ref: 57e07865953412c7cf8ae579d7a748c1540d629e
dir: /sys/include/dtracy.h/
#pragma lib "libdtracy.a" #pragma src "/sys/src/libdtracy" /* triggered probes run in "probe context", which involves grabbing a per-CPU lock using dtmachlock/dtmachunlock. everything else in the library assumes that the calling code has grabbed a global lock (which is done in 9/port/devtracy.c). */ enum { DTSTRMAX = 256, DTRECMAX = 1024, DTMAXAGGBUF = 16, DTBUFSZ = 65536, DTANUMBUCKETS = 1024, DTABUCKETS = DTBUFSZ - 4 * DTANUMBUCKETS, }; #define DTANIL ((u32int)-1) typedef struct DTProbe DTProbe; typedef struct DTExprState DTExprState; typedef struct DTAct DTAct; typedef struct DTActGr DTActGr; typedef struct DTClause DTClause; typedef struct DTEnab DTEnab; typedef struct DTChan DTChan; typedef struct DTExpr DTExpr; typedef struct DTProvider DTProvider; typedef struct DTAgg DTAgg; typedef struct DTBuf DTBuf; typedef struct DTTrigInfo DTTrigInfo; /* we assign all pairs (probe,action-group) (called an enabling or DTEnab) a unique ID called EPID. we could also use probe IDs and action group IDs but using a single 32-bit ID for both is more flexible/efficient. epid == -1 indicates a fault record (see below) */ struct DTEnab { u32int epid; DTActGr *gr; DTEnab *probnext, *probprev; DTEnab *channext; DTProbe *prob; }; /* probes are never freed */ struct DTProbe { int nenable; char *name; DTEnab enablist; DTProvider *prov; void *aux; /* for the provider */ DTProbe *provnext; }; struct DTProvider { char *name; /* provide() is called when the user first uses a provider. provide() should call dtpnew() to create probes. */ void (*provide)(DTProvider *); int (*enable)(DTProbe *); /* enable the probe. return >= 0 for success and < 0 for failure */ void (*disable)(DTProbe *); /* disable the probe */ /* for the library, not the provider */ DTProbe *probes; int provided; }; /* the dtracy vm is a simple RISC machine with (currently) 16 64-bit registers. all operations are 64-bit. instruction encoding: 31:24 opcode 23:16 a 15:8 b 7:0 c */ enum { /* Rc = Ra (op) Rb */ DTE_ADD = 0x00, DTE_SUB = 0x01, DTE_MUL = 0x02, DTE_SDIV = 0x03, DTE_SMOD = 0x04, DTE_UDIV = 0x05, DTE_UMOD = 0x06, DTE_AND = 0x07, DTE_OR = 0x08, DTE_XOR = 0x09, DTE_XNOR = 0x0A, DTE_LSL = 0x0B, /* logical shift left */ DTE_LSR = 0x0C, /* logical shift right */ DTE_ASR = 0x0D, /* arithmetic shift right */ DTE_SEQ = 0x10, /* set if equal */ DTE_SNE = 0x11, /* set if not equal */ DTE_SLT = 0x12, /* set if less than */ DTE_SLE = 0x13, /* set if less or equal */ /* immediate operations, const = 10 top bits of ab, sign extended and shifted left by 6 bottom bits */ DTE_LDI = 0x20, /* Rc = const */ DTE_XORI = 0x21, /* Rc = Rc ^ const */ /* if(Ra (op) Rb) PC += c; */ DTE_BEQ = 0x30, DTE_BNE = 0x31, DTE_BLT = 0x32, DTE_BLE = 0x33, DTE_LDV = 0x40, /* R[b] = Var[a] */ DTE_ZXT = 0x50, /* R[c] = lower b bits of R[a], zero extended, 0 < b <= 64 */ DTE_SXT = 0x51, /* R[c] = lower b bits of R[a], sign extended, 0 < b <= 64 */ DTE_RET = 0xF0, /* RET Ra */ }; #define DTE(op,a,b,c) ((op)<<24|(a)<<16|(b)<<8|(c)) struct DTExpr { int n; u32int *b; }; /* aggregation buffers are hashtables and use a different record format. there are DTANUMBUCKETS 4-byte buckets at the end of the buffer. each entry is (link,id,key,val) with a 4-byte link field for the hash chains and a 4-byte aggregation id. the aggregation id actually contains all the data in the DTAgg struct: 4-bit type 12-bit keysize in qwords 16-bit unique id the struct is just for kernel convenience */ enum { AGGCNT, AGGSUM, AGGAVG, AGGSTD, AGGMIN, AGGMAX, }; struct DTAgg { int id; u16int keysize; /* in bytes */ u16int recsize; uchar type; }; /* an action is an expression, plus info about what to do with the result */ struct DTAct { enum { ACTTRACE, /* record the result. size is the number of bytes used. 0 <= size <= 8 */ ACTTRACESTR, /* take the result to be a pointer to a null-terminated string. store it as zero-padded char[size]. */ /* ACTAGGKEY and ACTAGGVAL together record a value in an aggregation. they must occur as a pair and targ must point to an already allocated aggregation buffer. currently 0 <= size <= 8. */ ACTAGGKEY, ACTAGGVAL, ACTCANCEL, /* (must be last action) don't write anything into the main buffer. used to avoid pointless records when using aggregations. */ } type; DTExpr *p; int size; DTAgg agg; }; /* an action group is an optional predicate and a set of actions. */ struct DTActGr { u32int id; int ref; DTExpr *pred; /* if non-nil and evaluates to 0, skip the actions. */ int nact; DTAct *acts; DTChan *chan; int reclen; /* record size, including 12-byte header */ }; /* a clause lists probe wildcard expressions and an action group. only used during set-up. */ struct DTClause { int nprob; char **probs; DTActGr *gr; }; struct DTBuf { int wr; uchar data[DTBUFSZ]; }; /* a chan is the kernel representation of a client. */ struct DTChan { enum { DTCSTOP, DTCGO, DTCFAULT, } state; char errstr[64]; u32int epidalloc; /* lowest unused EPID */ /* we have 2 buffers per cpu, one for writing and one for reading. dtcread() swaps them if empty. */ DTBuf **wrbufs; DTBuf **rdbufs; /* aggregations use separate buffers */ DTBuf **aggwrbufs; DTBuf **aggrdbufs; /* list of enablings. */ DTEnab *enab; }; /* this struct collects the state during the execution of a probe */ struct DTTrigInfo { /* filled in by caller of dtptrigger */ u64int arg[10]; /* filled in by dtptrigger */ int machno; int epid; u64int ts; DTChan *ch; }; /* fault records are used to note when a probe had to be aborted (e.g. because of a page fault) */ enum { DTFILL = 1, /* illegal address */ }; void dtinit(int); void dtsync(void); /* probe functions */ DTProbe *dtpnew(char *, DTProvider *, void *aux); int dtpmatch(char *, DTProbe ***); int dtplist(DTProbe ***); void dtptrigger(DTProbe *, DTTrigInfo *); /* expression functions */ int dteverify(DTExpr *); int dtefmt(Fmt *); #pragma varargck type "I" u32int /* action group functions */ void dtgpack(Fmt *, DTActGr *); char *dtgunpack(char *, DTActGr **); int dtgverify(DTChan *, DTActGr *); void dtgfree(DTActGr *); /* clause functions */ void dtclpack(Fmt *, DTClause *); char *dtclunpack(char *, DTClause **); void dtclfree(DTClause *); /* chan functions */ DTChan *dtcnew(void); void dtcfree(DTChan *); int dtcaddgr(DTChan *, char *, DTActGr *); int dtcaddcl(DTChan *, DTClause *); int dtcread(DTChan *, void *, int); int dtcaggread(DTChan *, void *, int); void dtcreset(DTChan *); void dtcrun(DTChan *, int); int dtcfault(DTTrigInfo *, int, char *, ...); /* aggbuf functions */ int dtaunpackid(DTAgg *); void dtarecord(DTChan *, int, DTAgg *, uchar *, int, s64int); extern DTProvider *dtproviders[]; extern int dtnmach; /* helper */ char *dtstrdup(char *); /* these functions are provided by the kernel interface */ uvlong dttime(void); /* return current timestamp */ void *dtrealloc(void *, ulong); void dtfree(void *); void *dtmalloc(ulong); int dtmachlock(int); /* lock the per-cpu lock */ void dtmachunlock(int); /* unlock the per-cpu lock */ void dtcoherence(void); /* memory barrier */ uvlong dtgetvar(int); /* return the value of a variable */ int dtpeek(uvlong, void*, int); /* safe memmemove(). returns -1 on error. */ enum { DTV_ARG0, DTV_ARG1, DTV_ARG2, DTV_ARG3, DTV_ARG4, DTV_ARG5, DTV_ARG6, DTV_ARG7, DTV_ARG8, DTV_ARG9, DTV_PID, DTV_MACHNO, DTV_TIME, DTV_PROBE, DTNVARS, }; extern char *dtvarnames[DTNVARS];