ref: 3a3eb0434c3e5bc98b05a4a0a9752a1743b32512
dir: /sys/include/sat.h/
#pragma lib "libsat.a" typedef struct SATParam SATParam; typedef struct SATClause SATClause; typedef struct SATSolve SATSolve; typedef struct SATBlock SATBlock; typedef struct SATVar SATVar; typedef struct SATLit SATLit; typedef struct SATConflict SATConflict; #pragma incomplete SATClause #pragma incomplete SATVar #pragma incomplete SATLit #pragma incomplete SATConflict /* user adjustable parameters */ struct SATParam { void (*errfun)(char *, void *); void *erraux; long (*randfn)(void *); void *randaux; uint goofprob; /* probability of making a random decision, times 2**31 */ double varρ; /* Δactivity is multiplied by this after a conflict */ double clauseρ; /* Δclactivity is multiplied by this after a conflict */ int trivlim; /* number of extra literals we're willing to tolerate before substituting the trivial clause */ int purgeΔ; /* initial purge interval (number of conflicts before a purge) */ int purgeδ; /* increase in purge interval at purge */ double purgeα; /* α weight factor for purge heuristic */ u32int flushψ; /* agility threshold for restarts */ }; /* each block contains multiple SATClauses consecutively in its data region. each clause is 8 byte aligned and the total size is SATBLOCKSZ (64K) */ struct SATBlock { SATBlock *next, *prev; SATClause *last; /* last clause, ==nil for empty blocks */ void *end; /* first byte past the last clause */ uchar data[1]; }; struct SATSolve { SATParam; uchar unsat; /* ==1 if unsatisfiable. don't even try to solve. */ uchar scratched; /* <0 if error happened, state undefined */ SATBlock bl[2]; /* two doubly linked list heads: list bl[0] contains user clauses, list bl[1] contains learned clauses */ SATBlock *lastbl; /* the last block we added a learned clause to */ SATClause *cl; /* all clauses are linked together; this is the first user clause */ SATClause *learncl; /* first learned clause */ SATClause **lastp[2]; /* this points towards the last link in each linked list */ int ncl; /* total number of clauses */ int ncl0; /* number of user clauses */ SATVar *var; /* all variables (array with nvar elements) */ SATLit *lit; /* all literals (array with 2*nvar elements) */ int nvar; int nvaralloc; /* space allocated for variables */ int *trail; /* the trail contains all literals currently assumed true */ int ntrail; int *decbd; /* decision boundaries. trail[decbd[i]] has the first literal of level i */ int lvl; /* current decision level */ SATVar **heap; /* binary heap with free variables, sorted by activity (nonfree variables are removed lazily and so may also be in it) */ int nheap; uint *lvlstamp; /* used to "stamp" levels during conflict resolution and purging */ uint stamp; /* current "stamp" counter */ int forptr; /* trail[forptr] is the first literal we haven't explored the implications of yet */ int binptr; /* ditto for binary implications */ int *cflcl; /* during conflict resolution we build the learned clause in here */ int ncflcl; int cflclalloc; /* space allocated for cflcl */ int cfllvl; /* the maximum level of the literals in cflcl, cflcl[0] excluded */ int cflctr; /* number of unresolved literals during conflict resolution */ double Δactivity; /* activity increment for variables */ double Δclactivity; /* activity increment for clauses */ uvlong conflicts; /* total number of conflicts so far */ uvlong nextpurge; /* purge happens when conflicts >= nextpurge */ uint purgeival; /* increment for nextpurge */ /* during a purge we do a "full run", assigning all variables and recording conflicts rather than resolving them */ SATConflict *fullrcfl; /* conflicts found thus */ int nfullrcfl; int fullrlvl; /* minimum cfllvl for conflicts found during purging */ int *fullrlits; /* literals implied by conflicts at level fullrlvl */ int nfullrlits; int rangecnt[256]; /* number of clauses with certain range values */ u64int nextflush; /* flush happens when conflicts >= nextflush */ u32int flushu, flushv, flushθ; /* variables for flush scheduling algorithm */ u32int agility; /* agility is a measure how quickly variables are being flipped. high agility inhibits flushes */ void *scrap; /* auxiliary memory that may need to be freed after a fatal error */ }; SATSolve *satnew(void); SATSolve *satadd1(SATSolve *, int *, int); SATSolve *sataddv(SATSolve *, ...); SATSolve *satrange1(SATSolve *, int *, int, int, int); SATSolve *satrangev(SATSolve *, int, int, ...); int satsolve(SATSolve *); int satmore(SATSolve *); int satval(SATSolve *, int); void satfree(SATSolve *); void satreset(SATSolve *); int satget(SATSolve *, int, int *, int); void satvafix(va_list);