ref: 2c9b1c6b53c2a6573e286ce7cbd76ef316068a3a
dir: /sys/src/cmd/auth/debug.c/
/* * Test various aspects of the authentication setup. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ndb.h> #include <auth.h> #include <authsrv.h> /* private copy with added debugging */ int authdial(char *netroot, char *dom) { char *p; int rv; if(dom != nil){ /* look up an auth server in an authentication domain */ p = csgetvalue(netroot, "authdom", dom, "auth", nil); /* if that didn't work, just try the IP domain */ if(p == nil) p = csgetvalue(netroot, "dom", dom, "auth", nil); if(p == nil){ werrstr("no auth server found for %s", dom); return -1; } print("\tdialing auth server %s\n", netmkaddr(p, netroot, "ticket")); rv = dial(netmkaddr(p, netroot, "ticket"), 0, 0, 0); free(p); return rv; } else /* look for one relative to my machine */ return dial(netmkaddr("$auth", netroot, "ticket"), 0, 0, 0); } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: auth/debug\n"); exits("usage"); } static char* readcons(char *prompt, char *def, int raw, char *buf, int nbuf) { int fdin, fdout, ctl, n, m; char line[10]; fdin = open("/dev/cons", OREAD); if(fdin < 0) fdin = 0; fdout = open("/dev/cons", OWRITE); if(fdout < 0) fdout = 1; if(def != nil) fprint(fdout, "%s[%s]: ", prompt, def); else fprint(fdout, "%s: ", prompt); if(raw){ ctl = open("/dev/consctl", OWRITE); if(ctl >= 0) write(ctl, "rawon", 5); } else ctl = -1; m = 0; for(;;){ n = read(fdin, line, 1); if(n == 0){ close(ctl); werrstr("readcons: EOF"); return nil; } if(n < 0){ close(ctl); werrstr("can't read cons"); return nil; } if(line[0] == 0x7f) exits(0); if(n == 0 || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\r'){ if(raw){ write(ctl, "rawoff", 6); write(fdout, "\n", 1); close(ctl); } buf[m] = '\0'; if(buf[0]=='\0' && def) strcpy(buf, def); return buf; } if(line[0] == '\b'){ if(m > 0) m--; }else if(line[0] == 0x15){ /* ^U: line kill */ m = 0; if(def != nil) fprint(fdout, "%s[%s]: ", prompt, def); else fprint(fdout, "%s: ", prompt); }else{ if(m >= nbuf-1){ fprint(fdout, "line too long\n"); m = 0; if(def != nil) fprint(fdout, "%s[%s]: ", prompt, def); else fprint(fdout, "%s: ", prompt); }else buf[m++] = line[0]; } } } void authdialfutz(char*, char*); void authfutz(char*, char*); /* scan factotum for p9sk1 keys; check them */ void debugfactotumkeys(void) { char *s, *dom, *proto, *user; int found; Attr *a; Biobuf *b; b = Bopen("/mnt/factotum/ctl", OREAD); if(b == nil){ fprint(2, "debug: cannot open /mnt/factotum/ctl\n"); return; } found = 0; while((s = Brdstr(b, '\n', 1)) != nil){ if(strncmp(s, "key ", 4) != 0){ print("malformed ctl line: %s\n", s); free(s); continue; } a = _parseattr(s+4); free(s); proto = _strfindattr(a, "proto"); if(proto==nil || strcmp(proto, "p9sk1")!=0) continue; dom = _strfindattr(a, "dom"); if(dom == nil){ print("p9sk1 key with no dom: %A\n", a); _freeattr(a); continue; } user = _strfindattr(a, "user"); if(user == nil){ print("p9sk1 key with no user: %A\n", a); _freeattr(a); continue; } print("p9sk1 key: %A\n", a); found = 1; authdialfutz(dom, user); _freeattr(a); } if(!found) print("no p9sk1 keys found in factotum\n"); } void authdialfutz(char *dom, char *user) { int fd; char *server; char *addr; fd = authdial(nil, dom); if(fd >= 0){ print("\tsuccessfully dialed auth server\n"); close(fd); authfutz(dom, user); return; } print("\tcannot dial auth server: %r\n"); server = csgetvalue(nil, "authdom", dom, "auth", nil); if(server){ print("\tcsquery authdom=%q auth=%s\n", dom, server); free(server); return; } print("\tcsquery authdom=%q auth=* failed\n", dom); server = csgetvalue(nil, "dom", dom, "auth", nil); if(server){ print("\tcsquery dom=%q auth=%q\n", dom, server); free(server); return; } print("\tcsquery dom=%q auth=*\n", dom); fd = dial(addr=netmkaddr("$auth", nil, "ticket"), 0, 0, 0); if(fd >= 0){ print("\tdial %s succeeded\n", addr); close(fd); return; } print("\tdial %s failed: %r\n", addr); } void authfutz(char *dom, char *user) { int fd, nobootes; char pw[128], prompt[128], key[DESKEYLEN], booteskey[DESKEYLEN], tbuf[2*TICKETLEN], trbuf[TICKREQLEN]; Ticket t; Ticketreq tr; snprint(prompt, sizeof prompt, "\tpassword for %s@%s [hit enter to skip test]", user, dom); readcons(prompt, nil, 1, pw, sizeof pw); if(pw[0] == '\0') return; passtokey(key, pw); fd = authdial(nil, dom); if(fd < 0){ print("\tauthdial failed(!): %r\n"); return; } /* try ticket request using just user key */ tr.type = AuthTreq; strecpy(tr.authid, tr.authid+sizeof tr.authid, user); strecpy(tr.authdom, tr.authdom+sizeof tr.authdom, dom); strecpy(tr.hostid, tr.hostid+sizeof tr.hostid, user); strecpy(tr.uid, tr.uid+sizeof tr.uid, user); memset(tr.chal, 0xAA, sizeof tr.chal); convTR2M(&tr, trbuf); if(_asgetticket(fd, trbuf, tbuf) < 0){ close(fd); print("\t_asgetticket failed: %r\n"); return; } convM2T(tbuf, &t, key); if(t.num != AuthTc){ print("\tcannot decrypt ticket1 from auth server (bad t.num=0x%.2ux)\n", t.num); print("\tauth server and you do not agree on key for %s@%s\n", user, dom); return; } if(memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal) != 0){ print("\tbad challenge1 from auth server got %.*H wanted %.*H\n", sizeof t.chal, t.chal, sizeof tr.chal, tr.chal); print("\tauth server is rogue\n"); return; } convM2T(tbuf+TICKETLEN, &t, key); if(t.num != AuthTs){ print("\tcannot decrypt ticket2 from auth server (bad t.num=0x%.2ux)\n", t.num); print("\tauth server and you do not agree on key for %s@%s\n", user, dom); return; } if(memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal) != 0){ print("\tbad challenge2 from auth server got %.*H wanted %.*H\n", sizeof t.chal, t.chal, sizeof tr.chal, tr.chal); print("\tauth server is rogue\n"); return; } print("\tticket request using %s@%s key succeeded\n", user, dom); /* try ticket request using bootes key */ snprint(prompt, sizeof prompt, "\tcpu server owner for domain %s ", dom); readcons(prompt, "glenda", 0, tr.authid, sizeof tr.authid); convTR2M(&tr, trbuf); if(_asgetticket(fd, trbuf, tbuf) < 0){ close(fd); print("\t_asgetticket failed: %r\n"); return; } convM2T(tbuf, &t, key); if(t.num != AuthTc){ print("\tcannot decrypt ticket1 from auth server (bad t.num=0x%.2ux)\n", t.num); print("\tauth server and you do not agree on key for %s@%s\n", user, dom); return; } if(memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal) != 0){ print("\tbad challenge1 from auth server got %.*H wanted %.*H\n", sizeof t.chal, t.chal, sizeof tr.chal, tr.chal); print("\tauth server is rogue\n"); return; } snprint(prompt, sizeof prompt, "\tpassword for %s@%s [hit enter to skip test]", tr.authid, dom); readcons(prompt, nil, 1, pw, sizeof pw); if(pw[0] == '\0'){ nobootes=1; goto Nobootes; } nobootes = 0; passtokey(booteskey, pw); convM2T(tbuf+TICKETLEN, &t, booteskey); if(t.num != AuthTs){ print("\tcannot decrypt ticket2 from auth server (bad t.num=0x%.2ux)\n", t.num); print("\tauth server and you do not agree on key for %s@%s\n", tr.authid, dom); return; } if(memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal) != 0){ print("\tbad challenge2 from auth server got %.*H wanted %.*H\n", sizeof t.chal, t.chal, sizeof tr.chal, tr.chal); print("\tauth server is rogue\n"); return; } print("\tticket request using %s@%s key succeeded\n", tr.authid, dom); Nobootes:; USED(nobootes); /* try p9sk1 exchange with local factotum to test that key is right */ /* * try p9sk1 exchange with factotum on * auth server (assumes running cpu service) * to test that bootes key is right over there */ } void main(int argc, char **argv) { quotefmtinstall(); fmtinstall('A', _attrfmt); fmtinstall('H', encodefmt); ARGBEGIN{ default: usage(); }ARGEND if(argc != 0) usage(); debugfactotumkeys(); }