ref: 47bae09b33f677b9e1f5b45190ec5216f5d988e0
dir: /sys/src/cmd/postscript/tr2post/shell.lib/
# # Shell library - for building devutf tables. # RESOLUTION=720 UNITWIDTH=10 OCTALESCAPES=${OCTALESCAPES:-160} # <= code means add \0ddd names DOWNLOADVECTOR=FALSE # TRUE can mean incomplete tables # # BuiltinTables returns command lines that generate PostScript programs # for building a typesetter description file and font width tables for # a relatively standard collection of fonts. Use awk to select a command # line or modify an existing command to build a width table for a new # font. # BuiltinTables() { cat <<-'//End of BuiltinTables' Proportional R Times-Roman Proportional I Times-Italic Proportional B Times-Bold Proportional BI Times-BoldItalic Proportional AB AvantGarde-Demi Proportional AI AvantGarde-BookOblique Proportional AR AvantGarde-Book Proportional AX AvantGarde-DemiOblique Proportional H Helvetica Proportional HB Helvetica-Bold Proportional HI Helvetica-Oblique Proportional HX Helvetica-BoldOblique Proportional Hb Helvetica-Narrow-Bold Proportional Hi Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique Proportional Hr Helvetica-Narrow Proportional Hx Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique Proportional KB Bookman-Demi Proportional KI Bookman-LightItalic Proportional KR Bookman-Light Proportional KX Bookman-DemiItalic Proportional NB NewCenturySchlbk-Bold Proportional NI NewCenturySchlbk-Italic Proportional NR NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Proportional NX NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic Proportional PA Palatino-Roman Proportional PB Palatino-Bold Proportional PI Palatino-Italic Proportional PX Palatino-BoldItalic Proportional ZI ZapfChancery-MediumItalic FixedWidth C Courier FixedWidth CB Courier-Bold FixedWidth CI Courier-Oblique FixedWidth CO Courier FixedWidth CW Courier FixedWidth CX Courier-BoldOblique Dingbats ZD ZapfDingbats Greek GR Symbol Symbol S Symbol Special S1 Times-Roman Description DESC --- //End of BuiltinTables } # # AllTables prints the complete list of builtin font names. # AllTables() { BuiltinTables | awk '{print $2}' } # # Charset functions generate keyword/value pairs (as PostScript objects) # that describe the character set available in a font. The keyword is a # PostScript string that represents troff's name for the character. The # value is usually the literal name (i.e. begins with a /) assigned to # the character in the PostScript font. The value can also be an integer # or a PostScript string. An integer value is used as an index in the # current font's Encoding array. A string value is returned to the host # unchanged when the entry for the character is constructed. Entries that # have (") as their value are synonyms for the preceeding character. # # The 18 characters missing from ROM resident fonts on older printers are # flagged with the PostScript comment "% missing". # StandardCharset() { cat <<-'//End of StandardCharset' (!) /exclam (") /quotedbl (dq) (") % synonym (#) /numbersign ($) /dollar (%) /percent (&) /ampersand (') /quoteright (\() /parenleft (\)) /parenright (*) /asterisk (+) /plus (,) /comma (-) /hyphen % changed from minus by request (.) /period (/) /slash (0) /zero (1) /one (2) /two (3) /three (4) /four (5) /five (6) /six (7) /seven (8) /eight (9) /nine (:) /colon (;) /semicolon (<) /less (=) /equal (>) /greater (?) /question (@) /at (A) /A (B) /B (C) /C (D) /D (E) /E (F) /F (G) /G (H) /H (I) /I (J) /J (K) /K (L) /L (M) /M (N) /N (O) /O (P) /P (Q) /Q (R) /R (S) /S (T) /T (U) /U (V) /V (W) /W (X) /X (Y) /Y (Z) /Z ([) /bracketleft (\\) /backslash (bs) (") % synonym (]) /bracketright (^) /asciicircum (_) /underscore (`) /quoteleft (a) /a (b) /b (c) /c (d) /d (e) /e (f) /f (g) /g (h) /h (i) /i (j) /j (k) /k (l) /l (m) /m (n) /n (o) /o (p) /p (q) /q (r) /r (s) /s (t) /t (u) /u (v) /v (w) /w (x) /x (y) /y (z) /z ({) /braceleft (|) /bar (}) /braceright (~) /asciitilde (\\`) /grave % devpost character (ga) (") % synonym (!!) /exclamdown (c|) /cent (ct) (") % devpost synonym (L-) /sterling (ps) (") % devpost synonym (xo) /currency (cr) (") % devpost synonym (Y-) /yen (yn) (") % devpost synonym (||) /brokenbar % missing (so) /section (sc) (") % devpost synonym ("") /dieresis (:a) (") % devpost synonym (co) /copyright (a_) /ordfeminine (<<) /guillemotleft (-,) /logicalnot (hy) /hyphen (--) /minus (ro) /registered (rg) (") % devpost synonym (-^) /macron (-a) (") % devpost synonym (0^) /degree % missing (+-) /plusminus % missing (2^) /twosuperior % missing (3^) /threesuperior % missing (\\') /acute (aa) (") % devpost synonym (/u) /mu % missing (P!) /paragraph (pg) (") % devpost synonym (.^) /periodcentered (,,) /cedilla (,a) (") % devpost synonym (1^) /onesuperior % missing (o_) /ordmasculine (>>) /guillemotright (14) /onequarter % missing (12) /onehalf % missing (34) /threequarters % missing (??) /questiondown (A`) /Agrave (A') /Aacute (A^) /Acircumflex (A~) /Atilde (A") /Adieresis (A*) /Aring (AE) /AE (C,) /Ccedilla (E`) /Egrave (E') /Eacute (E^) /Ecircumflex (E") /Edieresis (I`) /Igrave (I') /Iacute (I^) /Icircumflex (I") /Idieresis (D-) /Eth % missing (N~) /Ntilde (O`) /Ograve (O') /Oacute (O^) /Ocircumflex (O~) /Otilde (O") /Odieresis (xx) /multiply % missing (O/) /Oslash (U`) /Ugrave (U') /Uacute (U^) /Ucircumflex (U") /Udieresis (Y') /Yacute % missing (TH) /Thorn % missing (ss) /germandbls (a`) /agrave (a') /aacute (a^) /acircumflex (a~) /atilde (a") /adieresis (a*) /aring (ae) /ae (c,) /ccedilla (e`) /egrave (e') /eacute (e^) /ecircumflex (e") /edieresis (i`) /igrave (i') /iacute (i^) /icircumflex (i") /idieresis (d-) /eth % missing (n~) /ntilde (o`) /ograve (o') /oacute (o^) /ocircumflex (o~) /otilde (o") /odieresis (-:) /divide % missing (o/) /oslash (u`) /ugrave (u') /uacute (u^) /ucircumflex (u") /udieresis (y') /yacute % missing (th) /thorn % missing (y") /ydieresis (^a) /circumflex % devpost accent (~a) /tilde % devpost accent (Ua) /breve % devpost accent (.a) /dotaccent % devpost accent (oa) /ring % devpost accent ("a) /hungarumlaut % devpost accent (Ca) /ogonek % devpost accent (va) /caron % devpost accent //End of StandardCharset } # # DingbatsCharset guarantees changes in StandardCharset don't show up in ZD. # DingbatsCharset() { cat <<-'//End of DingbatsCharset' (!) /exclam (") /quotedbl (#) /numbersign ($) /dollar (%) /percent (&) /ampersand (') /quoteright (\() /parenleft (\)) /parenright (*) /asterisk (+) /plus (,) /comma (-) /minus % also hyphen in devpost (.) /period (/) /slash (0) /zero (1) /one (2) /two (3) /three (4) /four (5) /five (6) /six (7) /seven (8) /eight (9) /nine (:) /colon (;) /semicolon (<) /less (=) /equal (>) /greater (?) /question (@) /at (A) /A (B) /B (C) /C (D) /D (E) /E (F) /F (G) /G (H) /H (I) /I (J) /J (K) /K (L) /L (M) /M (N) /N (O) /O (P) /P (Q) /Q (R) /R (S) /S (T) /T (U) /U (V) /V (W) /W (X) /X (Y) /Y (Z) /Z ([) /bracketleft (\\) /backslash (]) /bracketright (^) /asciicircum (_) /underscore (`) /quoteleft (a) /a (b) /b (c) /c (d) /d (e) /e (f) /f (g) /g (h) /h (i) /i (j) /j (k) /k (l) /l (m) /m (n) /n (o) /o (p) /p (q) /q (r) /r (s) /s (t) /t (u) /u (v) /v (w) /w (x) /x (y) /y (z) /z ({) /braceleft (|) /bar (}) /braceright (~) /asciitilde (\\`) /grave % devpost character (!!) /exclamdown (c|) /cent (L-) /sterling (xo) /currency (Y-) /yen (||) /brokenbar % missing (so) /section ("") /dieresis (co) /copyright (a_) /ordfeminine (<<) /guillemotleft (-,) /logicalnot (hy) /hyphen (ro) /registered (-^) /macron (0^) /degree % missing (+-) /plusminus % missing (2^) /twosuperior % missing (3^) /threesuperior % missing (\\') /acute (/u) /mu % missing (P!) /paragraph (.^) /periodcentered (,,) /cedilla (1^) /onesuperior % missing (o_) /ordmasculine (>>) /guillemotright (14) /onequarter % missing (12) /onehalf % missing (34) /threequarters % missing (??) /questiondown (A`) /Agrave (A') /Aacute (A^) /Acircumflex (A~) /Atilde (A") /Adieresis (A*) /Aring (AE) /AE (C,) /Ccedilla (E`) /Egrave (E') /Eacute (E^) /Ecircumflex (E") /Edieresis (I`) /Igrave (I') /Iacute (I^) /Icircumflex (I") /Idieresis (D-) /Eth % missing (N~) /Ntilde (O`) /Ograve (O') /Oacute (O^) /Ocircumflex (O~) /Otilde (O") /Odieresis (xx) /multiply % missing (O/) /Oslash (U`) /Ugrave (U') /Uacute (U^) /Ucircumflex (U") /Udieresis (Y') /Yacute % missing (TH) /Thorn % missing (ss) /germandbls (a`) /agrave (a') /aacute (a^) /acircumflex (a~) /atilde (a") /adieresis (a*) /aring (ae) /ae (c,) /ccedilla (e`) /egrave (e') /eacute (e^) /ecircumflex (e") /edieresis (i`) /igrave (i') /iacute (i^) /icircumflex (i") /idieresis (d-) /eth % missing (n~) /ntilde (o`) /ograve (o') /oacute (o^) /ocircumflex (o~) /otilde (o") /odieresis (-:) /divide % missing (o/) /oslash (u`) /ugrave (u') /uacute (u^) /ucircumflex (u") /udieresis (y') /yacute % missing (th) /thorn % missing (y") /ydieresis //End of DingbatsCharset } SymbolCharset() { cat <<-'//End of SymbolCharset' (---) /exclam (fa) /universal (---) /numbersign (te) /existential (---) /percent (---) /ampersand (st) /suchthat (---) /parenleft (---) /parenright (**) /asteriskmath (pl) /plus (---) /comma (mi) /minus (---) /period (sl) /slash (---) /zero (---) /one (---) /two (---) /three (---) /four (---) /five (---) /six (---) /seven (---) /eight (---) /nine (---) /colon (---) /semicolon (<) /less (eq) /equal (>) /greater (---) /question (cg) /congruent (*A) /Alpha (\244x) (") (*B) /Beta (\244y) (") (*X) /Chi (\244\257) (") (*D) /Delta (\244{) (") (*E) /Epsilon (\244|) (") (*F) /Phi (\244\256) (") (*G) /Gamma (\244z) (") (*Y) /Eta (\244~) (") (*I) /Iota (\244\241) (") (---) /theta1 (\244\331) (") (*K) /Kappa (\244\242) (") (*L) /Lambda (\244\243) (") (*M) /Mu (\244\244) (") (*N) /Nu (\244\245) (") (*O) /Omicron (\244\247) (") (*P) /Pi (\244\250) (") (*H) /Theta (\244\240) (") (*R) /Rho (\244\251) (") (*S) /Sigma (\244\253) (") (*T) /Tau (\244\254) (") (*U) /Upsilon (\244\255) (") (ts) /sigma1 (\244\312) (") (*W) /Omega (\244\261) (") (*C) /Xi (\244\246) (") (*Q) /Psi (\244\260) (") (*Z) /Zeta (\244}) (") (---) /bracketleft (tf) /therefore (---) /bracketright (pp) /perpendicular (ul) /underscore (_) (") % synonym (rn) /radicalex (*a) /alpha (\244\271) (") (*b) /beta (\244\272) (") (*x) /chi (\244\317) (") (*d) /delta (\244\274) (") (*e) /epsilon (\244\275) (") (*f) /phi (\244\316) (") (*g) /gamma (\244\273) (") (*y) /eta (\244\277) (") (*i) /iota (\244\301) (") (---) /phi1 (\244\335) (") (*k) /kappa (\244\302) (") (*l) /lambda (\244\303) (") (*m) /mu (\244\304) (") (*n) /nu (\244\305) (") (*o) /omicron (\244\307) (") (*p) /pi (\244\310) (") (*h) /theta (\244\300) (") (*r) /rho (\244\311) (") (*s) /sigma (\244\313) (") (*t) /tau (\244\314) (") (*u) /upsilon (\244\315) (") (---) /omega1 (\244\336) (") (*w) /omega (\244\321) (") (*c) /xi (\244\306) (") (*q) /psi (\244\320) (") (*z) /zeta (\244\276) (") (---) /braceleft (or) /bar (---) /braceright (ap) /similar (---) /Upsilon1 (fm) /minute (<=) /lessequal (fr) /fraction % devpost character (if) /infinity (fn) /florin % devpost character (---) /club (---) /diamond (---) /heart (---) /spade (ab) /arrowboth (<-) /arrowleft (ua) /arrowup (->) /arrowright (da) /arrowdown (de) /degree (+-) /plusminus (---) /second (>=) /greaterequal (mu) /multiply (pt) /proportional (pd) /partialdiff (bu) /bullet (di) /divide (!=) /notequal (==) /equivalence (~~) /approxequal (el) /ellipsis (av) /arrowvertex (ah) /arrowhorizex (CR) /carriagereturn (af) /aleph (If) /Ifraktur (Rf) /Rfraktur (ws) /weierstrass (Ox) /circlemultiply (O+) /circleplus (es) /emptyset (ca) /intersection (cu) /union (sp) /propersuperset (ip) /reflexsuperset (!b) /notsubset (sb) /propersubset (ib) /reflexsubset (mo) /element (!m) /notelement (an) /angle (gr) /gradient (rg) /registerserif (co) /copyrightserif (tm) /trademarkserif (---) /product (sr) /radical (c.) /dotmath (no) /logicalnot (l&) /logicaland (l|) /logicalor (---) /arrowdblboth (---) /arrowdblleft (---) /arrowdblup (---) /arrowdblright (---) /arrowdbldown (lz) /lozenge (b<) /angleleft (RG) /registersans (CO) /copyrightsans (TM) /trademarksans (---) /summation (LT) /parenlefttp (br) /parenleftex (LX) (") % synonym (LB) /parenleftbt (lc) /bracketlefttp (lx) /bracketleftex (lf) /bracketleftbt (lt) /bracelefttp (lk) /braceleftmid (lb) /braceleftbt (bv) /braceex (|) (") % synonym (b>) /angleright (is) /integral (---) /integraltp (---) /integralex (---) /integralbt (RT) /parenrighttp (RX) /parenrightex (RB) /parenrightbt (rc) /bracketrighttp (rx) /bracketrightex (rf) /bracketrightbt (rt) /bracerighttp (rk) /bracerightmid (rb) /bracerightbt (~=) (55 0 1) % charlib //End of SymbolCharset } SpecialCharset() { cat <<-'//End of SpecialCharset' (ru) /underscore ('') /quotedblright % devpost character (``) /quotedblleft % devpost character (dg) /dagger % devpost character (dd) /daggerdbl % devpost character (en) /endash % devpost character (\\-) (") % synonym (em) /emdash % (ff) (60 2 1) % charlib % (Fi) (84 2 1) % charlib % (Fl) (84 2 1) % charlib (14) (75 2 1) % charlib (12) (75 2 1) % charlib (34) (75 2 1) % charlib (bx) (50 2 1) % charlib (ob) (38 2 1) % charlib (ci) (75 0 1) % charlib (sq) (50 2 1) % charlib (Sl) (50 2 1) % charlib (L1) (110 1 1) % charlib (LA) (110 1 1) % charlib (LV) (110 3 1) % charlib (LH) (210 1 1) % charlib (lh) (100 0 1) % charlib (rh) (100 0 1) % charlib (lH) (100 0 1) % charlib (rH) (100 0 1) % charlib (PC) (220 2 1) % charlib (DG) (185 2 1) % charlib //End of SpecialCharset } # # Latin1 ensures a font uses the ISOLatin1Encoding vector, although only # text fonts should be re-encoded. Downloading the Encoding vector doesn't # often make sense. No ISOLatin1Encoding array likely means ROM based fonts # on your printer are incomplete. Type 1 fonts with a full Latin1 character # set appeared sometime after Version 50.0. # Latin1() { if [ "$DOWNLOADVECTOR" = TRUE ]; then cat <<-'//End of ISOLatin1Encoding' /ISOLatin1Encoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /minus /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dotlessi /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /dieresis /.notdef /ring /cedilla /.notdef /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def //End of ISOLatin1Encoding fi echo "ISOLatin1Encoding /$1 ReEncode" } # # Generating functions output PostScript programs that build font width # tables or a typesetter description file. Send the program to a printer # and the complete table will come back on the serial port. All write on # stdout and assume the prologue and other required PostScript files are # all available. # Proportional() { echo "/unitwidth $UNITWIDTH def" echo "/resolution $RESOLUTION def" echo "/octalescapes $OCTALESCAPES def" echo "/charset [" # Get <>_ and | from S. Use accents for ascii ^ and ~. StandardCharset | awk ' $1 == "(<)" && $2 == "/less" {$1 = "(---)"} $1 == "(>)" && $2 == "/greater" {$1 = "(---)"} $1 == "(_)" && $2 == "/underscore" {$1 = "(---)"} $1 == "(|)" && $2 == "/bar" {$1 = "(---)"} $1 == "(^)" && $2 == "/asciicircum" { printf "(^)\t/circumflex\n" $1 = "(---)" } $1 == "(~)" && $2 == "/asciitilde" { printf "(~)\t/tilde\n" $1 = "(---)" } {printf "%s\t%s\n", $1, $2} ' echo "] def" Latin1 $2 echo "/$2 SelectFont" echo "(opO) SetAscender" echo "(name $1\\\\n) Print" echo "(fontname $2\\\\n) Print" echo "/$1 NamedInPrologue" echo "(spacewidth ) Print 32 GetWidth Print (\n) Print" echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildFontCharset" } FixedWidth() { echo "/unitwidth $UNITWIDTH def" echo "/resolution $RESOLUTION def" echo "/octalescapes $OCTALESCAPES def" echo "/charset [" StandardCharset echo "] def" Latin1 $2 echo "/$2 SelectFont" echo "(opO) SetAscender" echo "(name $1\\\\n) Print" echo "(fontname $2\\\\n) Print" echo "/$1 NamedInPrologue" echo "(spacewidth ) Print 32 GetWidth Print (\n) Print" echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildFontCharset" } Dingbats() { echo "/unitwidth $UNITWIDTH def" echo "/resolution $RESOLUTION def" echo "/octalescapes $OCTALESCAPES def" echo "/charset [" DingbatsCharset | awk '$1 != "(---)" && $2 ~ /^\/[a-zA-Z]/ { printf "%s\tISOLatin1Encoding %s GetCode\n", $1, $2 }' echo "] def" echo "/$2 SelectFont" echo "( ) SetAscender" echo "(name $1\\\\n) Print" echo "(fontname $2\\\\n) Print" echo "/$1 NamedInPrologue" echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildFontCharset" } Greek() { echo "/unitwidth $UNITWIDTH def" echo "/resolution $RESOLUTION def" echo "/charset [" SymbolCharset | awk ' BEGIN {hit = -1} $1 ~ /\(\*[a-zA-Z]\)/ {print; hit = NR} $2 == "(\")" && hit == NR-1 {print; hit = NR} ' echo "] def" echo "/$2 SelectFont" echo "(orO) SetAscender" echo "(name $1\\\\n) Print" echo "(fontname $2\\\\n) Print" echo "/$1 NamedInPrologue" echo "(spacewidth ) Print 32 GetWidth Print (\n) Print" echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildFontCharset" } Symbol() { echo "/unitwidth $UNITWIDTH def" echo "/resolution $RESOLUTION def" echo "/charset [" SymbolCharset echo "] def" echo "ChangeMetrics" echo "/S SelectFont" echo "(orO) SetAscender" echo "(name $1\\\\n) Print" echo "(fontname $2\\\\n) Print" echo "/$1 NamedInPrologue" echo "(special\\\\n) Print" echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildFontCharset" } Special() { echo "/unitwidth $UNITWIDTH def" echo "/resolution $RESOLUTION def" echo "/charset [" SpecialCharset echo "] def" echo "ChangeMetrics" echo "/S1 SelectFont" echo "(# Times-Roman special font\\\\n) Print" echo "(name $1\\\\n) Print" echo "(fontname $2\\\\n) Print" echo "/$1 NamedInPrologue" echo "(special\\\\n) Print" echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildFontCharset" } # # The DESC file doesn't have to be built on a printer. It's only here for # consistency. # Description() { echo "/charset [" # awk - so the stack doesn't overflow StandardCharset | awk '$1 !~ /\(\\[0-9]/ {print $1}' SymbolCharset | awk '$1 !~ /\(\\[0-9]/ {print $1}' SpecialCharset | awk '$1 !~ /\(\\[0-9]/ {print $1}' echo "] def" cat <<-//DESC (#Device Description - utf character set PDL PostScript Encoding Latin1 fonts 10 R I B BI CW H HI HB S1 S sizes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 64 68 72 78 84 90 96 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 0 res $RESOLUTION hor 1 vert 1 unitwidth $UNITWIDTH ) Print //DESC echo "(charset\\\\n) Print" echo "BuildDescCharset" echo "(\\\\n) Print" }