ref: 30c5c3404bec22f78cd1334f750876f5ab47ccd8
dir: /lib/font/bit/naga10/README/
These fonts are converted from NAGA10 font collection distributed under public domain license. There are 10 dot japanese fonts with several type faces (gothic, bold, mincho, maru). The original distribution site is: The conversion was done by the TIP9UG JP FONTS project. Font Description: 5x10a.font 5x10 ASCII (backslash, tilder) 5x10B.font " bold 5x10rk.font 10x10 Roman (yen, upper score) knj10.font 10x10 JIS gothic knj10B.font " bold maru10.font 10x10 JIS marumoji min10.font 10x10 JIS mincho --