ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/unix/winplumb.c/
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "shell32.lib") char *argv0 = "winplumb"; char errbuf[256]; unsigned long parseip(char*, char*); typedef unsigned long ulong; void oserror(void); void hnputl(void *p, unsigned long v) { unsigned char *a; a = p; a[0] = v>>24; a[1] = v>>16; a[2] = v>>8; a[3] = v; } void hnputs(void *p, unsigned short v) { unsigned char *a; a = p; a[0] = v>>8; a[1] = v; } unsigned long nhgetl(void *p) { unsigned char *a; a = p; return (a[0]<<24)|(a[1]<<16)|(a[2]<<8)|(a[3]<<0); } unsigned short nhgets(void *p) { unsigned char *a; a = p; return (a[0]<<8)|(a[1]<<0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *addr, *p, *q, to[4]; char buf[2048]; int port, fd, nfd, one, len, n, tot; ulong ip; struct sockaddr_in sin; WSADATA wasdat; if(argc != 1 && argc != 2){ usage: fprintf(stderr, "usage: winplumb [tcp!ipaddr!port]\n"); ExitThread(1); } if(argc == 1) addr = "tcp!*!17890"; else addr = argv[1]; strcpy(buf, addr); p = strchr(buf, '!'); if(p == 0) goto usage; q = strchr(p+1, '!'); if(q == 0) goto usage; *p++ = 0; *q++ = 0; if(strcmp(buf, "tcp") != 0) goto usage; port = atoi(q); if(strcmp(p, "*") == 0) ip = 0; else ip = parseip(to, p); WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wasdat); fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(fd < 0){ oserror(); fprintf(stderr, "socket: %s\n", errbuf); ExitThread(1); } one = 1; if(setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&one, sizeof one) != 0){ oserror(); fprintf(stderr, "setsockopt nodelay: %s\n", errbuf); } if(setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&one, sizeof one) != 0){ oserror(); fprintf(stderr, "setsockopt reuse: %s\n", errbuf); } memset(&sin, 0, sizeof sin); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; hnputs(&sin.sin_port, port); hnputl(&sin.sin_addr, ip); if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof sin) < 0){ oserror(); fprintf(stderr, "bind: %s\n", errbuf); ExitThread(1); } if(listen(fd, 5) < 0){ oserror(); fprintf(stderr, "listen: %s\n", errbuf); ExitThread(1); } for(;;){ len = sizeof sin; nfd = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, &len); if(nfd < 0){ oserror(); fprintf(stderr, "accept: %s\n", errbuf); continue; } tot = 0; while(tot == 0 || buf[tot-1] != '\n'){ n = recv(nfd, buf+tot, sizeof buf-tot, 0); if(n < 0) break; tot += n; } if(buf[tot-1] == '\n'){ buf[tot-1] = 0; p = strchr(buf, ' '); if(p) *p++ = 0; ShellExecute(0, 0, buf, p, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } closesocket(nfd); } } #define CLASS(p) ((*(unsigned char*)(p))>>6) unsigned long parseip(char *to, char *from) { int i; char *p; p = from; memset(to, 0, 4); for(i = 0; i < 4 && *p; i++){ to[i] = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if(*p == '.') p++; } switch(CLASS(to)){ case 0: /* class A - 1 byte net */ case 1: if(i == 3){ to[3] = to[2]; to[2] = to[1]; to[1] = 0; } else if (i == 2){ to[3] = to[1]; to[1] = 0; } break; case 2: /* class B - 2 byte net */ if(i == 3){ to[3] = to[2]; to[2] = 0; } break; } return nhgetl(to); } void oserror(void) { int e, r, i; char buf[200]; e = GetLastError(); r = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, e, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if(r == 0) sprintf(buf, "windows error %d", e); for(i = strlen(buf)-1; i>=0 && buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\r'; i--) buf[i] = 0; strcpy(errbuf, buf); } extern int main(int, char*[]); static int args(char *argv[], int n, char *p); int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInst, HANDLE hPrev, LPSTR arg, int nshow) { int argc, n; char *p, **argv; /* conservative guess at the number of args */ for(argc=5,p=arg; *p; p++) if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') argc++; argv = malloc(argc*sizeof(char*)); argc = args(argv+1, argc, arg); argc++; argv[0] = argv0; main(argc, argv); ExitThread(0); return 0; } /* * Break the command line into arguments * The rules for this are not documented but appear to be the following * according to the source for the microsoft C library. * Words are seperated by space or tab * Words containing a space or tab can be quoted using " * 2N backslashes + " ==> N backslashes and end quote * 2N+1 backslashes + " ==> N backslashes + literal " * N backslashes not followed by " ==> N backslashes */ static int args(char *argv[], int n, char *p) { char *p2; int i, j, quote, nbs; for(i=0; *p && i<n-1; i++) { while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; quote = 0; argv[i] = p2 = p; for(;*p; p++) { if(!quote && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) break; for(nbs=0; *p == '\\'; p++,nbs++) ; if(*p == '"') { for(j=0; j<(nbs>>1); j++) *p2++ = '\\'; if(nbs&1) *p2++ = *p; else quote = !quote; } else { for(j=0; j<nbs; j++) *p2++ = '\\'; *p2++ = *p; } } /* move p up one to avoid pointing to null at end of p2 */ if(*p) p++; *p2 = 0; } argv[i] = 0; return i; }