ref: 66d1c9d169b68fd9ba51752ff0aa784f49db62a2
dir: /sys/src/cmd/7c/txt.c/
#include "gc.h" void ginit(void) { Type *t; thechar = '7'; thestring = "alpha"; exregoffset = REGEXT; exfregoffset = FREGEXT; listinit(); nstring = 0; mnstring = 0; nrathole = 0; pc = 0; breakpc = -1; continpc = -1; cases = C; firstp = P; lastp = P; tfield = types[TLONG]; typeword = typechlvp; typecmplx = typesu; = P; = AGOK; zprog.reg = NREG; zprog.from.type = D_NONE; = D_NONE; zprog.from.reg = NREG; = zprog.from; regnode.op = OREGISTER; regnode.class = CEXREG; regnode.reg = REGTMP; regnode.complex = 0; regnode.addable = 11; regnode.type = types[TLONG]; constnode.op = OCONST; constnode.class = CXXX; constnode.complex = 0; constnode.addable = 20; constnode.type = types[TLONG]; fconstnode.op = OCONST; fconstnode.class = CXXX; fconstnode.complex = 0; fconstnode.addable = 20; fconstnode.type = types[TDOUBLE]; nodsafe = new(ONAME, Z, Z); nodsafe->sym = slookup(".safe"); nodsafe->type = types[TINT]; nodsafe->etype = types[TINT]->etype; nodsafe->class = CAUTO; complex(nodsafe); t = typ(TARRAY, types[TCHAR]); symrathole = slookup(".rathole"); symrathole->class = CGLOBL; symrathole->type = t; nodrat = new(ONAME, Z, Z); nodrat->sym = symrathole; nodrat->type = types[TIND]; nodrat->etype = TVOID; nodrat->class = CGLOBL; complex(nodrat); nodrat->type = t; nodret = new(ONAME, Z, Z); nodret->sym = slookup(".ret"); nodret->type = types[TIND]; nodret->etype = TIND; nodret->class = CPARAM; nodret = new(OIND, nodret, Z); complex(nodret); memset(reg, 0, sizeof(reg)); reg[REGZERO] = 1; } void gclean(void) { int i; Sym *s; for(i=0; i<NREG; i++) if(i != REGZERO) if(reg[i]) diag(Z, "reg %d left allocated", i); for(i=NREG; i<NREG+NREG; i+=2) if(reg[i]) diag(Z, "freg %d left allocated", i-NREG); while(mnstring) outstring("", 1L); symstring->type->width = nstring; symrathole->type->width = nrathole; for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++) for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) { if(s->type == T) continue; if(s->type->width == 0) continue; if(s->class != CGLOBL && s->class != CSTATIC) continue; if(s->type == types[TENUM]) continue; gpseudo(AGLOBL, s, nodconst(s->type->width)); } nextpc(); p->as = AEND; outcode(); } void nextpc(void) { p = alloc(sizeof(*p)); *p = zprog; p->lineno = nearln; pc++; if(firstp == P) { firstp = p; lastp = p; return; } lastp->link = p; lastp = p; } void gargs(Node *n, Node *tn1, Node *tn2) { long regs; Node fnxargs[20], *fnxp; regs = cursafe; fnxp = fnxargs; garg1(n, tn1, tn2, 0, &fnxp); /* compile fns to temps */ curarg = 0; fnxp = fnxargs; garg1(n, tn1, tn2, 1, &fnxp); /* compile normal args and temps */ cursafe = regs; } void garg1(Node *n, Node *tn1, Node *tn2, int f, Node **fnxp) { Node nod; if(n == Z) return; if(n->op == OLIST) { garg1(n->left, tn1, tn2, f, fnxp); garg1(n->right, tn1, tn2, f, fnxp); return; } if(f == 0) { if(n->complex >= FNX) { regsalloc(*fnxp, n); nod = znode; nod.op = OAS; nod.left = *fnxp; nod.right = n; nod.type = n->type; cgen(&nod, Z); (*fnxp)++; } return; } if(typesu[n->type->etype]) { regaalloc(tn2, n); if(n->complex >= FNX) { sugen(*fnxp, tn2, n->type->width); (*fnxp)++; } else sugen(n, tn2, n->type->width); return; } if(REGARG != NREG && curarg == 0 && (typechlp[n->type->etype] || typev[n->type->etype])) { regaalloc1(tn1, n); if(n->complex >= FNX) { cgen(*fnxp, tn1); (*fnxp)++; } else cgen(n, tn1); return; } if(vconst(n) == 0) { regaalloc(tn2, n); gopcode(OAS, n, Z, tn2); return; } regalloc(tn1, n, Z); if(n->complex >= FNX) { cgen(*fnxp, tn1); (*fnxp)++; } else cgen(n, tn1); regaalloc(tn2, n); gopcode(OAS, tn1, Z, tn2); regfree(tn1); } Node* nodconst(long v) { constnode.vconst = v; return &constnode; } Node* nodfconst(double d) { fconstnode.fconst = d; return &fconstnode; } void nodreg(Node *n, Node *nn, int reg) { *n = regnode; n->reg = reg; n->type = nn->type; n->lineno = nn->lineno; } void regret(Node *n, Node *nn) { int r; r = REGRET; if(typefd[nn->type->etype]) r = FREGRET+NREG; nodreg(n, nn, r); reg[r]++; } void regalloc(Node *n, Node *tn, Node *o) { int i, j; static int lasti; switch(tn->type->etype) { case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TIND: case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: if(o != Z && o->op == OREGISTER) { i = o->reg; if(i >= 0 && i < NREG - 1) goto out; } j = lasti + REGRET+1; for(i=REGRET+1; i<NREG; i++) { if(j >= NREG) j = REGRET+1; if(reg[j] == 0) { i = j; goto out; } j++; } diag(tn, "out of fixed registers"); goto err; case TFLOAT: case TDOUBLE: if(o != Z && o->op == OREGISTER) { i = o->reg; if(i >= NREG && i < NREG+NREG) goto out; } j = NREG + 12 + lasti; for(i=NREG; i<NREG+NREG; i++) { if(j >= NREG+NREG) j = NREG; if(reg[j] == 0) { i = j; goto out; } j++; } diag(tn, "out of float registers"); goto err; } diag(tn, "unknown type in regalloc: %T", tn->type); err: i = -1; out: if(i >= 0) reg[i]++; lasti++; if(lasti >= 5) lasti = 0; nodreg(n, tn, i); } void regialloc(Node *n, Node *tn, Node *o) { Node nod; nod = *tn; nod.type = types[TIND]; regalloc(n, &nod, o); } void regfree(Node *n) { int i; i = 0; if(n->op != OREGISTER && n->op != OINDREG) goto err; i = n->reg; if(i < 0 || i >= sizeof(reg)) goto err; if(reg[i] <= 0) goto err; reg[i]--; return; err: diag(n, "error in regfree: %d op %O", i, n->op); } void regsalloc(Node *n, Node *nn) { cursafe = align(cursafe, nn->type, Aaut3); maxargsafe = maxround(maxargsafe, cursafe+curarg); *n = *nodsafe; n->xoffset = -(stkoff + cursafe); n->type = nn->type; n->etype = nn->type->etype; n->lineno = nn->lineno; } void regaalloc1(Node *n, Node *nn) { nodreg(n, nn, REGARG); reg[REGARG]++; curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg1); curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg2); maxargsafe = maxround(maxargsafe, cursafe+curarg); } void regaalloc(Node *n, Node *nn) { curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg1); *n = *nn; n->op = OINDREG; n->reg = REGSP; n->xoffset = curarg + SZ_VLONG; n->complex = 0; n->addable = 20; curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg2); maxargsafe = maxround(maxargsafe, cursafe+curarg); } void regind(Node *n, Node *nn) { if(n->op != OREGISTER) { diag(n, "regind not OREGISTER"); return; } n->op = OINDREG; n->type = nn->type; } void raddr(Node *n, Prog *p) { Adr a; naddr(n, &a); if(a.type == D_CONST && a.offset == 0) { a.type = D_REG; a.reg = 0; } if(a.type != D_REG && a.type != D_FREG) { if(n) diag(n, "bad in raddr: %O", n->op); else diag(n, "bad in raddr: <null>"); p->reg = NREG; } else p->reg = a.reg; } void naddr(Node *n, Adr *a) { vlong v; a->type = D_NONE; if(n == Z) return; switch(n->op) { default: bad: diag(n, "bad in naddr: %O", n->op); break; case OREGISTER: a->type = D_REG; a->sym = S; a->reg = n->reg; if(a->reg >= NREG) { a->type = D_FREG; a->reg -= NREG; } break; case OIND: naddr(n->left, a); if(a->type == D_REG) { a->type = D_OREG; break; } if(a->type == D_CONST) { a->type = D_OREG; break; } goto bad; case OINDREG: a->type = D_OREG; a->sym = S; a->offset = n->xoffset; a->reg = n->reg; break; case ONAME: a->etype = n->etype; a->type = D_OREG; a->name = D_STATIC; a->sym = n->sym; a->offset = n->xoffset; if(n->class == CSTATIC) break; if(n->class == CEXTERN || n->class == CGLOBL) { a->name = D_EXTERN; break; } if(n->class == CAUTO) { a->name = D_AUTO; break; } if(n->class == CPARAM) { a->name = D_PARAM; break; } goto bad; case OCONST: a->sym = S; a->reg = NREG; if(typefd[n->type->etype]) { a->type = D_FCONST; a->dval = n->fconst; } else if(typev[n->type->etype]) { a->type = D_CONST; a->offset = n->vconst; } else { a->type = D_CONST; a->offset = convvtox(n->vconst, TLONG); /* alpha arithmetic */ } break; case OADDR: naddr(n->left, a); if(a->type == D_OREG) { a->type = D_CONST; break; } goto bad; case OADD: if(n->left->op == OCONST) { naddr(n->left, a); v = a->offset; naddr(n->right, a); } else { naddr(n->right, a); v = a->offset; naddr(n->left, a); } a->offset += v; break; } } void fop(int as, int f1, int f2, Node *t) { Node nod1, nod2, nod3; nodreg(&nod1, t, NREG+f1); nodreg(&nod2, t, NREG+f2); regalloc(&nod3, t, t); gopcode(as, &nod1, &nod2, &nod3); gmove(&nod3, t); regfree(&nod3); } void gmove(Node *f, Node *t) { int ft, tt, a; Node nod; double d; ft = f->type->etype; tt = t->type->etype; if(ft == TDOUBLE && f->op == OCONST) { d = f->fconst; if(d == 0.0) { a = FREGZERO; goto ffreg; } if(d == 0.5) { a = FREGHALF; goto ffreg; } if(d == 1.0) { a = FREGONE; goto ffreg; } if(d == 2.0) { a = FREGTWO; goto ffreg; } if(d == -.5) { fop(OSUB, FREGHALF, FREGZERO, t); return; } if(d == -1.0) { fop(OSUB, FREGONE, FREGZERO, t); return; } if(d == -2.0) { fop(OSUB, FREGTWO, FREGZERO, t); return; } if(d == 1.5) { fop(OADD, FREGONE, FREGHALF, t); return; } if(d == 2.5) { fop(OADD, FREGTWO, FREGHALF, t); return; } if(d == 3.0) { fop(OADD, FREGTWO, FREGONE, t); return; } } if(ft == TFLOAT && f->op == OCONST) { d = f->fconst; if(d == 0) { a = FREGZERO; ffreg: nodreg(&nod, f, NREG+a); gmove(&nod, t); return; } } /* * a load -- * put it into a register then * worry what to do with it. */ if(f->op == ONAME || f->op == OINDREG || f->op == OIND) { switch(ft) { default: a = AMOVL; break; case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: /* todo: optimise freg case? */ a = AMOVQ; #ifdef is_this_right if(typefd[tt]) { /* special case can load mem to Freg */ regalloc(&nod, t, t); gins(AMOVL, f, &nod); a = ACVTQT; if(tt == TFLOAT) a = ACVTQS; gins(a, &nod, &nod); gmove(&nod, t); regfree(&nod); return; } #endif is_this_right break; case TFLOAT: a = AMOVS; break; case TDOUBLE: a = AMOVT; break; case TCHAR: a = AMOVB; break; case TUCHAR: a = AMOVBU; break; case TSHORT: a = AMOVW; break; case TUSHORT: a = AMOVWU; break; } if(typechlp[ft] && typeilp[tt]) regalloc(&nod, t, t); else regalloc(&nod, f, t); gins(a, f, &nod); gmove(&nod, t); regfree(&nod); return; } /* * a store -- * put it into a register then * store it. */ if(t->op == ONAME || t->op == OINDREG || t->op == OIND) { switch(tt) { default: a = AMOVL; break; case TUCHAR: case TCHAR: a = AMOVB; break; case TUSHORT: case TSHORT: a = AMOVW; break; case TFLOAT: a = AMOVS; break; case TDOUBLE: a = AMOVT; break; case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: a = AMOVQ; break; } if(!typefd[ft] && vconst(f) == 0) { gins(a, f, t); return; } if(ft == tt) regalloc(&nod, t, f); else regalloc(&nod, t, Z); gmove(f, &nod); gins(a, &nod, t); regfree(&nod); return; } /* * type x type cross table */ a = AGOK; switch(ft) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: a = AMOVT; break; case TFLOAT: a = ACVTTS; if(ft == TFLOAT) a = AMOVT; break; case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TUVLONG: case TVLONG: case TIND: case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: /*warn(Z, "float to fix"); /**/ regalloc(&nod, f, Z); /* should be type float */ gins(ACVTTQ, f, &nod); gins(AMOVT, &nod, nodrat); regfree(&nod); gins(AMOVQ, nodrat, t); gmove(t, t); if(nrathole < SZ_VLONG) nrathole = SZ_VLONG; return; } break; case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: goto fxtofl; case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TIND: case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: a = AMOVL; break; case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: a = AMOVQ; break; } break; case TINT: case TUINT: case TULONG: case TLONG: case TIND: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: goto fxtofl; case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: if (ft == TULONG || ft == TUINT) { a = AMOVLU; break; } case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TIND: case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: a = AMOVQ; break; } break; case TSHORT: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: goto fxtofl; case TINT: case TUINT: case TULONG: case TLONG: case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: case TIND: a = AMOVW; break; case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: a = AMOVQ; break; } break; case TUSHORT: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: goto fxtofl; case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: case TIND: a = AMOVWU; break; case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: a = AMOVQ; break; } break; case TCHAR: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: goto fxtofl; case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: case TIND: case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: a = AMOVB; break; case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: a = AMOVQ; break; } break; case TUCHAR: switch(tt) { case TDOUBLE: case TFLOAT: fxtofl: /*warn(Z, "fix to float"); /**/ regalloc(&nod, t, Z); /* should be type float */ gins(AMOVQ, f, nodrat); gins(AMOVT, nodrat, &nod); a = ACVTQT; if(tt == TFLOAT) a = ACVTQS; gins(a, &nod, t); regfree(&nod); if(nrathole < SZ_VLONG) nrathole = SZ_VLONG; return; case TINT: case TUINT: case TLONG: case TULONG: case TVLONG: case TUVLONG: case TIND: case TSHORT: case TUSHORT: a = AMOVBU; break; case TCHAR: case TUCHAR: a = AMOVQ; break; } break; } if(a == AMOVQ || a == AMOVS || a == AMOVT) if(samaddr(f, t)) return; gins(a, f, t); } void gins(int a, Node *f, Node *t) { nextpc(); p->as = a; if(f != Z) naddr(f, &p->from); if(t != Z) naddr(t, &p->to); if(debug['g']) print("%P\n", p); } void gopcode(int o, Node *f1, Node *f2, Node *t) { int a, et; Adr ta; Node nod; et = TLONG; if(f1 != Z && f1->type != T) { if(f1->op == OCONST && t != Z && t->type != T) et = t->type->etype; else et = f1->type->etype; } a = AGOK; switch(o) { case OAS: gmove(f1, t); return; case OASADD: case OADD: a = AADDL; if(et == TFLOAT) a = AADDS; else if(et == TDOUBLE) a = AADDT; else if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = AADDQ; break; case OASSUB: case OSUB: a = ASUBL; if(et == TFLOAT) a = ASUBS; else if(et == TDOUBLE) a = ASUBT; else if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = ASUBQ; break; case OASOR: case OOR: a = AOR; break; case OASAND: case OAND: a = AAND; break; case OASXOR: case OXOR: a = AXOR; break; case OASLSHR: case OLSHR: a = ASRLL; if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = ASRLQ; break; case OASASHR: case OASHR: a = ASRAL; if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = ASRAQ; break; case OASASHL: case OASHL: a = ASLLL; if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = ASLLQ; break; case OFUNC: a = AJSR; break; case OASLMUL: case OLMUL: case OASMUL: case OMUL: a = AMULL; if(et == TFLOAT) a = AMULS; else if(et == TDOUBLE) a = AMULT; else if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = AMULQ; break; case OASDIV: case ODIV: a = ADIVL; if(et == TFLOAT) a = ADIVS; else if(et == TDOUBLE) a = ADIVT; else if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = ADIVQ; break; case OASMOD: case OMOD: a = AMODL; if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = AMODQ; break; case OASLMOD: case OLMOD: a = AMODLU; if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = AMODQU; break; case OASLDIV: case OLDIV: a = ADIVLU; if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG) a = ADIVQU; break; case OEQ: case ONE: a = ACMPEQ; if(typefd[et]) a = ACMPTEQ; else if (vconst(t) == 0) { a = (o == OEQ) ? ABEQ : ABNE; t = Z; break; } goto cmp; case OLT: case OGE: a = ACMPGT; if(typefd[et]) a = ACMPTGT; else if (vconst(t) == 0) { a = (o == OLT) ? ABLT : ABGE; t = Z; break; } goto cmp; case OLE: case OGT: a = ACMPGE; if(typefd[et]) a = ACMPTGE; else if(vconst(t) == 0) { a = (o == OLE)? ABLE: ABGT; t = Z; break; } goto cmp; case OLO: case OHS: a = ACMPUGT; goto cmp; case OLS: case OHI: a = ACMPUGE; goto cmp; cmp: nextpc(); p->as = a; raddr(f1, p); naddr(t, &p->from); regalloc(&nod, t, Z); naddr(&nod, &p->to); if(debug['g']) print("%P\n", p); if(o == OEQ || o == OLT || o == OLE || o == OLO || o == OLS) a = typefd[et]? AFBNE: ABNE; else a = typefd[et]? AFBEQ: ABEQ; nextpc(); p->as = a; naddr(&nod, &p->from); regfree(&nod); if(debug['g']) print("%P\n", p); return; } if(a == AGOK) diag(Z, "bad in gopcode %O", o); nextpc(); p->as = a; if(f1 != Z) naddr(f1, &p->from); if(f2 != Z) { naddr(f2, &ta); p->reg = ta.reg; if(ta.type == D_CONST && ta.offset == 0) p->reg = REGZERO; } if(t != Z) naddr(t, &p->to); if(debug['g']) print("%P\n", p); } samaddr(Node *f, Node *t) { if(f->op != t->op) return 0; switch(f->op) { case OREGISTER: if(f->reg != t->reg) break; return 1; } return 0; } void gbranch(int o) { int a; a = AGOK; switch(o) { case ORETURN: a = ARET; break; case OGOTO: a = AJMP; break; } nextpc(); if(a == AGOK) { diag(Z, "bad in gbranch %O", o); nextpc(); } p->as = a; } void patch(Prog *op, long pc) { op->to.offset = pc; op->to.type = D_BRANCH; } void gpseudo(int a, Sym *s, Node *n) { nextpc(); p->as = a; p->from.type = D_OREG; p->from.sym = s; if(a == ATEXT) p->reg = (profileflg ? 0 : NOPROF); p-> = D_EXTERN; if(s->class == CSTATIC) p-> = D_STATIC; naddr(n, &p->to); if(a == ADATA || a == AGLOBL) pc--; } int sconst(Node *n) { vlong vv; if(n->op == OCONST) { if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) { vv = n->vconst; if(vv >= -32766LL && vv < 32766LL) return 1; } } return 0; } int sval(long v) { if(v >= -32766L && v < 32766L) return 1; return 0; } int bval(vlong v) { if(v >= 0LL && v < 256LL) return 1; return 0; } int bconst(Node *n) { vlong vv; if(n->op == OCONST) { if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) { vv = n->vconst; if(vv >= 0LL && vv < 256LL) return 1; } } return 0; } long exreg(Type *t) { long o; if(typechlp[t->etype]) { if(exregoffset <= 12) return 0; o = exregoffset; exregoffset--; return o; } if(typefd[t->etype]) { if(exfregoffset <= 19) return 0; o = exfregoffset + NREG; exfregoffset--; return o; } return 0; } schar ewidth[NTYPE] = { -1, /* [TXXX] */ SZ_CHAR, /* [TCHAR] */ SZ_CHAR, /* [TUCHAR] */ SZ_SHORT, /* [TSHORT] */ SZ_SHORT, /* [TUSHORT] */ SZ_INT, /* [TINT] */ SZ_INT, /* [TUINT] */ SZ_LONG, /* [TLONG] */ SZ_LONG, /* [TULONG] */ SZ_VLONG, /* [TVLONG] */ SZ_VLONG, /* [TUVLONG] */ SZ_FLOAT, /* [TFLOAT] */ SZ_DOUBLE, /* [TDOUBLE] */ SZ_IND, /* [TIND] */ 0, /* [TFUNC] */ -1, /* [TARRAY] */ 0, /* [TVOID] */ -1, /* [TSTRUCT] */ -1, /* [TUNION] */ SZ_INT, /* [TENUM] */ }; long ncast[NTYPE] = { 0, /* [TXXX] */ BCHAR|BUCHAR, /* [TCHAR] */ BCHAR|BUCHAR, /* [TUCHAR] */ BSHORT|BUSHORT, /* [TSHORT] */ BSHORT|BUSHORT, /* [TUSHORT] */ BINT|BUINT|BLONG|BULONG|BIND, /* [TINT] */ BINT|BUINT|BLONG|BULONG|BIND, /* [TUINT] */ BINT|BUINT|BLONG|BULONG|BIND, /* [TLONG] */ BINT|BUINT|BLONG|BULONG|BIND, /* [TULONG] */ BVLONG|BUVLONG, /* [TVLONG] */ BVLONG|BUVLONG, /* [TUVLONG] */ BFLOAT, /* [TFLOAT] */ BDOUBLE, /* [TDOUBLE] */ BLONG|BULONG|BIND, /* [TIND] */ 0, /* [TFUNC] */ 0, /* [TARRAY] */ 0, /* [TVOID] */ BSTRUCT, /* [TSTRUCT] */ BUNION, /* [TUNION] */ 0, /* [TENUM] */ };