ref: 47bae09b33f677b9e1f5b45190ec5216f5d988e0
dir: /sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/httpd.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <auth.h> #include <mp.h> #include <libsec.h> #include "httpd.h" #include "httpsrv.h" typedef struct Strings Strings; struct Strings { char *s1; char *s2; }; char *netdir; char *HTTPLOG = "httpd/log"; static char netdirb[256]; static char *namespace; static void becomenone(char*); static char *csquery(char*, char*, char*); static void dolisten(char*); static int doreq(HConnect*); static int send(HConnect*); static Strings stripmagic(HConnect*, char*); static char* stripprefix(char*, char*); static char* sysdom(void); static int notfound(HConnect *c, char *url); uchar *certificate; int certlen; PEMChain *certchain; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: httpd [-c certificate] [-C CAchain] [-a srvaddress] " "[-d domain] [-n namespace] [-w webroot]\n"); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { char *address; namespace = nil; address = nil; hmydomain = nil; netdir = "/net"; fmtinstall('D', hdatefmt); fmtinstall('H', httpfmt); fmtinstall('U', hurlfmt); ARGBEGIN{ case 'c': certificate = readcert(EARGF(usage()), &certlen); if(certificate == nil) sysfatal("reading certificate: %r"); break; case 'C': certchain = readcertchain(EARGF(usage())); if (certchain == nil) sysfatal("reading certificate chain: %r"); break; case 'n': namespace = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'a': address = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'd': hmydomain = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'w': webroot = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); break; }ARGEND if(argc) usage(); if(namespace == nil) namespace = "/lib/namespace.httpd"; if(address == nil) address = "*"; if(webroot == nil) webroot = "/usr/web"; else{ cleanname(webroot); if(webroot[0] != '/') webroot = "/usr/web"; } switch(rfork(RFNOTEG|RFPROC|RFFDG|RFNAMEG)) { case -1: sysfatal("fork"); case 0: break; default: exits(nil); } /* * open all files we might need before castrating namespace */ time(nil); if(hmydomain == nil) hmydomain = sysdom(); syslog(0, HTTPLOG, nil); logall[0] = open("/sys/log/httpd/0", OWRITE); logall[1] = open("/sys/log/httpd/1", OWRITE); logall[2] = open("/sys/log/httpd/clf", OWRITE); redirectinit(); contentinit(); urlinit(); statsinit(); becomenone(namespace); dolisten(netmkaddr(address, "tcp", certificate == nil ? "http" : "https")); exits(nil); } static void becomenone(char *namespace) { int fd; fd = open("#c/user", OWRITE); if(fd < 0 || write(fd, "none", strlen("none")) < 0) sysfatal("can't become none"); close(fd); if(newns("none", nil) < 0) sysfatal("can't build normal namespace"); if(addns("none", namespace) < 0) sysfatal("can't build httpd namespace"); } static HConnect* mkconnect(char *scheme, char *port) { HConnect *c; c = ezalloc(sizeof(HConnect)); c->hpos = c->header; c->hstop = c->header; c->replog = writelog; c->scheme = scheme; c->port = port; return c; } static HSPriv* mkhspriv(void) { HSPriv *p; p = ezalloc(sizeof(HSPriv)); return p; } static void dolisten(char *address) { HSPriv *hp; HConnect *c; NetConnInfo *nci; char ndir[NETPATHLEN], dir[NETPATHLEN], *p, *scheme; int ctl, nctl, data, t, ok, spotchk; spotchk = 0; syslog(0, HTTPLOG, "httpd starting"); ctl = announce(address, dir); if(ctl < 0){ syslog(0, HTTPLOG, "can't announce on %s: %r", address); return; } strcpy(netdirb, dir); p = nil; if(netdir[0] == '/'){ p = strchr(netdirb+1, '/'); if(p != nil) *p = '\0'; } if(p == nil) strcpy(netdirb, "/net"); netdir = netdirb; for(;;){ /* * wait for a call (or an error) */ nctl = listen(dir, ndir); if(nctl < 0){ syslog(0, HTTPLOG, "can't listen on %s: %r", address); syslog(0, HTTPLOG, "ctls = %d", ctl); return; } /* * start a process for the service */ switch(rfork(RFFDG|RFPROC|RFNOWAIT|RFNAMEG)){ case -1: close(nctl); continue; case 0: /* * see if we know the service requested */ data = accept(ctl, ndir); if(data >= 0 && certificate != nil){ TLSconn conn; memset(&conn, 0, sizeof(conn)); conn.cert = certificate; conn.certlen = certlen; if (certchain != nil) conn.chain = certchain; data = tlsServer(data, &conn); free(conn.cert); free(conn.sessionID); scheme = "https"; }else scheme = "http"; if(data < 0){ syslog(0, HTTPLOG, "can't open %s/data: %r", ndir); exits(nil); } dup(data, 0); dup(data, 1); dup(data, 2); close(data); close(ctl); close(nctl); nci = getnetconninfo(ndir, -1); c = mkconnect(scheme, nci->lserv); hp = mkhspriv(); hp->remotesys = nci->rsys; hp->remoteserv = nci->rserv; c->private = hp; hinit(&c->hin, 0, Hread); hinit(&c->hout, 1, Hwrite); /* * serve requests until a magic request. * later requests have to come quickly. * only works for http/1.1 or later. */ for(t = 15*60*1000; ; t = 15*1000){ if(hparsereq(c, t) <= 0) exits(nil); ok = doreq(c); hflush(&c->hout); if(c->head.closeit || ok < 0) exits(nil); hreqcleanup(c); } /* not reached */ default: close(nctl); break; } if(++spotchk > 50){ spotchk = 0; redirectinit(); contentinit(); urlinit(); statsinit(); } } } static int doreq(HConnect *c) { HSPriv *hp; Strings ss; char *magic, *uri, *newuri, *origuri, *newpath, *hb; char virtualhost[100], logfd0[10], logfd1[10], vers[16]; int n, nredirect; uint flags; /* * munge uri for magic */ uri = c->req.uri; nredirect = 0; werrstr(""); top: if(++nredirect > 10){ if(hparseheaders(c, 15*60*1000) < 0) exits("failed"); werrstr("redirection loop"); return hfail(c, HNotFound, uri); } ss = stripmagic(c, uri); uri = ss.s1; origuri = uri; magic = ss.s2; if(magic) goto magic; /* * Apply redirects. Do this before reading headers * (if possible) so that we can redirect to magic invisibly. */ flags = 0; if(origuri[0]=='/' && origuri[1]=='~'){ n = strlen(origuri) + 4 + UTFmax; newpath = halloc(c, n); snprint(newpath, n, "/who/%s", origuri+2); c->req.uri = newpath; newuri = newpath; }else if(origuri[0]=='/' && origuri[1]==0){ /* can't redirect / until we read the headers below */ newuri = nil; }else newuri = redirect(c, origuri, &flags); if(newuri != nil){ if(flags & Redirsilent) { c->req.uri = uri = newuri; logit(c, "%s: silent replacement %s", origuri, uri); goto top; } if(hparseheaders(c, 15*60*1000) < 0) exits("failed"); if(flags & Redirperm) { logit(c, "%s: permanently moved to %s", origuri, newuri); return hmoved(c, newuri); } else if (flags & (Redironly | Redirsubord)) logit(c, "%s: top-level or many-to-one replacement %s", origuri, uri); /* * try temporary redirect instead of permanent */ if (http11(c)) return hredirected(c, "307 Temporary Redirect", newuri); else return hredirected(c, "302 Temporary Redirect", newuri); } /* * for magic we exec a new program and serve no more requests */ magic: if(magic != nil && strcmp(magic, "httpd") != 0){ snprint(c->xferbuf, HBufSize, "/bin/ip/httpd/%s", magic); snprint(logfd0, sizeof(logfd0), "%d", logall[0]); snprint(logfd1, sizeof(logfd1), "%d", logall[1]); snprint(vers, sizeof(vers), "HTTP/%d.%d", c->req.vermaj, c->req.vermin); hb = hunload(&c->hin); if(hb == nil){ hfail(c, HInternal); return -1; } hp = c->private; execl(c->xferbuf, magic, "-d", hmydomain, "-w", webroot, "-s", c->scheme, "-p", c->port, "-r", hp->remotesys, "-N", netdir, "-b", hb, "-L", logfd0, logfd1, "-R", c->header, c->req.meth, vers, uri, c->, nil); logit(c, "no magic %s uri %s", magic, uri); hfail(c, HNotFound, uri); return -1; } /* * normal case is just file transfer */ if(hparseheaders(c, 15*60*1000) < 0) exits("failed"); if(origuri[0] == '/' && origuri[1] == 0){ snprint(virtualhost, sizeof virtualhost, "http://%s/", c->; newuri = redirect(c, virtualhost, nil); if(newuri == nil) newuri = redirect(c, origuri, nil); if(newuri) return hmoved(c, newuri); } if(!http11(c) && !c->head.persist) c->head.closeit = 1; return send(c); } static int send(HConnect *c) { Dir *dir; char *w, *w2, *p, *masque; int fd, fd1, n, force301, ok; /* if(c-> return hfail(c, HNoSearch, c->req.uri); */ if(strcmp(c->req.meth, "GET") != 0 && strcmp(c->req.meth, "HEAD") != 0) return hunallowed(c, "GET, HEAD"); if(c->head.expectother || c->head.expectcont) return hfail(c, HExpectFail); masque = masquerade(c->; /* * check for directory/file mismatch with trailing /, * and send any redirections. */ n = strlen(webroot) + strlen(masque) + strlen(c->req.uri) + STRLEN("/index.html") + STRLEN("/.httplogin") + 1; w = halloc(c, n); strcpy(w, webroot); strcat(w, masque); strcat(w, c->req.uri); /* * favicon can be overridden by hostname.ico */ if(strcmp(c->req.uri, "/favicon.ico") == 0){ w2 = halloc(c, n+strlen(c->; strcpy(w2, webroot); strcat(w2, masque); strcat(w2, "/"); strcat(w2, c->; strcat(w2, ".ico"); if(access(w2, AREAD)==0) w = w2; } /* * don't show the contents of .httplogin */ n = strlen(w); if(strcmp(w+n-STRLEN(".httplogin"), ".httplogin") == 0) return notfound(c, c->req.uri); fd = open(w, OREAD); if(fd < 0 && strlen(masque)>0 && strncmp(c->req.uri, masque, strlen(masque)) == 0){ // may be a URI from before virtual hosts; try again without masque strcpy(w, webroot); strcat(w, c->req.uri); fd = open(w, OREAD); } if(fd < 0) return notfound(c, c->req.uri); dir = dirfstat(fd); if(dir == nil){ close(fd); return hfail(c, HInternal); } p = strchr(w, '\0'); if(dir->mode & DMDIR){ free(dir); if(p > w && p[-1] == '/'){ strcat(w, "index.html"); force301 = 0; }else{ strcat(w, "/index.html"); force301 = 1; } fd1 = open(w, OREAD); if(fd1 < 0){ close(fd); return notfound(c, c->req.uri); } c->req.uri = w + strlen(webroot) + strlen(masque); if(force301 && c->req.vermaj){ close(fd); close(fd1); return hmoved(c, c->req.uri); } close(fd); fd = fd1; dir = dirfstat(fd); if(dir == nil){ close(fd); return hfail(c, HInternal); } }else if(p > w && p[-1] == '/'){ free(dir); close(fd); *strrchr(c->req.uri, '/') = '\0'; return hmoved(c, c->req.uri); } ok = authorize(c, w); if(ok <= 0){ free(dir); close(fd); return ok; } return sendfd(c, fd, dir, nil, nil); } static Strings stripmagic(HConnect *hc, char *uri) { Strings ss; char *newuri, *prog, *s; prog = stripprefix("/magic/", uri); if(prog == nil){ ss.s1 = uri; ss.s2 = nil; return ss; } s = strchr(prog, '/'); if(s == nil) newuri = ""; else{ newuri = hstrdup(hc, s); *s = 0; s = strrchr(s, '/'); if(s != nil && s[1] == 0) *s = 0; } ss.s1 = newuri; ss.s2 = prog; return ss; } static char* stripprefix(char *pre, char *str) { while(*pre) if(*str++ != *pre++) return nil; return str; } /* * couldn't open a file * figure out why and return and error message */ static int notfound(HConnect *c, char *url) { c->xferbuf[0] = 0; rerrstr(c->xferbuf, sizeof c->xferbuf); if(strstr(c->xferbuf, "file does not exist") != nil) return hfail(c, HNotFound, url); if(strstr(c->xferbuf, "permission denied") != nil) return hfail(c, HUnauth, url); return hfail(c, HNotFound, url); } static char* sysdom(void) { char *dn; dn = csquery("sys" , sysname(), "dom"); if(dn == nil) dn = "who cares"; return dn; } /* * query the connection server */ static char* csquery(char *attr, char *val, char *rattr) { char token[64+4]; char buf[256], *p, *sp; int fd, n; if(val == nil || val[0] == 0) return nil; snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/cs", netdir); fd = open(buf, ORDWR); if(fd < 0) return nil; fprint(fd, "!%s=%s", attr, val); seek(fd, 0, 0); snprint(token, sizeof(token), "%s=", rattr); for(;;){ n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if(n <= 0) break; buf[n] = 0; p = strstr(buf, token); if(p != nil && (p == buf || *(p-1) == 0)){ close(fd); sp = strchr(p, ' '); if(sp) *sp = 0; p = strchr(p, '='); if(p == nil) return nil; return estrdup(p+1); } } close(fd); return nil; }