kernel: cleanup exit()/shutdown()/reboot() code
libsec: add chacha20 poly1305 aead, allow 64 bit iv's for chacha, add tsmemcmp()
mpc: mpc.c is generated by yacc, so remove it on mk clean
rio: allow reading the image of a hidden window thru the window file
rio: fix handling "resize" wctl for hidden windows
disksim: don't assume 4-byte pointers
rio: stop serving kbdin file (thanks eekee)
add mpc(1), extended precision code generator
bootrc: remove usbwait hack, usbd/nusbrc are now synchronous by previous commit
usbd: intoruce /env/usbbusy
devenv: fix ORCLOSE handling
libmp: initial attempt at constant time code, faster reductions for special primes (for ecc)
remove dunning-krugerrand code
libmp: add mpvecadd()/mpvecsub() assembly versions for arm
libmp: 386/amd64 mpvec*(): replace conditional branches with ADC/SBB instructions
kernel: use nicer check in okaddr(), wet floor signs in fixfault()
9fs: add 9pio case for unauthenticated connections to
libmp: optimize case x/0xffffffff in mpdigdiv() (helps arm)
libmp: add mpvecdigmuladd()/mpvecdigmulsub() assembly routines for arm
5c: handle (rare) MULU instruction in peephole optimizer
fortunes: [9fans] FUSE on Plan9
delkey(1): update man page to reflect recent changes.
delkey: don't be stupid
devtls: reject SHA2_256 mac for SSL, but TLS is fine
mp(2): fix typo mnprand() -> mpnrand()
ascii: replace mnemonic np (new page) with ff (form feed) for consistency
rio: fix scrolling when cursor is above window
libsec: add chacha cipher (from charles forsyth)
fortunes: Maybe a git branch can help here?
acid/leak: fix endless loop for B2NB(b) == b case (thanks mischief)
wifi: prioritize rsne over wpaie
lib9p: do not override Srv.end in listensrv(), simplify srvclose() and recounting
libsec: remove rc4 cipher suits for tls
aux/listen1: allow alternative namespace when running as user none with -n option
cwfs: fix wstat() failing to mark block dirty when noatime is set
libsec: clarify the code by declaring constant for DirectoryString and handle conversion in mkstring()
libsec: use the right string encoding for various x509 fields
wifi: quote value of parsed ether options
cc: restore side(), but do not consider OINDEX as side effect free
doom: fix bogus pointer arithmetic, do sfx initialization in two passes for linked sounds
port: fix typo in devmnt mntproc name
cc: back out side() change unil 8c is fixed
qc: import changes from charles forsyth
kc: import various changes from charles forsyth
cc: include $builtin as keywoard in pickle() (from charles forsyth)
cc: getflag() fmt will be terminated at end of loop (from charles forsyth)
cc: allow runes as macro names (from charles forsyth)
5c/6c/8c/vc: import various changes from charles forsyth
cc: TUSHORT -> TRUNE for lstring constats for OUSED
9660srv: do not ignore upper 32 bits of offset when reading directory
dossrv: handle file offsets > 2^31
8c: dont abort() when running out of registers.
ape: add missing _subv() function to 386/vlop.s
vc: handle 64 bit mixedmode asop
5c: handle 64 bit mixedmode asop
8c: handle 64 bit mixedmode asop and type vlong <-> float/double type conversions
cc: handle 64 bit mixedmode asop and type vlong <-> float/double type conversions
cc/6c: fix return type of mixed asop expressions, preserve type for moves so fixed<->float conversions work correctly
ape: add machine specific code for spim
libc: add _uv2d()/uv2f() and _vas*d() functions to vlrt.c
8c: make cgen64() compile target first when it contains functoin call so final assignment wont trash the registers
pc, pc64: add did for intel wildcat point audio controller
add timepic(1) and qr(1) manpages
timepic: string support
ape: set MB_CUR_MAX to 4 in stdlib.h for 21-bit runes (thanks erik quanstro)
file: detect DICOM and XM audio headers
teach doctype how to timepic
devip: declare cleanarpent() static
devip: various bugfixes and cleanups for arp code
add timepic(1)
fortunes: Please be respectful in this forum.
qer(8): correct man page example (thanks, kenji)
cwfs: don't use sprint() to fill directory name
ape: add badrect object into ape libdraw
libsec: cleanup newbytes()/newints()/newbits() and get rid of OFFSETOF() macro
cpp: handle 4 byte utf sequences (21-bit runes)
utf(6), rune(2): document 21-bit runes
cpp: fix memory corruption due to input buffer relocation
resize: add -n for nearest neighbour
libsec: fix memory leaks in X509req() and X509gen() and return malloced pointer
rsa2x509, rsa2csr: add newline in usage print
libsec: implement client certificate authentication for tls1.2