ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/wikifs/io.c/
/* * I/O for a Wiki document set. * * The files are kept in one flat directory. * There are three files for each document: * nnn - current version of the document * nnn.hist - history (all old versions) of the document * append-only * L.nnn - write lock file for the document * * At the moment, since we don't have read/write locks * in the file system, we use the L.nnn file as a read lock too. * It's a hack but there aren't supposed to be many readers * anyway. * * The nnn.hist file is in the format read by Brdwhist. * The nnn file is in that format too, but only contains the * last entry of the nnn.hist file. * * In addition to this set of files, there is an append-only * map file that provides a mapping between numbers and titles. * The map file is a sequence of lines of the form * nnn Title Here * The lock file must be held to add to the end, to * make sure that the numbers are allocated sequentially. * * We assume that writes to the map file will fit in one message, * so that we don't have to read-lock the file. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <String.h> #include <thread.h> #include "wiki.h" enum { Nhash = 64, Mcache = 128, }; typedef struct Wcache Wcache; struct Wcache { int n; ulong use; RWLock; ulong tcurrent; ulong thist; Whist *hist; Whist *current; Qid qid; Qid qidhist; Wcache *hash; }; static RWLock cachelock; static Wcache *tab[Nhash]; int ncache; void closewhist(Whist *wh) { int i; if(wh && decref(wh) == 0){ free(wh->title); for(i=0; i<wh->ndoc; i++){ free(wh->doc[i].author); free(wh->doc[i].comment); freepage(wh->doc[i].wtxt); } free(wh->doc); free(wh); } } void freepage(Wpage *p) { Wpage *next; for(; p; p=next){ next = p->next; free(p->text); free(p->url); free(p); } } static Wcache* findcache(int n) { Wcache *w; for(w=tab[n%Nhash]; w; w=w->hash) if(w->n == n){ w->use = time(0); return w; } return nil; } static int getlock(char *lock) { char buf[ERRMAX]; int i, fd; enum { SECS = 200 }; for(i=0; i<SECS*10; i++){ fd = wcreate(lock, ORDWR, DMEXCL|0666); if(fd >= 0) return fd; buf[0] = '\0'; rerrstr(buf, sizeof buf); if(strstr(buf, "locked") == nil) break; sleep(1000/10); } werrstr("couldn't acquire lock %s: %r", lock); return -1; } static Whist* readwhist(char *file, char *lock, Qid *qid) { int lfd; Biobuf *b; Dir *d; Whist *wh; if((lfd=getlock(lock)) < 0) // LOG? return nil; if(qid){ if((d = wdirstat(file)) == nil){ close(lfd); return nil; } *qid = d->qid; free(d); } if((b = wBopen(file, OREAD)) == nil){ //LOG? close(lfd); return nil; } wh = Brdwhist(b); Bterm(b); close(lfd); return wh; } static void gencurrent(Wcache *w, Qid *q, char *file, char *lock, ulong *t, Whist **wp, int n) { Dir *d; Whist *wh; if(*wp && *t+Tcache >= time(0)) return; wlock(w); if(*wp && *t+Tcache >= time(0)){ wunlock(w); return; } if(((d = wdirstat(file)) == nil) || (d->qid.path==q->path && d->qid.vers==q->vers)){ *t = time(0); wunlock(w); free(d); return; } free(d); if(wh = readwhist(file, lock, q)){ wh->n = n; *t = time(0); closewhist(*wp); *wp = wh; } else fprint(2, "error file=%s lock=%s %r\n", file, lock); wunlock(w); } static void current(Wcache *w) { char tmp[40]; char tmplock[40]; sprint(tmplock, "d/L.%d", w->n); sprint(tmp, "d/%d", w->n); gencurrent(w, &w->qid, tmp, tmplock, &w->tcurrent, &w->current, w->n); } static void currenthist(Wcache *w) { char hist[40], lock[40]; sprint(hist, "d/%d.hist", w->n); sprint(lock, "d/L.%d", w->n); gencurrent(w, &w->qidhist, hist, lock, &w->thist, &w->hist, w->n); } void voidcache(int n) { Wcache *c; rlock(&cachelock); if(c = findcache(n)){ wlock(c); c->tcurrent = 0; c->thist = 0; /* aggressively free memory */ closewhist(c->hist); c->hist = nil; closewhist(c->current); c->current = nil; wunlock(c); } runlock(&cachelock); } static Whist* getcache(int n, int hist) { int i, isw; ulong t; Wcache *c, **cp, **evict; Whist *wh; isw = 0; rlock(&cachelock); if(c = findcache(n)){ Found: current(c); if(hist) currenthist(c); rlock(c); if(hist) wh = c->hist; else wh = c->current; if(wh) incref(wh); runlock(c); if(isw) wunlock(&cachelock); else runlock(&cachelock); return wh; } runlock(&cachelock); wlock(&cachelock); if(c = findcache(n)){ isw = 1; /* better to downgrade lock but can't */ goto Found; } if(ncache < Mcache){ Alloc: c = emalloc(sizeof *c); ncache++; }else{ /* find something to evict. */ t = ~0; evict = nil; for(i=0; i<Nhash; i++){ for(cp=&tab[i], c=*cp; c; cp=&c->hash, c=*cp){ if(c->use < t && (!c->hist || c->hist->ref==1) && (!c->current || c->current->ref==1)){ evict = cp; t = c->use; } } } if(evict == nil){ fprint(2, "wikifs: nothing to evict\n"); goto Alloc; } c = *evict; *evict = c->hash; closewhist(c->current); closewhist(c->hist); memset(c, 0, sizeof *c); } c->n = n; c->hash = tab[n%Nhash]; tab[n%Nhash] = c; isw = 1; goto Found; } Whist* getcurrent(int n) { return getcache(n, 0); } Whist* gethistory(int n) { return getcache(n, 1); } RWLock maplock; Map *map; static int mapcmp(const void *va, const void *vb) { Mapel *a, *b; a = (Mapel*)va; b = (Mapel*)vb; return strcmp(a->s, b->s); } void closemap(Map *m) { if(decref(m)==0){ free(m->buf); free(m->el); free(m); } } void currentmap(int force) { char *p, *q, *r; int lfd, fd, m, n; Dir *d; Map *nmap; char *err = nil; lfd = -1; fd = -1; d = nil; nmap = nil; if(!force && map && map->t+Tcache >= time(0)) return; wlock(&maplock); if(!force && map && map->t+Tcache >= time(0)) goto Return; if((lfd = getlock("d/")) < 0){ err = "can't lock"; goto Return; } if((d = wdirstat("d/map")) == nil) goto Return; if(map && d->qid.path == map->qid.path && d->qid.vers == map->qid.vers){ map->t = time(0); goto Return; } if(d->length > Maxmap){ //LOG err = "too long"; goto Return; } if((fd = wopen("d/map", OREAD)) < 0) goto Return; nmap = emalloc(sizeof *nmap); nmap->buf = emalloc(d->length+1); n = readn(fd, nmap->buf, d->length); if(n != d->length){ err = "bad length"; goto Return; } nmap->buf[n] = '\0'; n = 0; for(p=nmap->buf; p; p=strchr(p+1, '\n')) n++; nmap->el = emalloc(n*sizeof(nmap->el[0])); m = 0; for(p=nmap->buf; p && *p && m < n; p=q){ if(q = strchr(p+1, '\n')) *q++ = '\0'; nmap->el[m].n = strtol(p, &r, 10); if(*r == ' ') r++; else {}//LOG? nmap->el[m].s = strcondense(r, 1); m++; } //LOG if m != n nmap->qid = d->qid; nmap->t = time(0); nmap->nel = m; qsort(nmap->el, nmap->nel, sizeof(nmap->el[0]), mapcmp); if(map) closemap(map); map = nmap; incref(map); nmap = nil; Return: free(d); if(nmap){ free(nmap->el); free(nmap->buf); free(nmap); } if(map == nil) sysfatal("cannot get map: %s: %r", err); if(fd >= 0) close(fd); if(lfd >= 0) close(lfd); wunlock(&maplock); } int allocnum(char *title, int mustbenew) { char *p, *q; int lfd, fd, n; Biobuf b; if(strcmp(title, "map")==0 || strcmp(title, "new")==0){ werrstr("reserved title name"); return -1; } if(title[0]=='\0' || strpbrk(title, "/<>:?")){ werrstr("invalid character in name"); return -1; } if((n = nametonum(title)) >= 0){ if(mustbenew){ werrstr("duplicate title"); return -1; } return n; } title = estrdup(title); strcondense(title, 1); strlower(title); if(strchr(title, '\n') || strlen(title) > 200){ werrstr("bad title"); free(title); return -1; } if((lfd = getlock("d/")) < 0){ free(title); return -1; } if((fd = wopen("d/map", ORDWR)) < 0){ // LOG? close(lfd); free(title); return -1; } /* * What we really need to do here is make sure the * map is up-to-date, then make sure the title isn't * taken, and then add it, all without dropping the locks. * * This turns out to be a mess when you start adding * all the necessary dolock flags, so instead we just * read through the file ourselves, and let our * map catch up on its own. */ Binit(&b, fd, OREAD); n = 0; while(p = Brdline(&b, '\n')){ p[Blinelen(&b)-1] = '\0'; n = atoi(p)+1; q = strchr(p, ' '); if(q == nil) continue; if(strcmp(q+1, title) == 0){ free(title); close(fd); close(lfd); if(mustbenew){ werrstr("duplicate title"); return -1; }else return n; } } seek(fd, 0, 2); /* just in case it's not append only */ fprint(fd, "%d %s\n", n, title); close(fd); close(lfd); free(title); /* kick the map */ currentmap(1); return n; } int nametonum(char *s) { char *p; int i, lo, hi, m, rv; s = estrdup(s); strlower(s); for(p=s; *p; p++) if(*p=='_') *p = ' '; currentmap(0); rlock(&maplock); lo = 0; hi = map->nel; while(hi-lo > 1){ m = (lo+hi)/2; i = strcmp(s, map->el[m].s); if(i < 0) hi = m; else lo = m; } if(hi-lo == 1 && strcmp(s, map->el[lo].s)==0) rv = map->el[lo].n; else rv = -1; runlock(&maplock); free(s); return rv; } char* numtoname(int n) { int i; char *s; currentmap(0); rlock(&maplock); for(i=0; i<map->nel; i++){ if(map->el[i].n==n) break; } if(i==map->nel){ runlock(&maplock); return nil; } s = estrdup(map->el[i].s); runlock(&maplock); return s; } Whist* getcurrentbyname(char *s) { int n; if((n = nametonum(s)) < 0) return nil; return getcache(n, 0); } static String* Brdstring(Biobuf *b) { long len; String *s; Dir *d; d = dirfstat(Bfildes(b)); if (d == nil) /* shouldn't happen, we just opened it */ len = 0; else len = d->length; free(d); s = s_newalloc(len); s_read(b, s, len); return s; } /* * Attempt to install a new page. If t==0 we are creating. * Otherwise, we are editing and t must be set to the current * version (t is the version we started with) to avoid conflicting * writes. * * If there is a conflicting write, we still write the page to * the history file, but mark it as a failed write. */ int writepage(int num, ulong t, String *s, char *title) { char tmp[40], tmplock[40], err[ERRMAX], hist[40], *p; int conflict, lfd, fd; Biobuf *b; String *os; sprint(tmp, "d/%d", num); sprint(tmplock, "d/L.%d", num); sprint(hist, "d/%d.hist", num); if((lfd = getlock(tmplock)) < 0) return -1; conflict = 0; if(b = wBopen(tmp, OREAD)){ Brdline(b, '\n'); /* title */ if(p = Brdline(b, '\n')) /* version */ p[Blinelen(b)-1] = '\0'; if(p==nil || p[0] != 'D'){ snprint(err, sizeof err, "bad format in extant file"); conflict = 1; }else if(strtoul(p+1, 0, 0) != t){ os = Brdstring(b); /* why read the whole file? */ p = strchr(s_to_c(s), '\n'); if(p!=nil && strcmp(p+1, s_to_c(os))==0){ /* ignore dup write */ close(lfd); s_free(os); Bterm(b); return 0; } s_free(os); snprint(err, sizeof err, "update conflict %lud != %s", t, p+1); conflict = 1; } Bterm(b); }else{ if(t != 0){ close(lfd); werrstr("did not expect to create"); return -1; } } if((fd = wopen(hist, OWRITE)) < 0){ if((fd = wcreate(hist, OWRITE, 0666)) < 0){ close(lfd); return -1; }else fprint(fd, "%s\n", title); } if(seek(fd, 0, 2) < 0 || (conflict && write(fd, "X\n", 2) != 2) || write(fd, s_to_c(s), s_len(s)) != s_len(s)){ close(fd); close(lfd); return -1; } close(fd); if(conflict){ close(lfd); voidcache(num); errstr(err, sizeof err); return -1; } if((fd = wcreate(tmp, OWRITE, 0666)) < 0){ close(lfd); voidcache(num); return -1; } if(write(fd, title, strlen(title)) != strlen(title) || write(fd, "\n", 1) != 1 || write(fd, s_to_c(s), s_len(s)) != s_len(s)){ close(fd); close(lfd); voidcache(num); return -1; } close(fd); close(lfd); voidcache(num); return 0; }