (1400 bytes for tcp mss of 1300 bytes), * so offer at most bandt's mtu minus headers, * to avoid failure of pxe booting via viaduct. * there's an exception for the cavium's u-boot. */ static int options(int fd, char *buf, int bufsz, char *file, ushort oper, char *p, int dlen) { int nmlen, vallen, olen, nopts; vlong size; char *val, *bp, *ep; Opt *op; buf[0] = 0; buf[1] = Tftp_OACK; bp = buf + Opsize; ep = buf + bufsz; nopts = 0; for (; dlen > 0 && *p != '\0'; p = val + vallen, bp += olen) { nmlen = strlen(p) + 1; /* include NUL */ if (nmlen > dlen) break; dlen -= nmlen; val = p + nmlen; if (dlen <= 0 || *val == '\0') break; vallen = strlen(val) + 1; if (vallen > dlen) break; dlen -= vallen; olen = 0; op = handleopt(fd, p, val); if (op == nil) continue; nopts++; /* append OACK response to buf */ nmlen = emits(p, bp, ep); /* option name */ if (nmlen < 0) return -1; bp += nmlen; if (oper == Tftp_READ && cistrcmp(p, "tsize") == 0) { size = filesize(file); if (size == -1) { nak(fd, Errnotfound, "no such file"); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd tsize for " "non-existent file %s", file); // *op->valp = 0; // olen = emits("0", bp, ep); return -1; } *op->valp = size; olen = emitn(size, bp, ep); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d %s tsize is %,lld", pid, file, size); } else if (oper == Tftp_READ && cistrcmp(p, "blksize") == 0 && blksize > Bandtblksz && blksize != Bcavium) { *op->valp = blksize = Bandtblksz; olen = emitn(blksize, bp, ep); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d overriding blksize to %d", pid, blksize); } else olen = emits(val, bp, ep); /* use requested value */ } if (nopts == 0) return 0; /* no options actually seen */ if (write(fd, buf, bp - buf) < bp - buf) { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd network write error on oack to %s: %r", raddr); sysfatal("tftpd: network write error: %r"); } if(Debug) syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd oack: options to %s", raddr); return nopts; } static void optlog(char *bytes, char *p, int dlen) { char *bp; bp = bytes; sprint(bp, "tftpd %d option bytes: ", dlen); bp += strlen(bp); for (; dlen > 0; dlen--, p++) *bp++ = *p? *p: ' '; *bp = '\0'; syslog(dbg, flog, "%s", bytes); } /* * replace one occurrence of %[ICE] with ip, cfgpxe name, or ether mac, resp. * we can't easily use $ because u-boot has stranger quoting rules than sh. */ char * mapname(char *file) { int nf; char *p, *newnm, *cur, *arpf, *ln, *remip, *bang; char *fields[4]; Biobuf *arp; p = strchr(file, '%'); if (p == nil || p[1] == '\0') return strdup(file); remip = strdup(raddr); newnm = mallocz(strlen(file) + Maxpath, 1); if (remip == nil || newnm == nil) sysfatal("out of memory"); bang = strchr(remip, '!'); if (bang) *bang = '\0'; /* remove !port */ memmove(newnm, file, p - file); /* copy up to % */ cur = newnm + strlen(newnm); switch(p[1]) { case 'I': strcpy(cur, remip); /* remote's IP */ break; case 'C': strcpy(cur, "/cfg/pxe/"); cur += strlen(cur); /* fall through */ case 'E': /* look up remote's IP in /net/arp to get mac. */ arpf = smprint("%s/arp", net); arp = Bopen(arpf, OREAD); free(arpf); if (arp == nil) break; /* read lines looking for remip in 3rd field of 4 */ while ((ln = Brdline(arp, '\n')) != nil) { ln[Blinelen(arp)-1] = 0; nf = tokenize(ln, fields, nelem(fields)); if (nf >= 4 && strcmp(fields[2], remip) == 0) { strcpy(cur, fields[3]); break; } } Bterm(arp); break; } strcat(newnm, p + 2); /* tail following %x */ free(remip); return newnm; } void doserve(int fd) { int dlen, opts; char *mode, *p, *file; short op; dlen = read(fd, bigbuf, sizeof(bigbuf)-1); if(dlen < 0) sysfatal("listen read: %r"); bigbuf[dlen] = '\0'; op = (bigbuf[0]<<8) | bigbuf[1]; dlen -= Opsize; mode = file = bigbuf + Opsize; while(*mode != '\0' && dlen--) mode++; mode++; p = mode; while(*p && dlen--) p++; file = mapname(file); /* we don't free the result; minor leak */ if(dlen == 0) { nak(fd, 0, "bad tftpmode"); close(fd); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d bad mode %s for file %s from %s", pid, mode, file, raddr); return; } if(op != Tftp_READ && op != Tftp_WRITE) { nak(fd, Errbadop, "Illegal TFTP operation"); close(fd); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d bad request %d (%s) %s", pid, op, (op < nelem(opnames)? opnames[op]: "gok"), raddr); return; } if(restricted){ if(file[0] == '#' || strncmp(file, "../", 3) == 0 || strstr(file, "/../") != nil || (file[0] == '/' && strncmp(file, dirsl, dirsllen) != 0)){ nak(fd, Errnoaccess, "Permission denied"); close(fd); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d bad request %d from %s file %s", pid, op, raddr, file); return; } } /* * options are supposed to be negotiated, but the cavium board's * u-boot really wants us to use a block size of 1432 bytes and won't * take `no' for an answer. */ p++; /* skip NUL after mode */ dlen--; opts = 0; if(dlen > 0) { /* might have options */ char bytes[32*1024]; if(Debug) optlog(bytes, p, dlen); opts = options(fd, bytes, sizeof bytes, file, op, p, dlen); if (opts < 0) return; } if(op == Tftp_READ) sendfile(fd, file, mode, opts); else recvfile(fd, file, mode); } void catcher(void *junk, char *msg) { USED(junk); if(strncmp(msg, "exit", 4) == 0) noted(NDFLT); noted(NCONT); } static int awaitack(int fd, int block) { int ackblock, al, rxl; ushort op; uchar ack[1024]; for(rxl = 0; rxl < 10; rxl++) { memset(ack, 0, Hdrsize); alarm(1000); al = read(fd, ack, sizeof(ack)); alarm(0); if(al < 0) { if (Debug) syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d timed out " "waiting for ack from %s", pid, raddr); return Ackrexmit; } op = ack[0]<<8|ack[1]; if(op == Tftp_ERROR) { if (Debug) syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d got error " "waiting for ack from %s", pid, raddr); return Ackerr; } else if(op != Tftp_ACK) { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d rcvd %s op from %s", pid, (op < nelem(opnames)? opnames[op]: "gok"), raddr); return Ackerr; } ackblock = ack[2]<<8|ack[3]; if (Debug) syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d read ack of %d bytes " "for block %d", pid, al, ackblock); if(ackblock == (block & 0xffff)) return Ackok; /* for block just sent */ else if(ackblock == (block + 1 & 0xffff)) /* intel pxe eof bug */ return Ackok; else if(ackblock == 0xffff) return Ackrexmit; else /* ack is for some other block; ignore it, try again */ syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d expected ack for block %d, " "got %d", pid, block, ackblock); } return Ackrexmit; } void sendfile(int fd, char *name, char *mode, int opts) { int file, block, ret, rexmit, n, txtry; uchar buf[Maxsegsize+Hdrsize]; char errbuf[ERRMAX]; syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d send file '%s' %s to %s", pid, name, mode, raddr); notify(catcher); file = open(name, OREAD); if(file < 0) { errstr(errbuf, sizeof errbuf); nak(fd, 0, errbuf); goto error; } block = 0; rexmit = Ackok; n = 0; /* * if we sent an oack previously, wait for the client's ack or error. * if we get no ack for our oack, it could be that we returned * a tsize that the client can't handle, or it could be intel * pxe just read-with-tsize to get size, couldn't be bothered to * ack our oack and has just gone ahead and issued another read. */ if(opts && awaitack(fd, 0) != Ackok) goto error; for(txtry = 0; txtry < timeout;) { if(rexmit == Ackok) { block++; buf[0] = 0; buf[1] = Tftp_DATA; buf[2] = block>>8; buf[3] = block; n = read(file, buf+Hdrsize, blksize); if(n < 0) { errstr(errbuf, sizeof errbuf); nak(fd, 0, errbuf); goto error; } txtry = 0; } else { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d rexmit %d %s:%d to %s", pid, Hdrsize+n, name, block, raddr); txtry++; } ret = write(fd, buf, Hdrsize+n); if(ret < Hdrsize+n) { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd network write error on %s to %s: %r", name, raddr); sysfatal("tftpd: network write error: %r"); } if (Debug) syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d sent block %d", pid, block); rexmit = awaitack(fd, block); if (rexmit == Ackerr) break; if(ret != blksize+Hdrsize && rexmit == Ackok) break; } syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd %d done sending file '%s' %s to %s", pid, name, mode, raddr); error: close(fd); close(file); } void recvfile(int fd, char *name, char *mode) { ushort op, block, inblock; uchar buf[Maxsegsize+8]; char errbuf[ERRMAX]; int n, ret, file; syslog(dbg, flog, "receive file '%s' %s from %s", name, mode, raddr); file = create(name, OWRITE, 0666); if(file < 0) { errstr(errbuf, sizeof errbuf); nak(fd, 0, errbuf); syslog(dbg, flog, "can't create %s: %s", name, errbuf); return; } block = 0; ack(fd, block); block++; for (;;) { alarm(15000); n = read(fd, buf, blksize+8); alarm(0); if(n < 0) { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd: network error reading %s: %r", name); goto error; } /* * NB: not `<='; just a header is legal and happens when * file being read is a multiple of segment-size bytes long. */ if(n < Hdrsize) { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd: short read from network, reading %s", name); goto error; } op = buf[0]<<8|buf[1]; if(op == Tftp_ERROR) { syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd: tftp error reading %s", name); goto error; } n -= Hdrsize; inblock = buf[2]<<8|buf[3]; if(op == Tftp_DATA) { if(inblock == block) { ret = write(file, buf+Hdrsize, n); if(ret != n) { errstr(errbuf, sizeof errbuf); nak(fd, 0, errbuf); syslog(dbg, flog, "tftpd: error writing %s: %s", name, errbuf); goto error; } ack(fd, block); block++; } else ack(fd, 0xffff); /* tell him to resend */ } } error: close(file); } void ack(int fd, ushort block) { uchar ack[4]; int n; ack[0] = 0; ack[1] = Tftp_ACK; ack[2] = block>>8; ack[3] = block; n = write(fd, ack, 4); if(n < 4) sysfatal("network write: %r"); } void nak(int fd, int code, char *msg) { char buf[128]; int n; n = 5 + strlen(msg); if(n > sizeof(buf)) n = sizeof(buf); buf[0] = 0; buf[1] = Tftp_ERROR; buf[2] = 0; buf[3] = code; memmove(buf+4, msg, n - 5); buf[n-1] = 0; if(write(fd, buf, n) != n) sysfatal("write nak: %r"); } void setuser(void) { int fd; fd = open("#c/user", OWRITE); if(fd < 0 || write(fd, "none", strlen("none")) < 0) sysfatal("can't become none: %r"); close(fd); if(newns("none", nil) < 0) sysfatal("can't build namespace: %r"); } void remoteaddr(char *dir, char *raddr, int len) { char buf[64]; int fd, n; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/remote", dir); fd = open(buf, OREAD); if(fd < 0){ snprint(raddr, sizeof(raddr), "unknown"); return; } n = read(fd, raddr, len-1); close(fd); if(n <= 0){ snprint(raddr, sizeof(raddr), "unknown"); return; } if(n > 0) n--; raddr[n] = 0; }