ref: 3ea0572f4f467f8f0712da7040a3dd163ac2dd0e
dir: /sys/src/games/doom/m_misc.c/
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // Main loop menu stuff. // Default Config File. // PCX Screenshots. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: m_misc.c,v 1.6 1997/02/03 22:45:10 b1 Exp $"; #include "doomdef.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "m_swap.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" // State. #include "doomstat.h" // Data. #include "dstrings.h" #include "m_misc.h" // // M_DrawText // Returns the final X coordinate // HU_Init must have been called to init the font // extern patch_t* hu_font[HU_FONTSIZE]; int M_DrawText ( int x, int y, boolean direct, char* string ) { int c; int w; while (*string) { c = toupper(*string) - HU_FONTSTART; string++; if (c < 0 || c> HU_FONTSIZE) { x += 4; continue; } w = SHORT (hu_font[c]->width); if (x+w > SCREENWIDTH) break; if (direct) V_DrawPatchDirect(x, y, 0, hu_font[c]); else V_DrawPatch(x, y, 0, hu_font[c]); x+=w; } return x; } // // M_WriteFile // boolean M_WriteFile ( char const* name, void* source, int length ) { int fd, n; if((fd = create(name, OWRITE, 0644)) < 0) return false; n = write(fd, source, length); close(fd); return n == length; } // // M_ReadFile // int M_ReadFile ( char const* name, byte** buffer ) { int fd, length; Dir *d; byte *buf; if((fd = open(name, OREAD)) < 0) I_Error ("Couldn't open file %s", name); if((d = dirfstat(fd)) == nil) I_Error ("Couldn't stat file %s", name); length = d->length; free(d); buf = Z_Malloc(length, PU_STATIC, NULL); if(readn(fd, buf, length) != length) I_Error ("Couldn't read file %s", name); close(fd); *buffer = buf; return length; } // // DEFAULTS // int usemouse; int usejoystick; extern int key_right; extern int key_left; extern int key_up; extern int key_down; extern int key_strafeleft; extern int key_straferight; extern int key_fire; extern int key_use; extern int key_strafe; extern int key_speed; extern int mousebfire; extern int mousebstrafe; extern int mousebforward; extern int joybfire; extern int joybstrafe; extern int joybuse; extern int joybspeed; extern int viewwidth; extern int viewheight; extern int mouseSensitivity; extern int showMessages; extern int detailLevel; extern int screenblocks; extern int showMessages; // machine-independent sound params extern int numChannels; extern char* chat_macros[]; typedef struct { char* name; void* location; int defaultvalue; char* defaultstring; } default_t; default_t defaults[] = { {"mouse_sensitivity",&mouseSensitivity, 5}, {"sfx_volume",&snd_SfxVolume, 8}, {"music_volume",&snd_MusicVolume, 8}, {"show_messages",&showMessages, 1}, {"key_right",&key_right, KEY_RIGHTARROW}, {"key_left",&key_left, KEY_LEFTARROW}, {"key_up",&key_up, KEY_UPARROW}, {"key_down",&key_down, KEY_DOWNARROW}, {"key_strafeleft",&key_strafeleft, ','}, {"key_straferight",&key_straferight, '.'}, {"key_fire",&key_fire, KEY_RCTRL}, {"key_use",&key_use, ' '}, {"key_strafe",&key_strafe, KEY_RALT}, {"key_speed",&key_speed, KEY_RSHIFT}, {"use_mouse",&usemouse, 1}, {"mouseb_fire",&mousebfire,0}, {"mouseb_strafe",&mousebstrafe,1}, {"mouseb_forward",&mousebforward,2}, {"use_joystick",&usejoystick, 0}, {"joyb_fire",&joybfire,0}, {"joyb_strafe",&joybstrafe,1}, {"joyb_use",&joybuse,3}, {"joyb_speed",&joybspeed,2}, {"screenblocks",&screenblocks, 9}, {"detaillevel",&detailLevel, 0}, {"snd_channels",&numChannels, 3}, {"usegamma",&usegamma, 0}, {"chatmacro0",&chat_macros[0], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO0 }, {"chatmacro1",&chat_macros[1], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO1 }, {"chatmacro2",&chat_macros[2], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO2 }, {"chatmacro3",&chat_macros[3], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO3 }, {"chatmacro4",&chat_macros[4], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO4 }, {"chatmacro5",&chat_macros[5], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO5 }, {"chatmacro6",&chat_macros[6], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO6 }, {"chatmacro7",&chat_macros[7], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO7 }, {"chatmacro8",&chat_macros[8], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO8 }, {"chatmacro9",&chat_macros[9], 0, HUSTR_CHATMACRO9 } }; int numdefaults; char* defaultfile; // // M_SaveDefaults // void M_SaveDefaults (void) { int i; FILE* f; f = fopen (defaultfile, "w"); if (!f) return; // can't write the file, but don't complain for (i=0 ; i<numdefaults ; i++) { if (defaults[i].defaultstring == 0) { fprintf (f,"%s\t\t%i\n",defaults[i].name, *((int*)defaults[i].location)); } else { fprintf (f,"%s\t\t\"%s\"\n",defaults[i].name, *((char**)defaults[i].location)); } } fclose (f); } // // M_LoadDefaults // void M_LoadDefaults (void) { int i; int len; FILE* f; char def[80]; char strparm[100]; char* newstring; int parm; // set everything to base values numdefaults = sizeof(defaults)/sizeof(defaults[0]); for (i=0 ; i<numdefaults ; i++) if(defaults[i].defaultstring == 0) *((int*)defaults[i].location) = defaults[i].defaultvalue; else *((char**)defaults[i].location) = defaults[i].defaultstring; // check for a custom default file i = M_CheckParm ("-config"); if (i && i<myargc-1) defaultfile = myargv[i+1]; else defaultfile = basedefault; printf (" default file: %s\n",defaultfile); // read the file in, overriding any set defaults f = fopen (defaultfile, "r"); if (f) { while (!feof(f)) { if (fscanf (f, "%79s %[^\n]\n", def, strparm) == 2) { parm = 0; newstring = 0; if (strparm[0] == '"') { // get a string default len = strlen(strparm); newstring = (char *) malloc(len); strparm[len-1] = 0; strcpy(newstring, strparm+1); } else if (strparm[0] == '0' && strparm[1] == 'x') sscanf(strparm+2, "%x", &parm); else sscanf(strparm, "%i", &parm); for (i=0 ; i<numdefaults ; i++) if (!strcmp(def, defaults[i].name)) { if (defaults[i].defaultstring == 0) *((int*)defaults[i].location) = parm; else if(newstring) *((char**)defaults[i].location) = newstring; break; } } } fclose (f); } } // // SCREEN SHOTS // typedef struct { char manufacturer; char version; char encoding; char bits_per_pixel; unsigned short xmin; unsigned short ymin; unsigned short xmax; unsigned short ymax; unsigned short hres; unsigned short vres; unsigned char palette[48]; char reserved; char color_planes; unsigned short bytes_per_line; unsigned short palette_type; char filler[58]; unsigned char data; // unbounded } pcx_t; // // WritePCXfile // void WritePCXfile ( char* filename, byte* data, int width, int height, byte* palette ) { int i; int length; pcx_t* pcx; byte* pack; pcx = Z_Malloc (width*height*2+1000, PU_STATIC, NULL); pcx->manufacturer = 0x0a; // PCX id pcx->version = 5; // 256 color pcx->encoding = 1; // uncompressed pcx->bits_per_pixel = 8; // 256 color pcx->xmin = 0; pcx->ymin = 0; pcx->xmax = SHORT(width-1); pcx->ymax = SHORT(height-1); pcx->hres = SHORT(width); pcx->vres = SHORT(height); memset (pcx->palette,0,sizeof(pcx->palette)); pcx->color_planes = 1; // chunky image pcx->bytes_per_line = SHORT(width); pcx->palette_type = SHORT(2); // not a grey scale memset (pcx->filler,0,sizeof(pcx->filler)); // pack the image pack = &pcx->data; for (i=0 ; i<width*height ; i++) { if ( (*data & 0xc0) != 0xc0) *pack++ = *data++; else { *pack++ = 0xc1; *pack++ = *data++; } } // write the palette *pack++ = 0x0c; // palette ID byte for (i=0 ; i<768 ; i++) *pack++ = *palette++; // write output file length = pack - (byte *)pcx; M_WriteFile (filename, pcx, length); Z_Free (pcx); } // // M_ScreenShot // void M_ScreenShot (void) { int i; byte* linear; char lbmname[12]; // munge planar buffer to linear linear = screens[2]; I_ReadScreen (linear); // find a file name to save it to strcpy(lbmname,"DOOM00.pcx"); for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) { lbmname[4] = i/10 + '0'; lbmname[5] = i%10 + '0'; if (!I_FileExists (lbmname)) break; } if (i==100) I_Error ("M_ScreenShot: Couldn't create a PCX"); // save the pcx file WritePCXfile (lbmname, linear, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, W_CacheLumpName ("PLAYPAL",PU_CACHE)); players[consoleplayer].message = "screen shot"; }