ref: 47f05d4d8b2c9f12aa77a73536f98d05c9494291
dir: /sys/src/cmd/pic/misc.c/
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "pic.h" #include "" int whatpos(obj *p, int corner, double *px, double *py); void makeattr(int type, int sub, YYSTYPE val); YYSTYPE getblk(obj *, char *); setdir(int n) /* set direction (hvmode) from LEFT, RIGHT, etc. */ { switch (n) { case UP: hvmode = U_DIR; break; case DOWN: hvmode = D_DIR; break; case LEFT: hvmode = L_DIR; break; case RIGHT: hvmode = R_DIR; break; } return(hvmode); } curdir(void) /* convert current dir (hvmode) to RIGHT, LEFT, etc. */ { switch (hvmode) { case R_DIR: return RIGHT; case L_DIR: return LEFT; case U_DIR: return UP; case D_DIR: return DOWN; } ERROR "can't happen curdir" FATAL; return 0; } double getcomp(obj *p, int t) /* return component of a position */ { switch (t) { case DOTX: return p->o_x; case DOTY: return p->o_y; case DOTWID: switch (p->o_type) { case BOX: case BLOCK: case TEXT: return p->o_val[0]; case CIRCLE: case ELLIPSE: return 2 * p->o_val[0]; case LINE: case ARROW: return p->o_val[0] - p->o_x; case PLACE: return 0; } case DOTHT: switch (p->o_type) { case BOX: case BLOCK: case TEXT: return p->o_val[1]; case CIRCLE: case ELLIPSE: return 2 * p->o_val[1]; case LINE: case ARROW: return p->o_val[1] - p->o_y; case PLACE: return 0; } case DOTRAD: switch (p->o_type) { case CIRCLE: case ELLIPSE: return p->o_val[0]; } } ERROR "you asked for a weird dimension or position" WARNING; return 0; } double exprlist[100]; int nexpr = 0; void exprsave(double f) { exprlist[nexpr++] = f; } char *sprintgen(char *fmt) { char buf[1000]; sprintf(buf, fmt, exprlist[0], exprlist[1], exprlist[2], exprlist[3], exprlist[4]); nexpr = 0; free(fmt); return tostring(buf); } void makefattr(int type, int sub, double f) /* double attr */ { YYSTYPE val; val.f = f; makeattr(type, sub, val); } void makeoattr(int type, obj *o) /* obj* attr */ { YYSTYPE val; val.o = o; makeattr(type, 0, val); } void makeiattr(int type, int i) /* int attr */ { YYSTYPE val; val.i = i; makeattr(type, 0, val); } void maketattr(int sub, char *p) /* text attribute: takes two */ { YYSTYPE val; val.p = p; makeattr(TEXTATTR, sub, val); } void addtattr(int sub) /* add text attrib to existing item */ { attr[nattr-1].a_sub |= sub; } void makevattr(char *p) /* varname attribute */ { YYSTYPE val; val.p = p; makeattr(VARNAME, 0, val); } void makeattr(int type, int sub, YYSTYPE val) /* add attribute type and val */ { if (type == 0 && val.i == 0) { /* clear table for next stat */ nattr = 0; return; } if (nattr >= nattrlist) attr = (Attr *) grow((char *)attr, "attr", nattrlist += 100, sizeof(Attr)); dprintf("attr %d: %d %d %d\n", nattr, type, sub, val.i); attr[nattr].a_type = type; attr[nattr].a_sub = sub; attr[nattr].a_val = val; nattr++; } void printexpr(double f) /* print expression for debugging */ { printf("%g\n", f); } void printpos(obj *p) /* print position for debugging */ { printf("%g, %g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y); } char *tostring(char *s) { register char *p; p = malloc(strlen(s)+1); if (p == NULL) ERROR "out of space in tostring on %s", s FATAL; strcpy(p, s); return(p); } obj *makepos(double x, double y) /* make a position cell */ { obj *p; p = makenode(PLACE, 0); p->o_x = x; p->o_y = y; return(p); } obj *makebetween(double f, obj *p1, obj *p2) /* make position between p1 and p2 */ { obj *p; dprintf("fraction = %.2f\n", f); p = makenode(PLACE, 0); p->o_x = p1->o_x + f * (p2->o_x - p1->o_x); p->o_y = p1->o_y + f * (p2->o_y - p1->o_y); return(p); } obj *getpos(obj *p, int corner) /* find position of point */ { double x, y; whatpos(p, corner, &x, &y); return makepos(x, y); } int whatpos(obj *p, int corner, double *px, double *py) /* what is the position (no side effect) */ { double x, y, x1, y1; if (p == NULL) ERROR "null object" FATAL; dprintf("whatpos %o %d %d\n", p, p->o_type, corner); x = p->o_x; y = p->o_y; if (p->o_type != PLACE && p->o_type != MOVE) { x1 = p->o_val[0]; y1 = p->o_val[1]; } switch (p->o_type) { case PLACE: break; case BOX: case BLOCK: case TEXT: switch (corner) { case NORTH: y += y1 / 2; break; case SOUTH: y -= y1 / 2; break; case EAST: x += x1 / 2; break; case WEST: x -= x1 / 2; break; case NE: x += x1 / 2; y += y1 / 2; break; case SW: x -= x1 / 2; y -= y1 / 2; break; case SE: x += x1 / 2; y -= y1 / 2; break; case NW: x -= x1 / 2; y += y1 / 2; break; case START: if (p->o_type == BLOCK) return whatpos(objlist[(int)p->o_val[2]], START, px, py); case END: if (p->o_type == BLOCK) return whatpos(objlist[(int)p->o_val[3]], END, px, py); } break; case ARC: switch (corner) { case START: if (p->o_attr & CW_ARC) { x = p->o_val[2]; y = p->o_val[3]; } else { x = x1; y = y1; } break; case END: if (p->o_attr & CW_ARC) { x = x1; y = y1; } else { x = p->o_val[2]; y = p->o_val[3]; } break; } if (corner == START || corner == END) break; x1 = y1 = sqrt((x1-x)*(x1-x) + (y1-y)*(y1-y)); /* Fall Through! */ case CIRCLE: case ELLIPSE: switch (corner) { case NORTH: y += y1; break; case SOUTH: y -= y1; break; case EAST: x += x1; break; case WEST: x -= x1; break; case NE: x += 0.707 * x1; y += 0.707 * y1; break; case SE: x += 0.707 * x1; y -= 0.707 * y1; break; case NW: x -= 0.707 * x1; y += 0.707 * y1; break; case SW: x -= 0.707 * x1; y -= 0.707 * y1; break; } break; case LINE: case SPLINE: case ARROW: switch (corner) { case START: break; /* already in place */ case END: x = x1; y = y1; break; default: /* change! */ case CENTER: x = (x+x1)/2; y = (y+y1)/2; break; case NORTH: if (y1 > y) { x = x1; y = y1; } break; case SOUTH: if (y1 < y) { x = x1; y = y1; } break; case EAST: if (x1 > x) { x = x1; y = y1; } break; case WEST: if (x1 < x) { x = x1; y = y1; } break; } break; case MOVE: /* really ought to be same as line... */ break; } dprintf("whatpos returns %g %g\n", x, y); *px = x; *py = y; return 1; } obj *gethere(void) /* make a place for curx,cury */ { dprintf("gethere %g %g\n", curx, cury); return(makepos(curx, cury)); } obj *getlast(int n, int t) /* find n-th previous occurrence of type t */ { int i, k; obj *p; k = n; for (i = nobj-1; i >= 0; i--) { p = objlist[i]; if (p->o_type == BLOCKEND) { i = p->o_val[4]; continue; } if (p->o_type != t) continue; if (--k > 0) continue; /* not there yet */ dprintf("got a last of x,y= %g,%g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y); return(p); } ERROR "there is no %dth last", n FATAL; return(NULL); } obj *getfirst(int n, int t) /* find n-th occurrence of type t */ { int i, k; obj *p; k = n; for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) { p = objlist[i]; if (p->o_type == BLOCK && t != BLOCK) { /* skip whole block */ i = p->o_val[5] + 1; continue; } if (p->o_type != t) continue; if (--k > 0) continue; /* not there yet */ dprintf("got a first of x,y= %g,%g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y); return(p); } ERROR "there is no %dth ", n FATAL; return(NULL); } double getblkvar(obj *p, char *s) /* find variable s2 in block p */ { YYSTYPE y; y = getblk(p, s); return y.f; } obj *getblock(obj *p, char *s) /* find variable s in block p */ { YYSTYPE y; y = getblk(p, s); return y.o; } YYSTYPE getblk(obj *p, char *s) /* find union type for s in p */ { static YYSTYPE bug; struct symtab *stp; if (p->o_type != BLOCK) { ERROR ".%s is not in that block", s WARNING; return(bug); } for (stp = p->o_symtab; stp != NULL; stp = stp->s_next) if (strcmp(s, stp->s_name) == 0) { dprintf("getblk %s found x,y= %g,%g\n", s, (stp->s_val.o)->o_x, (stp->s_val.o)->o_y); return(stp->s_val); } ERROR "there is no .%s in that []", s WARNING; return(bug); } obj *fixpos(obj *p, double x, double y) { dprintf("fixpos returns %g %g\n", p->o_x + x, p->o_y + y); return makepos(p->o_x + x, p->o_y + y); } obj *addpos(obj *p, obj *q) { dprintf("addpos returns %g %g\n", p->o_x+q->o_x, p->o_y+q->o_y); return makepos(p->o_x+q->o_x, p->o_y+q->o_y); } obj *subpos(obj *p, obj *q) { dprintf("subpos returns %g %g\n", p->o_x-q->o_x, p->o_y-q->o_y); return makepos(p->o_x-q->o_x, p->o_y-q->o_y); } obj *makenode(int type, int n) { obj *p; p = (obj *) calloc(1, sizeof(obj) + (n-1)*sizeof(ofloat)); if (p == NULL) ERROR "out of space in makenode" FATAL; p->o_type = type; p->o_count = n; p->o_nobj = nobj; p->o_mode = hvmode; p->o_x = curx; p->o_y = cury; p->o_nt1 = ntext1; p->o_nt2 = ntext; ntext1 = ntext; /* ready for next caller */ if (nobj >= nobjlist) objlist = (obj **) grow((char *) objlist, "objlist", nobjlist *= 2, sizeof(obj *)); objlist[nobj++] = p; return(p); } void extreme(double x, double y) /* record max and min x and y values */ { if (x > xmax) xmax = x; if (y > ymax) ymax = y; if (x < xmin) xmin = x; if (y < ymin) ymin = y; }