ref: 811b80cae120168762e5825784a135ee4a5558e2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/troff/n10.c/
/* n10.c Device interfaces */ #include "tdef.h" #include "ext.h" #include "fns.h" #include <ctype.h> Term t; /* terminal characteristics */ int dtab; int plotmode; int esct; enum { Notype = 0, Type = 1 }; static char *parse(char *s, int typeit) /* convert \0, etc to nroff driving table format */ { /* typeit => add a type id to the front for later use */ static char buf[100], *t, *obuf; int quote = 0; wchar_t wc; obuf = typeit == Type ? buf : buf+1; #ifdef UNICODE if (mbtowc(&wc, s, strlen(s)) > 1) { /* it's multibyte, */ buf[0] = MBchar; strcpy(buf+1, s); return obuf; } /* so just hand it back */ #endif /*UNICODE*/ buf[0] = Troffchar; t = buf + 1; if (*s == '"') { s++; quote = 1; } for (;;) { if (quote && *s == '"') { s++; break; } if (!quote && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\0')) break; if (*s != '\\') *t++ = *s++; else { s++; /* skip \\ */ if (isdigit(s[0]) && isdigit(s[1]) && isdigit(s[2])) { *t++ = (s[0]-'0')<<6 | (s[1]-'0')<<3 | s[2]-'0'; s += 2; } else if (isdigit(s[0])) { *t++ = *s - '0'; } else if (*s == 'b') { *t++ = '\b'; } else if (*s == 'n') { *t++ = '\n'; } else if (*s == 'r') { *t++ = '\r'; } else if (*s == 't') { *t++ = '\t'; } else { *t++ = *s; } s++; } } *t = '\0'; return obuf; } static int getnrfont(FILE *fp) /* read the nroff description file */ { FILE *fin; Chwid chtemp[NCHARS]; static Chwid chinit; int i, nw, n, wid, code, type; char buf[100], ch[100], s1[100], s2[100], cmd[300]; wchar_t wc; chinit.wid = 1; chinit.str = ""; for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET; i++) { chtemp[i] = chinit; /* zero out to begin with */ chtemp[i].num = chtemp[i].code = i; /* every alphabetic character is itself */ chtemp[i].wid = 1; /* default ascii widths */ } skipline(fp); nw = ALPHABET; while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) { sscanf(buf, "%s %s %[^\n]", ch, s1, s2); if (!eq(s1, "\"")) { /* genuine new character */ sscanf(s1, "%d", &wid); } /* else it's a synonym for prev character, */ /* so leave previous values intact */ /* decide what kind of alphabet it might come from */ if (strlen(ch) == 1) { /* it's ascii */ n = ch[0]; /* origin includes non-graphics */ chtemp[n].num = ch[0]; } else if (ch[0] == '\\' && ch[1] == '0') { n = strtol(ch+1, 0, 0); /* \0octal or \0xhex */ chtemp[n].num = n; #ifdef UNICODE } else if (mbtowc(&wc, ch, strlen(ch)) > 1) { chtemp[nw].num = chadd(ch, MBchar, Install); n = nw; nw++; #endif /*UNICODE*/ } else { if (strcmp(ch, "---") == 0) { /* no name */ sprintf(ch, "%d", code); type = Number; } else type = Troffchar; /* BUG in here somewhere when same character occurs twice in table */ chtemp[nw].num = chadd(ch, type, Install); n = nw; nw++; } chtemp[n].wid = wid; chtemp[n].str = strdupl(parse(s2, Type)); } t.tfont.nchars = nw; t.tfont.wp = (Chwid *) malloc(nw * sizeof(Chwid)); if (t.tfont.wp == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) t.tfont.wp[i] = chtemp[i]; return 1; } void n_ptinit(void) { int i; char *p, *cp; char opt[50], cmd[100]; FILE *fp; hmot = n_hmot; makem = n_makem; setabs = n_setabs; setch = n_setch; sethl = n_sethl; setht = n_setht; setslant = n_setslant; vmot = n_vmot; xlss = n_xlss; findft = n_findft; width = n_width; mchbits = n_mchbits; ptlead = n_ptlead; ptout = n_ptout; ptpause = n_ptpause; setfont = n_setfont; setps = n_setps; setwd = n_setwd; if ((p = getenv("NROFFTERM")) != 0) strcpy(devname, p); if (termtab[0] == 0) strcpy(termtab,DWBntermdir); if (fontdir[0] == 0) strcpy(fontdir, ""); if (devname[0] == 0) strcpy(devname, NDEVNAME); pl = 11*INCH; po = PO; hyf = 0; ascii = 1; lg = 0; fontlab[1] = 'R'; fontlab[2] = 'I'; fontlab[3] = 'B'; fontlab[4] = PAIR('B','I'); fontlab[5] = 'D'; bdtab[3] = 3; bdtab[4] = 3; /* hyphalg = 0; /* for testing */ strcat(termtab, devname); if ((fp = fopen(termtab, "r")) == NULL) { ERROR "cannot open %s", termtab WARN; exit(-1); } /* this loop isn't robust about input format errors. */ /* it assumes name, name-value pairs..., charset */ /* god help us if we get out of sync. */ fscanf(fp, "%s", cmd); /* should be device name... */ if (!is(devname) && trace) ERROR "wrong terminal name: saw %s, wanted %s", cmd, devname WARN; for (;;) { fscanf(fp, "%s", cmd); if (is("charset")) break; fscanf(fp, " %[^\n]", opt); if (is("bset")) t.bset = atoi(opt); else if (is("breset")) t.breset = atoi(opt); else if (is("Hor")) t.Hor = atoi(opt); else if (is("Vert")) t.Vert = atoi(opt); else if (is("Newline")) t.Newline = atoi(opt); else if (is("Char")) t.Char = atoi(opt); else if (is("Em")) t.Em = atoi(opt); else if (is("Halfline")) t.Halfline = atoi(opt); else if (is("Adj")) t.Adj = atoi(opt); else if (is("twinit")) t.twinit = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("twrest")) t.twrest = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("twnl")) t.twnl = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("hlr")) t.hlr = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("hlf")) t.hlf = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("flr")) t.flr = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("bdon")) t.bdon = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("bdoff")) t.bdoff = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("iton")) t.iton = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("itoff")) t.itoff = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("ploton")) t.ploton = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("plotoff")) t.plotoff = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("up")) t.up = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("down")) t.down = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("right")) t.right = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else if (is("left")) t.left = strdupl(parse(opt, Notype)); else ERROR "bad tab.%s file, %s %s", devname, cmd, opt WARN; } getnrfont(fp); fclose(fp); sps = EM; ics = EM * 2; dtab = 8 * t.Em; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) tabtab[i] = dtab * (i + 1); pl = 11 * INCH; po = PO; spacesz = SS; lss = lss1 = VS; ll = ll1 = lt = lt1 = LL; smnt = nfonts = 5; /* R I B BI S */ n_specnames(); /* install names like "hyphen", etc. */ if (eqflg) t.Adj = t.Hor; } void n_specnames(void) { int i; for (i = 0; spnames[i].n; i++) *spnames[i].n = chadd(spnames[i].v, Troffchar, Install); if (c_isalnum == 0) c_isalnum = NROFFCHARS; } void twdone(void) { if (!TROFF && t.twrest) { obufp = obuf; oputs(t.twrest); flusho(); if (pipeflg) { pclose(ptid); } restore_tty(); } } void n_ptout(Tchar i) { *olinep++ = i; if (olinep >= &oline[LNSIZE]) olinep--; if (cbits(i) != '\n') return; olinep--; lead += dip->blss + lss - t.Newline; dip->blss = 0; esct = esc = 0; if (olinep > oline) { move(); ptout1(); oputs(t.twnl); } else { lead += t.Newline; move(); } lead += dip->alss; dip->alss = 0; olinep = oline; } void ptout1(void) { int k; char *codep; int w, j, phyw; Tchar *q, i; static int oxfont = FT; /* start off in roman */ for (q = oline; q < olinep; q++) { i = *q; if (ismot(i)) { j = absmot(i); if (isnmot(i)) j = -j; if (isvmot(i)) lead += j; else esc += j; continue; } if ((k = cbits(i)) <= ' ') { switch (k) { case ' ': /*space*/ esc += t.Char; break; case '\033': case '\007': case '\016': case '\017': oput(k); break; } continue; } phyw = w = t.Char * t.tfont.wp[k].wid; if (iszbit(i)) w = 0; if (esc || lead) move(); esct += w; xfont = fbits(i); if (xfont != oxfont) { switch (oxfont) { case ULFONT: oputs(t.itoff); break; case BDFONT: oputs(t.bdoff); break; case BIFONT: oputs(t.itoff); oputs(t.bdoff); break; } switch (xfont) { case ULFONT: if (*t.iton & 0377) oputs(t.iton); break; case BDFONT: if (*t.bdon & 0377) oputs(t.bdon); break; case BIFONT: if (*t.bdon & 0377) oputs(t.bdon); if (*t.iton & 0377) oputs(t.iton); break; } oxfont = xfont; } if ((xfont == ulfont || xfont == BIFONT) && !(*t.iton & 0377)) { for (j = w / t.Char; j > 0; j--) oput('_'); for (j = w / t.Char; j > 0; j--) oput('\b'); } if (!(*t.bdon & 0377) && ((j = bdtab[xfont]) || xfont == BDFONT || xfont == BIFONT)) j++; else j = 1; /* number of overstrikes for bold */ if (k < ALPHABET) { /* ordinary ascii */ oput(k); while (--j > 0) { oput('\b'); oput(k); } } else if (k >= t.tfont.nchars) { /* BUG -- not really understood */ /* fprintf(stderr, "big char %d, name %s\n", k, chname(k)); /* */ oputs(chname(k)+1); /* BUG: should separate Troffchar and MBchar... */ } else if (t.tfont.wp[k].str == 0) { /* fprintf(stderr, "nostr char %d, name %s\n", k, chname(k)); /* */ oputs(chname(k)+1); /* BUG: should separate Troffchar and MBchar... */ } else if (t.tfont.wp[k].str[0] == MBchar) { /* parse() puts this on */ /* fprintf(stderr, "MBstr char %d, name %s\n", k, chname(k)); /* */ oputs(t.tfont.wp[k].str+1); } else { int oj = j; /* fprintf(stderr, "str char %d, name %s\n", k, chname(k)); /* */ codep = t.tfont.wp[k].str+1; /* Troffchar by default */ while (*codep != 0) { if (*codep & 0200) { codep = plot(codep); oput(' '); } else { if (*codep == '%') /* escape */ codep++; oput(*codep); if (*codep == '\033') oput(*++codep); else if (*codep != '\b') for (j = oj; --j > 0; ) { oput('\b'); oput(*codep); } codep++; } } } if (!w) for (j = phyw / t.Char; j > 0; j--) oput('\b'); } } char *plot(char *x) { int i; char *j, *k; oputs(t.ploton); k = x; if ((*k & 0377) == 0200) k++; for (; *k; k++) { if (*k == '%') { /* quote char within plot mode */ oput(*++k); } else if (*k & 0200) { if (*k & 0100) { if (*k & 040) j = t.up; else j = t.down; } else { if (*k & 040) j = t.left; else j = t.right; } if ((i = *k & 037) == 0) { /* 2nd 0200 turns it off */ ++k; break; } while (i--) oputs(j); } else oput(*k); } oputs(t.plotoff); return(k); } void move(void) { int k; char *i, *j; char *p, *q; int iesct, dt; iesct = esct; if (esct += esc) i = "\0"; else i = "\n\0"; j = t.hlf; p = t.right; q = t.down; if (lead) { if (lead < 0) { lead = -lead; i = t.flr; /* if(!esct)i = t.flr; else i = "\0";*/ j = t.hlr; q = t.up; } if (*i & 0377) { k = lead / t.Newline; lead = lead % t.Newline; while (k--) oputs(i); } if (*j & 0377) { k = lead / t.Halfline; lead = lead % t.Halfline; while (k--) oputs(j); } else { /* no half-line forward, not at line begining */ k = lead / t.Newline; lead = lead % t.Newline; if (k > 0) esc = esct; i = "\n"; while (k--) oputs(i); } } if (esc) { if (esc < 0) { esc = -esc; j = "\b"; p = t.left; } else { j = " "; if (hflg) while ((dt = dtab - (iesct % dtab)) <= esc) { if (dt % t.Em) break; oput(TAB); esc -= dt; iesct += dt; } } k = esc / t.Em; esc = esc % t.Em; while (k--) oputs(j); } if ((*t.ploton & 0377) && (esc || lead)) { oputs(t.ploton); esc /= t.Hor; lead /= t.Vert; while (esc--) oputs(p); while (lead--) oputs(q); oputs(t.plotoff); } esc = lead = 0; } void n_ptlead(void) { move(); } void n_ptpause(void ) { char junk; flusho(); read(2, &junk, 1); }