ref: 42240127a7c334097500cdc722cb7088f58cc04e
dir: /sys/src/libsat/satsolve.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <sat.h> #include "impl.h" /* the solver follows Algorithm C from Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 4, Fascicle 6 */ #define verbosestate 0 #define verboseforcing 0 #define verboseconflict 0 #define paranoia 0 #define sanity(s) if(paranoia) satsanity(s) void sataddtrail(SATSolve *s, int l) { s->trail[s->ntrail++] = l; s->lit[l].val = 1; s->lit[NOT(l)].val = 0; s->var[VAR(l)].lvl = s->lvl; s->agility -= s->agility >> 13; if(((s->var[VAR(l)].flags ^ l) & 1) != 0) s->agility += 1<<19; if(verbosestate) satprintstate(s); } /* compute watchlists from scratch */ static void rewatch(SATSolve *s) { SATLit *l; SATClause *c; int i, j, x; for(l = s->lit; l < s->lit + 2*s->nvar; l++) l->watch = nil; for(c = s->cl; c != nil; c = c->next) for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){ if(s->lit[c->l[i]].val == 0) for(j = 2; j < c->n; j++) if(s->lit[c->l[j]].val != 0){ x = c->l[i], c->l[i] = c->l[j], c->l[j] = x; break; } c->watch[i] = s->lit[c->l[i]].watch; s->lit[c->l[i]].watch = c; } } /* jump back to decision level d */ void satbackjump(SATSolve *s, int d) { int l; SATVar *v; if(s->lvl == d) return; while(s->ntrail > s->decbd[d + 1]){ l = s->trail[--s->ntrail]; v = &s->var[VAR(l)]; if((v->flags & VARUSER) != 0){ /* don't delete user assignments */ s->ntrail++; break; } s->lit[l].val = -1; s->lit[NOT(l)].val = -1; v->flags = v->flags & ~1 | l & 1; v->lvl = -1; v->reason = nil; v->isbinreason = 0; if(v->heaploc < 0) satheapput(s, v); } s->lvl = d; if(s->forptr > s->ntrail) s->forptr = s->ntrail; if(s->binptr > s->ntrail) s->binptr = s->ntrail; if(verbosestate) satprintstate(s); } static void solvinit(SATSolve *s) { satdebuginit(s); satheapreset(s); s->decbd = satrealloc(s, s->decbd, (s->nvar + 1) * sizeof(int)); s->decbd[0] = 0; s->trail = satrealloc(s, s->trail, sizeof(int) * s->nvar); s->fullrlits = satrealloc(s, s->fullrlits, sizeof(int) * s->nvar); s->lvlstamp = satrealloc(s, s->lvlstamp, sizeof(int) * s->nvar); memset(s->lvlstamp, 0, sizeof(int) * s->nvar); if(s->cflclalloc == 0){ s->cflcl = satrealloc(s, s->cflcl, CFLCLALLOC * sizeof(int)); s->cflclalloc = CFLCLALLOC; } rewatch(s); s->conflicts = 0; s->nextpurge = s->purgeΔ; s->purgeival = s->purgeΔ; s->nextflush = 1; s->flushu = 1; s->flushv = 1; s->flushθ = s->flushψ; s->agility = 0; satbackjump(s, 0); s->forptr = 0; s->binptr = 0; } void satcleanup(SATSolve *s, int all) { SATBlock *b, *bn; if(all){ *s->lastp[0] = nil; s->learncl = nil; s->lastp[1] = &s->learncl; s->ncl = s->ncl0; } for(b = s->bl[1].next; b != &s->bl[1]; b = bn){ bn = b->next; if(b->last != nil && !all) continue; b->next->prev = b->prev; b->prev->next = b->next; free(b); } s->lastbl = s->bl[1].prev; free(s->fullrlits); s->fullrlits = nil; free(s->lvlstamp); s->lvlstamp = nil; free(s->cflcl); s->cflcl = nil; s->cflclalloc = 0; } static void stampoverflow(SATSolve *s) { int i; for(i = 0; i < s->nvar; i++){ s->var[i].stamp = 0; s->lvlstamp[i] = 0; } s->stamp = -2; } /* "bump" the variable, i.e. increase its activity score. reduce all score when one exceeds MAXACTIVITY (1e100) */ static void varbump(SATSolve *s, SATVar *v) { v->activity += s->Δactivity; satreheap(s, v); if(v->activity < MAXACTIVITY) return; for(v = s->var; v < s->var + s->nvar; v++) if(v->activity != 0){ v->activity /= MAXACTIVITY; if(v->activity < ε) v->activity = ε; } s->Δactivity /= MAXACTIVITY; } /* ditto for clauses */ static void clausebump(SATSolve *s, SATClause *c) { c->activity += s->Δclactivity; if(c->activity < MAXACTIVITY) return; for(c = s->cl; c != nil; c = c->next) if(c->activity != 0){ c->activity /= MAXACTIVITY; if(c->activity < ε) c->activity = ε; } s->Δclactivity /= MAXACTIVITY; } /* pick a literal. normally we pick the variable with highest activity from the heap. sometimes we goof and pick a random one. */ static void decision(SATSolve *s) { SATVar *v; s->decbd[++s->lvl] = s->ntrail; if((uint)s->randfn(s->randaux) < s->goofprob){ v = s->heap[satnrand(s, s->nheap)]; if(v->lvl < 0) goto gotv; } do v = satheaptake(s); while(v->lvl >= 0); gotv: sataddtrail(s, 2 * (v - s->var) + (v->flags & VARPHASE)); } /* go through the watchlist of a literal that just turned out false. */ /* full == 1 records the first conflict and goes on rather than aborting immediately */ static SATClause * forcing(SATSolve *s, int l, int full) { SATClause **cp, *rc, *c, *xp; int v0; int x, j; cp = &s->lit[l].watch; rc = nil; if(verboseforcing) print("forcing literal %d\n", signf(l)); while(c = *cp, c != nil){ if(l == c->l[0]){ /* this swap implies that the reason r for a literal l always has r->l[0]==l */ x = c->l[1], c->l[1] = c->l[0], c->l[0] = x; xp = c->watch[1], c->watch[1] = c->watch[0], c->watch[0] = xp; } assert(c->l[1] == l); v0 = s->lit[c->l[0]].val; if(v0 > 0) /* the clause is true anyway */ goto next; for(j = 2; j < c->n; j++) if(s->lit[c->l[j]].val != 0){ /* found another literal to watch for this clause */ if(verboseforcing) print("moving clause %+Γ onto watchlist %d\n", c, signf(c->l[j])); *cp = c->watch[1]; x = c->l[j], c->l[j] = c->l[1], c->l[1] = x; c->watch[1] = s->lit[x].watch; s->lit[x].watch = c; goto cont; } if(v0 == 0){ /* conflict */ if(!full) return c; if(rc == nil) rc = c; goto next; } if(verboseforcing) print("inferring %d using clause %+Γ\n", signf(c->l[0]), c); sataddtrail(s, c->l[0]); s->var[VAR(c->l[0])].reason = c; next: cp = &c->watch[1]; cont: ; } return rc; } /* forcing() for binary implications */ static uvlong binforcing(SATSolve *s, int l, int full) { SATLit *lp; int i, m; uvlong rc; lp = &s->lit[l]; rc = 0; if(verboseforcing && lp->nbimp > 0) print("forcing literal %d (binary)\n", signf(l)); for(i = 0; i < lp->nbimp; i++){ m = lp->bimp[i]; switch(s->lit[m].val){ case -1: if(verboseforcing) print("inferring %d using binary clause (%d) ∨ %d\n", signf(m), -signf(l), signf(m)); sataddtrail(s, m); s->var[VAR(m)].binreason = NOT(l); s->var[VAR(m)].isbinreason = 1; break; case 0: if(verboseforcing) print("conflict (%d) ∨ (%d)\n", -signf(l), signf(m)); if(rc == 0) rc = (uvlong)NOT(l) << 32 | (uint)m; if(!full) return rc; break; } } return rc; } /* check if we can discard the previously learned clause because the current one subsumes it */ static int checkdiscard(SATSolve *s) { SATClause *c; SATVar *v; int q, j; if(s->lastp[1] == &s->learncl) return 0; c = (SATClause*) ((uchar*) s->lastp[1] - (uchar*) &((SATClause*)0)->next); if(s->lit[c->l[0]].val >= 0) return 0; /* clause is a reason, hands off */ q = s->ncflcl; for(j = c->n - 1; q > 0 && j >= q; j--){ v = &s->var[VAR(c->l[j])]; /* check if literal is in the current clause */ if(c->l[j] == s->cflcl[0] || (uint)v->lvl <= s->cfllvl && v->stamp == s->stamp) q--; } return q == 0; } /* add the clause we just learned to our collection */ static SATClause * learn(SATSolve *s, int notriv) { SATClause *r; int i, l, triv; /* clauses that are too complicated are not worth it. learn the trivial clause (all decisions negated) instead */ if(triv = !notriv && s->ncflcl > s->lvl + s->trivlim){ assert(s->lvl + 1 <= s->cflclalloc); for(i = 1; i <= s->lvl; i++) s->cflcl[i] = NOT(s->trail[s->decbd[s->lvl + 1 - i]]); s->ncflcl = s->lvl + 1; } if(s->ncflcl == 1) /* unit clauses are handled by putting them on the trail in conflict() */ return nil; if(!triv && checkdiscard(s)) r = satreplclause(s, s->ncflcl); else r = satnewclause(s, s->ncflcl, 1); r->n = s->ncflcl; memcpy(r->l, s->cflcl, s->ncflcl * sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){ l = r->l[i]; r->watch[i] = s->lit[l].watch; s->lit[l].watch = r; } return r; } /* recursive procedure to determine if a literal is redundant. * to avoid repeated work, each known redundant literal is stamped with stamp+1 * and each known nonredundant literal is stamped with stamp+2. */ static int redundant(SATSolve *s, int l) { SATVar *v, *w; SATClause *c; int i, r; v = &s->var[VAR(l)]; if(v->isbinreason){ /* stupid special case code */ r = v->binreason; w = &s->var[VAR(r)]; if(w->lvl != 0){ if(w->stamp == s->stamp + 2) return 0; if(w->stamp < s->stamp && (s->lvlstamp[w->lvl] < s->stamp || !redundant(s, r))){ w->stamp = s->stamp + 2; return 0; } } v->stamp = s->stamp + 1; return 1; } if(v->reason == nil) return 0; /* decision literals are never redundant */ c = v->reason; for(i = 0; i < c->n; i++){ if(c->l[i] == NOT(l)) continue; w = &s->var[VAR(c->l[i])]; if(w->lvl == 0) continue; /* literals at level 0 are redundant */ if(w->stamp == s->stamp + 2) return 0; /* if the literal is not in the clause or known redundant, check if it is redundant */ /* we can skip the check if the level is not stamped: */ /* if there are no literals at the same level in the clause, it must be nonredundant */ if(w->stamp < s->stamp && (s->lvlstamp[w->lvl] < s->stamp || !redundant(s, c->l[i]))){ w->stamp = s->stamp + 2; return 0; } } v->stamp = s->stamp + 1; return 1; } /* "blitting" a literal means to either add it to the conflict clause * (if v->lvl < s->lvl) or to increment the counter of literals to be * resolved, plus some bookkeeping. */ static void blit(SATSolve *s, int l) { SATVar *v; int p; v = &s->var[VAR(l)]; if(v->stamp == s->stamp) return; v->stamp = s->stamp; p = v->lvl; if(p == 0) return; if(verboseconflict) print("stamp %d %s (ctr=%d)\n", signf(l), p == s->lvl ? "and increment" : "and collect", s->cflctr); varbump(s, v); if(p == s->lvl){ s->cflctr++; return; } if(s->ncflcl >= s->cflclalloc){ s->cflcl = satrealloc(s, s->cflcl, (s->cflclalloc + CFLCLALLOC) * sizeof(int)); s->cflclalloc += CFLCLALLOC; } s->cflcl[s->ncflcl++] = l; if(p > s->cfllvl) s->cfllvl = p; /* lvlstamp[p] == stamp if there is exactly one literal and ==stamp+1 if there is more than one literal on level p */ if(s->lvlstamp[p] <= s->stamp) s->lvlstamp[p] = s->stamp + (s->lvlstamp[p] == s->stamp); } /* to resolve a conflict, we start with the conflict clause and use * resolution (a ∨ b and ¬a ∨ c imply b ∨ c) with the reasons for the * literals to remove all but one literal at the current level. this * gives a new "learned" clause with all literals false and we jump back * to the second-highest level in it. at this point, the clause implies * the one remaining literal and we can continue. * to do this quickly, rather than explicitly apply resolution, we keep a * counter of literals at the highest level (unresolved literals) and an * array with all other literals (which will become the learned clause). */ static void conflict(SATSolve *s, SATClause *c, uvlong bin, int full) { int i, j, l, p, *nl, found; SATVar *v; SATClause *r; if(verboseconflict) satprintstate(s); /* choose a new unique stamp value */ if(s->stamp >= (uint)-3) stampoverflow(s); s->stamp += 3; s->ncflcl = 1; s->cflctr = 0; s->cfllvl = 0; /* we start by blitting each literal in the conflict clause */ if(c != nil){ clausebump(s, c); for(i = 0; i < c->n; i++) blit(s, c->l[i]); /* if there is only one literal l at the current level, we should have inferred ¬l at a lower level (bug). */ if(s->cflctr <= 1){ satprintstate(s); print("conflict clause %+Γ\n", c); assert(s->cflctr > 1); } }else{ blit(s, bin); blit(s, bin>>32); if(s->cflctr <= 1){ satprintstate(s); print("binary conflict clause %d ∨ %d\n", (int)(bin>>32), (int)bin); assert(s->cflctr > 1); } } /* now we go backwards through the trail, decrementing the unresolved literal counter at each stamped literal */ /* and blitting the literals in their reason */ for(i = s->ntrail; --i >= 0; ){ v = &s->var[VAR(s->trail[i])]; if(v->stamp != s->stamp) continue; if(verboseconflict) print("trail literal %d\n", signf(s->trail[i])); if(--s->cflctr == 0) break; if(v->isbinreason) blit(s, v->binreason); else if((r = v->reason) != nil){ clausebump(s, r); for(j = 0; j < r->n; j++) blit(s, r->l[j]); } } /* i should point to the one remaining literal at the current level */ assert(i >= 0); nl = s->cflcl; nl[0] = NOT(s->trail[i]); found = 0; /* delete redundant literals. note we must watch a literal at cfllvl, so put it in l[1]. */ for(i = 1, j = 1; i < s->ncflcl; i++){ l = nl[i]; p = s->var[VAR(nl[i])].lvl; /* lvlstamp[p] != s->stamp + 1 => only one literal at level p => must be nonredundant */ if(s->lvlstamp[p] != s->stamp + 1 || !redundant(s, l)) if(found || p < s->cfllvl) nl[j++] = nl[i]; else{ /* watch this literal */ l = nl[i], nl[j++] = nl[1], nl[1] = l; found = 1; } } s->ncflcl = j; if(!full){ /* normal mode: jump back and add to trail right away */ satbackjump(s, s->cfllvl); sataddtrail(s, nl[0]); }else{ /* purging: record minimum cfllvl and literals at that level */ if(s->cfllvl < s->fullrlvl){ s->fullrlvl = s->cfllvl; s->nfullrlits = 0; } s->fullrlits[s->nfullrlits++] = nl[0]; } r = learn(s, full); if(!full && r != nil) s->var[VAR(nl[0])].reason = r; if(verboseconflict) if(r != nil) print("learned %+Γ\n", r); else print("learned %d\n", signf(nl[0])); s->Δactivity *= s->varρ; s->Δclactivity *= s->clauseρ; s->conflicts++; } /* to purge, we need a fullrun that assigns values to all variables. * during this we record the first conflict at each level, to be resolved * later. otherwise this is just a copy of the main loop which never * purges or flushes. */ static int fullrun(SATSolve *s) { int l; uvlong b; SATClause *c; while(s->ntrail < s->nvar){ decision(s); re: while(s->binptr < s->ntrail){ l = s->trail[s->binptr++]; b = binforcing(s, l, 1); if(b != 0){ if(s->lvl == 0){ s->unsat = 1; return -1; } if(s->nfullrcfl == 0 || s->lvl > CFLLVL(s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl-1])){ s->fullrcfl = satrealloc(s, s->fullrcfl, sizeof(SATConflict) * (s->nfullrcfl + 1)); s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl].lvl = 1<<31 | s->lvl; s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl++].b = b; } } sanity(s); } while(s->forptr < s->ntrail){ l = s->trail[s->forptr++]; c = forcing(s, NOT(l), 1); if(c != nil){ if(s->lvl == 0){ s->unsat = 1; return -1; } if(s->nfullrcfl == 0 || s->lvl > CFLLVL(s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl-1])){ s->fullrcfl = satrealloc(s, s->fullrcfl, sizeof(SATConflict) * (s->nfullrcfl + 1)); s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl].lvl = s->lvl; s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl++].c = c; } } } if(s->binptr < s->ntrail) goto re; } return 0; } /* assign range scores to all clauses. * p == number of levels that have positive literals in the clause. * r == number of levels that have literals in the clause. * range == min(floor(16 * (p + α (r - p))), 255) with magic constant α. */ static void ranges(SATSolve *s) { SATClause *c; int p, r, k, l, v; uint ci; ci = 2; memset(s->lvlstamp, 0, sizeof(int) * s->nvar); memset(s->rangecnt, 0, sizeof(s->rangecnt)); for(c = s->learncl; c != nil; c = c->next, ci += 2){ if(!s->var[VAR(c->l[0])].binreason && s->var[VAR(c->l[0])].reason == c){ c->range = 0; s->rangecnt[0]++; continue; } p = 0; r = 0; for(k = 0; k < c->n; k++){ l = c->l[k]; v = s->var[VAR(l)].lvl; if(v == 0){ if(s->lit[l].val == 1){ c->range = 256; goto next; } }else{ if(s->lvlstamp[v] < ci){ s->lvlstamp[v] = ci; r++; } if(s->lvlstamp[v] == ci && s->lit[l].val == 1){ s->lvlstamp[v] = ci + 1; p++; } } } r = 16 * (p + s->purgeα * (r - p)); if(r > 255) r = 255; c->range = r; s->rangecnt[r]++; next: ; } } /* resolve conflicts found during fullrun() */ static void fullrconflicts(SATSolve *s) { SATConflict *cfl; int i; s->fullrlvl = s->lvl; s->nfullrlits = 0; for(cfl = &s->fullrcfl[s->nfullrcfl - 1]; cfl >= s->fullrcfl; cfl--){ satbackjump(s, CFLLVL(*cfl)); if(cfl->lvl < 0) conflict(s, nil, cfl->b, 1); else conflict(s, cfl->c, 0, 1); } satbackjump(s, 0); if(s->fullrlvl == 0) for(i = 0; i < s->nfullrlits; i++) sataddtrail(s, s->fullrlits[i]); free(s->fullrcfl); s->fullrcfl = nil; } /* note that nil > *, this simplifies the algorithm by having nil "bubble" to the top */ static int actgt(SATClause *a, SATClause *b) { if(b == nil) return 0; if(a == nil) return 1; return a->activity > b->activity || a->activity == b->activity && a > b; } /* select n clauses to keep * first we find the upper limit j on the range score * to get the exact number, we move htot clauses from j to j+1 * to this end, we put them in a max-heap of size htot, sorted by activity, * continually replacing the largest element if we find a less active clause. * the heap starts out filled with nil and the nil are replaced during the first * htot iterations. */ #define LEFT(i) (2*(i)+1) #define RIGHT(i) (2*(i)+2) static int judgement(SATSolve *s, int n) { int cnt, i, j, htot, m; SATClause *c, **h, *z; cnt = 0; for(j = 0; j < 256; j++){ cnt += s->rangecnt[j]; if(cnt >= n) break; } if(j == 256) return j; if(cnt > n){ htot = cnt - n; h = satrealloc(s, nil, sizeof(SATClause *) * htot); memset(h, 0, sizeof(SATClause *) * htot); for(c = s->learncl; c != nil; c = c->next){ if(c->range != j || actgt(c, h[0])) continue; h[0] = c; m = 0; for(;;){ i = m; if(LEFT(i) < htot && actgt(h[LEFT(i)], h[m])) m = LEFT(i); if(RIGHT(i) < htot && actgt(h[RIGHT(i)], h[m])) m = RIGHT(i); if(i == m) break; z = h[i], h[i] = h[m], h[m] = z; } } for(i = 0; i < htot; i++) if(h[i] != nil) h[i]->range = j + 1; free(h); } return j; } /* during purging we remove permanently false literals from learned clauses. * returns 1 if the clause can be deleted entirely. */ static int cleanupclause(SATSolve *s, SATClause *c) { int i, k; for(i = 0; i < c->n; i++) if(s->lit[c->l[i]].val == 0) break; if(i == c->n) return 0; for(k = i; i < c->n; i++) if(s->lit[c->l[i]].val != 0) c->l[k++] = c->l[i]; c->n = k; if(k > 1) return 0; if(k == 0) s->unsat = 1; else if(s->lit[c->l[0]].val < 0) sataddtrail(s, c->l[0]); return 1; } /* delete clauses by overwriting them. don't delete empty blocks; we're going to fill them up soon enough again. */ static void execution(SATSolve *s, int j) { SATClause *c, *n, **cp, *p; SATBlock *b; SATVar *v0; int f, sz; b = s->bl[1].next; p = (SATClause*) b->data; s->ncl = s->ncl0; cp = &s->learncl; for(c = p; c != nil; c = n){ n = c->next; if(c->range > j || cleanupclause(s, c)) continue; sz = sizeof(SATClause) + (c->n - 1) * sizeof(int); f = (uchar*)b + SATBLOCKSZ - (uchar*)p; if(f < sz){ memset(p, 0, f); b = b->next; assert(b != &s->bl[1]); p = (SATClause *) b->data; } b->last = p; /* update reason field of the first variable (if applicable) */ v0 = &s->var[VAR(c->l[0])]; if(!v0->isbinreason && v0->reason == c) v0->reason = p; memmove(p, c, sz); *cp = p; cp = &p->next; p = (void*)((uintptr)p + sz + CLAUSEALIGN - 1 & -CLAUSEALIGN); b->end = p; s->ncl++; } *cp = nil; *s->lastp[0] = s->learncl; s->lastp[1] = cp; s->lastbl = b; f = (uchar*)b + SATBLOCKSZ - (uchar*)p; memset(p, 0, f); for(b = b->next; b != &s->bl[1]; b = b->next){ b->last = nil; b->end = b->data; } } static void thepurge(SATSolve *s) { int nkeep, i, j; SATVar *v; s->purgeival += s->purgeδ; s->nextpurge = s->conflicts + s->purgeival; nkeep = (s->ncl - s->ncl0) / 2; for(i = 0; i < s->ntrail; i++){ v = &s->var[VAR(s->trail[i])]; if(!v->isbinreason && v->reason != nil) nkeep++; } if(nkeep <= 0) return; /* shouldn't happen */ s->nfullrcfl = 0; if(fullrun(s) < 0){ /* accidentally determined UNSAT during fullrun() */ free(s->fullrcfl); s->fullrcfl = nil; return; } ranges(s); fullrconflicts(s); j = judgement(s, nkeep); execution(s, j); rewatch(s); } /* to avoid getting stuck, flushing backs up the trail to remove low activity variables. * don't worry about throwing out high activity ones, they'll get readded quickly. */ static void theflush(SATSolve *s) { double actk; int dd, l; /* "reluctant doubling" wizardry to determine when to flush */ if((s->flushu & -s->flushu) == s->flushv){ s->flushu++; s->flushv = 1; s->flushθ = s->flushψ; }else{ s->flushv *= 2; s->flushθ += s->flushθ >> 4; } s->nextflush = s->conflicts + s->flushv; if(s->agility > s->flushθ) return; /* don't flush when we're too busy */ /* clean up the heap so that a free variable is at the top */ while(s->nheap > 0 && s->heap[0]->lvl >= 0) satheaptake(s); if(s->nheap == 0) return; /* shouldn't happen */ actk = s->heap[0]->activity; for(dd = 0; dd < s->lvl; dd++){ l = s->trail[s->decbd[dd+1]]; if(s->var[VAR(l)].activity < actk) break; } satbackjump(s, dd); } int satsolve(SATSolve *s) { int l; SATClause *c; uvlong b; if(s == nil) return 1; if(s->scratched) return -1; if(s->nvar == 0) return 1; solvinit(s); while(!s->unsat){ re: while(s->binptr < s->ntrail){ l = s->trail[s->binptr++]; b = binforcing(s, l, 0); sanity(s); if(b != 0){ if(s->lvl == 0) goto unsat; conflict(s, nil, b, 0); sanity(s); } } while(s->forptr < s->ntrail){ l = s->trail[s->forptr++]; c = forcing(s, NOT(l), 0); sanity(s); if(c != nil){ if(s->lvl == 0) goto unsat; conflict(s, c, 0, 0); sanity(s); } } if(s->binptr < s->ntrail) goto re; if(s->ntrail == s->nvar) goto out; if(s->conflicts >= s->nextpurge) thepurge(s); else if(s->conflicts >= s->nextflush) theflush(s); else decision(s); } unsat: s->unsat = 1; out: satcleanup(s, 0); return !s->unsat; } void satreset(SATSolve *s) { int i; if(s == nil || s->decbd == nil) return; satbackjump(s, -1); s->lvl = 0; for(i = 0; i < s->nvar; i++){ s->var[i].activity = 0; s->var[i].flags |= VARPHASE; } satcleanup(s, 1); s->Δactivity = 1; s->Δclactivity = 1; }