ref: 4a80d9d029891e056a7badeeea8e3b588efd694b
dir: /sys/src/ape/cmd/make/gram.y/
%{#include "defs.h" %} %term NAME SHELLINE START MACRODEF COLON DOUBLECOLON GREATER AMPER AMPERAMPER %union { struct shblock *yshblock; depblkp ydepblock; nameblkp ynameblock; } %type <yshblock> SHELLINE, shlist, shellist %type <ynameblock> NAME, namelist %type <ydepblock> deplist, dlist %% %{ struct depblock *pp; static struct shblock *prevshp; static struct nameblock *lefts[NLEFTS]; struct nameblock *leftp; static int nlefts; struct lineblock *lp, *lpp; static struct depblock *prevdep; static int sepc; static int allnowait; static struct fstack { FILE *fin; char *fname; int lineno; } filestack[MAXINCLUDE]; static int ninclude = 0; %} file: | file comline ; comline: START | MACRODEF | START namelist deplist shellist = { while( --nlefts >= 0) { wildp wp; leftp = lefts[nlefts]; if(wp = iswild(leftp->namep)) { leftp->septype = SOMEDEPS; if(lastwild) lastwild->next = wp; else firstwild = wp; lastwild = wp; } if(leftp->septype == 0) leftp->septype = sepc; else if(leftp->septype != sepc) { if(! wp) fprintf(stderr, "Inconsistent rules lines for `%s'\n", leftp->namep); } else if(sepc==ALLDEPS && leftp->namep[0]!='.' && $4!=0) { for(lp=leftp->linep; lp->nxtlineblock; lp=lp->nxtlineblock) if(lp->shp) fprintf(stderr, "Multiple rules lines for `%s'\n", leftp->namep); } lp = ALLOC(lineblock); lp->nxtlineblock = NULL; lp->depp = $3; lp->shp = $4; if(wp) wp->linep = lp; if(equal(leftp->namep, ".SUFFIXES") && $3==0) leftp->linep = 0; else if(leftp->linep == 0) leftp->linep = lp; else { for(lpp = leftp->linep; lpp->nxtlineblock; lpp = lpp->nxtlineblock) ; if(sepc==ALLDEPS && leftp->namep[0]=='.') lpp->shp = 0; lpp->nxtlineblock = lp; } } } | error ; namelist: NAME = { lefts[0] = $1; nlefts = 1; } | namelist NAME = { lefts[nlefts++] = $2; if(nlefts>=NLEFTS) fatal("Too many lefts"); } ; deplist: { char junk[100]; sprintf(junk, "%s:%d", filestack[ninclude-1].fname, yylineno); fatal1("Must be a separator on rules line %s", junk); } | dlist ; dlist: sepchar = { prevdep = 0; $$ = 0; allnowait = NO; } | sepchar AMPER = { prevdep = 0; $$ = 0; allnowait = YES; } | dlist NAME = { pp = ALLOC(depblock); pp->nxtdepblock = NULL; pp->depname = $2; pp->nowait = allnowait; if(prevdep == 0) $$ = pp; else prevdep->nxtdepblock = pp; prevdep = pp; } | dlist AMPER = { if(prevdep) prevdep->nowait = YES; } | dlist AMPERAMPER ; sepchar: COLON = { sepc = ALLDEPS; } | DOUBLECOLON = { sepc = SOMEDEPS; } ; shellist: = {$$ = 0; } | shlist = { $$ = $1; } ; shlist: SHELLINE = { $$ = $1; prevshp = $1; } | shlist SHELLINE = { $$ = $1; prevshp->nxtshblock = $2; prevshp = $2; } ; %% static char *zznextc; /* null if need another line; otherwise points to next char */ static int yylineno; static FILE * fin; static int retsh(char *); static int nextlin(void); static int isinclude(char *); int yyparse(void); int parse(char *name) { FILE *stream; if(name == CHNULL) { stream = NULL; name = "(builtin-rules)"; } else if(equal(name, "-")) { stream = stdin; name = "(stdin)"; } else if( (stream = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) return NO; filestack[0].fname = copys(name); ninclude = 1; fin = stream; yylineno = 0; zznextc = 0; if( yyparse() ) fatal("Description file error"); if(fin) fclose(fin); return YES; } int yylex(void) { char *p; char *q; char word[INMAX]; if(! zznextc ) return nextlin() ; while( isspace(*zznextc) ) ++zznextc; switch(*zznextc) { case '\0': return nextlin() ; case '|': if(zznextc[1]==':') { zznextc += 2; return DOUBLECOLON; } break; case ':': if(*++zznextc == ':') { ++zznextc; return DOUBLECOLON; } return COLON; case '>': ++zznextc; return GREATER; case '&': if(*++zznextc == '&') { ++zznextc; return AMPERAMPER; } return AMPER; case ';': return retsh(zznextc) ; } p = zznextc; q = word; while( ! ( funny[*p] & TERMINAL) ) *q++ = *p++; if(p != zznextc) { *q = '\0'; if((yylval.ynameblock=srchname(word))==0) yylval.ynameblock = makename(word); zznextc = p; return NAME; } else { char junk[100]; sprintf(junk, "Bad character %c (octal %o), line %d of file %s", *zznextc, *zznextc, yylineno, filestack[ninclude-1].fname); fatal(junk); } return 0; /* never executed */ } static int retsh(char *q) { register char *p; struct shblock *sp; for(p=q+1 ; *p==' '||*p=='\t' ; ++p) ; sp = ALLOC(shblock); sp->nxtshblock = NULL; sp->shbp = (fin ? copys(p) : p ); yylval.yshblock = sp; zznextc = 0; return SHELLINE; } static int nextlin(void) { static char yytext[INMAX]; static char *yytextl = yytext+INMAX; char *text, templin[INMAX]; char c; char *p, *t; char lastch, *lastchp; extern char **linesptr; int incom; int kc; again: incom = NO; zznextc = 0; if(fin == NULL) { if( (text = *linesptr++) == 0) return 0; ++yylineno; } else { for(p = text = yytext ; p<yytextl ; *p++ = kc) switch(kc = getc(fin)) { case '\t': if(p == yytext) incom = YES; break; case ';': incom = YES; break; case '#': if(! incom) kc = '\0'; break; case '\n': do { ++yylineno; if(p==yytext || p[-1]!='\\') { *p = '\0'; goto endloop; } p[-1] = ' '; while( (kc=getc(fin))=='\t' || kc==' ') ; } while(kc == '\n'); if(kc != EOF) break; case EOF: *p = '\0'; if(ninclude > 1) { register struct fstack *stp; fclose(fin); --ninclude; stp = filestack + ninclude; fin = stp->fin; yylineno = stp->lineno; free(stp->fname); goto again; } return 0; } fatal("line too long"); } endloop: if((c = text[0]) == '\t') return retsh(text) ; if(isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c==' ' || c=='.'|| c=='_') for(p=text+1; *p!='\0'; ) if(*p == ':') break; else if(*p++ == '=') { eqsign(text); return MACRODEF; } /* substitute for macros on dependency line up to the semicolon if any */ for(t = yytext ; *t!='\0' && *t!=';' ; ++t) ; lastchp = t; lastch = *t; *t = '\0'; /* replace the semi with a null so subst will stop */ subst(yytext, templin); /* Substitute for macros on dependency lines */ if(lastch) /* copy the stuff after the semicolon */ { *lastchp = lastch; strcat(templin, lastchp); } strcpy(yytext, templin); /* process include files after macro substitution */ if(strncmp(text, "include", 7) == 0) { if (isinclude(text+7)) goto again; } for(p = zznextc = text ; *p ; ++p ) if(*p!=' ' && *p!='\t') return START; goto again; } static int isinclude(char *s) { char *t; struct fstack *p; for(t=s; *t==' ' || *t=='\t' ; ++t) ; if(t == s) return NO; for(s = t; *s!='\n' && *s!='#' && *s!='\0' ; ++s) if(*s == ':') return NO; *s = '\0'; if(ninclude >= MAXINCLUDE) fatal("include depth exceeded"); p = filestack + ninclude; p->fin = fin; p->lineno = yylineno; p->fname = copys(t); if( (fin = fopen(t, "r")) == NULL) fatal1("Cannot open include file %s", t); yylineno = 0; ++ninclude; return YES; } int yyerror(char *s, ...) { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "line %d of file %s: %s", yylineno, filestack[ninclude-1].fname, s); fatal(buf); return -1; }