ref: 83d5c827b7a9d3206be9d68a34e59e291e2c5143
dir: /sys/src/cmd/upas/imap4d/fetch.c/
#include "imap4d.h" char *fetchpartnames[FPmax] = { "", "HEADER", "HEADER.FIELDS", "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT", "MIME", "TEXT", }; /* * implicitly set the \seen flag. done in a separate pass * so the .imp file doesn't need to be open while the * messages are sent to the client. */ int fetchseen(Box *box, Msg *m, int uids, void *vf) { Fetch *f; if(m->expunged) return uids; for(f = vf; f != nil; f = f->next){ switch(f->op){ case Frfc822: case Frfc822text: case Fbodysect: msgseen(box, m); return 1; } } return 1; } /* * fetch messages * * imap4 body[] requests get translated to upas/fs files as follows * body[id.header] == id/rawheader file + extra \r\n * body[id.text] == id/rawbody * body[id.mime] == id/mimeheader + extra \r\n * body[id] === body[id.header] + body[id.text] */ int fetchmsg(Box *, Msg *m, int uids, void *vf) { char *sep; Fetch *f; Tm tm; if(m->expunged) return uids; for(f = vf; f != nil; f = f->next) switch(f->op){ case Fflags: break; case Fuid: break; case Finternaldate: case Fenvelope: case Frfc822: case Frfc822head: case Frfc822text: case Frfc822size: case Fbodysect: case Fbodypeek: case Fbody: case Fbodystruct: if(!msgstruct(m, 1)){ msgdead(m); return uids; } break; default: bye("bad implementation of fetch"); return 0; } if(m->expunged) return uids; if(vf == 0) return 1; /* * note: it is allowed to send back the responses one at a time * rather than all together. this is exploited to send flags elsewhere. */ Bprint(&bout, "* %ud FETCH (", m->seq); sep = ""; if(uids){ Bprint(&bout, "UID %ud", m->uid); sep = " "; } for(f = vf; f != nil; f = f->next){ switch(f->op){ default: bye("bad implementation of fetch"); break; case Fflags: Bprint(&bout, "%sFLAGS (", sep); writeflags(&bout, m, 1); Bprint(&bout, ")"); break; case Fuid: if(uids) continue; Bprint(&bout, "%sUID %ud", sep, m->uid); break; case Fenvelope: Bprint(&bout, "%sENVELOPE ", sep); fetchenvelope(m); break; case Finternaldate: Bprint(&bout, "%sINTERNALDATE %#D", sep, date2tm(&tm, m->unixdate)); break; case Fbody: Bprint(&bout, "%sBODY ", sep); fetchbodystruct(m, &m->head, 0); break; case Fbodystruct: Bprint(&bout, "%sBODYSTRUCTURE ", sep); fetchbodystruct(m, &m->head, 1); break; case Frfc822size: Bprint(&bout, "%sRFC822.SIZE %ud", sep, msgsize(m)); break; case Frfc822: f->part = FPall; Bprint(&bout, "%sRFC822", sep); fetchbody(m, f); break; case Frfc822head: f->part = FPhead; Bprint(&bout, "%sRFC822.HEADER", sep); fetchbody(m, f); break; case Frfc822text: f->part = FPtext; Bprint(&bout, "%sRFC822.TEXT", sep); fetchbody(m, f); break; case Fbodysect: case Fbodypeek: Bprint(&bout, "%sBODY", sep); fetchbody(fetchsect(m, f), f); break; } sep = " "; } Bprint(&bout, ")\r\n"); return 1; } /* * print out section, part, headers; * find and return message section */ Msg * fetchsect(Msg *m, Fetch *f) { Bputc(&bout, '['); Bnlist(&bout, f->sect, "."); if(f->part != FPall){ if(f->sect != nil) Bputc(&bout, '.'); Bprint(&bout, "%s", fetchpartnames[f->part]); if(f->hdrs != nil){ Bprint(&bout, " ("); Bslist(&bout, f->hdrs, " "); Bputc(&bout, ')'); } } Bprint(&bout, "]"); return findmsgsect(m, f->sect); } /* * actually return the body pieces */ void fetchbody(Msg *m, Fetch *f) { char *s, *t, *e, buf[Bufsize + 2]; uint n, start, stop, pos; int fd, nn; Pair p; if(m == nil){ fetchbodystr(f, "", 0); return; } switch(f->part){ case FPheadfields: case FPheadfieldsnot: n = m->head.size + 3; s = emalloc(n); n = selectfields(s, n, m->head.buf, f->hdrs, f->part == FPheadfields); fetchbodystr(f, s, n); free(s); return; case FPhead: //ilog("head.size %d", m->head.size); fetchbodystr(f, m->head.buf, m->head.size); return; case FPmime: fetchbodystr(f, m->mime.buf, m->mime.size); return; case FPall: fd = msgfile(m, "rawbody"); if(fd < 0){ msgdead(m); fetchbodystr(f, "", 0); return; } p = fetchbodypart(f, msgsize(m)); start = p.start; //ilog("head.size %d", m->head.size); if(start < m->head.size){ stop = p.stop; if(stop > m->head.size) stop = m->head.size; //ilog("fetch header %ld.%ld (%ld)", start, stop, m->head.size); Bwrite(&bout, m->head.buf + start, stop - start); start = 0; stop = p.stop; if(stop <= m->head.size){ close(fd); return; } }else start -= m->head.size; stop = p.stop - m->head.size; break; case FPtext: fd = msgfile(m, "rawbody"); if(fd < 0){ msgdead(m); fetchbodystr(f, "", 0); return; } p = fetchbodypart(f, m->size); start = p.start; stop = p.stop; break; default: fetchbodystr(f, "", 0); return; } /* * read in each block, convert \n without \r to \r\n. * this means partial fetch requires fetching everything * through stop, since we don't know how many \r's will be added */ buf[0] = ' '; for(pos = 0; pos < stop; ){ n = Bufsize; if(n > stop - pos) n = stop - pos; n = read(fd, &buf[1], n); //ilog("read %ld at %d stop %ld\n", n, pos, stop); if(n <= 0){ ilog("must fill %ld bytes\n", stop - pos); fprint(2, "must fill %d bytes\n", stop - pos); fetchbodyfill(stop - pos); break; } e = &buf[n + 1]; *e = 0; for(s = &buf[1]; s < e && pos < stop; s = t + 1){ t = memchr(s, '\n', e - s); if(t == nil) t = e; n = t - s; if(pos < start){ if(pos + n <= start){ s = t; pos += n; }else{ s += start - pos; pos = start; } n = t - s; } nn = n; if(pos + nn > stop) nn = stop - pos; if(Bwrite(&bout, s, nn) != nn) writeerr(); //ilog("w %ld at %ld->%ld stop %ld\n", nn, pos, pos + nn, stop); pos += n; if(*t == '\n'){ if(t[-1] != '\r'){ if(pos >= start && pos < stop) Bputc(&bout, '\r'); pos++; } if(pos >= start && pos < stop) Bputc(&bout, '\n'); pos++; } } buf[0] = e[-1]; } close(fd); } /* * resolve the actual bounds of any partial fetch, * and print out the bounds & size of string returned */ Pair fetchbodypart(Fetch *f, uint size) { uint start, stop; Pair p; start = 0; stop = size; if(f->partial){ start = f->start; if(start > size) start = size; stop = start + f->size; if(stop > size) stop = size; Bprint(&bout, "<%ud>", start); } Bprint(&bout, " {%ud}\r\n", stop - start); p.start = start; p.stop = stop; return p; } /* * something went wrong fetching data * produce fill bytes for what we've committed to produce */ void fetchbodyfill(uint n) { while(n-- > 0) if(Bputc(&bout, ' ') < 0) writeerr(); } /* * return a simple string */ void fetchbodystr(Fetch *f, char *buf, uint size) { Pair p; p = fetchbodypart(f, size); Bwrite(&bout, buf + p.start, p.stop - p.start); } char* printnlist(Nlist *sect) { static char buf[100]; char *p; for(p = buf; sect; sect = sect->next){ p += sprint(p, "%ud", sect->n); if(sect->next) *p++ = '.'; } *p = 0; return buf; } /* * find the numbered sub-part of the message */ Msg* findmsgsect(Msg *m, Nlist *sect) { uint id; for(; sect != nil; sect = sect->next){ id = sect->n; for(m = m->kids; m != nil; m = m->next) if(m->id == id) break; if(m == nil) return nil; } return m; } void fetchenvelope(Msg *m) { Tm tm; Bprint(&bout, "(%#D %Z ", date2tm(&tm, m->info[Idate]), m->info[Isubject]); Bimapaddr(&bout, m->from); Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bimapaddr(&bout, m->sender); Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bimapaddr(&bout, m->replyto); Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bimapaddr(&bout, m->to); Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bimapaddr(&bout, m->cc); Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bimapaddr(&bout, m->bcc); Bprint(&bout, " %Z %Z)", m->info[Iinreplyto], m->info[Imessageid]); } static int Bmime(Biobuf *b, Mimehdr *mh) { char *sep; if(mh == nil) return Bprint(b, "NIL"); sep = "("; for(; mh != nil; mh = mh->next){ Bprint(b, "%s%Z %Z", sep, mh->s, mh->t); sep = " "; } Bputc(b, ')'); return 0; } static void fetchext(Biobuf *b, Header *h) { Bputc(b, ' '); if(h->disposition != nil){ Bprint(b, "(%Z ", h->disposition->s); Bmime(b, h->disposition->next); Bputc(b, ')'); }else Bprint(b, "NIL"); Bputc(b, ' '); if(h->language != nil){ if(h->language->next != nil) Bmime(b, h->language->next); else Bprint(&bout, "%Z", h->language->s); }else Bprint(b, "NIL"); } void fetchbodystruct(Msg *m, Header *h, int extensions) { uint len; Msg *k; if(msgismulti(h)){ Bputc(&bout, '('); for(k = m->kids; k != nil; k = k->next) fetchbodystruct(k, &k->mime, extensions); if(m->kids) Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bprint(&bout, "%Z", h->type->t); if(extensions){ Bputc(&bout, ' '); Bmime(&bout, h->type->next); fetchext(&bout, h); } Bputc(&bout, ')'); return; } Bputc(&bout, '('); if(h->type != nil){ Bprint(&bout, "%Z %Z ", h->type->s, h->type->t); Bmime(&bout, h->type->next); }else Bprint(&bout, "\"text\" \"plain\" NIL"); Bputc(&bout, ' '); if(h->id != nil) Bprint(&bout, "%Z", h->id->s); else Bprint(&bout, "NIL"); Bputc(&bout, ' '); if(h->description != nil) Bprint(&bout, "%Z", h->description->s); else Bprint(&bout, "NIL"); Bputc(&bout, ' '); if(h->encoding != nil) Bprint(&bout, "%Z", h->encoding->s); else Bprint(&bout, "NIL"); /* * this is so strange: return lengths for a body[text] response, * except in the case of a multipart message, when return lengths for a body[] response */ len = m->size; if(h == &m->mime) len += m->head.size; Bprint(&bout, " %ud", len); len = m->lines; if(h == &m->mime) len += m->head.lines; if(h->type == nil || cistrcmp(h->type->s, "text") == 0) Bprint(&bout, " %ud", len); else if(msgis822(h)){ Bputc(&bout, ' '); k = m; if(h != &m->mime) k = m->kids; if(k == nil) Bprint(&bout, "(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL) (\"text\" \"plain\" NIL NIL NIL NIL 0 0) 0"); else{ fetchenvelope(k); Bputc(&bout, ' '); fetchbodystruct(k, &k->head, extensions); Bprint(&bout, " %ud", len); } } if(extensions){ Bprint(&bout, " NIL"); /* md5 */ fetchext(&bout, h); } Bputc(&bout, ')'); } /* * print a list of addresses; * each address is printed as '(' personalname atdomainlist mboxname hostname ')' * the atdomainlist is always NIL */ int Bimapaddr(Biobuf *b, Maddr *a) { char *host, *sep; if(a == nil) return Bprint(b, "NIL"); Bputc(b, '('); sep = ""; for(; a != nil; a = a->next){ /* * can't send NIL as hostname, since that is code for a group */ host = a->host? a->host: ""; Bprint(b, "%s(%Z NIL %Z %Z)", sep, a->personal, a->box, host); sep = " "; } return Bputc(b, ')'); }