ref: 26e42d115979009c9fe144e1c28f740485537674
dir: /sys/src/9/pc64/pc64/
# pc64 - amd64 pc terminal with local disk dev root cons swap arch pnp pci env pipe proc mnt srv shr dup rtc tls cap kprof fs ether netif bridge log ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium inferno draw screen vga vgax vgasoft mouse mouse kbd vga pci sd # floppy dma aoe # lpt audio dma # pccard # i82365 cis uart usb segment vmx dtracy link # devpccard pci # devi82365 cputemp pci # ether2000 ether8390 ether2114x pci # ether589 etherelnk3 ether79c970 pci # ether8003 ether8390 ether8139 pci ether8169 pci ethermii # should be obsoleted by igbe # ether82543gc pci # ether82557 pci ether82563 pci ether82598 pci etherx550 pci # ether83815 pci etherbcm pci # etherdp83820 pci ethermii # etherec2t ether8390 # etherelnk3 pci # etherga620 pci etherigbe pci ethermii # ethervgbe pci ethermii # ethervt6102 pci ethermii # ethervt6105m pci ethermii ethersink # ethersmc devi82365 cis etheryuk pci # etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci etheriwl pci wifi etherwpi pci wifi etherrt2860 pci wifi ethervirtio pci ethervirtio10 pci ethermedium loopbackmedium netdevmedium # pcmciamodem usbuhci pci usbohci pci usbehci pci usbehcipc usbxhcipci pci usbxhci # audiosb16 dma # audioac97 pci audioac97mix audiohda pci pmmc pci misc pci pcipc archgeneric devkbd i8259 i8253 archacpi mp apic squidboy ec hpet archmp mp apic squidboy mtrr sdaoe sdide pci sdscsi sd53c8xx pci sdscsi # sdmylex pci sdscsi sdiahci pci sdscsi led # sdodin pci sdscsi led sdvirtio pci sdscsi sdvirtio10 pci sdscsi sdmmc pci pmmc sdnvme pci sdloop sdram uarti8250 uartisa uartpci pci vgasoft =cur swcursor # vga3dfx +cur # vgaark2000pv +cur # vgabt485 =cur # vgaclgd542x +cur # vgaclgd546x +cur # vgact65545 +cur # vgacyber938x +cur # vgaet4000 +cur # vgageode +cur # vgahiqvideo +cur # vgai81x +cur vgaigfx +cur # vgamach64xx +cur # vgamga2164w +cur # vgamga4xx +cur # vganeomagic +cur # vganvidia +cur vgaradeon +cur # vgargb524 =cur # vgas3 +cur vgasavage # vgat2r4 +cur # vgatvp3020 =cur # vgatvp3026 =cur vgavesa # vgavmware +cur dtracysys dtracytimer dtracydev ip tcp udp rudp ipifc icmp icmp6 igmp gre ipmux esp il port int cpuserver = 0; bootdir /$objtype/bin/paqfs /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum bootfs.paq boot