ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/pic/circgen.c/
#include <stdio.h> #include "pic.h" #include "" obj *circgen(int type) { static double rad[2] = { HT2, WID2 }; static double rad2[2] = { HT2, HT2 }; int i, at, t, with, battr; double xwith, ywith; double r, r2, ddval, fillval; obj *p, *ppos; Attr *ap; battr = at = 0; with = xwith = ywith = fillval = ddval = 0; t = (type == CIRCLE) ? 0 : 1; if (type == CIRCLE) r = r2 = getfval("circlerad"); else if (type == ELLIPSE) { r = getfval("ellipsewid") / 2; r2 = getfval("ellipseht") / 2; } for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) { ap = &attr[i]; switch (ap->a_type) { case TEXTATTR: savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p); break; case RADIUS: r = ap->a_val.f; break; case DIAMETER: case WIDTH: r = ap->a_val.f / 2; break; case HEIGHT: r2 = ap->a_val.f / 2; break; case SAME: r = rad[t]; r2 = rad2[t]; break; case WITH: with = ap->a_val.i; break; case AT: ppos = ap->a_val.o; curx = ppos->o_x; cury = ppos->o_y; at++; break; case INVIS: battr |= INVIS; break; case NOEDGE: battr |= NOEDGEBIT; break; case DOT: case DASH: battr |= ap->a_type==DOT ? DOTBIT : DASHBIT; if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT) ddval = getfval("dashwid"); else ddval = ap->a_val.f; break; case FILL: battr |= FILLBIT; if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT) fillval = getfval("fillval"); else fillval = ap->a_val.f; break; } } if (type == CIRCLE) r2 = r; /* probably superfluous */ if (with) { switch (with) { case NORTH: ywith = -r2; break; case SOUTH: ywith = r2; break; case EAST: xwith = -r; break; case WEST: xwith = r; break; case NE: xwith = -r * 0.707; ywith = -r2 * 0.707; break; case SE: xwith = -r * 0.707; ywith = r2 * 0.707; break; case NW: xwith = r * 0.707; ywith = -r2 * 0.707; break; case SW: xwith = r * 0.707; ywith = r2 * 0.707; break; } curx += xwith; cury += ywith; } if (!at) { if (isright(hvmode)) curx += r; else if (isleft(hvmode)) curx -= r; else if (isup(hvmode)) cury += r2; else cury -= r2; } p = makenode(type, 2); p->o_val[0] = rad[t] = r; p->o_val[1] = rad2[t] = r2; if (r <= 0 || r2 <= 0) { ERROR "%s has invalid radius %g\n", (type==CIRCLE) ? "circle" : "ellipse", r<r2 ? r : r2 WARNING; } p->o_attr = battr; p->o_ddval = ddval; p->o_fillval = fillval; extreme(curx+r, cury+r2); extreme(curx-r, cury-r2); if (type == CIRCLE) dprintf("C %g %g %g\n", curx, cury, r); if (type == ELLIPSE) dprintf("E %g %g %g %g\n", curx, cury, r, r2); if (isright(hvmode)) curx += r; else if (isleft(hvmode)) curx -= r; else if (isup(hvmode)) cury += r2; else cury -= r2; return(p); }