ref: 55373a649820a952ca26f5f315a8a2c60997a480
dir: /sys/src/games/music/jukefs/parse.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "object.h" #include "catset.h" #include "parse.h" #define MAXTOKEN 1024 Biobuf *f; static int str; char *file; Token tokenlistinit[] = { { "category", Obj, Category , "music" , {nil,0}}, { "cddata", Obj, Cddata , nil , {nil,0}}, { "command", Obj, Cmd , nil , {nil,0}}, { "file", Obj, File , "file" , {nil,0}}, { "include", Obj, Include , nil , {nil,0}}, { "key", Obj, Key , nil , {nil,0}}, { "lyrics", Obj, Lyrics , "lyrics" , {nil,0}}, { "part", Obj, Part , "title" , {nil,0}}, { "path", Obj, Path , nil , {nil,0}}, { "performance",Obj, Performance , "artist" , {nil,0}}, { "recording", Obj, Recording , "title" , {nil,0}}, { "root", Obj, Root , nil , {nil,0}}, { "search", Obj, Search , nil , {nil,0}}, { "soloists", Obj, Soloists , "artist" , {nil,0}}, { "time", Obj, Time , "time" , {nil,0}}, { "track", Obj, Track , "title" , {nil,0}}, { "work", Obj, Work , "title" , {nil,0}}, }; Token *tokenlist; int ntoken = nelem(tokenlistinit); int catnr = 0; Cmdlist cmdlist[] = { { Sort, "sort" }, { Enum, "number" }, { 0x00, 0 }, }; static char *curtext; void inittokenlist(void) { int i; ntoken = nelem(tokenlistinit); tokenlist = malloc(sizeof(tokenlistinit)); memmove(tokenlist, tokenlistinit, sizeof(tokenlistinit)); for(i = 0; i< ntoken; i++){ tokenlist[i].name = strdup(tokenlist[i].name); catsetinit(&tokenlist[i].categories, tokenlist[i].value); } curtext = smprint("{"); } Type gettoken(char *token) { char *p, *q; int i, n; Token *t; for(;;){ if(curtext){ p = &curtext[strspn(curtext, " \t")]; if(*p && *p != '\n') break; } do { str++; free(curtext); if((curtext = Brdstr(f, '\n', 0)) == nil) return Eof; } while(curtext[0] == '#'); } if(*p == '{'){ *token++ = *p; *token = 0; *p = ' '; return BraceO; } if(*p == '}'){ *token++ = *p; *token = 0; *p = ' '; return BraceC; } if(*p == '='){ *token++ = *p; *token = 0; *p = ' '; return Equals; } t = nil; n = 0; for(i = 0; i < ntoken; i++){ t = &tokenlist[i]; if(strncmp(p, t->name, n=strlen(t->name)) == 0){ q = &p[n]; if(isalnum(*q) || *q == '-') continue; q += strspn(q, " \t"); if(t->kind == Obj && *q == '{') break; if(t->kind == Cat && *q == '=') break; } } if(i < ntoken){ strcpy(token, t->name); memset(p, ' ', n); return i; } assert(strlen(token) < MAXTOKEN); if(strchr(p, '{')) sysfatal("Illegal keyword or parse error: %s", p); if((q = strchr(p, '='))){ if(q == p) goto tx; *q = 0; strcpy(token, p); assert(strlen(token) < MAXTOKEN); memset(p, ' ', q-p); *q = '='; for(q = token; *q; q++) if(!isalnum(*q) && !isspace(*q)) break; if(*q) return Txt; while(isspace(*--q)) *q = 0; return Newcat; } tx: if((q = strchr(p, '}'))){ *q = 0; strcpy(token, p); assert(strlen(token) < MAXTOKEN); memset(p, ' ', q-p); *q = '}'; return Txt; } strcpy(token, p); assert(strlen(token) < MAXTOKEN); free(curtext); curtext = nil; return Txt; } Object * getobject(Type t, Object *parent) { char *token; char *textbuf; char *tp, *p, *q; int i; Object *o, *oo, *child; Token *ot; Type nt; token = malloc(MAXTOKEN); textbuf = malloc(8192); tp = textbuf; o = newobject(t, parent); o->flags |= Hier; if(parent == nil){ root = o; o->path = strdup(startdir); setmalloctag(o->path, 0x100001); } if(gettoken(token) != BraceO) sysfatal("Parse error: no brace, str %d", str); for(;;){ t = gettoken(token); if(t >= 0) switch(tokenlist[t].kind){ case Obj: switch(t){ case Key: case Cmd: case Path: if(getobject(t, o) != nil) sysfatal("Non-null child?"); break; case Include: case Category: child = getobject(t, o); if(child) addchild(o, child, "case Category"); break; default: /* subobject */ child = getobject(t, o); if(child == nil) sysfatal("Null child?"); addchild(o, child, "default"); break; } break; case Cat: catcase: nt = gettoken(token); if(nt != Equals) sysfatal("Expected Equals, not %s", token); nt = gettoken(token); if(nt != Txt) sysfatal("Expected Text, not %s", token); if((p = strchr(token, '\n'))) *p = 0; p = token; if(o->type == Category){ if(catsetisset(&o->categories)){ fprint(2, "Category object must have one category\n"); } catsetcopy(&o->categories, &tokenlist[t].categories); strncpy(o->key, p, KEYLEN); if(catobjects[t] == 0) sysfatal("Class %s not yet defined", tokenlist[t].name); for(i = 0; i < catobjects[t]->nchildren; i++) if(strcmp(catobjects[t]->children[i]->key, p) == 0) break; if(i == catobjects[t]->nchildren){ /* It's a new key for the category */ addchild(catobjects[t], o, "new key for cat"); }else{ /* Key already existed */ oo = catobjects[t]->children[i]; if(oo->value) sysfatal("Duplicate category object for %s", oo->value); catobjects[t]->children[i] = o; if(oo->nchildren){ for(i = 0; i < oo->nchildren; i++){ if(oo->children[i]->parent == oo) oo->children[i]->parent = o; addchild(o, oo->children[i], "key already existed"); } } freeobject(oo, "a"); } o->parent = catobjects[t]; }else{ catsetorset(&o->categories, &tokenlist[t].categories); for(i = 0; i < catobjects[t]->nchildren; i++) if(strcmp(catobjects[t]->children[i]->key, p) == 0) break; if(i == catobjects[t]->nchildren){ oo = newobject(Category, catobjects[t]); /* oo->value = strdup(token); */ strncpy(oo->key, p, KEYLEN); catsetcopy(&oo->categories, &tokenlist[t].categories); addchild(catobjects[t], oo, "catobjects[t],oo"); } addchild(catobjects[t]->children[i], o, "children[i]"); } break; } else switch(t){ case Eof: if(o->type == Root){ free(token); free(textbuf); return o; } sysfatal("Unexpected Eof in %s, file %s", tokenlist[o->type].name, file); case Newcat: /* New category, make an entry in the tokenlist */ tokenlist = realloc(tokenlist, (ntoken+1)*sizeof(Token)); ot = &tokenlist[ntoken]; ot->name = strdup(token); setmalloctag(ot->name, 0x100002); ot->kind = Cat; ot->value = -1; memset(&ot->categories, 0, sizeof(Catset)); catsetinit(&ot->categories, catnr++); /* And make an entry in the catobjects table */ if(ncat <= ntoken){ catobjects = realloc(catobjects, (ntoken+1)*sizeof(Object*)); while(ncat <= ntoken) catobjects[ncat++] = nil; } if(catobjects[ntoken] != nil) sysfatal("Class %s already defined in %s:%d", token, file, str); if(0) fprint(2, "newcat: token %s catnr %d ntoken %d ncat %d\n", token, catnr, ntoken, ncat); catobjects[ntoken] = newobject(Category, root); if(o->type == Category) catobjects[ntoken]->flags = o->flags&Hier; catobjects[ntoken]->flags |= Sort; strncpy(catobjects[ntoken]->key, token, KEYLEN); catsetcopy(&catobjects[ntoken]->categories, &ot->categories); addchild(root, catobjects[ntoken], "root"); t = ntoken; ntoken++; goto catcase; case Txt: strcpy(tp, token); tp += strlen(token); break; case BraceC: while(tp > textbuf && tp[-1] == '\n') *--tp = 0; if((o->type == File || o->type == Include) && o->path){ o->value = smprint("%s/%s", o->path, textbuf); }else if(tp > textbuf){ o->value = strdup(textbuf); setmalloctag(o->value, 0x100003); } switch(o->type){ case Cmd: q = strtok(o->value, " \t,;\n"); while(q){ if(*q) for(i = 0; cmdlist[i].name; i++){ if(strcmp(q, cmdlist[i].name) == 0){ o->parent->flags |= cmdlist[i].flag; break; } if(cmdlist[i].name == 0) fprint(2, "Unknown command: %s\n", q); } q = strtok(nil, " \t,;\n"); } freeobject(o, "b"); free(token); free(textbuf); return nil; case Path: p = o->value; free(o->parent->path); if(p[0] == '/' || o->path == nil){ o->parent->path = strdup(p); setmalloctag(o->parent->path, 0x100004); }else{ o->parent->path = smprint("%s/%s", o->path, p); setmalloctag(o->parent->path, 0x100005); } freeobject(o, "b"); free(token); free(textbuf); return nil; case Include: free(token); free(textbuf); return getinclude(o); case Category: /* if(o->nchildren) break; */ free(token); free(textbuf); return nil; case Key: strncpy(o->parent->key, o->value, KEYLEN); freeobject(o, "d"); free(token); free(textbuf); return nil; default: break; } free(token); free(textbuf); return o; default: fprint(2, "Unexpected token: %s\n", token); free(token); free(textbuf); return nil; } } } Object * getinclude(Object *o) { char *savetext; Biobuf *savef = f; char *savefile, fname[256]; Object *oo; int savestr = str; char token[MAXTOKEN], *dirname, *filename; Type t; str = 0; if(curtext){ savetext = strdup(curtext); setmalloctag(savetext, 0x100006); }else savetext = nil; if((f = Bopen(o->value, OREAD)) == nil) sysfatal("getinclude: %s: %r", o->value); savefile = file; file = strdup(o->value); strncpy(fname, o->value, 256); if((filename = strrchr(fname, '/'))){ *filename = 0; dirname = fname; filename++; }else{ dirname = ""; filename = fname; } while((t = gettoken(token)) != Eof){ if(t < 0){ if(*dirname) sysfatal("Bad include file %s/%s, token %s, str %d", dirname, filename, token, str); else sysfatal("Bad include file %s, token %s, str %d", filename, token, str); } free(o->path); o->path = strdup(dirname); setmalloctag(o->path, 0x100007); oo = getobject(t, o->parent); if(oo) addchild(o->parent, oo, "o->parent, oo"); } freeobject(o, "e"); free(curtext); curtext = nil; if(savetext) curtext = savetext; free(file); file = savefile; str = savestr; Bterm(f); f = savef; return nil; } void addchild(Object *parent, Object *child, char *where) { int i; /* First check if child's already been added * This saves checking elsewhere */ for(i = 0; i < parent->nchildren; i++) if(parent->children[i] == child) return; parent->children = realloc(parent->children, (i+1)*sizeof(Object*)); parent->children[i] = child; parent->nchildren++; if(parent->type == Category && child->type == Category) return; if(parent->type == Work && child->type == Work) return; if(parent->type == Work && child->type == Track) return; if(parent->type == Track && child->type == File) return; if(child->parent == child) return; if(parent->type == Root) return; if(parent->parent->type == Root) return; // addcatparent(parent, child); i = child->ncatparents; if(0) fprint(2, "addcatparent %s parent %d type %d child %d type %d\n",where, parent->tabno, parent->type, child->tabno, child->type); child->catparents = realloc(child->catparents, (i+1)*sizeof(Object*)); child->catparents[i] = parent; child->ncatparents++; } void addcatparent(Object *parent, Object *child) { int i; /* First check if child's already been added * This saves checking elsewhere */ if(child->parent == child) return; // for(i = 0; i < child->ncatparents; i++) // if(child->catparents[i] == parent) return; i = child->ncatparents; fprint(2, "addcatparent parent %d child %d\n", parent->tabno, child->tabno); child->catparents = realloc(child->catparents, (i+1)*sizeof(Object*)); child->catparents[i] = parent; child->ncatparents++; } void sortprep(char *out, int n, Object *o) { char *p, *q; if(*o->key) q = o->key; else if (o->value) q = o->value; else q = ""; if(p = strchr(q, '~')) p++; else p = q; for(q = out; *p && q < out+n-1; q++) *q = tolower(*p++); *q = 0; } void childsort(Object *o) { Object *oo; int i, j, n; char si[256], sj[256]; /* sort the kids by key or by value */ n = o->nchildren; if(n > 1){ for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++){ sortprep(si, nelem(si), o->children[i]); for(j = i+1; j < n; j++){ sortprep(sj, nelem(sj), o->children[j]); if(strncmp(si, sj, sizeof(si)) > 0){ oo = o->children[i]; o->children[i] = o->children[j]; o->children[j] = oo; strncpy(si, sj, sizeof(si)); } } } } } void childenum(Object *o){ Object *oo; int i, n = 1; for(i = 0; i < o->nchildren; i++){ oo = o->children[i]; if(tokenlist[oo->type].kind == Cat) oo->num = n++; else switch(oo->type){ case Category: case Part: case Recording: case Track: case Work: oo->num = n++; default: break; } } } Object * newobject(Type t, Object *parent){ Object *o; int tabno; if(hotab){ for(tabno = 0; tabno < notab; tabno++) if(otab[tabno] == nil) break; if(tabno == notab) sysfatal("lost my hole"); hotab--; }else{ if(sotab < notab+1){ sotab += 512; otab = realloc(otab, sizeof(Object*)*sotab); if(otab == nil) sysfatal("realloc: %r"); } tabno = notab++; } o = mallocz(sizeof(Object), 1); o->tabno = tabno; otab[tabno] = o; o->type = t; o->parent = parent; if(parent && parent->path){ o->path = strdup(parent->path); setmalloctag(o->path, 0x100008); } return o; } void freeobject(Object *o, char*){ free(o->children); if(o->orig == nil) free(o->value); free(o->path); free(o->catparents); catsetfree(&o->categories); otab[o->tabno] = nil; hotab++; free(o); } void freetree(Object *o) { int i; for(i = 0; i < o->nchildren; i++) if(o->children[i]->parent == o) freetree(o->children[i]); free(o->children); if(o->orig == nil) free(o->value); free(o->path); free(o->catparents); catsetfree(&o->categories); otab[o->tabno] = nil; hotab++; free(o); }