ref: 3e115487969570445a58a5a351a7bf0e0ab5fc21
dir: /sys/src/9/cycv/devarch.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" #include "ureg.h" #include "../port/error.h" #define fpga ((ulong*) FPGAMGR_BASE) enum { REMAP = 0x0 / 4 }; enum { Timeout = 3000 }; enum { FPGASTAT, FPGACTRL, FPGAINTEN = 0x830/4, FPGAINTTYPE = 0x838/4, FPGAINTPOL = 0x83C/4, FPGAINTSTATUS = 0x840/4, FPGAEOI = 0x84C/4, FPGAPINS = 0x850/4, }; enum { /*FPGACTRL*/ HPSCONFIG = 1<<0, NCONFIGPULL = 1<<2, AXICFGEN = 1<<8, /*FPGAPINS*/ NSTATUS = 1<<0, CONF_DONE = 1<<1, INIT_DONE = 1<<2, CRC_ERROR = 1<<3, CVP_CONF_DONE = 1<<4, PR_READY = 1<<5, PR_ERROR = 1<<6, PR_DONE = 1<<7, NCONFIG_PIN = 1<<8, NSTATUS_PIN = 1<<9, CONF_DONE_PIN = 1<<10, FPGA_POWER_ON = 1<<11 }; enum { Qdir = 0, Qfpga, Qbase, Qmax = 16, }; static Dirtab archdir[Qmax] = { ".", { Qdir, 0, QTDIR }, 0, 0555, "fpga", { Qfpga, 0 }, 0, 0660, }; static int narchdir = Qbase; static Physseg *axi; static Ref fpgawopen; enum { FPGABUFSIZ = 65536 }; static uchar *fpgabuf; static int fpgabufp; static int fpgaok; static Rendez fpgarend; static u32int fpgawaitset, fpgawaitclr; static int donewaiting(void *) { u32int s; s = fpga[FPGAPINS]; return (s & fpgawaitset | ~s & fpgawaitclr) != 0; } static void fpgairq(Ureg *, void *) { fpga[FPGAEOI] = -1; if(donewaiting(nil)) wakeup(&fpgarend); } static int fpgawait(u32int set, u32int clr, int timeout) { int s; fpgawaitset = set; fpgawaitclr = clr; if(donewaiting(nil)) return 0; s = spllo(); fpga[FPGAINTEN] = 0; fpga[FPGAEOI] = -1; fpga[FPGAINTPOL] = set; fpga[FPGAINTEN] = set | clr; tsleep(&fpgarend, donewaiting, nil, timeout); fpga[FPGAINTEN] = 0; fpga[FPGAEOI] = -1; splx(s); return donewaiting(nil) ? 0 : -1; } static void fpgaconf(void) { int msel; enum { PORFAST = 1, AES = 2, AESMAYBE = 4, COMP = 8, FPP32 = 16 }; static uchar mseltab[16][3] = { [0] {0, 1, PORFAST}, [4] {0, 1, 0}, [1] {0, 2, PORFAST|AES}, [5] {0, 2, AES}, [2] {0, 3, COMP|AESMAYBE|PORFAST}, [6] {0, 3, COMP|AESMAYBE}, [8] {1, 1, PORFAST|FPP32}, [12] {1, 1, FPP32}, [9] {1, 2, AES|FPP32|PORFAST}, [13] {1, 2, AES|FPP32}, [10] {1, 4, COMP|AESMAYBE|PORFAST|FPP32}, [14] {1, 4, COMP|AESMAYBE|FPP32} }; axi->attr |= SG_FAULT; procflushpseg(axi); flushmmu(); if((fpga[FPGAPINS] & FPGA_POWER_ON) == 0) error("FPGA powered off"); msel = fpga[FPGASTAT] >> 3 & 0x1f; if(msel >= 16 || mseltab[msel][1] == 0){ print("MSEL set to invalid setting %#.2x\n", msel); error("MSEL set to invalid setting"); } fpga[FPGACTRL] = fpga[FPGACTRL] & ~0x3ff | mseltab[msel][0] << 9 /* cfgwdth */ | mseltab[msel][1]-1 << 6 /* cdratio */ | NCONFIGPULL | HPSCONFIG; if(fpgawait(0, NSTATUS, Timeout) < 0 || fpgawait(0, CONF_DONE, Timeout) < 0) error("FPGA won't enter reset phase"); fpga[FPGACTRL] &= ~NCONFIGPULL; if(fpgawait(NSTATUS, 0, Timeout) < 0) error("FPGA won't enter configuration phase"); fpga[FPGACTRL] |= AXICFGEN; } static void fpgawrite(uchar *a, int n) { int m; if(waserror()){ fpgaok = 0; nexterror(); } if((fpga[FPGAPINS] & NSTATUS) == 0) error("FPGA reports configuration error"); fpgaok = 1; while(fpgabufp + n >= FPGABUFSIZ){ m = FPGABUFSIZ - fpgabufp; memmove(&fpgabuf[fpgabufp], a, m); cleandse(fpgabuf, fpgabuf + FPGABUFSIZ); dmacopy((void *) FPGAMGRDATA, fpgabuf, FPGABUFSIZ, SRC_INC); a += m; n -= m; fpgabufp = 0; } memmove(&fpgabuf[fpgabufp], a, n); fpgabufp += n; poperror(); } static void fpgafinish(void) { if(!fpgaok) return; while((fpgabufp & 3) != 0) fpgabuf[fpgabufp++] = 0; cleandse(fpgabuf, fpgabuf + fpgabufp); dmacopy((void *) FPGAMGRDATA, fpgabuf, fpgabufp, SRC_INC); fpga[FPGACTRL] &= ~AXICFGEN; if(fpgawait(CONF_DONE, NSTATUS, Timeout) < 0){ print("FPGA stuck in configuration phase -- truncated file?\n"); return; } if((fpga[FPGAPINS] & NSTATUS) == 0){ print("FPGA reports configuration error\n"); return; } if(fpgawait(INIT_DONE, 0, Timeout) < 0){ print("FPGA stuck in initialization phase\n"); return; } fpga[FPGACTRL] &= ~HPSCONFIG; axi->attr &= ~SG_FAULT; procflushpseg(axi); flushmmu(); } static long archread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong) { switch((ulong)c->qid.path){ case Qdir: return devdirread(c, a, n, archdir, narchdir, devgen); default: error(Egreg); return -1; } } static long archwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong) { switch((ulong)c->qid.path){ case Qfpga: fpgawrite(a, n); return n; default: error(Egreg); return -1; } } Walkqid* archwalk(Chan* c, Chan *nc, char** name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, archdir, narchdir, devgen); } static int archstat(Chan* c, uchar* dp, int n) { return devstat(c, dp, n, archdir, narchdir, devgen); } static Chan* archopen(Chan* c, int omode) { devopen(c, omode, archdir, narchdir, devgen); if((ulong)c->qid.path == Qfpga && (c->mode == OWRITE || c->mode == ORDWR)){ if(incref(&fpgawopen) != 1){ c->flag &= ~COPEN; decref(&fpgawopen); error(Einuse); } fpgaok = 0; fpgaconf(); fpgabuf = xspanalloc(FPGABUFSIZ, 64, 0); fpgabufp = 0; } return c; } static void archclose(Chan* c) { if((c->flag & COPEN) != 0) if((ulong)c->qid.path == Qfpga && (c->mode == OWRITE || c->mode == ORDWR)){ fpgafinish(); //xfree(fpgabuf); fpgabuf = nil; decref(&fpgawopen); } } void archinit(void) { Physseg seg; fpga[FPGAINTEN] = 0; fpga[FPGAEOI] = -1; fpga[FPGAINTTYPE] = -1; intrenable(FPGAMGRIRQ, fpgairq, nil, LEVEL, "fpgamgr"); resetmgr[BRGMODRST] &= ~7; l3[REMAP] = 0x18; memset(&seg, 0, sizeof seg); seg.attr = SG_PHYSICAL | SG_DEVICE | SG_NOEXEC | SG_FAULT; = "axi"; = 0xFF200000; seg.size = 0x200000; axi = addphysseg(&seg); } static Chan* archattach(char* spec) { return devattach('P', spec); } Dev archdevtab = { 'P', "arch", devreset, devinit, devshutdown, archattach, archwalk, archstat, archopen, devcreate, archclose, archread, devbread, archwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, };