ref: 4547b5070c9999f093ea49bd7d77b7452d9180f0
dir: /sys/doc/il/transition.pic/
.PS define grp0 {[ "User Close" at (7.16,7.97); line from (6.6,7.9) to (7.7,7.9); "snd(close(next, rcvd))" at (7.45,7.73); ]} define grp1 {[ grp2() with (0,0) at (0.04,0.305); ]} define grp2 {[ "rcv(sync(rid0, 0))" at (3.95,2.38); line from (3,2.3) to (4.85,2.29); "snd(sync(id0, rid0))" at (3.9,2.1); ]} circle at (1.4,6.1) rad 0.7; circle at (3.933,3.799) rad 0.7; circle at (3.932,8.401) rad 0.7; "Closed" at (1.4,6.1); "Syncer" at (3.932,8.401); "Syncee" at (3.933,3.799); "Established" at (5.4,6.1); arc <- ccw from (3.285,8.668) to (1.98,8.34) rad 1.73202; arc <- ccw from (1.44,7.81) to (1.197,6.77) rad 1.13475; line -> from (2.5,6.9) to (1.991,6.475); line <- from (1.837,5.553) to (2.1,5.3); line from (1.42,8.09) to (2.42,8.09); "User Open" at (1.9,8.2); arc <- cw from (1.3,4.4) to (1.274,5.411) rad 1.51113; arc <- cw from (3.265,3.589) to (1.6,3.91) rad 1.64006; "no connection" at (1.4,4); line <- from (5.028,5.507) to (4.75,5.11); line <- from (4.6,4.8) to (4.312,4.388); line <- from (4.991,6.668) to (4.7,7.2); line <- from (4.6,7.4) to (4.361,7.848); line from (6,3.43) to (6.01094,3.26672) line from (6.01094,3.26672) to (5.99375,3.09187) line from (5.99375,3.09187) to (5.94844,2.90547) line from (5.94844,2.90547) to (5.875,2.7075) line from (5.875,2.7075) to (5.82551,2.6075) line from (5.82551,2.6075) to (5.76453,2.51125) line from (5.76453,2.51125) to (5.69207,2.41875) line from (5.69207,2.41875) to (5.60812,2.33) line from (5.60812,2.33) to (5.5127,2.245) line from (5.5127,2.245) to (5.40578,2.16375) line from (5.40578,2.16375) to (5.28738,2.08625) line from (5.28738,2.08625) to (5.1575,2.0125) line from (5.1575,2.0125) to (5.01605,1.94496) line from (5.01605,1.94496) to (4.86297,1.88609) line from (4.86297,1.88609) to (4.69824,1.8359) line from (4.69824,1.8359) to (4.52188,1.79438) line from (4.52188,1.79438) to (4.33387,1.76152) line from (4.33387,1.76152) to (4.13422,1.73734) line from (4.13422,1.73734) to (3.92293,1.72184) line from (3.92293,1.72184) to (3.7,1.715) line from (3.7,1.715) to (3.25078,1.72078) line from (3.25078,1.72078) to (2.81813,1.74812) line from (2.81813,1.74812) to (2.40203,1.79703) line from (2.40203,1.79703) to (2.0025,1.8675) line from (2.0025,1.8675) to (1.81496,1.9157) line from (1.81496,1.9157) to (1.64359,1.97906) line from (1.64359,1.97906) to (1.4884,2.05758) line from (1.4884,2.05758) to (1.34937,2.15125) line from (1.34937,2.15125) to (1.22652,2.26008) line from (1.22652,2.26008) to (1.11984,2.38406) line from (1.11984,2.38406) to (1.02934,2.5232) line from (1.02934,2.5232) to (0.955,2.6775) line from (0.955,2.6775) to (0.893398,2.84129) line from (0.893398,2.84129) to (0.841094,3.00891) line from (0.841094,3.00891) to (0.798086,3.18035) line from (0.798086,3.18035) to (0.764375,3.35562) line from (0.764375,3.35562) to (0.739961,3.53473) line from (0.739961,3.53473) to (0.724844,3.71766) line from (0.724844,3.71766) to (0.719023,3.90441) line from (0.719023,3.90441) to (0.7225,4.095) line from (0.7225,4.095) to (0.747656,4.46406) line from (0.747656,4.46406) to (0.790625,4.80125) line from (0.790625,4.80125) to (0.851406,5.10656) line from (0.851406,5.10656) to (0.93,5.38) circle at (7.23,2.15) rad 0.7; grp0() with (0,0) at (1.15,-2.2); arc <- ccw from (7.23,4.96) to (6.098,6.049) rad 1.0893; line from (5.84,5.59) to (5.90047,5.47828) line from (5.90047,5.47828) to (5.93688,5.36313) line from (5.93688,5.36313) to (5.94922,5.24453) line from (5.94922,5.24453) to (5.9375,5.1225) line from (5.9375,5.1225) to (5.88188,4.8725) line from (5.88188,4.8725) to (5.81,4.6175) line from (5.81,4.6175) to (5.78,4.48984) line from (5.78,4.48984) to (5.77,4.36437) line from (5.77,4.36437) to (5.78,4.24109) line from (5.78,4.24109) to (5.81,4.12) line -> from (7.779,2.845) to (7.673,2.692); line -> from (7.25,4.28) to (7.24,2.85); line -> from (0.72,5.62) to (0.791,5.755); line -> from (0.93,5.38) to (0.986,5.535); "rcv(ack(-, !id0))" at (2.9,7.21); "rcv(close(-, id0)" at (2.9,7); "rcv(sync(-, id0))" at (4.8,7.3); "rcv(ack(-, id0))" at (4.7,5); line from (5.96,4.62) to (7.94,4.62); "snd(close(next, rcvd))" at (6.94,4.4); "rcv(close(-, ackok))" at (6.95,4.71); "rcv(sync(!rid0, -))" at (6.1,3.6); "Closing" at (7.23,2.15); line -> from (3.326,4.147) to (2.915,4.51); line -> from (3.501,7.849) to (3.1,7.5); "rcv(close(-, next))" at (3.8,0.9); arc <- ccw from (4.8,1.2) to (6.67,1.73) rad 3.2198; line from (2.64,1.17) to (2.11875,1.19375) line from (2.11875,1.19375) to (1.595,1.235) line from (1.595,1.235) to (1.46695,1.25305) line from (1.46695,1.25305) to (1.34531,1.28219) line from (1.34531,1.28219) to (1.23008,1.32242) line from (1.23008,1.32242) to (1.12125,1.37375) line from (1.12125,1.37375) to (1.01883,1.43617) line from (1.01883,1.43617) to (0.922813,1.50969) line from (0.922813,1.50969) to (0.833203,1.5943) line from (0.833203,1.5943) to (0.75,1.69) line from (0.75,1.69) to (0.673984,1.79652) line from (0.673984,1.79652) to (0.605938,1.91359) line from (0.605938,1.91359) to (0.545859,2.04121) line from (0.545859,2.04121) to (0.49375,2.17937) line from (0.49375,2.17937) to (0.449609,2.32809) line from (0.449609,2.32809) to (0.413438,2.48734) line from (0.413438,2.48734) to (0.385234,2.65715) line from (0.385234,2.65715) to (0.365,2.8375) line from (0.365,2.8375) to (0.342813,3.20609) line from (0.342813,3.20609) to (0.34125,3.56937) line from (0.34125,3.56937) to (0.360312,3.92734) line from (0.360312,3.92734) to (0.4,4.28) line from (0.4,4.28) to (0.4575,4.62625) line from (0.4575,4.62625) to (0.53,4.965) line from (0.53,4.965) to (0.6175,5.29625) line from (0.6175,5.29625) to (0.72,5.62) "rcv(close(-, id0))" at (2.68,4.81); grp1() with (0,0) at (0.665,0.099); "rexmit timeout" at (2.3,2.9); "death timeout" at (2.6,4.6); "death timeout" at (2.92,7.37); "death timeout" at (6.03,3.82); line from (1.67,2.81) to (2.93,2.81); "snd(sync(id0, rid0))" at (2.3,2.6); line from (3.338,3.431) to (2.99638,3.37369) line from (2.99638,3.37369) to (2.7095,3.33275) line from (2.7095,3.33275) to (2.49613,3.29819) line from (2.49613,3.29819) to (2.42403,3.27955) line from (2.42403,3.27955) to (2.375,3.26) line from (2.375,3.26) to (2.34219,3.2375) line from (2.34219,3.2375) to (2.31875,3.21) line from (2.31875,3.21) to (2.30469,3.1775) line from (2.30469,3.1775) to (2.3,3.14) line -> from (3.1,2.9) to (3.472,3.272); line from (4.533,3.438) to (4.80825,3.3845) line from (4.80825,3.3845) to (4.8748,3.36472) line from (4.8748,3.36472) to (4.93269,3.33987) line from (4.93269,3.33987) to (4.98192,3.30997) line from (4.98192,3.30997) to (5.0225,3.275) line from (5.0225,3.275) to (5.05391,3.23594) line from (5.05391,3.23594) to (5.07563,3.19375) line from (5.07563,3.19375) to (5.08766,3.14844) line from (5.08766,3.14844) to (5.09,3.1) line -> from (4.2,2.9) to (4.133,3.128); "rexmit timeout" at (5.8,9); line from (5,8.9) to (6.5,8.9); line from (4.348,8.964) to (4.443,9.04275) line from (4.443,9.04275) to (4.552,9.111) line from (4.552,9.111) to (4.675,9.16875) line from (4.675,9.16875) to (4.812,9.216) line from (4.812,9.216) to (4.94894,9.25244) line from (4.94894,9.25244) to (5.07175,9.27775) line from (5.07175,9.27775) to (5.18044,9.29194) line from (5.18044,9.29194) to (5.275,9.295) line from (5.275,9.295) to (5.39375,9.28875) line from (5.39375,9.28875) to (5.41094,9.28469) line from (5.41094,9.28469) to (5.4,9.28) line from (5.6,8.6) to (5.52344,8.55469) line from (5.52344,8.55469) to (5.44375,8.51875) line from (5.44375,8.51875) to (5.36094,8.49219) line from (5.36094,8.49219) to (5.275,8.475) line from (5.275,8.475) to (5.18594,8.46719) line from (5.18594,8.46719) to (5.09375,8.46875) line from (5.09375,8.46875) to (4.99844,8.47969) line from (4.99844,8.47969) to (4.9,8.5) line -> from (4.9,8.5) to (4.614,8.559); line from (5.3,3.7) to (6.7,3.7); "rexmit timeout" at (3.6,6.4); "rcv(state(-, -))" at (3.5,6.2); line from (2.69,6.11) to (4.31,6.11); "rcvd))" at (3.5,5.7); arc <- cw from (4,6.6) to (4.803,6.466) rad 0.417517; arc <- cw from (4.766,5.802) to (4,5.8) rad 0.394055; circle at (5.4,6.1) rad 0.7; arc <- ccw from (6.072,6.298) to (6.5,6.4) rad 0.500723; line from (6.098,6.15) to (6.64262,6.16563) line from (6.64262,6.16563) to (7.0745,6.1625) line from (7.0745,6.1625) to (7.24503,6.15234) line from (7.24503,6.15234) to (7.38112,6.13437) line from (7.38112,6.13437) to (7.48278,6.10859) line from (7.48278,6.10859) to (7.55,6.075) line from (7.55,6.075) to (7.6375,5.99375) line from (7.6375,5.99375) to (7.7,5.9) line from (4.562,4.106) to (4.98341,4.43584) line from (4.98341,4.43584) to (5.37862,4.72838) line from (5.37862,4.72838) to (5.74766,4.98359) line from (5.74766,4.98359) to (6.0905,5.2015) line from (6.0905,5.2015) to (6.39778,5.37897) line from (6.39778,5.37897) to (6.66012,5.51288) line from (6.66012,5.51288) to (6.87753,5.60322) line from (6.87753,5.60322) to (6.96938,5.63205) line from (6.96938,5.63205) to (7.05,5.65) line from (7.05,5.65) to (7.3125,5.6875) line from (7.3125,5.6875) to (7.5,5.7) line from (4.617,8.255) to (5.97831,8.22469) line from (5.97831,8.22469) to (7.07925,8.18875) line from (7.07925,8.18875) to (7.5227,8.1593) line from (7.5227,8.1593) to (7.71299,8.13701) line from (7.71299,8.13701) to (7.88231,8.10969) line from (7.88231,8.10969) to (8.03068,8.07732) line from (8.03068,8.07732) to (8.15808,8.03992) line from (8.15808,8.03992) to (8.26452,7.99748) line from (8.26452,7.99748) to (8.35,7.95) line from (8.35,7.95) to (8.4207,7.89531) line from (8.4207,7.89531) to (8.48281,7.83125) line from (8.48281,7.83125) to (8.53633,7.75781) line from (8.53633,7.75781) to (8.58125,7.675) line from (8.58125,7.675) to (8.61758,7.58281) line from (8.61758,7.58281) to (8.64531,7.48125) line from (8.64531,7.48125) to (8.66445,7.37031) line from (8.66445,7.37031) to (8.675,7.25) line from (8.675,7.25) to (8.67969,6.99063) line from (8.67969,6.99063) to (8.66875,6.7125) line from (8.66875,6.7125) to (8.64219,6.41563) line from (8.64219,6.41563) to (8.6,6.1) line from (8.6,5.44) to (7.779,2.845); "snd(dataquery(unacked," at (3.5,5.9); line from (6.3,6.7) to (8,6.7); "snd(state(next, rcvd))" at (7.3,6.51); "rcv(dataquery(-,-))" at (7.2,7); "rcv(query(-,-))" at (7.2,6.8); "death timeout" at (3.7,1.4); line -> from (7.5,5.7) to (7.6,5.7); line -> from (7.7,5.9) to (7.75,5.84); line -> from (8.6,6.1) to (8.59,6.02); "see message with" at (1.6,4.2); line from (5.528,6.788) to (5.65887,7.172) line from (5.65887,7.172) to (5.7795,7.462) line from (5.7795,7.462) to (5.83597,7.57175) line from (5.83597,7.57175) to (5.88987,7.658) line from (5.88987,7.658) to (5.94122,7.72075) line from (5.94122,7.72075) to (5.99,7.76) line -> from (5.99,7.76) to (6.18,7.8); line -> from (5.825,6.656) to (6.21,6.91); "User Send" at (6.88,7.84); line from (6.475,7.75) to (7.285,7.75); "snd(data(next, rcvd))" at (7.11,7.59); line from (6.36,7.48) to (6.275,7.39313) line from (6.275,7.39313) to (6.17,7.3225) line from (6.17,7.3225) to (6.05438,7.25125) line from (6.05438,7.25125) to (5.9375,7.1625) line from (5.9375,7.1625) to (5.88109,7.10953) line from (5.88109,7.10953) to (5.82937,7.04813) line from (5.82937,7.04813) to (5.78234,6.97828) line from (5.78234,6.97828) to (5.74,6.9) line -> from (5.74,6.9) to (5.657,6.751); "snd(sync(id0, 0))" at (1.92,7.94); "snd(sync(id0, 0))" at (5.75,8.72); line -> from (5.81,4.12) to (5.82,3.98); line -> from (2.3,3.14) to (2.3,2.99); line -> from (5.09,3.1) to (5.09,2.94); line -> from (5.4,9.28) to (5.52,9.21); "rcv(sync(-, !0))" at (2.7,5); "rcv(sync(!rid0, -))" at (2.74,5.2); arc <- ccw from (7.96,1.11) to (7.797,1.739) rad 0.548809; arc -> cw from (7.21,1.09) to (7.134,1.457) rad 0.825566; "rexmit timeout" at (7.49,0.85); line from (6.86,0.76) to (8.12,0.76); "snd(close(next, rcvd))" at (7.49,0.63); line from (3.115,1.31) to (4.285,1.31); "no msg" at (3.7,1.22); line from (2.92,0.8) to (4.62,0.8); "snd(close(next, rcvd))" at (3.79,0.67); .PE