ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/wikifs/tohtml.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <String.h> #include <thread.h> #include "wiki.h" /* * Get HTML and text templates from underlying file system. * Caches them, which means changes don't take effect for * up to Tcache seconds after they are made. * * If the files are deleted, we keep returning the last * known copy. */ enum { WAIT = 60 }; static char *name[2*Ntemplate] = { [Tpage] "page.html", [Tedit] "edit.html", [Tdiff] "diff.html", [Thistory] "history.html", [Tnew] "new.html", [Toldpage] "oldpage.html", [Twerror] "werror.html", [Ntemplate+Tpage] "page.txt", [Ntemplate+Tdiff] "diff.txt", [Ntemplate+Thistory] "history.txt", [Ntemplate+Toldpage] "oldpage.txt", [Ntemplate+Twerror] "werror.txt", }; static struct { RWLock; String *s; ulong t; Qid qid; } cache[2*Ntemplate]; static void cacheinit(void) { int i; static int x; static Lock l; if(x) return; lock(&l); if(x){ unlock(&l); return; } for(i=0; i<2*Ntemplate; i++) if(name[i]) cache[i].s = s_copy(""); x = 1; unlock(&l); } static String* gettemplate(int type) { int n; Biobuf *b; Dir *d; String *s, *ns; if(name[type]==nil) return nil; cacheinit(); rlock(&cache[type]); if(0 && cache[type].t+Tcache >= time(0)){ s = s_incref(cache[type].s); runlock(&cache[type]); return s; } runlock(&cache[type]); // d = nil; wlock(&cache[type]); if(0 && cache[type].t+Tcache >= time(0) || (d = wdirstat(name[type])) == nil) goto Return; if(0 && d->qid.vers == cache[type].qid.vers && d->qid.path == cache[type].qid.path){ cache[type].t = time(0); goto Return; } if((b = wBopen(name[type], OREAD)) == nil) goto Return; ns = s_reset(nil); do n = s_read(b, ns, Bsize); while(n > 0); Bterm(b); if(n < 0) { s_free(ns); goto Return; } s_free(cache[type].s); cache[type].s = ns; cache[type].qid = d->qid; cache[type].t = time(0); Return: free(d); s = s_incref(cache[type].s); wunlock(&cache[type]); return s; } /* * Write wiki document in HTML. */ static String* s_escappend(String *s, char *p, int pre) { char *q; while(q = strpbrk(p, pre ? "<>&" : " <>&")){ s = s_nappend(s, p, q-p); switch(*q){ case '<': s = s_append(s, "<"); break; case '>': s = s_append(s, ">"); break; case '&': s = s_append(s, "&"); break; case ' ': s = s_append(s, "\n"); } p = q+1; } s = s_append(s, p); return s; } static char* mkurl(char *s, int ty) { char *p, *q; if(strncmp(s, "http:", 5)==0 || strncmp(s, "https:", 6)==0 || strncmp(s, "#", 1)==0 || strncmp(s, "ftp:", 4)==0 || strncmp(s, "mailto:", 7)==0 || strncmp(s, "telnet:", 7)==0 || strncmp(s, "file:", 5)==0) return estrdup(s); if(strchr(s, ' ')==nil && strchr(s, '@')!=nil){ p = emalloc(strlen(s)+8); strcpy(p, "mailto:"); strcat(p, s); return p; } if(ty == Toldpage) p = smprint("../../%s", s); else p = smprint("../%s", s); for(q=p; *q; q++) if(*q==' ') *q = '_'; return p; } int okayinlist[Nwtxt] = { [Wbullet] 1, [Wlink] 1, [Wman] 1, [Wplain] 1, }; int okayinpre[Nwtxt] = { [Wlink] 1, [Wman] 1, [Wpre] 1, }; int okayinpara[Nwtxt] = { [Wpara] 1, [Wlink] 1, [Wman] 1, [Wplain] 1, }; char* nospaces(char *s) { char *q; s = strdup(s); if(s == nil) return nil; for(q=s; *q; q++) if(*q == ' ') *q = '_'; return s; } String* pagehtml(String *s, Wpage *wtxt, int ty) { char *p, tmp[40]; int inlist, inpara, inpre, t, tnext; Wpage *w; inlist = 0; inpre = 0; inpara = 0; for(w=wtxt; w; w=w->next){ t = w->type; tnext = Whr; if(w->next) tnext = w->next->type; if(inlist && !okayinlist[t]){ inlist = 0; s = s_append(s, "\n</li>\n</ul>\n"); } if(inpre && !okayinpre[t]){ inpre = 0; s = s_append(s, "</pre>\n"); } switch(t){ case Wheading: p = nospaces(w->text); s = s_appendlist(s, "\n<a name=\"", p, "\" /><h3>", w->text, "</h3>\n", nil); free(p); break; case Wpara: if(inpara){ s = s_append(s, "\n</p>\n"); inpara = 0; } if(okayinpara[tnext]){ s = s_append(s, "\n<p class='para'>\n"); inpara = 1; } break; case Wbullet: if(!inlist){ inlist = 1; s = s_append(s, "\n<ul>\n"); }else s = s_append(s, "\n</li>\n"); s = s_append(s, "\n<li>\n"); break; case Wlink: if(w->url == nil) p = mkurl(w->text, ty); else p = w->url; s = s_appendlist(s, "<a href=\"", p, "\">", nil); s = s_escappend(s, w->text, 0); s = s_append(s, "</a>"); if(w->url == nil) free(p); break; case Wman: sprint(tmp, "%d", w->section); s = s_appendlist(s, "<a href=\"", tmp, "/", w->text, "\"><i>", w->text, "</i>(", tmp, ")</a>", nil); break; case Wpre: if(!inpre){ inpre = 1; s = s_append(s, "\n<pre>\n"); } s = s_escappend(s, w->text, 1); s = s_append(s, "\n"); break; case Whr: s = s_append(s, "<hr />"); break; case Wplain: s = s_escappend(s, w->text, 0); break; } } if(inlist) s = s_append(s, "\n</li>\n</ul>\n"); if(inpre) s = s_append(s, "</pre>\n"); if(inpara) s = s_append(s, "\n</p>\n"); return s; } static String* copythru(String *s, char **newp, int *nlinep, int l) { char *oq, *q, *r; int ol; q = *newp; oq = q; ol = *nlinep; while(ol < l){ if(r = strchr(q, '\n')) q = r+1; else{ q += strlen(q); break; } ol++; } if(*nlinep < l) *nlinep = l; *newp = q; return s_nappend(s, oq, q-oq); } static int dodiff(char *f1, char *f2) { int p[2]; if(pipe(p) < 0){ return -1; } switch(fork()){ case -1: return -1; case 0: close(p[0]); dup(p[1], 1); execl("/bin/diff", "diff", f1, f2, nil); _exits(nil); } close(p[1]); return p[0]; } /* print document i grayed out, with only diffs relative to j in black */ static String* s_diff(String *s, Whist *h, int i, int j) { char *p, *q, *pnew; int fdiff, fd1, fd2, n1, n2; Biobuf b; char fn1[40], fn2[40]; String *new, *old; int nline; if(j < 0) return pagehtml(s, h->doc[i].wtxt, Tpage); strcpy(fn1, "/tmp/wiki.XXXXXX"); strcpy(fn2, "/tmp/wiki.XXXXXX"); if((fd1 = opentemp(fn1)) < 0 || (fd2 = opentemp(fn2)) < 0){ close(fd1); s = s_append(s, "\nopentemp failed; sorry\n"); return s; } new = pagehtml(s_reset(nil), h->doc[i].wtxt, Tpage); old = pagehtml(s_reset(nil), h->doc[j].wtxt, Tpage); write(fd1, s_to_c(new), s_len(new)); write(fd2, s_to_c(old), s_len(old)); fdiff = dodiff(fn2, fn1); if(fdiff < 0) s = s_append(s, "\ndiff failed; sorry\n"); else{ nline = 0; pnew = s_to_c(new); Binit(&b, fdiff, OREAD); while(p = Brdline(&b, '\n')){ if(p[0]=='<' || p[0]=='>' || p[0]=='-') continue; p[Blinelen(&b)-1] = '\0'; if((p = strpbrk(p, "acd")) == nil) continue; n1 = atoi(p+1); if(q = strchr(p, ',')) n2 = atoi(q+1); else n2 = n1; switch(*p){ case 'a': case 'c': s = s_append(s, "<span class='old_text'>"); s = copythru(s, &pnew, &nline, n1-1); s = s_append(s, "</span><span class='new_text'>"); s = copythru(s, &pnew, &nline, n2); s = s_append(s, "</span>"); break; } } close(fdiff); s = s_append(s, "<span class='old_text'>"); s = s_append(s, pnew); s = s_append(s, "</span>"); } s_free(new); s_free(old); close(fd1); close(fd2); return s; } static String* diffhtml(String *s, Whist *h) { int i; char tmp[50]; char *atime; for(i=h->ndoc-1; i>=0; i--){ s = s_append(s, "<hr /><div class='diff_head'>\n"); if(i==h->current) sprint(tmp, "index.html"); else sprint(tmp, "%lud", h->doc[i].time); atime = ctime(h->doc[i].time); atime[strlen(atime)-1] = '\0'; s = s_appendlist(s, "<a href=\"", tmp, "\">", atime, "</a>", nil); if(h->doc[i].author) s = s_appendlist(s, ", ", h->doc[i].author, nil); if(h->doc[i].conflict) s = s_append(s, ", conflicting write"); s = s_append(s, "\n"); if(h->doc[i].comment) s = s_appendlist(s, "<br /><i>", h->doc[i].comment, "</i>\n", nil); s = s_append(s, "</div><hr />"); s = s_diff(s, h, i, i-1); } s = s_append(s, "<hr>"); return s; } static String* historyhtml(String *s, Whist *h) { int i; char tmp[40]; char *atime; s = s_append(s, "<ul>\n"); for(i=h->ndoc-1; i>=0; i--){ if(i==h->current) sprint(tmp, "index.html"); else sprint(tmp, "%lud", h->doc[i].time); atime = ctime(h->doc[i].time); atime[strlen(atime)-1] = '\0'; s = s_appendlist(s, "<li><a href=\"", tmp, "\">", atime, "</a>", nil); if(h->doc[i].author) s = s_appendlist(s, ", ", h->doc[i].author, nil); if(h->doc[i].conflict) s = s_append(s, ", conflicting write"); s = s_append(s, "\n"); if(h->doc[i].comment) s = s_appendlist(s, "<br><i>", h->doc[i].comment, "</i>\n", nil); } s = s_append(s, "</ul>"); return s; } String* tohtml(Whist *h, Wdoc *d, int ty) { char *atime; char *p, *q, ver[40]; int nsub; Sub sub[3]; String *s, *t; t = gettemplate(ty); if(p = strstr(s_to_c(t), "PAGE")) q = p+4; else{ p = s_to_c(t)+s_len(t); q = nil; } nsub = 0; if(h){ sub[nsub] = (Sub){ "TITLE", h->title }; nsub++; } if(d){ sprint(ver, "%lud", d->time); sub[nsub] = (Sub){ "VERSION", ver }; nsub++; atime = ctime(d->time); atime[strlen(atime)-1] = '\0'; sub[nsub] = (Sub){ "DATE", atime }; nsub++; } s = s_reset(nil); s = s_appendsub(s, s_to_c(t), p-s_to_c(t), sub, nsub); switch(ty){ case Tpage: case Toldpage: s = pagehtml(s, d->wtxt, ty); break; case Tedit: s = pagetext(s, d->wtxt, 0); break; case Tdiff: s = diffhtml(s, h); break; case Thistory: s = historyhtml(s, h); break; case Tnew: case Twerror: break; } if(q) s = s_appendsub(s, q, strlen(q), sub, nsub); s_free(t); return s; } enum { LINELEN = 70, }; static String* s_appendbrk(String *s, char *p, char *prefix, int dosharp) { char *e, *w, *x; int first, l; Rune r; first = 1; while(*p){ s = s_append(s, p); e = strrchr(s_to_c(s), '\n'); if(e == nil) e = s_to_c(s); else e++; if(utflen(e) <= LINELEN) break; x = e; l=LINELEN; while(l--) x+=chartorune(&r, x); x = strchr(x, ' '); if(x){ *x = '\0'; w = strrchr(e, ' '); *x = ' '; }else w = strrchr(e, ' '); if(w-s_to_c(s) < strlen(prefix)) break; x = estrdup(w+1); *w = '\0'; s->ptr = w; s_append(s, "\n"); if(dosharp) s_append(s, "#"); s_append(s, prefix); if(!first) free(p); first = 0; p = x; } if(!first) free(p); return s; } static void s_endline(String *s, int dosharp) { if(dosharp){ if(s->ptr == s->base+1 && s->ptr[-1] == '#') return; if(s->ptr > s->base+1 && s->ptr[-1] == '#' && s->ptr[-2] == '\n') return; s_append(s, "\n#"); }else{ if(s->ptr > s->base+1 && s->ptr[-1] == '\n') return; s_append(s, "\n"); } } String* pagetext(String *s, Wpage *page, int dosharp) { int inlist, inpara; char *prefix, *sharp, tmp[40]; String *t; Wpage *w; inlist = 0; inpara = 0; prefix = ""; sharp = dosharp ? "#" : ""; s = s_append(s, sharp); for(w=page; w; w=w->next){ switch(w->type){ case Wheading: if(inlist){ prefix = ""; inlist = 0; } s_endline(s, dosharp); if(!inpara){ inpara = 1; s = s_appendlist(s, "\n", sharp, nil); } s = s_appendlist(s, w->text, "\n", sharp, "\n", sharp, nil); break; case Wpara: s_endline(s, dosharp); if(inlist){ prefix = ""; inlist = 0; } if(!inpara){ inpara = 1; s = s_appendlist(s, "\n", sharp, nil); } break; case Wbullet: s_endline(s, dosharp); if(!inlist) inlist = 1; if(inpara) inpara = 0; s = s_append(s, " *\t"); prefix = "\t"; break; case Wlink: if(inpara) inpara = 0; t = s_append(s_copy("["), w->text); if(w->url == nil) t = s_append(t, "]"); else{ t = s_append(t, " | "); t = s_append(t, w->url); t = s_append(t, "]"); } s = s_appendbrk(s, s_to_c(t), prefix, dosharp); s_free(t); break; case Wman: if(inpara) inpara = 0; s = s_appendbrk(s, w->text, prefix, dosharp); sprint(tmp, "(%d)", w->section); s = s_appendbrk(s, tmp, prefix, dosharp); break; case Wpre: if(inlist){ prefix = ""; inlist = 0; } if(inpara) inpara = 0; s_endline(s, dosharp); s = s_appendlist(s, "! ", w->text, "\n", sharp, nil); break; case Whr: s_endline(s, dosharp); s = s_appendlist(s, "------------------------------------------------------ \n", sharp, nil); break; case Wplain: if(inpara) inpara = 0; s = s_appendbrk(s, w->text, prefix, dosharp); break; } } s_endline(s, dosharp); s->ptr--; *s->ptr = '\0'; return s; } static String* historytext(String *s, Whist *h) { int i; char tmp[40]; char *atime; for(i=h->ndoc-1; i>=0; i--){ if(i==h->current) sprint(tmp, "[current]"); else sprint(tmp, "[%lud/]", h->doc[i].time); atime = ctime(h->doc[i].time); atime[strlen(atime)-1] = '\0'; s = s_appendlist(s, " * ", tmp, " ", atime, nil); if(h->doc[i].author) s = s_appendlist(s, ", ", h->doc[i].author, nil); if(h->doc[i].conflict) s = s_append(s, ", conflicting write"); s = s_append(s, "\n"); if(h->doc[i].comment) s = s_appendlist(s, "<i>", h->doc[i].comment, "</i>\n", nil); } return s; } String* totext(Whist *h, Wdoc *d, int ty) { char *atime; char *p, *q, ver[40]; int nsub; Sub sub[3]; String *s, *t; t = gettemplate(Ntemplate+ty); if(p = strstr(s_to_c(t), "PAGE")) q = p+4; else{ p = s_to_c(t)+s_len(t); q = nil; } nsub = 0; if(h){ sub[nsub] = (Sub){ "TITLE", h->title }; nsub++; } if(d){ sprint(ver, "%lud", d->time); sub[nsub] = (Sub){ "VERSION", ver }; nsub++; atime = ctime(d->time); atime[strlen(atime)-1] = '\0'; sub[nsub] = (Sub){ "DATE", atime }; nsub++; } s = s_reset(nil); s = s_appendsub(s, s_to_c(t), p-s_to_c(t), sub, nsub); switch(ty){ case Tpage: case Toldpage: s = pagetext(s, d->wtxt, 0); break; case Thistory: s = historytext(s, h); break; case Tnew: case Twerror: break; } if(q) s = s_appendsub(s, q, strlen(q), sub, nsub); s_free(t); return s; } String* doctext(String *s, Wdoc *d) { char tmp[40]; sprint(tmp, "D%lud", d->time); s = s_append(s, tmp); if(d->comment){ s = s_append(s, "\nC"); s = s_append(s, d->comment); } if(d->author){ s = s_append(s, "\nA"); s = s_append(s, d->author); } if(d->conflict) s = s_append(s, "\nX"); s = s_append(s, "\n"); s = pagetext(s, d->wtxt, 1); return s; }