ref: 2020190f945dbc264963abec22659df95cd61f04
dir: /sys/src/cmd/postscript/tcpostio/tcpostio.c/
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef plan9 #include <bsd.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/socket.h> extern int dial_debug; extern int dial(char*, char*, char*, int*); /* debug = 0 for no debugging */ /* debug = 1 for readprinter debugging */ /* debug = 2 for sendprinter debugging */ /* debug = 3 for full debugging, its hard to read the messages */ int debug = 0; #define READTIMEOUT 300 #define RCVSELTIMEOUT 30 #define SNDSELTIMEOUT 300 void rdtmout(void) { fprintf(stderr, "read timeout occurred, check printer\n"); } int getline(int fd, char *buf, int len) { char *bp, c; int i = 0, n; bp = buf; while (alarm(READTIMEOUT),(n=read(fd, bp, 1)) == 1) { alarm(0); if (*bp == '\r') continue; i += n; c = *bp++; if (c == '\n' || c == '\004' || i >= len-1) break; } alarm(0); if (n < 0) return(n); *bp = '\0'; return(i); } typedef struct { char *state; /* printer's current status */ int val; /* value returned by getstatus() */ } Status; /* printer states */ #define INITIALIZING 0 #define IDLE 1 #define BUSY 2 #define WAITING 3 #define PRINTING 4 #define PRINTERERROR 5 #define ERROR 6 #define FLUSHING 7 #define UNKNOWN 8 /* protocol requests and program states */ #define START 'S' unsigned char Start[] = { START }; #define ID_LE 'L' unsigned char Id_le[] = { ID_LE }; #define REQ_STAT 'T' unsigned char Req_stat[] = { REQ_STAT }; #define SEND_DATA 'D' unsigned char Send_data[] = { SEND_DATA }; #define SENT_DATA 'A' unsigned char Sent_data[] = { SENT_DATA }; #define WAIT_FOR_EOJ 'W' unsigned char Wait_for_eoj[] = { WAIT_FOR_EOJ }; #define END_OF_JOB 'E' unsigned char End_of_job[] = { END_OF_JOB }; #define FATAL_ERROR 'F' unsigned char Fatal_error[] = { FATAL_ERROR }; #define WAIT_FOR_IDLE 'I' unsigned char Wait_for_idle[] = { WAIT_FOR_IDLE }; #define OVER_AND_OUT 'O' unsigned char Over_and_out[] = { OVER_AND_OUT }; Status statuslist[] = { "initializing", INITIALIZING, "idle", IDLE, "busy", BUSY, "waiting", WAITING, "printing", PRINTING, "printererror", PRINTERERROR, "Error", ERROR, "flushing", FLUSHING, NULL, UNKNOWN }; /* find returns a pointer to the location of string str2 in string str1, * if it exists. Otherwise, it points to the end of str1. */ char * find(char *str1, char *str2) { char *s1, *s2; for (; *str1!='\0'; str1++) { for (s1=str1,s2=str2; *s2!='\0'&&*s1==*s2; s1++,s2++) ; if ( *s2 == '\0' ) break; } return(str1); } #define MESGSIZE 16384 int blocksize = 1920; /* 19200/10, with 1 sec delay between transfers * this keeps the queues from building up. */ char mesg[MESGSIZE]; /* exactly what came back on ttyi */ int parsmesg(char *buf) { static char sbuf[MESGSIZE]; char *s; /* start of printer messsage in mesg[] */ char *e; /* end of printer message in mesg[] */ char *key, *val; /* keyword/value strings in sbuf[] */ char *p; /* for converting to lower case etc. */ int i; /* where *key was found in statuslist[] */ if (*(s=find(buf, "%[ "))!='\0' && *(e=find(s, " ]%"))!='\0') { strcpy(sbuf, s+3); /* don't change mesg[] */ sbuf[e-(s+3)] = '\0'; /* ignore the trailing " ]%" */ for (key=strtok(sbuf, " :"); key != NULL; key=strtok(NULL, " :")) { if (strcmp(key, "Error") == 0) return(ERROR); if ((val=strtok(NULL, ";")) != NULL && strcmp(key, "status") == 0) key = val; for (; *key == ' '; key++) ; /* skip any leading spaces */ for (p = key; *p; p++) /* convert to lower case */ if (*p == ':') { *p = '\0'; break; } else if (isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p); for (i=0; statuslist[i].state != NULL; i++) { if (strcmp(statuslist[i].state, key) == 0) return(statuslist[i].val); } } } return(UNKNOWN); } char buf[MESGSIZE]; fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds; struct timeval rcvtimeout = { RCVSELTIMEOUT, 0 }; struct timeval sndtimeout = { SNDSELTIMEOUT, 0 }; int readprinter(int printerfd, int pipefd) { unsigned char proto; int progstate = START; int print_wait_msg = 0; int tocount = 0; int c, printstat, lastprintstat, n, nfds; nfds = ((pipefd>printerfd)?pipefd:printerfd) + 1; printstat = 0; signal(SIGALRM, rdtmout); do { reselect: /* ask sending process to request printer status */ if (write(pipefd, Req_stat, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "request status failed\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } FD_ZERO(&readfds); /* lets be anal */ FD_SET(printerfd, &readfds); FD_SET(pipefd, &readfds); FD_ZERO(&exceptfds); FD_SET(printerfd, &exceptfds); FD_SET(pipefd, &exceptfds); n = select(nfds, &readfds, (fd_set *)0, &exceptfds, &rcvtimeout); if (debug&0x1) fprintf(stderr, "readprinter select returned %d\n", n); if (n == 0) { /* a timeout occurred */ if (++tocount > 4) { fprintf(stderr, "printer appears to be offline.\nHP4m printers may be out of paper.\n"); tocount = 0; } goto reselect; } if (n > 0 && FD_ISSET(printerfd, &exceptfds)) { /* printer problem */ fprintf(stderr, "printer exception\n"); if (write(pipefd, Fatal_error, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "'fatal error' write to pipe failed\n"); } progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } if (n > 0 && FD_ISSET(pipefd, &exceptfds)) { /* pipe problem */ fprintf(stderr, "pipe exception\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } if (n > 0 && FD_ISSET(pipefd, &readfds)) { /* protocol pipe wants to be read */ if (debug&0x1) fprintf(stderr, "pipe wants to be read\n"); if (read(pipefd, &proto, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "read protocol pipe failed\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } if (debug&0x1) fprintf(stderr, "readprinter: proto=%c\n", proto); /* change state? */ switch (proto) { case SENT_DATA: break; case WAIT_FOR_EOJ: if (!print_wait_msg) { print_wait_msg = 1; fprintf(stderr, "waiting for end of job\n"); } progstate = proto; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "received unknown protocol request <%c> from sendfile\n", proto); break; } n--; } if (n > 0 && FD_ISSET(printerfd, &readfds)) { /* printer wants to be read */ if (debug&0x1) fprintf(stderr, "printer wants to be read\n"); if ((c=getline(printerfd, buf, MESGSIZE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "read printer failed\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } if (debug&0x1) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); if (c==1 && *buf == '\004') { if (progstate == WAIT_FOR_EOJ) { if (debug&0x1) fprintf(stderr, "progstate=%c, ", progstate); fprintf(stderr, "%%[ status: endofjob ]%%\n"); /* progstate = WAIT_FOR_IDLE; */ progstate = OVER_AND_OUT; if (write(pipefd, Over_and_out, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "'fatal error' write to pipe failed\n"); } continue; } else { if (printstat == ERROR) { progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } if (progstate != START && progstate != WAIT_FOR_IDLE) fprintf(stderr, "warning: EOF received; program status is '%c'\n", progstate); } continue; } /* figure out if it was a status line */ lastprintstat = printstat; printstat = parsmesg(buf); if (printstat == UNKNOWN || printstat == ERROR || lastprintstat != printstat) { /* print whatever it is that was read */ fprintf(stderr, buf); fflush(stderr); if (printstat == UNKNOWN) { printstat = lastprintstat; continue; } } switch (printstat) { case UNKNOWN: continue; /* shouldn't get here */ case FLUSHING: case ERROR: progstate = FATAL_ERROR; /* ask sending process to die */ if (write(pipefd, Fatal_error, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal_error mesg write to pipe failed\n"); } continue; case INITIALIZING: case PRINTERERROR: sleep(1); break; case IDLE: if (progstate == WAIT_FOR_IDLE) { progstate = OVER_AND_OUT; if (write(pipefd, Over_and_out, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "'fatal error' write to pipe failed\n"); } continue; } progstate = SEND_DATA; goto dowait; case BUSY: case WAITING: default: sleep(1); dowait: switch (progstate) { case WAIT_FOR_IDLE: case WAIT_FOR_EOJ: case START: sleep(5); break; case SEND_DATA: if (write(pipefd, Send_data, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "send data write to pipe failed\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; continue; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unexpected program state %c\n", progstate); exit(1); } break; } n--; } if (n > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "more fds selected than requested!\n"); exit(1); }; } while ((progstate != FATAL_ERROR) && (progstate != OVER_AND_OUT)); if (progstate == FATAL_ERROR) return(1); else return(0); } int sendfile(int infd, int printerfd, int pipefd) { unsigned char proto; int progstate = START; int i, n, nfds; int bytesread, bytesent = 0; nfds = ((pipefd>printerfd)?pipefd:printerfd) + 1; if (write(printerfd, "\004", 1)!=1) { perror("sendfile:write:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } do { FD_ZERO(&readfds); /* lets be anal */ FD_SET(pipefd, &readfds); n = select(nfds, &readfds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &sndtimeout); if (debug&02) fprintf(stderr, "sendfile select returned %d\n", n); if (n > 0 && FD_ISSET(pipefd, &readfds)) { /* protocol pipe wants to be read */ if (read(pipefd, &proto, 1) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "read protocol pipe failed\n"); return(1); } /* change state? */ if (debug&02) fprintf(stderr, "sendfile command - <%c>\n", proto); switch (proto) { case OVER_AND_OUT: case END_OF_JOB: progstate = proto; break; case SEND_DATA: bytesread = 0; do { i = read(infd, &buf[bytesread], blocksize-bytesread); if (debug&02) fprintf(stderr, "read %d bytes\n", i); if (i > 0) bytesread += i; } while((i > 0) && (bytesread < blocksize)); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "input file read error\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; break; /* from switch */ } if (bytesread > 0) { if (debug&02) fprintf(stderr, "writing %d bytes\n", bytesread); if (write(printerfd, buf, bytesread)!=bytesread) { perror("sendfile:write:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } else if (write(pipefd, Sent_data, 1)!=1) { perror("sendfile:write:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } else { bytesent += bytesread; } fprintf(stderr, "%d sent\n", bytesent); fflush(stderr); /* we have reached the end of the input file */ } if (i == 0) { if (progstate != WAIT_FOR_EOJ) { if (write(printerfd, "\004", 1)!=1) { perror("sendfile:write:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } else if (write(pipefd, Wait_for_eoj, 1)!=1) { perror("sendfile:write:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } else { progstate = WAIT_FOR_EOJ; } } } break; case REQ_STAT: if (write(printerfd, "\024", 1)!=1) { fprintf(stderr, "write to printer failed\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } if (debug&02) fprintf(stderr, "^T"); break; case FATAL_ERROR: progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } } else if (n < 0) { perror("sendfile:select:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } else if (n == 0) { sleep(1); fprintf(stderr, "sendfile timeout\n"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } } while ((progstate != FATAL_ERROR) && (progstate != OVER_AND_OUT)); if (write(printerfd, "\004", 1)!=1) { perror("sendfile:write:"); progstate = FATAL_ERROR; } if (debug&02) fprintf(stderr, "%d bytes sent\n", bytesent); if (progstate == FATAL_ERROR) return(1); else return(0); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, usgflg=0, infd, printerfd; int cpid; int pipefd[2]; char *dialstr; unsigned long rprv, sprv; dialstr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:d:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'b': blocksize = atoi(optarg)/10; if (blocksize > MESGSIZE || blocksize < 1) blocksize = MESGSIZE; break; case 'd': debug = atoi(optarg); dial_debug = debug; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "unknown option %c\n", c); usgflg++; } if (optind < argc) dialstr = argv[optind++]; else { usgflg++; } if (usgflg) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-b baudrate] net!host!service [infile]\n", argv[0]); exit (2); } if (optind < argc) { infd = open(argv[optind], 0); if (infd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s\n", argv[optind]); exit(1); } optind++; } else infd = 0; if (debug & 02) fprintf(stderr, "blocksize=%d\n", blocksize); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "dialing address=%s\n", dialstr); printerfd = dial(dialstr, 0, 0, 0); if (printerfd < 0) exit(1); fprintf(stderr, "printer startup\n"); if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC, pipefd) < 0) { perror("socketpair"); exit(1); } switch(cpid = fork()){ case -1: perror("fork error"); exit(1); case 0: close(pipefd[1]); sprv = sendfile(infd, printerfd, pipefd[0]); /* child - to printer */ if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "to remote - exiting\n"); exit(sprv); default: close(pipefd[0]); rprv = readprinter(printerfd, pipefd[1]); /* parent - from printer */ if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "from remote - exiting\n"); while(wait(&sprv) != cpid); exit(rprv|sprv); } }