ref: 4983adfa2cd403eda22d862917c2ff5ed35b48b3
dir: /sys/src/cmd/webcookies.c/
/* * Cookie file system. Allows hget and multiple webfs's to collaborate. * Conventionally mounted on /mnt/webcookies. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ndb.h> #include <fcall.h> #include <thread.h> #include <9p.h> #include <ctype.h> int debug = 0; typedef struct Cookie Cookie; typedef struct Jar Jar; struct Cookie { /* external info */ char* name; char* value; char* dom; /* starts with . */ char* path; char* version; char* comment; /* optional, may be nil */ uint expire; /* time of expiration: ~0 means when webcookies dies */ int secure; int explicitdom; /* dom was explicitly set */ int explicitpath; /* path was explicitly set */ int netscapestyle; /* internal info */ int deleted; int mark; int ondisk; }; struct Jar { Cookie *c; int nc; int mc; Qid qid; int dirty; char *file; char *lockfile; }; struct { char *s; int offset; int ishttp; } stab[] = { "domain", offsetof(Cookie, dom), 1, "path", offsetof(Cookie, path), 1, "name", offsetof(Cookie, name), 0, "value", offsetof(Cookie, value), 0, "comment", offsetof(Cookie, comment), 1, "version", offsetof(Cookie, version), 1, }; struct { char *s; int offset; } itab[] = { "expire", offsetof(Cookie, expire), "secure", offsetof(Cookie, secure), "explicitdomain", offsetof(Cookie, explicitdom), "explicitpath", offsetof(Cookie, explicitpath), "netscapestyle", offsetof(Cookie, netscapestyle), }; #pragma varargck type "J" Jar* #pragma varargck type "K" Cookie* /* HTTP format */ int jarfmt(Fmt *fmt) { int i; Jar *jar; jar = va_arg(fmt->args, Jar*); if(jar == nil || jar->nc == 0) return fmtstrcpy(fmt, ""); fmtprint(fmt, "Cookie: "); if(jar->c[0].version) fmtprint(fmt, "$Version=%s; ", jar->c[0].version); for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) fmtprint(fmt, "%s%s=%s", i ? "; ":"", jar->c[i].name, jar->c[i].value); fmtprint(fmt, "\r\n"); return 0; } /* individual cookie */ int cookiefmt(Fmt *fmt) { int j, k, first; char *t; Cookie *c; c = va_arg(fmt->args, Cookie*); first = 1; for(j=0; j<nelem(stab); j++){ t = *(char**)((char*)c+stab[j].offset); if(t == nil) continue; if(first) first = 0; else fmtprint(fmt, " "); fmtprint(fmt, "%s=%q", stab[j].s, t); } for(j=0; j<nelem(itab); j++){ k = *(int*)((char*)c+itab[j].offset); if(k == 0) continue; if(first) first = 0; else fmtprint(fmt, " "); fmtprint(fmt, "%s=%ud", itab[j].s, k); } return 0; } /* * sort cookies: * - alpha by name * - alpha by domain * - longer paths first, then alpha by path (RFC2109 4.3.4) */ int cookiecmp(Cookie *a, Cookie *b) { int i; if((i = strcmp(a->name, b->name)) != 0) return i; if((i = cistrcmp(a->dom, b->dom)) != 0) return i; if((i = strlen(b->path) - strlen(a->path)) != 0) return i; if((i = strcmp(a->path, b->path)) != 0) return i; return 0; } int exactcookiecmp(Cookie *a, Cookie *b) { int i; if((i = cookiecmp(a, b)) != 0) return i; if((i = strcmp(a->value, b->value)) != 0) return i; if(a->version || b->version){ if(!a->version) return -1; if(!b->version) return 1; if((i = strcmp(a->version, b->version)) != 0) return i; } if(a->comment || b->comment){ if(!a->comment) return -1; if(!b->comment) return 1; if((i = strcmp(a->comment, b->comment)) != 0) return i; } if((i = b->expire - a->expire) != 0) return i; if((i = b->secure - a->secure) != 0) return i; if((i = b->explicitdom - a->explicitdom) != 0) return i; if((i = b->explicitpath - a->explicitpath) != 0) return i; if((i = b->netscapestyle - a->netscapestyle) != 0) return i; return 0; } void freecookie(Cookie *c) { int i; for(i=0; i<nelem(stab); i++) free(*(char**)((char*)c+stab[i].offset)); } void copycookie(Cookie *c) { int i; char **ps; for(i=0; i<nelem(stab); i++){ ps = (char**)((char*)c+stab[i].offset); if(*ps) *ps = estrdup9p(*ps); } } void delcookie(Jar *j, Cookie *c) { int i; j->dirty = 1; i = c - j->c; if(i < 0 || i >= j->nc) abort(); c->deleted = 1; } void addcookie(Jar *j, Cookie *c) { int i; if(!c->name || !c->value || !c->path || !c->dom){ fprint(2, "not adding incomplete cookie\n"); return; } if(debug) fprint(2, "add %K\n", c); for(i=0; i<j->nc; i++) if(cookiecmp(&j->c[i], c) == 0){ if(debug) fprint(2, "cookie %K matches %K\n", &j->c[i], c); if(exactcookiecmp(&j->c[i], c) == 0){ if(debug) fprint(2, "\texactly\n"); j->c[i].mark = 0; return; } delcookie(j, &j->c[i]); } j->dirty = 1; if(j->nc == j->mc){ j->mc += 16; j->c = erealloc9p(j->c, j->mc*sizeof(Cookie)); } j->c[j->nc] = *c; copycookie(&j->c[j->nc]); j->nc++; } void purgejar(Jar *j) { int i; for(i=j->nc-1; i>=0; i--){ if(!j->c[i].deleted) continue; freecookie(&j->c[i]); --j->nc; j->c[i] = j->c[j->nc]; } } void addtojar(Jar *jar, char *line, int ondisk) { Cookie c; int i, j, nf, *pint; char *f[20], *attr, *val, **pstr; memset(&c, 0, sizeof c); c.expire = ~0; c.ondisk = ondisk; nf = tokenize(line, f, nelem(f)); for(i=0; i<nf; i++){ attr = f[i]; if((val = strchr(attr, '=')) != nil) *val++ = '\0'; else val = ""; /* string attributes */ for(j=0; j<nelem(stab); j++){ if(strcmp(stab[j].s, attr) == 0){ pstr = (char**)((char*)&c+stab[j].offset); *pstr = val; } } /* integer attributes */ for(j=0; j<nelem(itab); j++){ if(strcmp(itab[j].s, attr) == 0){ pint = (int*)((char*)&c+itab[j].offset); if(val[0]=='\0') *pint = 1; else *pint = strtoul(val, 0, 0); } } } if( || c.value==nil || c.dom==nil || c.path==nil){ if(debug) fprint(2, "ignoring fractional cookie %K\n", &c); return; } addcookie(jar, &c); } Jar* newjar(void) { Jar *jar; jar = emalloc9p(sizeof(Jar)); return jar; } int expirejar(Jar *jar, int exiting) { int i, n; uint now; now = time(0); n = 0; for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++){ if(jar->c[i].expire < now || (exiting && jar->c[i].expire==~0)){ delcookie(jar, &jar->c[i]); n++; } } return n; } int syncjar(Jar *jar) { int i, fd, doread, dowrite; char *line; Biobuf *b; Dir *d; Qid q; if(jar->file==nil) return 0; doread = 0; dowrite = jar->dirty; q = jar->qid; if((d = dirstat(jar->file)) == nil) dowrite = 1; else { if(q.path != d->qid.path || q.vers != d->qid.vers){ q = d->qid; doread = 1; } free(d); } if(!doread && !dowrite) return 0; fd = -1; for(i=0; i<50; i++){ if((fd = create(jar->lockfile, OWRITE, DMEXCL|0600)) < 0){ sleep(100); continue; } break; } if(fd < 0){ if(debug) fprint(2, "open %s: %r", jar->lockfile); werrstr("cannot acquire jar lock: %r"); return -1; } if(doread){ for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) /* mark is cleared by addcookie */ jar->c[i].mark = jar->c[i].ondisk; if((b = Bopen(jar->file, OREAD)) == nil){ if(debug) fprint(2, "Bopen %s: %r", jar->file); werrstr("cannot read cookie file %s: %r", jar->file); close(fd); return -1; } for(; (line = Brdstr(b, '\n', 1)) != nil; free(line)){ if(*line == '#') continue; addtojar(jar, line, 1); } Bterm(b); for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) if(jar->c[i].mark) delcookie(jar, &jar->c[i]); } purgejar(jar); if(dowrite){ i = create(jar->file, OWRITE, 0600); if(i < 0 || (b = Bfdopen(i, OWRITE)) == nil){ if(debug) fprint(2, "Bopen write %s: %r", jar->file); if(i >= 0) close(i); close(fd); return -1; } Bprint(b, "# webcookies cookie jar\n"); Bprint(b, "# comments and non-standard fields will be lost\n"); for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++){ if(jar->c[i].expire == ~0) continue; Bprint(b, "%K\n", &jar->c[i]); jar->c[i].ondisk = 1; } Bflush(b); if((d = dirfstat(Bfildes(b))) != nil){ q = d->qid; free(d); } Bterm(b); } jar->qid = q; jar->dirty = 0; close(fd); return 0; } void closejar(Jar *jar) { int i; if(jar == nil) return; expirejar(jar, 0); if(jar->dirty) if(syncjar(jar) < 0) fprint(2, "warning: cannot rewrite cookie jar: %r\n"); for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) freecookie(&jar->c[i]); free(jar->lockfile); free(jar->file); free(jar->c); free(jar); } Jar* readjar(char *file) { char *lock, *p; Jar *jar; jar = newjar(); file = estrdup9p(file); lock = emalloc9p(strlen(file)+10); strcpy(lock, file); if((p = strrchr(lock, '/')) != nil) p++; else p = lock; memmove(p+2, p, strlen(p)+1); p[0] = 'L'; p[1] = '.'; jar->lockfile = lock; jar->file = file; jar->dirty = 0; if(syncjar(jar) < 0){ closejar(jar); return nil; } return jar; } /* * Domain name matching is per RFC2109, section 2: * * Hosts names can be specified either as an IP address or a FQHN * string. Sometimes we compare one host name with another. Host A's * name domain-matches host B's if * * * both host names are IP addresses and their host name strings match * exactly; or * * * both host names are FQDN strings and their host name strings match * exactly; or * * * A is a FQDN string and has the form NB, where N is a non-empty name * string, B has the form .B', and B' is a FQDN string. (So, * domain-matches but not * * Note that domain-match is not a commutative operation: * domain-matches, but not the reverse. * * (This does not verify that IP addresses and FQDN's are well-formed.) */ int isdomainmatch(char *name, char *pattern) { int lname, lpattern; if(cistrcmp(name, pattern + (pattern[0]=='.'))==0) return 1; if(strcmp(ipattr(name), "dom")==0 && pattern[0]=='.'){ lname = strlen(name); lpattern = strlen(pattern); if(lname >= lpattern && cistrcmp(name+lname-lpattern, pattern)==0) return 1; } return 0; } /* * RFC2109 4.3.4: * - domain must match * - path in cookie must be a prefix of request path * - cookie must not have expired */ int iscookiematch(Cookie *c, char *dom, char *path, uint now) { return isdomainmatch(dom, c->dom) && strncmp(c->path, path, strlen(c->path))==0 && c->expire >= now; } /* * Produce a subjar of matching cookies. * Secure cookies are only included if secure is set. */ Jar* cookiesearch(Jar *jar, char *dom, char *path, int issecure) { int i; Jar *j; Cookie *c; uint now; now = time(0); j = newjar(); for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++){ c = &jar->c[i]; if(!c->deleted && (issecure || !c->secure) && iscookiematch(c, dom, path, now)) addcookie(j, c); } if(j->nc == 0){ closejar(j); werrstr("no cookies found"); return nil; } qsort(j->c, j->nc, sizeof(j->c[0]), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))cookiecmp); return j; } /* * RFC2109 4.3.2 security checks */ char* isbadcookie(Cookie *c, char *dom, char *path) { if(strncmp(c->path, path, strlen(c->path)) != 0) return "cookie path is not a prefix of the request path"; if(c->explicitdom && c->dom[0] != '.') return "cookie domain doesn't start with dot"; if(strlen(c->dom)<=2 || memchr(c->dom+1, '.', strlen(c->dom)-2) == nil) return "cookie domain doesn't have embedded dots"; if(!isdomainmatch(dom, c->dom)) return "request host does not match cookie domain"; if(strcmp(ipattr(dom), "dom")==0 && strlen(dom)>strlen(c->dom) && memchr(dom, '.', strlen(dom)-strlen(c->dom)) != nil) return "request host contains dots before cookie domain"; return 0; } /* * Sunday, 25-Jan-2002 12:24:36 GMT * Sunday, 25 Jan 2002 12:24:36 GMT * Sun, 25 Jan 02 12:24:36 GMT */ int isleap(int year) { return year%4==0 && (year%100!=0 || year%400==0); } uint strtotime(char *s) { char *os; int i; Tm tm; static int mday[2][12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, }; static char *wday[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", }; static char *mon[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; os = s; /* Sunday, */ for(i=0; i<nelem(wday); i++){ if(cistrncmp(s, wday[i], strlen(wday[i])) == 0){ s += strlen(wday[i]); break; } if(cistrncmp(s, wday[i], 3) == 0){ s += 3; break; } } if(i==nelem(wday)){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad wday (%s)\n", os); return -1; } if(*s++ != ',' || *s++ != ' '){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad wday separator (%s)\n", os); return -1; } /* 25- */ if(!isdigit(s[0]) || !isdigit(s[1]) || (s[2]!='-' && s[2]!=' ')){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad day of month (%s)\n", os); return -1; } tm.mday = strtol(s, 0, 10); s += 3; /* Jan- */ for(i=0; i<nelem(mon); i++) if(cistrncmp(s, mon[i], 3) == 0){ tm.mon = i; s += 3; break; } if(i==nelem(mon)){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad month (%s)\n", os); return -1; } if(s[0] != '-' && s[0] != ' '){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad month separator (%s)\n", os); return -1; } s++; /* 2002 */ if(!isdigit(s[0]) || !isdigit(s[1])){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad year (%s)\n", os); return -1; } tm.year = strtol(s, 0, 10); s += 2; if(isdigit(s[0]) && isdigit(s[1])) s += 2; else{ if(tm.year <= 68) tm.year += 2000; else tm.year += 1900; } if(tm.mday==0 || tm.mday > mday[isleap(tm.year)][tm.mon]){ if(debug) fprint(2, "invalid day of month (%s)\n", os); return -1; } tm.year -= 1900; if(*s++ != ' '){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad year separator (%s)\n", os); return -1; } if(!isdigit(s[0]) || !isdigit(s[1]) || s[2]!=':' || !isdigit(s[3]) || !isdigit(s[4]) || s[5]!=':' || !isdigit(s[6]) || !isdigit(s[7]) || s[8]!=' '){ if(debug) fprint(2, "bad time (%s)\n", os); return -1; } tm.hour = strtol(s, 0, 10); tm.min = strtol(s+3, 0, 10); tm.sec = strtol(s+6, 0, 10); if(tm.hour >= 24 || tm.min >= 60 || tm.sec >= 60){ if(debug) fprint(2, "invalid time (%s)\n", os); return -1; } s += 9; if(cistrcmp(s, "GMT") != 0){ if(debug) fprint(2, "time zone not GMT (%s)\n", os); return -1; } strcpy(, "GMT"); tm.yday = 0; return tm2sec(&tm); } /* * skip linear whitespace. we're a bit more lenient than RFC2616 2.2. */ char* skipspace(char *s) { while(*s=='\r' || *s=='\n' || *s==' ' || *s=='\t') s++; return s; } /* * Try to identify old netscape headers. * The old headers: * - didn't allow spaces around the '=' * - used an 'Expires' attribute * - had no 'Version' attribute * - had no quotes * - allowed whitespace in values * - apparently separated attr/value pairs with ';' exclusively */ int isnetscape(char *hdr) { char *s; for(s=hdr; (s=strchr(s, '=')) != nil; s++){ if(isspace(s[1]) || (s > hdr && isspace(s[-1]))) return 0; if(s[1]=='"') return 0; } if(cistrstr(hdr, "version=")) return 0; return 1; } /* * Parse HTTP response headers, adding cookies to jar. * Overwrites the headers. May overwrite path. */ char* parsecookie(Cookie*, char*, char**, int, char*, char*); int parsehttp(Jar *jar, char *hdr, char *dom, char *path) { static char setcookie[] = "Set-Cookie:"; char *e, *p, *nextp; Cookie c; int isns, n; isns = isnetscape(hdr); n = 0; for(p=hdr; p; p=nextp){ p = skipspace(p); if(*p == '\0') break; nextp = strchr(p, '\n'); if(nextp != nil) *nextp++ = '\0'; if(debug) fprint(2, "?%s\n", p); if(cistrncmp(p, setcookie, strlen(setcookie)) != 0) continue; if(debug) fprint(2, "%s\n", p); p = skipspace(p+strlen(setcookie)); for(; *p; p=skipspace(p)){ if((e = parsecookie(&c, p, &p, isns, dom, path)) != nil){ if(debug) fprint(2, "parse cookie: %s\n", e); break; } if((e = isbadcookie(&c, dom, path)) != nil){ if(debug) fprint(2, "reject cookie; %s\n", e); continue; } addcookie(jar, &c); n++; } } return n; } static char* skipquoted(char *s) { /* * Sec 2.2 of RFC2616 defines a "quoted-string" as: * * quoted-string = ( <"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <"> ) * qdtext = <any TEXT except <">> * quoted-pair = "\" CHAR * * TEXT is any octet except CTLs, but including LWS; * LWS is [CR LF] 1*(SP | HT); * CHARs are ASCII octets 0-127; (NOTE: we reject 0's) * CTLs are octets 0-31 and 127; */ if(*s != '"') return s; for(s++; 32 <= *s && *s < 127 && *s != '"'; s++) if(*s == '\\' && *(s+1) != '\0') s++; return s; } static char* skiptoken(char *s) { /* * Sec 2.2 of RFC2616 defines a "token" as * 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>; * CHARs are ASCII octets 0-127; * CTLs are octets 0-31 and 127; * separators are "()<>@,;:\/[]?={}", double-quote, SP (32), and HT (9) */ while(32 <= *s && *s < 127 && strchr("()<>@,;:[]?={}\" \t\\", *s)==nil) s++; return s; } static char* skipvalue(char *s, int isns) { char *t; /* * An RFC2109 value is an HTTP token or an HTTP quoted string. * Netscape servers ignore the spec and rely on semicolons, apparently. */ if(isns){ if((t = strchr(s, ';')) == nil) t = s+strlen(s); return t; } if(*s == '"') return skipquoted(s); return skiptoken(s); } /* * RMID=80b186bb64c03c65fab767f8; expires=Monday, 10-Feb-2003 04:44:39 GMT; * path=/; */ char* parsecookie(Cookie *c, char *p, char **e, int isns, char *dom, char *path) { int i, done; char *t, *u, *attr, *val; memset(c, 0, sizeof *c); c->expire = ~0; /* NAME=VALUE */ t = skiptoken(p); c->name = p; p = skipspace(t); if(*p != '='){ Badname: return "malformed cookie: no NAME=VALUE"; } *t = '\0'; p = skipspace(p+1); t = skipvalue(p, isns); if(*t) *t++ = '\0'; c->value = p; p = skipspace(t); if(c->name[0]=='\0' || c->value[0]=='\0') goto Badname; done = 0; for(; *p && !done; p=skipspace(p)){ attr = p; t = skiptoken(p); u = skipspace(t); switch(*u){ case '\0': *t = '\0'; p = val = u; break; case ';': *t = '\0'; val = ""; p = u+1; break; case '=': *t = '\0'; val = skipspace(u+1); p = skipvalue(val, isns); if(*p==',') done = 1; if(*p) *p++ = '\0'; break; case ',': if(!isns){ val = ""; p = u; *p++ = '\0'; done = 1; break; } default: if(debug) fprint(2, "syntax: %s\n", p); return "syntax error"; } for(i=0; i<nelem(stab); i++) if(stab[i].ishttp && cistrcmp(stab[i].s, attr)==0) *(char**)((char*)c+stab[i].offset) = val; if(cistrcmp(attr, "expires") == 0){ if(!isns) return "non-netscape cookie has Expires tag"; if(!val[0]) return "bad expires tag"; c->expire = strtotime(val); if(c->expire == ~0) return "cannot parse netscape expires tag"; } if(cistrcmp(attr, "max-age") == 0) c->expire = time(0)+atoi(val); if(cistrcmp(attr, "secure") == 0) c->secure = 1; } *e = p; if(c->dom){ /* add leading dot for explicit domain */ if(c->dom[0] != '.' && strcmp(ipattr(c->dom), "dom") == 0){ static char ddom[1024]; ddom[0] = '.'; ddom[sizeof(ddom)-1] = '\0'; strncpy(ddom+1, c->dom, sizeof(ddom)-2); c->dom = ddom; } c->explicitdom = 1; }else c->dom = dom; if(c->path) c->explicitpath = 1; else { static char dpath[1024]; /* implicit path is "directory" of request-uri's path component */ dpath[sizeof(dpath)-1] = '\0'; strncpy(dpath, path, sizeof(dpath)-1); if((t = strrchr(dpath, '/')) != nil) t[1] = '\0'; c->path = dpath; } c->netscapestyle = isns; return nil; } Jar *jar; enum { Xhttp = 1, Xcookies, NeedUrl = 0, HaveUrl, }; typedef struct Aux Aux; struct Aux { int state; char *dom; char *path; char *inhttp; char *outhttp; char *ctext; int rdoff; }; enum { AuxBuf = 4096, MaxCtext = 16*1024*1024, }; void fsopen(Req *r) { char *s, *es; int i, sz; Aux *a; switch((uintptr)r->fid->file->aux){ case Xhttp: syncjar(jar); a = emalloc9p(sizeof(Aux)); r->fid->aux = a; a->inhttp = emalloc9p(AuxBuf); a->outhttp = emalloc9p(AuxBuf); break; case Xcookies: syncjar(jar); a = emalloc9p(sizeof(Aux)); r->fid->aux = a; if(r->ifcall.mode&OTRUNC){ a->ctext = emalloc9p(1); a->ctext[0] = '\0'; }else{ sz = 256*jar->nc+1024; /* BUG should do better */ a->ctext = emalloc9p(sz); a->ctext[0] = '\0'; s = a->ctext; es = s+sz; for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) s = seprint(s, es, "%K\n", &jar->c[i]); } break; } respond(r, nil); } void fsread(Req *r) { Aux *a; a = r->fid->aux; switch((uintptr)r->fid->file->aux){ case Xhttp: if(a->state == NeedUrl){ respond(r, "must write url before read"); return; } r->ifcall.offset = a->rdoff; readstr(r, a->outhttp); a->rdoff += r->ofcall.count; respond(r, nil); return; case Xcookies: readstr(r, a->ctext); respond(r, nil); return; default: respond(r, "bug in webcookies"); return; } } void fswrite(Req *r) { Aux *a; int i, sz, hlen, issecure; char buf[1024], *p; Jar *j; a = r->fid->aux; switch((uintptr)r->fid->file->aux){ case Xhttp: if(a->state == NeedUrl){ if(r->ifcall.count >= sizeof buf){ respond(r, "url too long"); return; } memmove(buf, r->, r->ifcall.count); buf[r->ifcall.count] = '\0'; issecure = 0; if(cistrncmp(buf, "http://", 7) == 0) hlen = 7; else if(cistrncmp(buf, "https://", 8) == 0){ hlen = 8; issecure = 1; }else{ respond(r, "url must begin http:// or https://"); return; } if(buf[hlen]=='/'){ respond(r, "url without host name"); return; } p = strchr(buf+hlen, '/'); if(p == nil) a->path = estrdup9p("/"); else { a->path = estrdup9p(p); *p = '\0'; if((p = strchr(a->path, '#')) != nil) *p = '\0'; if((p = strchr(a->path, '?')) != nil) *p = '\0'; } a->dom = estrdup9p(buf+hlen); a->state = HaveUrl; j = cookiesearch(jar, a->dom, a->path, issecure); if(debug){ fprint(2, "search %s %s got %p\n", a->dom, a->path, j); if(j){ fprint(2, "%d cookies\n", j->nc); for(i=0; i<j->nc; i++) fprint(2, "%K\n", &j->c[i]); } } snprint(a->outhttp, AuxBuf, "%J", j); closejar(j); }else{ if(strlen(a->inhttp)+r->ifcall.count >= AuxBuf){ respond(r, "http headers too large"); return; } memmove(a->inhttp+strlen(a->inhttp), r->, r->ifcall.count); } r->ofcall.count = r->ifcall.count; respond(r, nil); return; case Xcookies: sz = r->ifcall.count+r->ifcall.offset; if(sz > strlen(a->ctext)){ if(sz >= MaxCtext){ respond(r, "cookie file too large"); return; } a->ctext = erealloc9p(a->ctext, sz+1); a->ctext[sz] = '\0'; } memmove(a->ctext+r->ifcall.offset, r->, r->ifcall.count); r->ofcall.count = r->ifcall.count; respond(r, nil); return; default: respond(r, "bug in webcookies"); return; } } void fsdestroyfid(Fid *fid) { char *p, *nextp; Aux *a; int i; a = fid->aux; if(a == nil) return; switch((uintptr)fid->file->aux){ case Xhttp: parsehttp(jar, a->inhttp, a->dom, a->path); break; case Xcookies: for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) jar->c[i].mark = 1; for(p=a->ctext; *p; p=nextp){ if((nextp = strchr(p, '\n')) != nil) *nextp++ = '\0'; else nextp = ""; addtojar(jar, p, 0); } for(i=0; i<jar->nc; i++) if(jar->c[i].mark) delcookie(jar, &jar->c[i]); break; } if(jar->dirty) syncjar(jar); free(a->dom); free(a->path); free(a->inhttp); free(a->outhttp); free(a->ctext); free(a); } void fsend(Srv*) { closejar(jar); } Srv fs = { .open= fsopen, .read= fsread, .write= fswrite, .destroyfid= fsdestroyfid, .end= fsend, }; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: webcookies [-f file] [-m mtpt] [-s service]\n"); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { char *file, *mtpt, *home, *srv; file = nil; srv = nil; mtpt = "/mnt/webcookies"; ARGBEGIN{ case 'D': chatty9p++; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'f': file = EARGF(usage()); break; case 's': srv = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'm': mtpt = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND if(argc != 0) usage(); quotefmtinstall(); fmtinstall('J', jarfmt); fmtinstall('K', cookiefmt); if(file == nil){ home = getenv("home"); if(home == nil) sysfatal("no cookie file specified and no $home"); file = emalloc9p(strlen(home)+30); strcpy(file, home); strcat(file, "/lib/webcookies"); } jar = readjar(file); if(jar == nil) sysfatal("readjar: %r"); fs.tree = alloctree("cookie", "cookie", DMDIR|0555, nil); closefile(createfile(fs.tree->root, "http", "cookie", 0666, (void*)Xhttp)); closefile(createfile(fs.tree->root, "cookies", "cookie", 0666, (void*)Xcookies)); postmountsrv(&fs, srv, mtpt, MREPL); exits(nil); }