ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/vnc/draw.c/
#include "vnc.h" #include "vncv.h" static struct { char *name; int num; } enctab[] = { "copyrect", EncCopyRect, "corre", EncCorre, "hextile", EncHextile, "raw", EncRaw, "rre", EncRre, "mousewarp", EncMouseWarp, }; static uchar *pixbuf; static uchar *linebuf; static int vpixb; static int pixb; static void (*pixcp)(uchar*, uchar*); static void vncrdcolor(Vnc *v, uchar *color) { vncrdbytes(v, color, vpixb); if(cvtpixels) (*cvtpixels)(color, color, 1); } void sendencodings(Vnc *v) { char *f[10]; int enc[10], nenc, i, j, nf; nf = tokenize(encodings, f, nelem(f)); nenc = 0; for(i=0; i<nf; i++){ for(j=0; j<nelem(enctab); j++) if(strcmp(f[i], enctab[j].name) == 0) break; if(j == nelem(enctab)){ print("warning: unknown encoding %s\n", f[i]); continue; } enc[nenc++] = enctab[j].num; } vnclock(v); vncwrchar(v, MSetEnc); vncwrchar(v, 0); vncwrshort(v, nenc); for(i=0; i<nenc; i++) vncwrlong(v, enc[i]); vncflush(v); vncunlock(v); } void requestupdate(Vnc *v, int incremental) { int x, y; lockdisplay(display); flushimage(display, 1); x = Dx(screen->r); y = Dy(screen->r); unlockdisplay(display); if(x > v->dim.x) x = v->dim.x; if(y > v->dim.y) y = v->dim.y; vnclock(v); vncwrchar(v, MFrameReq); vncwrchar(v, incremental); vncwrrect(v, Rpt(ZP, Pt(x, y))); vncflush(v); vncunlock(v); } static Rectangle clippixbuf(Rectangle r, int maxx, int maxy) { int y, h, stride1, stride2; if(r.min.x > maxx || r.min.y > maxy){ r.max.x = 0; return r; } if(r.max.y > maxy) r.max.y = maxy; if(r.max.x <= maxx) return r; stride2 = Dx(r) * pixb; r.max.x = maxx; stride1 = Dx(r) * pixb; h = Dy(r); for(y = 0; y < h; y++) memmove(&pixbuf[y * stride1], &pixbuf[y * stride2], stride1); return r; } /* must be called with display locked */ static void updatescreen(Rectangle r) { int b, bb; lockdisplay(display); if(r.max.x > Dx(screen->r) || r.max.y > Dy(screen->r)){ r = clippixbuf(r, Dx(screen->r), Dy(screen->r)); if(r.max.x == 0){ unlockdisplay(display); return; } } /* * assume load image fails only because of resize */ b = Dx(r) * pixb * Dy(r); bb = loadimage(screen, rectaddpt(r, screen->r.min), pixbuf, b); if(bb != b && verbose) fprint(2, "loadimage %d on %R for %R returned %d: %r\n", b, rectaddpt(r, screen->r.min), screen->r, bb); unlockdisplay(display); } static void fillrect(Rectangle r, int stride, uchar *color) { int x, xe, y, off; y = r.min.y; off = y * stride; for(; y < r.max.y; y++){ xe = off + r.max.x * pixb; for(x = off + r.min.x * pixb; x < xe; x += pixb) (*pixcp)(&pixbuf[x], color); off += stride; } } static void loadbuf(Vnc *v, Rectangle r, int stride) { int off, y; if(cvtpixels){ y = r.min.y; off = y * stride; for(; y < r.max.y; y++){ vncrdbytes(v, linebuf, Dx(r) * vpixb); (*cvtpixels)(&pixbuf[off + r.min.x * pixb], linebuf, Dx(r)); off += stride; } }else{ y = r.min.y; off = y * stride; for(; y < r.max.y; y++){ vncrdbytes(v, &pixbuf[off + r.min.x * pixb], Dx(r) * pixb); off += stride; } } } static Rectangle hexrect(ushort u) { int x, y, w, h; x = u>>12; y = (u>>8)&15; w = ((u>>4)&15)+1; h = (u&15)+1; return Rect(x, y, x+w, y+h); } static void dohextile(Vnc *v, Rectangle r, int stride) { ulong bg, fg, c; int enc, nsub, sx, sy, w, h, th, tw; Rectangle sr, ssr; fg = bg = 0; h = Dy(r); w = Dx(r); for(sy = 0; sy < h; sy += HextileDim){ th = h - sy; if(th > HextileDim) th = HextileDim; for(sx = 0; sx < w; sx += HextileDim){ tw = w - sx; if(tw > HextileDim) tw = HextileDim; sr = Rect(sx, sy, sx + tw, sy + th); enc = vncrdchar(v); if(enc & HextileRaw){ loadbuf(v, sr, stride); continue; } if(enc & HextileBack) vncrdcolor(v, (uchar*)&bg); fillrect(sr, stride, (uchar*)&bg); if(enc & HextileFore) vncrdcolor(v, (uchar*)&fg); if(enc & HextileRects){ nsub = vncrdchar(v); (*pixcp)((uchar*)&c, (uchar*)&fg); while(nsub-- > 0){ if(enc & HextileCols) vncrdcolor(v, (uchar*)&c); ssr = rectaddpt(hexrect(vncrdshort(v)), sr.min); fillrect(ssr, stride, (uchar*)&c); } } } } } static void dorectangle(Vnc *v) { ulong type; long n, stride; ulong color; Point p; Rectangle r, subr, maxr; r = vncrdrect(v); if(!rectinrect(r, Rpt(ZP, v->dim))) sysfatal("bad rectangle from server: %R not in %R", r, Rpt(ZP, v->dim)); stride = Dx(r) * pixb; type = vncrdlong(v); switch(type){ default: sysfatal("bad rectangle encoding from server"); break; case EncRaw: loadbuf(v, Rpt(ZP, Pt(Dx(r), Dy(r))), stride); updatescreen(r); break; case EncCopyRect: p = vncrdpoint(v); lockdisplay(display); p = addpt(p, screen->r.min); r = rectaddpt(r, screen->r.min); draw(screen, r, screen, nil, p); unlockdisplay(display); break; case EncRre: case EncCorre: maxr = Rpt(ZP, Pt(Dx(r), Dy(r))); n = vncrdlong(v); vncrdcolor(v, (uchar*)&color); fillrect(maxr, stride, (uchar*)&color); while(n-- > 0){ vncrdcolor(v, (uchar*)&color); if(type == EncRre) subr = vncrdrect(v); else subr = vncrdcorect(v); if(!rectinrect(subr, maxr)) sysfatal("bad encoding from server"); fillrect(subr, stride, (uchar*)&color); } updatescreen(r); break; case EncHextile: dohextile(v, r, stride); updatescreen(r); break; case EncMouseWarp: mousewarp(r.min); break; } } static void pixcp8(uchar *dst, uchar *src) { *dst = *src; } static void pixcp16(uchar *dst, uchar *src) { *(ushort*)dst = *(ushort*)src; } static void pixcp32(uchar *dst, uchar *src) { *(ulong*)dst = *(ulong*)src; } static void pixcp24(uchar *dst, uchar *src) { dst[0] = src[0]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[2]; } static int calcpixb(int bpp) { if(bpp / 8 * 8 != bpp) sysfatal("can't handle your screen"); return bpp / 8; } void readfromserver(Vnc *v) { uchar type; uchar junk[100]; long n; vpixb = calcpixb(v->bpp); pixb = calcpixb(screen->depth); switch(pixb){ case 1: pixcp = pixcp8; break; case 2: pixcp = pixcp16; break; case 3: pixcp = pixcp24; break; case 4: pixcp = pixcp32; break; default: sysfatal("can't handle your screen: bad depth %d", pixb); } linebuf = malloc(v->dim.x * vpixb); pixbuf = malloc(v->dim.x * pixb * v->dim.y); if(linebuf == nil || pixbuf == nil) sysfatal("can't allocate pix decompression storage"); for(;;){ type = vncrdchar(v); switch(type){ default: sysfatal("bad message from server"); break; case MFrameUpdate: vncrdchar(v); n = vncrdshort(v); while(n-- > 0) dorectangle(v); requestupdate(v, 1); break; case MSetCmap: vncrdbytes(v, junk, 3); n = vncrdshort(v); vncgobble(v, n*3*2); break; case MBell: break; case MSAck: break; case MSCut: vncrdbytes(v, junk, 3); n = vncrdlong(v); writesnarf(v, n); break; } } }