shithub: riscv

ref: 811b80cae120168762e5825784a135ee4a5558e2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/hg/contrib/win32/mercurial.ini/

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; System-wide Mercurial config file.
; !!!  Do Not Edit This File !!!
; This file will be replaced by the installer on every upgrade.
; Editing this file can cause strange side effects on Vista.
; To change settings you see in this file, override (or enable) them in
; your user Mercurial.ini file, where USERNAME is your Windows user name:
; XP or older    - C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Mercurial.ini
; Vista or later - C:\Users\USERNAME\Mercurial.ini

; editor used to enter commit logs, etc.  Most text editors will work.
editor = notepad
; show changed files and be a bit more verbose if True
; verbose = True
; username data to appear in commits
; it usually takes the form: Joe User <[email protected]>
; username = Joe User <[email protected]>

; In order to push/pull over ssh you must specify an ssh tool
;ssh = "C:\Progra~1\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoisePlink.exe" -ssh -2
;ssh = C:\cygwin\bin\ssh

; For more information about mercurial extensions, start here
; Extensions shipped with Mercurial
;acl =
;alias =
;bookmarks =
;bugzilla =
;children =
;churn =
;color =
;convert =
;extdiff =
;fetch =
;gpg =
;graphlog = 
;hgcia =
;hgk =
;highlight = 
;interhg =
;keyword =
;mq =
;notify =
;pager =
;parentrevspec =
;patchbomb =
;purge =
;rebase =
;record =
;transplant =
;win32mbcs =
;win32text =
;zeroconf =

; To use cleverencode/cleverdecode, you must enable win32text extension

; Encode files that don't contain NUL characters.

; ** = cleverencode:

; Alternatively, you can explicitly specify each file extension that
; you want encoded (any you omit will be left untouched), like this:

; *.txt = dumbencode:

; Decode files that don't contain NUL characters.

; ** = cleverdecode:

; Alternatively, you can explicitly specify each file extension that
; you want decoded (any you omit will be left untouched), like this:

; **.txt = dumbdecode:

; If you enable win32text filtering, you will want to enable this
; line as well to allow patching to work correctly.

; eol = crlf

; Define external diff commands
;cmd.bc3diff = C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe
;cmd.vdiff = C:\Progra~1\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseMerge.exe
;cmd.vimdiff = gvim.exe
;opts.vimdiff = -f '+next' '+execute "DirDiff ".argv(0)." ".argv(1)'

; Replace the following with your path to hgk, uncomment it and 
; install ActiveTcl (or another win32 port like tclkit)
; path="C:\Program Files\Mercurial\Contrib\hgk.tcl"
; vdiff=vdiff

; The git extended diff format can represent binary files, file
; permission changes, and rename information that the normal patch format
; cannot describe.  However it is also not compatible with tools which
; expect normal patches. so enable git patches at your own risk.
;git = false
;nodates = false