ref: 1d94a18e5683d0d69aca4c8350b7914419fae6bc
dir: /sys/src/cmd/upas/smtp/smtpd.c/
#include "common.h" #include "smtpd.h" #include "smtp.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <ip.h> #include <ndb.h> #include <mp.h> #include <libsec.h> #include <auth.h> #include "../smtp/" char *me; char *him=""; char *dom; process *pp; String *mailer; NetConnInfo *nci; int filterstate = ACCEPT; int trusted; int logged; int rejectcount; int hardreject; Biobuf bin; int debug; int Dflag; int Eflag; int eflag; int fflag; int gflag; int qflag; int rflag; int sflag; int authenticate; int authenticated; int passwordinclear; char *tlscert; uchar rsysip[IPaddrlen]; List senders; List rcvers; char pipbuf[ERRMAX]; char *piperror; String* mailerpath(char*); int pipemsg(int*); int rejectcheck(void); String* startcmd(void); static int catchalarm(void*, char *msg) { int ign; static int chattycathy; ign = strstr(msg, "closed pipe") != nil; if(ign) return 0; if(chattycathy++ < 5){ if(senders.first && rcvers.first) syslog(0, "smtpd", "note: %s->%s: %s", s_to_c(senders.first->p), s_to_c(rcvers.first->p), msg); else syslog(0, "smtpd", "note: %s", msg); } if(pp){ syskill(pp->pid); // pp = 0; } return strstr(msg, "alarm") != nil; } /* override string error functions to do something reasonable */ void s_error(char *f, char *status) { char errbuf[ERRMAX]; errbuf[0] = 0; rerrstr(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); if(f && *f) reply("452 4.3.0 out of memory %s: %s\r\n", f, errbuf); else reply("452 4.3.0 out of memory %s\r\n", errbuf); syslog(0, "smtpd", "++Malloc failure %s [%s]", him, nci->rsys); exits(status); } static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: smtpd [-DEadefghpqrs] [-c cert] [-k ip] [-m mailer] [-n net]\n"); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { char *netdir; char buf[1024]; netdir = nil; quotefmtinstall(); fmtinstall('I', eipfmt); fmtinstall('[', encodefmt); ARGBEGIN{ case 'a': authenticate = 1; break; case 'c': tlscert = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'D': Dflag++; break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'E': Eflag = 1; break; /* if you fail extra helo checks, you must authenticate */ case 'e': eflag = 1; /* disable extra helo checks */ break; case 'f': /* disallow relaying */ fflag = 1; break; case 'g': gflag = 1; break; case 'h': /* default domain name */ dom = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'k': /* prohibited ip address */ addbadguy(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'm': /* set mail command */ mailer = mailerpath(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'n': /* log peer ip address */ netdir = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'p': passwordinclear = 1; break; case 'q': qflag = 1; /* don't log invalid hello */ break; case 'r': rflag = 1; /* verify sender's domain */ break; case 's': /* save blocked messages */ sflag = 1; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND; nci = getnetconninfo(netdir, 0); if(nci == nil) sysfatal("can't get remote system's address"); parseip(rsysip, nci->rsys); if(mailer == nil) mailer = mailerpath("send"); if(debug){ close(2); snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/smtpd.db", UPASLOG); if (open(buf, OWRITE) >= 0) { seek(2, 0, 2); fprint(2, "%d smtpd %s\n", getpid(), thedate()); } else debug = 0; } getconf(); if(isbadguy()) exits(""); Binit(&bin, 0, OREAD); if (chdir(UPASLOG) < 0) syslog(0, "smtpd", "no %s: %r", UPASLOG); me = sysname_read(); if(dom == 0 || dom[0] == 0) dom = domainname_read(); if(dom == 0 || dom[0] == 0) dom = me; sayhi(); parseinit(); /* allow 45 minutes to parse the header */ atnotify(catchalarm, 1); alarm(45*60*1000); zzparse(); exits(0); } void listfree(List *l) { Link *lp, *next; for(lp = l->first; lp; lp = next){ next = lp->next; s_free(lp->p); free(lp); } l->first = l->last = 0; } void listadd(List *l, String *path) { Link *lp; lp = (Link *)malloc(sizeof *lp); lp->p = path; lp->next = 0; if(l->last) l->last->next = lp; else l->first = lp; l->last = lp; } int reply(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[4096], *out; int n; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); out = vseprint(buf, buf + 4096, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); n = out - buf; if(debug) { seek(2, 0, 2); write(2, buf, n); } write(1, buf, n); return n; } void reset(void) { if(rejectcheck()) return; listfree(&rcvers); listfree(&senders); if(filterstate != DIALUP){ logged = 0; filterstate = ACCEPT; } reply("250 2.0.0 ok\r\n"); } void sayhi(void) { reply("220 %s ESMTP\r\n", dom); } Ndbtuple* rquery(char *d) { Ndbtuple *t, *p; t = dnsquery(nci->root, nci->rsys, "ptr"); for(p = t; p != nil; p = p->entry) if(strcmp(p->attr, "dom") == 0 && strcmp(p->val, d) == 0){ syslog(0, "smtpd", "ptr only from %s as %s", nci->rsys, d); return t; } ndbfree(t); return nil; } int dnsexists(char *d) { int r; Ndbtuple *t; r = -1; if((t = dnsquery(nci->root, d, "any")) != nil || (t = rquery(d)) != nil) r = 0; ndbfree(t); return r; } /* * make callers from class A networks infested by spammers * wait longer. */ static char netaspam[256] = { [58] 1, [66] 1, [71] 1, [76] 1, [77] 1, [78] 1, [79] 1, [80] 1, [81] 1, [82] 1, [83] 1, [84] 1, [85] 1, [86] 1, [87] 1, [88] 1, [89] 1, [190] 1, [201] 1, [217] 1, }; static int delaysecs(void) { if (netaspam[rsysip[0]]) return 60; return 15; } static char *badtld[] = { "localdomain", "localhost", "local", "example", "invalid", "lan", "test", }; static char *bad2ld[] = { "", "", "" }; int badname(void) { char *p; /* * similarly, if the claimed domain is not an address-literal, * require at least one letter, which there will be in * at least the last component (e.g., .com, .net) if it's real. * this rejects non-address-literal IP addresses, * among other bogosities. */ for (p = him; *p; p++) if(isascii(*p) && isalpha(*p)) return 0; return -1; } int ckhello(void) { char *ldot, *rdot; int i; /* * it is unacceptable to claim any string that doesn't look like * a domain name (e.g., has at least one dot in it), but * Microsoft mail client software gets this wrong, so let trusted * (local) clients omit the dot. */ rdot = strrchr(him, '.'); if(rdot && rdot[1] == '\0') { *rdot = '\0'; /* clobber trailing dot */ rdot = strrchr(him, '.'); /* try again */ } if(rdot == nil) return -1; /* * Reject obviously bogus domains and those reserved by RFC 2606. */ if(rdot == nil) rdot = him; else rdot++; for(i = 0; i < nelem(badtld); i++) if(!cistrcmp(rdot, badtld[i])) return -1; /* check second-level RFC 2606 domains: example\.(com|net|org) */ if(rdot != him) *--rdot = '\0'; ldot = strrchr(him, '.'); if(rdot != him) *rdot = '.'; if(ldot == nil) ldot = him; else ldot++; for(i = 0; i < nelem(bad2ld); i++) if(!cistrcmp(ldot, bad2ld[i])) return -1; if(badname() == -1) return -1; if(dnsexists(him) == -1) return -1; return 0; } int heloclaims(void) { char **s; /* * We don't care if he lies about who he is, but it is * not okay to pretend to be us. Many viruses do this, * just parroting back what we say in the greeting. */ if(strcmp(nci->rsys, nci->lsys) == 0) return 0; if(strcmp(him, dom) == 0) return -1; for(s = sysnames_read(); s && *s; s++) if(cistrcmp(*s, him) == 0) return -1; if(him[0] != '[' && badname() == -1) return -1; return 0; } void hello(String *himp, int extended) { int ck; him = s_to_c(himp); if(!qflag) syslog(0, "smtpd", "%s from %s as %s", extended? "ehlo": "helo", nci->rsys, him); if(rejectcheck()) return; ck = -1; if(!trusted && nci) if(heloclaims() || (!eflag && (ck = ckhello()))) if(ck && Eflag){ reply("250-you lie. authentication required.\r\n"); authenticate = 1; }else{ if(Dflag) sleep(delaysecs()*1000); if(!qflag) syslog(0, "smtpd", "Hung up on %s; claimed to be %s", nci->rsys, him); rejectcount++; reply("554 5.7.0 Liar!\r\n"); exits("client pretended to be us"); return; } if(strchr(him, '.') == 0 && nci != nil && strchr(nci->rsys, '.') != nil) him = nci->rsys; if(qflag) syslog(0, "smtpd", "%s from %s as %s", extended? "ehlo": "helo", nci->rsys, him); if(Dflag) sleep(delaysecs()*1000); reply("250%c%s you are %s\r\n", extended ? '-' : ' ', dom, him); if (extended) { reply("250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\r\n"); /* RFCs 2034 and 3463 */ if(tlscert != nil) reply("250-STARTTLS\r\n"); if (passwordinclear) reply("250 AUTH CRAM-MD5 PLAIN LOGIN\r\n"); else reply("250 AUTH CRAM-MD5\r\n"); } } void sender(String *path) { String *s; if(rejectcheck()) return; if (authenticate && !authenticated) { rejectcount++; reply("530 5.7.0 Authentication required\r\n"); return; } if(him == 0 || *him == 0){ rejectcount++; reply("503 Start by saying HELO, please.\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } /* don't add the domain onto black holes or we will loop */ if(strchr(s_to_c(path), '!') == 0 && strcmp(s_to_c(path), "/dev/null") != 0){ s = s_new(); s_append(s, him); s_append(s, "!"); s_append(s, s_to_c(path)); s_terminate(s); s_free(path); path = s; } if(shellchars(s_to_c(path))){ rejectcount++; reply("501 5.1.3 Bad character in sender address %s.\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } /* * see if this ip address, domain name, user name or account is blocked */ filterstate = blocked(path); logged = 0; listadd(&senders, path); reply("250 2.0.0 sender is %s\r\n", s_to_c(path)); } enum { Rcpt, Domain, Ntoks }; typedef struct Sender Sender; struct Sender { Sender *next; char *rcpt; char *domain; }; static Sender *sendlist, *sendlast; static int rdsenders(void) { int lnlen, nf, ok = 1; char *line, *senderfile; char *toks[Ntoks]; Biobuf *sf; Sender *snd; static int beenhere = 0; if (beenhere) return 1; beenhere = 1; /* * we're sticking with a system-wide sender list because * per-user lists would require fully resolving recipient * addresses to determine which users they correspond to * (barring exploiting syntactic conventions). */ senderfile = smprint("%s/senders", UPASLIB); sf = Bopen(senderfile, OREAD); free(senderfile); if (sf == nil) return 1; while ((line = Brdline(sf, '\n')) != nil) { if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\n') continue; lnlen = Blinelen(sf); line[lnlen-1] = '\0'; /* clobber newline */ nf = tokenize(line, toks, nelem(toks)); if (nf != nelem(toks)) continue; /* malformed line */ snd = malloc(sizeof *snd); if (snd == nil) sysfatal("out of memory: %r"); memset(snd, 0, sizeof *snd); snd->next = nil; if (sendlast == nil) sendlist = snd; else sendlast->next = snd; sendlast = snd; snd->rcpt = strdup(toks[Rcpt]); snd->domain = strdup(toks[Domain]); } Bterm(sf); return ok; } /* * read (recipient, sender's DNS) pairs from /mail/lib/senders. * Only allow mail to recipient from any of sender's IPs. * A recipient not mentioned in the file is always permitted. */ static int senderok(char *rcpt) { int mentioned = 0, matched = 0; uchar dnsip[IPaddrlen]; Sender *snd; Ndbtuple *nt, *next, *first; rdsenders(); for (snd = sendlist; snd != nil; snd = snd->next) { if (strcmp(rcpt, snd->rcpt) != 0) continue; /* * see if this domain's ips match nci->rsys. * if not, perhaps a later entry's domain will. */ mentioned = 1; if (parseip(dnsip, snd->domain) != -1 && memcmp(rsysip, dnsip, IPaddrlen) == 0) return 1; /* * NB: nt->line links form a circular list(!). * we need to make one complete pass over it to free it all. */ first = nt = dnsquery(nci->root, snd->domain, "ip"); if (first == nil) continue; do { if (strcmp(nt->attr, "ip") == 0 && parseip(dnsip, nt->val) != -1 && memcmp(rsysip, dnsip, IPaddrlen) == 0) matched = 1; next = nt->line; free(nt); nt = next; } while (nt != first); } if (matched) return 1; else return !mentioned; } void receiver(String *path) { char *sender, *rcpt; if(rejectcheck()) return; if(him == 0 || *him == 0){ rejectcount++; reply("503 Start by saying HELO, please\r\n"); return; } if(senders.last) sender = s_to_c(senders.last->p); else sender = "<unknown>"; if(!recipok(s_to_c(path))){ rejectcount++; syslog(0, "smtpd", "Disallowed %s (%s/%s) to blocked name %s", sender, him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(path)); reply("550 5.1.1 %s ... user unknown\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } rcpt = s_to_c(path); if (!senderok(rcpt)) { rejectcount++; syslog(0, "smtpd", "Disallowed sending IP of %s (%s/%s) to %s", sender, him, nci->rsys, rcpt); reply("550 5.7.1 %s ... sending system not allowed\r\n", rcpt); return; } logged = 0; /* forwarding() can modify 'path' on loopback request */ if(filterstate == ACCEPT && fflag && !authenticated && forwarding(path)) { rejectcount++; syslog(0, "smtpd", "Bad Forward %s (%s/%s) (%s)", sender, him, nci->rsys, rcpt); reply("550 5.7.1 we don't relay. send to your-path@[] for " "loopback.\r\n"); return; } listadd(&rcvers, path); reply("250 2.0.0 receiver is %s\r\n", s_to_c(path)); } void quit(void) { reply("221 2.0.0 Successful termination\r\n"); close(0); exits(0); } void noop(void) { if(rejectcheck()) return; reply("250 2.0.0 Nothing to see here. Move along ...\r\n"); } void help(String *cmd) { if(rejectcheck()) return; if(cmd) s_free(cmd); reply("250 2.0.0 See\r\n"); } void verify(String *path) { char *p, *q; char *av[4]; static uint nverify; if(rejectcheck()) return; if(nverify++ >= 2) sleep(1000 * (4 << nverify - 2)); if(shellchars(s_to_c(path))){ rejectcount++; reply("503 5.1.3 Bad character in address %s.\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } av[0] = s_to_c(mailer); av[1] = "-x"; av[2] = s_to_c(path); av[3] = 0; pp = noshell_proc_start(av, 0, outstream(), 0, 1, 0); if (pp == 0) { reply("450 4.3.2 We're busy right now, try later\r\n"); return; } p = Brdline(pp->std[1]->fp, '\n'); if(p == 0){ reply("550 5.1.0 String does not match anything.\r\n"); } else { p[Blinelen(pp->std[1]->fp) - 1] = 0; if(strchr(p, ':')) reply("550 5.1.0 String does not match anything.\r\n"); else{ q = strrchr(p, '!'); if(q) p = q + 1; reply("250 2.0.0 %s <%s@%s>\r\n", s_to_c(path), p, dom); } } proc_wait(pp); proc_free(pp); pp = 0; } /* * get a line that ends in crnl or cr, turn terminating crnl into a nl * * return 0 on EOF */ static int getcrnl(String *s, Biobuf *fp) { int c; for(;;){ c = Bgetc(fp); if(debug) { seek(2, 0, 2); fprint(2, "%c", c); } switch(c){ case 0: /* idiot html email! */ break; case -1: goto out; case '\r': c = Bgetc(fp); if(c == '\n'){ if(debug) { seek(2, 0, 2); fprint(2, "%c", c); } s_putc(s, '\n'); goto out; } Bungetc(fp); s_putc(s, '\r'); break; case '\n': s_putc(s, c); goto out; default: s_putc(s, c); break; } } out: s_terminate(s); return s_len(s); } void logcall(int nbytes) { Link *l; String *to, *from; to = s_new(); from = s_new(); for(l = senders.first; l; l = l->next){ if(l != senders.first) s_append(from, ", "); s_append(from, s_to_c(l->p)); } for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next){ if(l != rcvers.first) s_append(to, ", "); s_append(to, s_to_c(l->p)); } syslog(0, "smtpd", "[%s/%s] %s sent %d bytes to %s", him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(from), nbytes, s_to_c(to)); s_free(to); s_free(from); } static void logmsg(char *action) { Link *l; if(logged) return; logged = 1; for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next) syslog(0, "smtpd", "%s %s (%s/%s) (%s)", action, s_to_c(senders.last->p), him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(l->p)); } static int optoutall(int filterstate) { Link *l; switch(filterstate){ case ACCEPT: case TRUSTED: return filterstate; } for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next) if(!optoutofspamfilter(s_to_c(l->p))) return filterstate; return ACCEPT; } String* startcmd(void) { int n; char *filename; char **av; Link *l; String *cmd; /* * ignore the filterstate if the all the receivers prefer it. */ filterstate = optoutall(filterstate); switch (filterstate){ case BLOCKED: case DELAY: rejectcount++; logmsg("Blocked"); filename = dumpfile(s_to_c(senders.last->p)); cmd = s_new(); s_append(cmd, "cat > "); s_append(cmd, filename); pp = proc_start(s_to_c(cmd), instream(), 0, outstream(), 0, 0); break; case DIALUP: logmsg("Dialup"); rejectcount++; reply("554 5.7.1 We don't accept mail from dial-up ports.\r\n"); /* * we could exit here, because we're never going to accept mail * from this ip address, but it's unclear that RFC821 allows * that. Instead we set the hardreject flag and go stupid. */ hardreject = 1; return 0; case DENIED: logmsg("Denied"); rejectcount++; reply("554-5.7.1 We don't accept mail from %s.\r\n", s_to_c(senders.last->p)); reply("554 5.7.1 Contact postmaster@%s for more information.\r\n", dom); return 0; case REFUSED: logmsg("Refused"); rejectcount++; reply("554 5.7.1 Sender domain must exist: %s\r\n", s_to_c(senders.last->p)); return 0; default: case NONE: logmsg("Confused"); rejectcount++; reply("554-5.7.0 We have had an internal mailer error " "classifying your message.\r\n"); reply("554-5.7.0 Filterstate is %d\r\n", filterstate); reply("554 5.7.0 Contact postmaster@%s for more information.\r\n", dom); return 0; case ACCEPT: case TRUSTED: /* * now that all other filters have been passed, * do grey-list processing. */ if(gflag) vfysenderhostok(); /* * set up mail command */ cmd = s_clone(mailer); n = 3; for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next) n++; av = malloc(n * sizeof(char*)); if(av == nil){ reply("450 4.3.2 We're busy right now, try later\r\n"); s_free(cmd); return 0; } n = 0; av[n++] = s_to_c(cmd); av[n++] = "-r"; for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next) av[n++] = s_to_c(l->p); av[n] = 0; /* * start mail process */ pp = noshell_proc_start(av, instream(), outstream(), outstream(), 0, 0); free(av); break; } if(pp == 0) { reply("450 4.3.2 We're busy right now, try later\r\n"); s_free(cmd); return 0; } return cmd; } /* * print out a header line, expanding any domainless addresses into * address@him */ char* bprintnode(Biobuf *b, Node *p, int *nbytes) { int n, m; if(p->s){ if(p->addr && strchr(s_to_c(p->s), '@') == nil) n = Bprint(b, "%s@%s", s_to_c(p->s), him); else n = Bwrite(b, s_to_c(p->s), s_len(p->s)); }else n = Bputc(b, p->c) == -1? -1: 1; m = 0; if(n != -1 && p->white) m = Bwrite(b, s_to_c(p->white), s_len(p->white)); if(n == -1 || m == -1) return nil; *nbytes += n + m; return p->end + 1; } static String* getaddr(Node *p) { for(; p; p = p->next) if(p->s && p->addr) return p->s; return nil; } /* * add warning headers of the form * X-warning: <reason> * for any headers that looked like they might be forged. * * return byte count of new headers */ static int forgedheaderwarnings(void) { int nbytes; Field *f; nbytes = 0; /* warn about envelope sender */ if(strcmp(s_to_c(senders.last->p), "/dev/null") != 0 && masquerade(senders.last->p, nil)) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "X-warning: suspect envelope domain\n"); /* * check Sender: field. If it's OK, ignore the others because this * is an exploded mailing list. */ for(f = firstfield; f; f = f->next) if(f->node->c == SENDER) if(masquerade(getaddr(f->node), him)) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "X-warning: suspect Sender: domain\n"); else return nbytes; /* check From: */ for(f = firstfield; f; f = f->next){ if(f->node->c == FROM && masquerade(getaddr(f->node), him)) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "X-warning: suspect From: domain\n"); } return nbytes; } static int parseheader(String *hdr, int *nbytesp, int *status) { char *cp; int nbytes, n; Field *f; Link *l; Node *p; nbytes = *nbytesp; yyinit(s_to_c(hdr), s_len(hdr)); yyparse(); /* * Look for masquerades. Let Sender: trump From: to allow mailing list * forwarded messages. */ if(fflag) nbytes += forgedheaderwarnings(); /* * add an orginator and/or destination if either is missing */ if(originator == 0){ if(senders.last == nil) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "From: /dev/null@%s\n", him); else nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "From: %s\n", s_to_c(senders.last->p)); } if(destination == 0){ nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "To: "); for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next){ if(l != rcvers.first) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, ", "); nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "%s", s_to_c(l->p)); } nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "\n"); } /* * add sender's domain to any domainless addresses * (to avoid forging local addresses) */ cp = s_to_c(hdr); for(f = firstfield; cp != nil && f; f = f->next){ for(p = f->node; cp != 0 && p; p = p->next) cp = bprintnode(pp->std[0]->fp, p, &nbytes); if(*status == 0 && Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "\n") < 0){ piperror = "write error"; *status = 1; } nbytes++; } if(cp == nil){ piperror = "sender domain"; *status = 1; } /* write anything we read following the header */ if(*status == 0){ n = Bwrite(pp->std[0]->fp, cp, s_to_c(hdr) + s_len(hdr) - cp); if(n == -1){ piperror = "write error 2"; *status = 1; } nbytes += n; } *nbytesp = nbytes; return *status; } static int chkhdr(char *s, int n) { int i; Rune r; for(i = 0; i < n; ){ if(!fullrune(s + i, n - i)) return -1; i += chartorune(&r, s + i); if(r == Runeerror) return -1; } return 0; } static void fancymsg(int status) { static char msg[2*ERRMAX], *p, *e; if(!status) return; p = seprint(msg, msg+ERRMAX, "%s: ", piperror); rerrstr(p, ERRMAX); piperror = msg; } /* * pipe message to mailer with the following transformations: * - change \r\n into \n. * - add sender's domain to any addrs with no domain * - add a From: if none of From:, Sender:, or Replyto: exists * - add a Received: line * - elide leading dot */ int pipemsg(int *byteswritten) { char *cp; int n, nbytes, sawdot, status; String *hdr, *line; pipesig(&status); /* set status to 1 on write to closed pipe */ sawdot = 0; status = 0; werrstr(""); piperror = nil; /* * add a 'From ' line as envelope and Received: stamp */ nbytes = 0; nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "From %s %s remote from \n", s_to_c(senders.first->p), thedate()); nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "Received: from %s ", him); if(nci->rsys) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "([%s]) ", nci->rsys); nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "by %s; %s\n", me, thedate()); /* * read first 16k obeying '.' escape. we're assuming * the header will all be there. */ line = s_new(); hdr = s_new(); while(s_len(hdr) < 16*1024){ n = getcrnl(s_reset(line), &bin); /* eof or error ends the message */ if(n <= 0){ piperror = "header read error"; status = 1; break; } cp = s_to_c(line); if(chkhdr(cp, s_len(line)) == -1){ status = 1; piperror = "mail refused: illegal header chars"; break; } /* a line with only a '.' ends the message */ if(cp[0] == '.' && cp[1] == '\n'){ sawdot = 1; break; } if(cp[0] == '.'){ cp++; n--; } s_append(hdr, cp); nbytes += n; if(*cp == '\n') break; } if(status == 0) parseheader(hdr, &nbytes, &status); s_free(hdr); /* * pass rest of message to mailer. take care of '.' * escapes. */ for(;;){ n = getcrnl(s_reset(line), &bin); /* eof or error ends the message */ if(n < 0){ piperror = "body read error"; status = 1; } if(n <= 0) break; /* a line with only a '.' ends the message */ cp = s_to_c(line); if(cp[0] == '.' && cp[1] == '\n'){ sawdot = 1; break; } if(cp[0] == '.'){ cp++; n--; } nbytes += n; if(status == 0 && Bwrite(pp->std[0]->fp, cp, n) < 0){ piperror = "write error 3"; status = 1; break; } } s_free(line); if(status == 0 && sawdot == 0){ /* message did not terminate normally */ snprint(pipbuf, sizeof pipbuf, "network eof no dot: %r"); piperror = pipbuf; status = 1; } if(status == 0 && Bflush(pp->std[0]->fp) < 0){ piperror = "write error 4"; status = 1; } if(status != 0) syskill(pp->pid); stream_free(pp->std[0]); pp->std[0] = 0; *byteswritten = nbytes; pipesigoff(); if(status && piperror == nil) piperror = "write on closed pipe"; fancymsg(status); return status; } char* firstline(char *x) { char *p; static char buf[128]; strncpy(buf, x, sizeof buf); buf[sizeof buf - 1] = 0; p = strchr(buf, '\n'); if(p) *p = 0; return buf; } int sendermxcheck(void) { int pid; char *cp, *senddom, *user, *who; Waitmsg *w; senddom = 0; who = s_to_c(senders.first->p); if(strcmp(who, "/dev/null") == 0){ /* /dev/null can only send to one rcpt at a time */ if(rcvers.first != rcvers.last){ werrstr("rejected: /dev/null sending to multiple " "recipients"); return -1; } /* 4408 spf §2.2 notes that 2821 says /dev/null == postmaster@domain */ senddom = smprint("%s!postmaster", him); } if(access("/mail/lib/validatesender", AEXEC) < 0) return 0; if(!senddom) senddom = strdup(who); if((cp = strchr(senddom, '!')) == nil){ werrstr("rejected: domainless sender %s", who); free(senddom); return -1; } *cp++ = 0; user = cp; /* shellchars isn't restrictive. should probablly disallow specialchars */ if(shellchars(senddom) || shellchars(user) || shellchars(him)){ werrstr("rejected: evil sender/domain/helo"); free(senddom); return -1; } switch(pid = fork()){ case -1: werrstr("deferred: fork: %r"); return -1; case 0: /* * Could add an option with the remote IP address * to allow validatesender to implement SPF eventually. */ execl("/mail/lib/validatesender", "validatesender", "-n", nci->root, senddom, user, nci->rsys, him, nil); _exits("exec validatesender: %r"); default: break; } free(senddom); w = wait(); if(w == nil){ werrstr("deferred: wait failed: %r"); return -1; } if(w->pid != pid){ werrstr("deferred: wait returned wrong pid %d != %d", w->pid, pid); free(w); return -1; } if(w->msg[0] == 0){ free(w); return 0; } /* * skip over validatesender 143123132: prefix from rc. */ cp = strchr(w->msg, ':'); if(cp && cp[1] == ' ') werrstr("%s", cp + 2); else werrstr("%s", w->msg); free(w); return -1; } int refused(char *e) { return e && strstr(e, "mail refused") != nil; } /* * if a message appeared on stderr, despite good status, * log it. this can happen if contains a bad * r.e., for example. */ void logerrors(String *err) { char *s; s = s_to_c(err); if(*s == 0) return; syslog(0, "smtpd", "%s returned good status, but said: %s", s_to_c(mailer), s); } void data(void) { char *cp, *ep, *e, buf[ERRMAX]; int status, nbytes; Link *l; String *cmd, *err; if(rejectcheck()) return; if(senders.last == 0){ reply("503 2.5.2 Data without MAIL FROM:\r\n"); rejectcount++; return; } if(rcvers.last == 0){ reply("503 2.5.2 Data without RCPT TO:\r\n"); rejectcount++; return; } if(!trusted && sendermxcheck()){ rerrstr(buf, sizeof buf); if(strncmp(buf, "rejected:", 9) == 0) reply("554 5.7.1 %s\r\n", buf); else reply("450 4.7.0 %s\r\n", buf); for(l=rcvers.first; l; l=l->next) syslog(0, "smtpd", "[%s/%s] %s -> %s sendercheck: %s", him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(senders.first->p), s_to_c(l->p), buf); rejectcount++; return; } /* * allow 145 more minutes to move the data */ cmd = startcmd(); if(cmd == 0) return; reply("354 Input message; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>\r\n"); alarm(145*60*1000); piperror = nil; status = pipemsg(&nbytes); err = s_new(); while(s_read_line(pp->std[2]->fp, err)) ; alarm(0); atnotify(catchalarm, 0); status |= proc_wait(pp); if(debug){ seek(2, 0, 2); fprint(2, "%d status %ux\n", getpid(), status); if(*s_to_c(err)) fprint(2, "%d error %s\n", getpid(), s_to_c(err)); } /* * if process terminated abnormally, send back error message */ if(status && (refused(piperror) || refused(s_to_c(err)))){ filterstate = BLOCKED; status = 0; } if(status){ buf[0] = 0; if(piperror != nil) snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "pipemesg: %s; ", piperror); syslog(0, "smtpd", "++[%s/%s] %s %s %sreturned %#q %s", him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(senders.first->p), s_to_c(cmd), buf, pp->waitmsg->msg, firstline(s_to_c(err))); for(cp = s_to_c(err); ep = strchr(cp, '\n'); cp = ep){ *ep++ = 0; reply("450-4.0.0 %s\r\n", cp); } reply("450 4.0.0 mail process terminated abnormally\r\n"); rejectcount++; } else { if(filterstate == BLOCKED){ e = firstline(s_to_c(err)); if(e[0] == 0) e = piperror; if(e == nil) e = "we believe this is spam."; syslog(0, "smtpd", "++[%s/%s] blocked: %s", him, nci->rsys, e); reply("554 5.7.1 %s\r\n", e); rejectcount++; }else if(filterstate == DELAY){ logerrors(err); reply("450 4.3.0 There will be a delay in delivery " "of this message.\r\n"); }else{ logerrors(err); reply("250 2.5.0 sent\r\n"); logcall(nbytes); } } proc_free(pp); pp = 0; s_free(cmd); s_free(err); listfree(&senders); listfree(&rcvers); } /* * when we have blocked a transaction based on IP address, there is nothing * that the sender can do to convince us to take the message. after the * first rejection, some spammers continually RSET and give a new MAIL FROM: * filling our logs with rejections. rejectcheck() limits the retries and * swiftly rejects all further commands after the first 500-series message * is issued. */ int rejectcheck(void) { if(rejectcount) sleep(1000 * (4<<rejectcount)); if(rejectcount > MAXREJECTS){ syslog(0, "smtpd", "Rejected (%s/%s)", him, nci->rsys); reply("554 5.5.0 too many errors. transaction failed.\r\n"); exits("errcount"); } if(hardreject){ rejectcount++; reply("554 5.7.1 We don't accept mail from dial-up ports.\r\n"); } return hardreject; } /* * create abs path of the mailer */ String* mailerpath(char *p) { String *s; if(p == nil) return nil; if(*p == '/') return s_copy(p); s = s_new(); s_append(s, UPASBIN); s_append(s, "/"); s_append(s, p); return s; } String * s_dec64(String *sin) { int lin, lout; String *sout; lin = s_len(sin); /* * if the string is coming from smtpd.y, it will have no nl. * if it is coming from getcrnl below, it will have an nl. */ if (*(s_to_c(sin) + lin - 1) == '\n') lin--; sout = s_newalloc(lin + 1); lout = dec64((uchar *)s_to_c(sout), lin, s_to_c(sin), lin); if (lout < 0) { s_free(sout); return nil; } sout->ptr = sout->base + lout; s_terminate(sout); return sout; } void starttls(void) { int certlen, fd; uchar *cert; TLSconn conn; if (tlscert == nil) { reply("500 5.5.1 illegal command or bad syntax\r\n"); return; } cert = readcert(tlscert, &certlen); if (cert == nil) { reply("454 4.7.5 TLS not available\r\n"); return; } reply("220 2.0.0 Go ahead make my day\r\n"); memset(&conn, 0, sizeof(conn)); conn.cert = cert; conn.certlen = certlen; fd = tlsServer(Bfildes(&bin), &conn); if (fd < 0) { syslog(0, "smtpd", "TLS start-up failed with %s", him); exits("tls failed"); } Bterm(&bin); if (dup(fd, 0) < 0 || dup(fd, 1) < 0) fprint(2, "dup of %d failed: %r\n", fd); close(fd); Binit(&bin, 0, OREAD); free(conn.cert); free(conn.sessionID); passwordinclear = 1; syslog(0, "smtpd", "started TLS with %s", him); } int passauth(char *u, char *secret) { char response[2*MD5dlen + 1]; uchar digest[MD5dlen]; int i; AuthInfo *ai; Chalstate *cs; if((cs = auth_challenge("proto=cram role=server")) == nil) return -1; hmac_md5((uchar*)cs->chal, strlen(cs->chal), (uchar*)secret, strlen(secret), digest, nil); for(i = 0; i < MD5dlen; i++) snprint(response + 2*i, sizeof response - 2*i, "%2.2ux", digest[i]); cs->user = u; cs->resp = response; cs->nresp = strlen(response); ai = auth_response(cs); if(ai == nil) return -1; auth_freechal(cs); auth_freeAI(ai); return 0; } void auth(String *mech, String *resp) { char *user, *pass; AuthInfo *ai = nil; Chalstate *chs = nil; String *s_resp1_64 = nil, *s_resp2_64 = nil, *s_resp1 = nil; String *s_resp2 = nil; if(rejectcheck()) goto bomb_out; syslog(0, "smtpd", "auth(%s, %s) from %s", s_to_c(mech), "(protected)", him); if(authenticated) { bad_sequence: rejectcount++; reply("503 5.5.2 Bad sequence of commands\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } if(cistrcmp(s_to_c(mech), "plain") == 0){ if (!passwordinclear) { rejectcount++; reply("538 5.7.1 Encryption required for requested " "authentication mechanism\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } s_resp1_64 = resp; if (s_resp1_64 == nil) { reply("334 \r\n"); s_resp1_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp1_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; } s_resp1 = s_dec64(s_resp1_64); if (s_resp1 == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Cannot decode base64\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } memset(s_to_c(s_resp1_64), 'X', s_len(s_resp1_64)); user = s_to_c(s_resp1) + strlen(s_to_c(s_resp1)) + 1; pass = user + strlen(user) + 1; // ai = auth_userpasswd(user, pass); // authenticated = ai != nil; authenticated = passauth(user, pass) != -1; memset(pass, 'X', strlen(pass)); goto windup; } else if(cistrcmp(s_to_c(mech), "login") == 0){ if (!passwordinclear) { rejectcount++; reply("538 5.7.1 Encryption required for requested " "authentication mechanism\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } if (resp == nil) { reply("334 VXNlcm5hbWU6\r\n"); s_resp1_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp1_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; }else s_resp1_64 = resp; reply("334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6\r\n"); s_resp2_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp2_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; s_resp1 = s_dec64(s_resp1_64); s_resp2 = s_dec64(s_resp2_64); memset(s_to_c(s_resp2_64), 'X', s_len(s_resp2_64)); if (s_resp1 == nil || s_resp2 == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Cannot decode base64\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } ai = auth_userpasswd(s_to_c(s_resp1), s_to_c(s_resp2)); authenticated = ai != nil; memset(s_to_c(s_resp2), 'X', s_len(s_resp2)); windup: if (authenticated) { /* if you authenticated, we trust you despite your IP */ trusted = 1; reply("235 2.0.0 Authentication successful\r\n"); } else { rejectcount++; reply("535 5.7.1 Authentication failed\r\n"); syslog(0, "smtpd", "authentication failed: %r"); } goto bomb_out; } else if(cistrcmp(s_to_c(mech), "cram-md5") == 0){ char *resp, *t; chs = auth_challenge("proto=cram role=server"); if (chs == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.7.5 Couldn't get CRAM-MD5 challenge\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } reply("334 %.*[\r\n", chs->nchal, chs->chal); s_resp1_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp1_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; s_resp1 = s_dec64(s_resp1_64); if (s_resp1 == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Cannot decode base64\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } /* should be of form <user><space><response> */ resp = s_to_c(s_resp1); t = strchr(resp, ' '); if (t == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Poorly formed CRAM-MD5 response\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } *t++ = 0; chs->user = resp; chs->resp = t; chs->nresp = strlen(t); ai = auth_response(chs); authenticated = ai != nil; goto windup; } rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.1 Unrecognised authentication type %s\r\n", s_to_c(mech)); bomb_out: if (ai) auth_freeAI(ai); if (chs) auth_freechal(chs); if (s_resp1) s_free(s_resp1); if (s_resp2) s_free(s_resp2); if (s_resp1_64) s_free(s_resp1_64); if (s_resp2_64) s_free(s_resp2_64); }