ref: 3cf63ee15fce37647fb3e5ce3d757b7cdaf5e872
dir: /sys/doc/sam/fig5.pic/
.PS scale=100 define m0 | [ $2: box "\f(CWBuffer\fP" $1 ht 40 wid 88 with .nw at 0,40 box "\f(CWString\fP" "(cache)" ht 40 wid 72 with .nw at 104,40 line left 16 from last box.w ] | define m1 | [ box "\f(CWDisc\fP" ht 40 wid 88 with .sw at 0,56 box "temp. file" ht 40 wid 88 with .sw at 0,0 line up 16 from last box.n ] | D1: m1 with .nw at 184,576 D2: m1 with .nw at 0,576 Mtranscript: m0("(transcript)", Buffer) with .nw at 0,640 Mcontents: m0("(contents)", Contents) with .nw at 184,640 F: box "\f(CWFile\fP" ht 40 wid 112 with .nw at 75,704 line from D2.n to Mtranscript.Buffer.s line from D1.n to Mcontents.Contents.s line up 12 from Mtranscript.Buffer.n then right 50 then up 12 line up 12 from Mcontents.Contents.n then left 60 then up 12 .PE