ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/postscript/postio/postio.c/
/* * * postio - RS-232 serial interface for PostScript printers * * A simple program that manages input and output for PostScript printers. Much * has been added and changed from early versions of the program, but the basic * philosophy is still the same. Don't send real data until we're certain we've * connected to a PostScript printer that's in the idle state and try to hold the * connection until the job is completely done. It's more work than you might * expect is necessary, but should provide a reasonably reliable spooler interface * that can return error indications to the caller via the program's exit status. * * I've added code that will let you split the program into separate read/write * processes. Although it's not the default it should be useful if you have a file * that will be returning useful data from the printer. The two process stuff was * laid down on top of the single process code and both methods still work. The * implementation isn't as good as it could be, but didn't require many changes * to the original program (despite the fact that there are now many differences). * * By default the program still runs as a single process. The -R2 option forces * separate read and write processes after the intial connection is made. If you * want that as the default initialize splitme (below) to TRUE. In addition the * -t option that's used to force stuff not recognized as status reports to stdout * also tries to run as two processes (by setting splitme to TRUE). It will only * work if the required code (ie. resetline() in ifdef.c) has been implemented * for your Unix system. I've only tested the System V code. * * Code needed to support interactive mode has also been added, although again it's * not as efficient as it could be. It depends on the system dependent procedures * resetline() and setupstdin() (file ifdef.c) and for now is only guaranteed to * work on System V. Can be requested using the -i option. * * Quiet mode (-q option) is also new, but was needed for some printers connected * to RADIAN. If you're running in quiet mode no status requests will be sent to * the printer while files are being transmitted (ie. in send()). * * The program expects to receive printer status lines that look like, * * %%[ status: idle; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ status: waiting; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ status: initializing; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ status: busy; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ status: printing; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ status: PrinterError: out of paper; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ status: PrinterError: no paper tray; source: serial 25 ]%% * * although this list isn't complete. Sending a '\024' (control T) character forces * the return of a status report. PostScript errors detected on the printer result * in the immediate transmission of special error messages that look like, * * %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: xxx ]%% * %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%% * * although we only use the Error and Flushing keywords. Finally conditions, like * being out of paper, result in other messages being sent back from the printer * over the communications line. Typical PrinterError messages look like, * * %%[ PrinterError: out of paper; source: serial 25 ]%% * %%[ PrinterError: paper jam; source: serial 25 ]%% * * although we only use the PrinterError keyword rather than trying to recognize * all possible printer errors. * * The implications of using one process and only flow controlling data going to * the printer are obvious. Job transmission should be reliable, but there can be * data loss in stuff sent back from the printer. Usually that only caused problems * with jobs designed to run on the printer and return useful data back over the * communications line. If that's the kind of job you're sending call postio with * the -t option. That should force the program to split into separate read and * write processes and everything not bracketed by "%%[ " and " ]%%" strings goes * to stdout. In otherwords the data you're expecting should be separated from the * status stuff that goes to the log file (or stderr). The -R2 option does almost * the same thing (ie. separate read and write processes), but everything that * comes back from the printer goes to the log file (stderr by default) and you'll * have to separate your data from any printer messages. * * A typical command line might be, * * postio -l /dev/tty01 -b 9600 -L log file1 file2 * * where -l selects the line, -b sets the baud rate, and -L selects the printer * log file. Since there's no default line, at least not right now, you'll always * need to use the -l option, and if you don't choose a log file stderr will be * used. If you have a program that will be returning data the command line might * look like, * * postio -t -l/dev/tty01 -b9600 -Llog file >results * * Status stuff goes to file log while the data you're expecting back from the * printer gets put in file results. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include "ifdef.h" /* conditional compilation stuff */ #include "gen.h" /* general purpose definitions */ #include "postio.h" /* some special definitions */ char **argv; /* global so everyone can use them */ int argc; char *prog_name = ""; /* really just for error messages */ int x_stat = 0; /* program exit status */ int debug = OFF; /* debug flag */ int ignore = OFF; /* what's done for FATAL errors */ char *line = NULL; /* printer is on this tty line */ short baudrate = BAUDRATE; /* and running at this baud rate */ Baud baudtable[] = BAUDTABLE; /* converts strings to termio values */ int stopbits = 1; /* number of stop bits */ int tostdout = FALSE; /* non-status stuff goes to stdout? */ int quiet = FALSE; /* no status queries in send() if TRUE */ int interactive = FALSE; /* interactive mode */ char *postbegin = POSTBEGIN; /* preceeds all the input files */ int useslowsend = FALSE; /* not recommended! */ int sendctrlC = TRUE; /* interrupt with ctrl-C when BUSY */ int window_size = -1; /* for Datakit - use -w */ char *block = NULL; /* input file buffer */ int blocksize = BLOCKSIZE; /* and its size in bytes */ int head = 0; /* block[head] is the next character */ int tail = 0; /* one past the last byte in block[] */ int splitme = FALSE; /* into READ and WRITE processes if TRUE */ int whatami = READWRITE; /* a READ or WRITE process - or both */ int canread = TRUE; /* allow reads */ int canwrite = TRUE; /* and writes if TRUE */ int otherpid = -1; /* who gets signals if greater than 1 */ int joinsig = SIGTRAP; /* reader gets this when writing is done */ int writedone = FALSE; /* and then sets this to TRUE */ char mesg[MESGSIZE]; /* exactly what came back on ttyi */ char sbuf[MESGSIZE]; /* for parsing the message */ int next = 0; /* next character goes in mesg[next] */ char *mesgptr = NULL; /* printer message starts here in mesg[] */ char *endmesg = NULL; /* as far as readline() can go in mesg[] */ Status status[] = STATUS; /* for converting status strings */ int nostatus = NOSTATUS; /* default getstatus() return value */ int currentstate = NOTCONNECTED; /* what's happening START, SEND, or DONE */ int ttyi = 0; /* input */ int ttyo = 2; /* and output file descriptors */ FILE *fp_log = stderr; /* log file for stuff from the printer */ /*****************************************************************************/ main(agc, agv) int agc; char *agv[]; { /* * * A simple program that manages input and output for PostScript printers. Can run * as a single process or as separate read/write processes. What's done depends on * the value assigned to splitme when split() is called. * */ argc = agc; /* other routines may want them */ argv = agv; prog_name = argv[0]; /* really just for error messages */ init_signals(); /* sets up interrupt handling */ options(); /* get command line options */ initialize(); /* must be done after options() */ start(); /* make sure the printer is ready */ split(); /* into read/write processes - maybe */ arguments(); /* then send each input file */ done(); /* wait until the printer is finished */ cleanup(); /* make sure the write process stops */ exit(x_stat); /* everything probably went OK */ } /* End of main */ /*****************************************************************************/ init_signals() { void interrupt(); /* handles them if we catch signals */ /* * * Makes sure we handle interrupts. The proper way to kill the program, if * necessary, is to do a kill -15. That forces a call to interrupt(), which in * turn tries to reset the printer and then exits with a non-zero status. If the * program is running as two processes, sending SIGTERM to either the parent or * child should clean things up. * */ if ( signal(SIGINT, interrupt) == SIG_IGN ) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); } else { signal(SIGHUP, interrupt); signal(SIGQUIT, interrupt); } /* End else */ signal(SIGTERM, interrupt); } /* End of init_sig */ /*****************************************************************************/ options() { int ch; /* return value from getopt() */ char *optnames = "b:cil:qs:tw:B:L:P:R:SDI"; extern char *optarg; /* used by getopt() */ extern int optind; /* * * Reads and processes the command line options. The -R2, -t, and -i options all * force separate read and write processes by eventually setting splitme to TRUE * (check initialize()). The -S option is not recommended and should only be used * as a last resort! * */ while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF ) { switch ( ch ) { case 'b': /* baud rate string */ baudrate = getbaud(optarg); break; case 'c': /* no ctrl-C's */ sendctrlC = FALSE; break; case 'i': /* interactive mode */ interactive = TRUE; break; case 'l': /* printer line */ line = optarg; break; case 'q': /* no status queries - for RADIAN? */ quiet = TRUE; break; case 's': /* use 2 stop bits - for UNISON? */ if ( (stopbits = atoi(optarg)) < 1 || stopbits > 2 ) stopbits = 1; break; case 't': /* non-status stuff goes to stdout */ tostdout = TRUE; break; case 'w': /* Datakit window size */ window_size = atoi(optarg); break; case 'B': /* set the job buffer size */ if ( (blocksize = atoi(optarg)) <= 0 ) blocksize = BLOCKSIZE; break; case 'L': /* printer log file */ if ( (fp_log = fopen(optarg, "w")) == NULL ) { fp_log = stderr; error(NON_FATAL, "can't open log file %s", optarg); } /* End if */ break; case 'P': /* initial PostScript code */ postbegin = optarg; break; case 'R': /* run as one or two processes */ if ( atoi(optarg) == 2 ) splitme = TRUE; else splitme = FALSE; break; case 'S': /* slow and kludged up version of send */ useslowsend = TRUE; break; case 'D': /* debug flag */ debug = ON; break; case 'I': /* ignore FATAL errors */ ignore = ON; break; case '?': /* don't understand the option */ error(FATAL, ""); break; default: /* don't know what to do for ch */ error(FATAL, "missing case for option %c\n", ch); break; } /* End switch */ } /* End while */ argc -= optind; /* get ready for non-option args */ argv += optind; } /* End of options */ /*****************************************************************************/ getbaud(rate) char *rate; /* string representing the baud rate */ { int i; /* for looking through baudtable[] */ /* * * Called from options() to convert a baud rate string into an appropriate termio * value. *rate is looked up in baudtable[] and if it's found, the corresponding * value is returned to the caller. * */ for ( i = 0; baudtable[i].rate != NULL; i++ ) if ( strcmp(rate, baudtable[i].rate) == 0 ) return(baudtable[i].val); error(FATAL, "don't recognize baud rate %s", rate); } /* End of getbaud */ /*****************************************************************************/ initialize() { /* * * Initialization, a few checks, and a call to setupline() (file ifdef.c) to open * and configure the communications line. Settings for interactive mode always * take precedence. The setupstdin() call with an argument of 0 saves the current * terminal settings if interactive mode has been requested - otherwise nothing's * done. Unbuffering stdout (via the setbuf() call) isn't really needed on System V * since it's flushed whenever terminal input is requested. It's more efficient if * we buffer the stdout (on System V) but safer (for other versions of Unix) if we * include the setbuf() call. * */ whatami = READWRITE; /* always run start() as one process */ canread = canwrite = TRUE; if ( tostdout == TRUE ) /* force separate read/write processes */ splitme = TRUE; if ( interactive == TRUE ) { /* interactive mode settings always win */ quiet = FALSE; tostdout = FALSE; splitme = TRUE; blocksize = 1; postbegin = NULL; useslowsend = FALSE; nostatus = INTERACTIVE; setbuf(stdout, NULL); } /* End if */ if ( useslowsend == TRUE ) { /* last resort only - not recommended */ quiet = FALSE; splitme = FALSE; if ( blocksize > 1024 ) /* don't send too much all at once */ blocksize = 1024; } /* End if */ if ( tostdout == TRUE && fp_log == stderr ) fp_log = NULL; if ( line == NULL && (interactive == TRUE || tostdout == TRUE) ) error(FATAL, "a printer line must be supplied - use the -l option"); if ( (block = malloc(blocksize)) == NULL ) error(FATAL, "no memory"); endmesg = mesg + sizeof mesg - 2; /* one byte from last position in mesg */ setupline(); /* configure the communications line */ setupstdin(0); /* save current stdin terminal settings */ } /* End of initialize */ /*****************************************************************************/ start() { /* * * Tries to put the printer in the IDLE state before anything important is sent. * Run as a single process no matter what has been assigned to splitme. Separate * read and write processes, if requested, will be created after we're done here. * */ logit("printer startup\n"); currentstate = START; clearline(); while ( 1 ) switch ( getstatus(1) ) { case IDLE: case INTERACTIVE: if ( postbegin != NULL && *postbegin != '\0' ) Write(ttyo, postbegin, strlen(postbegin)); clearline(); return; case BUSY: if ( sendctrlC == TRUE ) { Write(ttyo, "\003", 1); Rest(1); } /* End if */ break; case WAITING: case ERROR: case FLUSHING: Write(ttyo, "\004", 1); Rest(1); break; case PRINTERERROR: Rest(15); break; case DISCONNECT: error(FATAL, "Disconnected - printer may be offline"); break; case ENDOFJOB: case UNKNOWN: clearline(); break; default: Rest(1); break; } /* End switch */ } /* End of start */ /*****************************************************************************/ split() { int pid; void interrupt(); /* * * If splitme is TRUE we fork a process, make the parent handle reading, and let * the child take care of writing. resetline() (file ifdef.c) contains all the * system dependent code needed to reset the communications line for separate * read and write processes. For now it's expected to return TRUE or FALSE and * that value controls whether we try the fork. I've only tested the two process * stuff for System V. Other versions of resetline() may just be dummy procedures * that always return FALSE. If the fork() failed previous versions continued as * a single process, although the implementation wasn't quite right, but I've now * decided to quit. The main reason is a Datakit channel may be configured to * flow control data in both directions, and if we run postio over that channel * as a single process we likely will end up in deadlock. * */ if ( splitme == TRUE ) if ( resetline() == TRUE ) { pid = getpid(); signal(joinsig, interrupt); if ( (otherpid = fork()) == -1 ) error(FATAL, "can't fork"); else if ( otherpid == 0 ) { whatami = WRITE; nostatus = WRITEPROCESS; otherpid = pid; setupstdin(1); } else whatami = READ; } else if ( interactive == TRUE || tostdout == TRUE ) error(FATAL, "can't create two process - check resetline()"); else error(NON_FATAL, "running as a single process - check resetline()"); canread = (whatami & READ) ? TRUE : FALSE; canwrite = (whatami & WRITE) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* End of split */ /*****************************************************************************/ arguments() { int fd_in; /* next input file */ /* * * Makes sure all the non-option command line arguments are processed. If there * aren't any arguments left when we get here we'll send stdin. Input files are * only read and sent to the printer if canwrite is TRUE. Checking it here means * we won't have to do it in send(). If interactive mode is TRUE we'll stay here * forever sending stdin when we run out of files - exit with a break. Actually * the loop is bogus and used at most once when we're in interactive mode because * stdin is in a pseudo raw mode and the read() in readblock() should never see * the end of file. * */ if ( canwrite == TRUE ) do /* loop is for interactive mode */ if ( argc < 1 ) send(fileno(stdin), "pipe.end"); else { while ( argc > 0 ) { if ( (fd_in = open(*argv, O_RDONLY)) == -1 ) error(FATAL, "can't open %s", *argv); send(fd_in, *argv); close(fd_in); argc--; argv++; } /* End while */ } /* End else */ while ( interactive == TRUE ); } /* End of arguments */ /*****************************************************************************/ send(fd_in, name) int fd_in; /* next input file */ char *name; /* and it's pathname */ { /* * * Sends file *name to the printer. There's nothing left here that depends on * sending and receiving status reports, although it can be reassuring to know * the printer is responding and processing our job. Only the writer gets here * in the two process implementation, and in that case split() has reset nostatus * to WRITEPROCESS and that's what getstatus() always returns. For now we accept * the IDLE state and ENDOFJOB as legitimate and ignore the INITIALIZING state. * */ if ( interactive == FALSE ) logit("sending file %s\n", name); currentstate = SEND; if ( useslowsend == TRUE ) { slowsend(fd_in); return; } /* End if */ while ( readblock(fd_in) ) switch ( getstatus(0) ) { case IDLE: case BUSY: case WAITING: case PRINTING: case ENDOFJOB: case PRINTERERROR: case UNKNOWN: case NOSTATUS: case WRITEPROCESS: case INTERACTIVE: writeblock(); break; case ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "%s", mesg); /* for csw */ error(USER_FATAL, "PostScript Error"); break; case FLUSHING: error(USER_FATAL, "Flushing Job"); break; case DISCONNECT: error(FATAL, "Disconnected - printer may be offline"); break; } /* End switch */ } /* End of send */ /*****************************************************************************/ done() { int sleeptime = 15; /* for 'out of paper' etc. */ /* * * Tries to stay connected to the printer until we're reasonably sure the job is * complete. It's the only way we can recover error messages or data generated by * the PostScript program and returned over the communication line. Actually doing * it correctly for all possible PostScript jobs is more difficult that it might * seem. For example if we've sent several jobs, each with their own EOF mark, then * waiting for ENDOFJOB won't guarantee all the jobs have completed. Even waiting * for IDLE isn't good enough. Checking for the WAITING state after all the files * have been sent and then sending an EOF may be the best approach, but even that * won't work all the time - we could miss it or might not get there. Even sending * our own special PostScript job after all the input files has it's own different * set of problems, but probably could work (perhaps by printing a fake status * message or just not timing out). Anyway it's probably not worth the trouble so * for now we'll quit if writedone is TRUE and we get ENDOFJOB or IDLE. * * If we're running separate read and write processes the reader gets here after * after split() while the writer goes to send() and only gets here after all the * input files have been transmitted. When they're both here the writer sends the * reader signal joinsig and that forces writedone to TRUE in the reader. At that * point the reader can begin looking for an indication of the end of the job. * The writer hangs around until the reader kills it (usually in cleanup()) sending * occasional status requests. * */ if ( canwrite == TRUE ) logit("waiting for end of job\n"); currentstate = DONE; writedone = (whatami == READWRITE) ? TRUE : FALSE; while ( 1 ) { switch ( getstatus(1) ) { case WRITEPROCESS: if ( writedone == FALSE ) { sendsignal(joinsig); Write(ttyo, "\004", 1); writedone = TRUE; sleeptime = 1; } /* End if */ Rest(sleeptime++); break; case WAITING: Write(ttyo, "\004", 1); Rest(1); sleeptime = 15; break; case IDLE: case ENDOFJOB: if ( writedone == TRUE ) { logit("job complete\n"); return; } /* End if */ break; case BUSY: case PRINTING: case INTERACTIVE: sleeptime = 15; break; case PRINTERERROR: Rest(sleeptime++); break; case ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "%s", mesg); /* for csw */ error(USER_FATAL, "PostScript Error"); return; case FLUSHING: error(USER_FATAL, "Flushing Job"); return; case DISCONNECT: error(FATAL, "Disconnected - printer may be offline"); return; default: Rest(1); break; } /* End switch */ if ( sleeptime > 60 ) sleeptime = 60; } /* End while */ } /* End of done */ /*****************************************************************************/ cleanup() { int w; /* * * Only needed if we're running separate read and write processes. Makes sure the * write process is killed after the read process has successfully finished with * all the jobs. sendsignal() returns a -1 if there's nobody to signal so things * work when we're running a single process. * */ while ( sendsignal(SIGKILL) != -1 && (w = wait((int *)0)) != otherpid && w != -1 ) ; } /* End of cleanup */ /*****************************************************************************/ readblock(fd_in) int fd_in; /* current input file */ { static long blocknum = 1; /* * * Fills the input buffer with the next block, provided we're all done with the * last one. Blocks from fd_in are stored in array block[]. head is the index * of the next byte in block[] that's supposed to go to the printer. tail points * one past the last byte in the current block. head is adjusted in writeblock() * after each successful write, while head and tail are reset here each time * a new block is read. Returns the number of bytes left in the current block. * Read errors cause the program to abort. The fake status message that's put out * in quiet mode is only so you can look at the log file and know something's * happening - take it out if you want. * */ if ( head >= tail ) { /* done with the last block */ if ( (tail = read(fd_in, block, blocksize)) == -1 ) error(FATAL, "error reading input file"); if ( quiet == TRUE && tail > 0 ) /* put out a fake message? */ logit("%%%%[ status: busy; block: %d ]%%%%\n", blocknum++); head = 0; } /* End if */ return(tail - head); } /* End of readblock */ /*****************************************************************************/ writeblock() { int count; /* bytes successfully written */ /* * * Called from send() when it's OK to send the next block to the printer. head * is adjusted after the write, and the number of bytes that were successfully * written is returned to the caller. * */ if ( (count = write(ttyo, &block[head], tail - head)) == -1 ) error(FATAL, "error writing to %s", line); else if ( count == 0 ) error(FATAL, "printer appears to be offline"); head += count; return(count); } /* End of writeblock */ /*****************************************************************************/ getstatus(t) int t; /* sleep time after sending '\024' */ { int gotline = FALSE; /* value returned by readline() */ int state = nostatus; /* representation of the current state */ int mesgch; /* to restore mesg[] when tostdout == TRUE */ static int laststate = NOSTATUS; /* last state recognized */ /* * * Looks for things coming back from the printer on the communications line, parses * complete lines retrieved by readline(), and returns an integer representation * of the current printer status to the caller. If nothing was available a status * request (control T) is sent to the printer and nostatus is returned to the * caller (provided quiet isn't TRUE). Interactive mode either never returns from * readline() or returns FALSE. * */ if ( canread == TRUE && (gotline = readline()) == TRUE ) { state = parsemesg(); if ( state != laststate || state == UNKNOWN || mesgptr != mesg || debug == ON ) logit("%s", mesg); if ( tostdout == TRUE && currentstate != START ) { mesgch = *mesgptr; *mesgptr = '\0'; fprintf(stdout, "%s", mesg); fflush(stdout); *mesgptr = mesgch; /* for ERROR in send() and done() */ } /* End if */ return(laststate = state); } /* End if */ if ( (quiet == FALSE || currentstate != SEND) && (tostdout == FALSE || currentstate == START) && interactive == FALSE ) { if ( Write(ttyo, "\024", 1) != 1 ) error(FATAL, "printer appears to be offline"); if ( t > 0 ) Rest(t); } /* End if */ return(nostatus); } /* End of getstatus */ /*****************************************************************************/ parsemesg() { char *e; /* end of printer message in mesg[] */ char *key, *val; /* keyword/value strings in sbuf[] */ char *p; /* for converting to lower case etc. */ int i; /* where *key was found in status[] */ /* * * Parsing the lines that readline() stores in mesg[] is messy, and what's done * here isn't completely correct nor as fast as it could be. The general format * of lines that come back from the printer (assuming no data loss) is: * * str%%[ key: val; key: val; key: val ]%%\n * * where str can be most anything not containing a newline and printer reports * (eg. status or error messages) are bracketed by "%%[ " and " ]%%" strings and * end with a newline. Usually we'll have the string or printer report but not * both. For most jobs the leading string will be empty, but could be anything * generated on a printer and returned over the communications line using the * PostScript print operator. I'll assume PostScript jobs are well behaved and * never bracket their messages with "%%[ " and " ]%%" strings that delimit status * or error messages. * * Printer reports consist of one or more key/val pairs, and what we're interested * in (status or error indications) may not be the first pair in the list. In * addition we'll sometimes want the value associated with a keyword (eg. when * key = status) and other times we'll want the keyword (eg. when key = Error or * Flushing). The last pair isn't terminated by a semicolon and a value string * often contains many space separated words and it can even include colons in * meaningful places. I've also decided to continue converting things to lower * case before doing the lookup in status[]. The isupper() test is for Berkeley * systems. * */ if ( *(mesgptr = find("%%[ ", mesg)) != '\0' && *(e = find(" ]%%", mesgptr+4)) != '\0' ) { strcpy(sbuf, mesgptr+4); /* don't change mesg[] */ sbuf[e-mesgptr-4] = '\0'; /* ignore the trailing " ]%%" */ for ( key = strtok(sbuf, " :"); key != NULL; key = strtok(NULL, " :") ) { if ( (val = strtok(NULL, ";")) != NULL && strcmp(key, "status") == 0 ) key = val; for ( ; *key == ' '; key++ ) ; /* skip any leading spaces */ for ( p = key; *p; p++ ) /* convert to lower case */ if ( *p == ':' ) { *p = '\0'; break; } else if ( isupper(*p) ) *p = tolower(*p); for ( i = 0; status[i].state != NULL; i++ ) if ( strcmp(status[i].state, key) == 0 ) return(status[i].val); } /* End for */ } else if ( strcmp(mesg, "CONVERSATION ENDED.\n") == 0 ) return(DISCONNECT); return(mesgptr == '\0' ? nostatus : UNKNOWN); } /* End of parsemesg */ /*****************************************************************************/ char *find(str1, str2) char *str1; /* look for this string */ char *str2; /* in this one */ { char *s1, *s2; /* can't change str1 or str2 too fast */ /* * * Looks for *str1 in string *str2. Returns a pointer to the start of the substring * if it's found or to the end of string str2 otherwise. * */ for ( ; *str2 != '\0'; str2++ ) { for ( s1 = str1, s2 = str2; *s1 != '\0' && *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++ ) ; if ( *s1 == '\0' ) break; } /* End for */ return(str2); } /* End of find */ /*****************************************************************************/ clearline() { /* * * Reads characters from the input line until nothing's left. Don't do anything if * we're currently running separate read and write processes. * */ if ( whatami == READWRITE ) while ( readline() != FALSE ) ; } /* End of clearline */ /*****************************************************************************/ sendsignal(sig) int sig; /* this goes to the other process */ { /* * * Sends signal sig to the other process if we're running as separate read and * write processes. Returns the result of the kill if there's someone else to * signal or -1 if we're running alone. * */ if ( whatami != READWRITE && otherpid > 1 ) return(kill(otherpid, sig)); return(-1); } /* End of sendsignal */ /*****************************************************************************/ void interrupt(sig) int sig; /* signal that we caught */ { /* * * Caught a signal - all except joinsig cause the program to quit. joinsig is the * signal sent by the writer to the reader after all the jobs have been transmitted. * Used to tell the read process when it can start looking for the end of the job. * */ signal(sig, SIG_IGN); if ( sig != joinsig ) { x_stat |= FATAL; if ( canread == TRUE ) if ( interactive == FALSE ) error(NON_FATAL, "signal %d abort", sig); else error(NON_FATAL, "quitting"); quit(sig); } /* End if */ writedone = TRUE; signal(joinsig, interrupt); } /* End of interrupt */ /*****************************************************************************/ logit(mesg, a1, a2, a3) char *mesg; /* control string */ unsigned a1, a2, a3; /* and possible arguments */ { /* * * Simple routine that's used to write a message to the log file. * */ if ( mesg != NULL && fp_log != NULL ) { fprintf(fp_log, mesg, a1, a2, a3); fflush(fp_log); } /* End if */ } /* End of logit */ /*****************************************************************************/ error(kind, mesg, a1, a2, a3) int kind; /* FATAL or NON_FATAL error */ char *mesg; /* error message control string */ unsigned a1, a2, a3; /* control string arguments */ { FILE *fp_err; /* * * Called when we've run into some kind of program error. First *mesg is printed * using the control string arguments a?. If kind is FATAL and we're not ignoring * errors the program will be terminated. If mesg is NULL or *mesg is the NULL * string nothing will be printed. * */ fp_err = (fp_log != NULL) ? fp_log : stderr; if ( mesg != NULL && *mesg != '\0' ) { fprintf(fp_err, "%s: ", prog_name); fprintf(fp_err, mesg, a1, a2, a3); putc('\n', fp_err); } /* End if */ x_stat |= kind; if ( kind != NON_FATAL && ignore == OFF ) quit(SIGTERM); } /* End of error */ /*****************************************************************************/ quit(sig) int sig; { int w; /* * * Makes sure everything is properly cleaned up if there's a signal or FATAL error * that should cause the program to terminate. The sleep by the write process is * to help give the reset sequence a chance to reach the printer before we break * the connection - primarily for printers connected to Datakit. There's a very * slight chance the reset sequence that's sent to the printer could get us stuck * here. Simplest solution is don't bother to send it - everything works without it. * Flushing ttyo would be better, but means yet another system dependent procedure * in ifdef.c! I'll leave things be for now. * * Obscure problem on PS-810 turbos says wait a bit after sending an interrupt. * Seem to remember the printer getting into a bad state immediately after the * top was opened when the toner light was on. A sleep after sending the ctrl-C * seemed to fix things. * */ signal(sig, SIG_IGN); ignore = ON; while ( sendsignal(sig) != -1 && (w = wait((int *)0)) != otherpid && w != -1 ) ; setupstdin(2); if ( currentstate != NOTCONNECTED ) { if ( sendctrlC == TRUE ) { Write(ttyo, "\003", 1); Rest(1); /* PS-810 turbo problem?? */ } /* End if */ Write(ttyo, "\004", 1); } /* End if */ alarm(0); /* prevents sleep() loop on V9 systems */ Rest(2); exit(x_stat); } /* End of quit */ /*****************************************************************************/ Rest(t) int t; { /* * * Used to replace sleep() calls. Only needed if we're running the program as * a read and write process and don't want to have the read process sleep. Most * sleeps are in the code because of the non-blocking read used by the single * process implementation. Probably should be a macro. * */ if ( t > 0 && canwrite == TRUE ) sleep(t); } /* End of Rest */ /*****************************************************************************/ Read(fd, buf, n) int fd; char *buf; int n; { int count; /* * * Used to replace some of the read() calls. Only needed if we're running separate * read and write processes. Should only be used to replace read calls on ttyi. * Always returns 0 to the caller if the process doesn't have its READ flag set. * Probably should be a macro. * */ if ( canread == TRUE ) { if ( (count = read(fd, buf, n)) == -1 && errno == EINTR ) count = 0; } else count = 0; return(count); } /* End of Read */ /*****************************************************************************/ Write(fd, buf, n) int fd; char *buf; int n; { int count; /* * * Used to replace some of the write() calls. Again only needed if we're running * separate read and write processes. Should only be used to replace write calls * on ttyo. Always returns n to the caller if the process doesn't have its WRITE * flag set. Should also probably be a macro. * */ if ( canwrite == TRUE ) { if ( (count = write(fd, buf, n)) == -1 && errno == EINTR ) count = n; } else count = n; return(count); } /* End of Write */ /*****************************************************************************/