shithub: riscv

ref: 1cff9ab4e8412d5c6b6a3cbca720fbc4bcccecd9
dir: /sys/lib/tmac/tmac.cs/

View raw version
'''\"					coversheet to match version 8/06/87
'''\"						from comp center 1.30 7/20/87
'''\"					1/22/97 spacing change in addresses;
'''\"						email on separate line - mdm
'''\" registers
'''\"	a - abstract continuation flag - 0 (no), >0 (yes)
'''\"	b - mercury selections counter
'''\"	c - distribution continuation flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
'''\"	d - flag for length calculation
'''\"	e - complete copy basic distribution length
'''\"	g - complete copy overflow distribution length
'''\"	h - cover sheet basic distribution length
'''\"	i - cover sheet overflow distribution length
'''\"	k - keyword flag - 0 (none), 1 (some) - reused as scratch
'''\"	l - number of vertical units per line - troff
'''\"	m - memorandum type flag - 1 TM, 2 IM, 3 TC
'''\"	n - document number counter
'''\"	o - title flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes - vertical size of title diversion)
'''\"	p - proprietary notice flag - 0 (none), 1 (default), 2(BR)
'''\"	r - security flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
'''\"	s - software flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
'''\"	t - mark title position
'''\"	u - author count
'''\"	q v w x y z- scratch - but remembered
'''\"	aa - ship to itds
'''\" strings
'''\"	a) b)- mercury info
'''\"	d) - date
'''\"	k) - keywords
'''\"	N1 - first document number
'''\"	p) q) r)- proprietary 1
'''\"	s) - time stamp string
'''\"	t) - memo type (TM, IM, TC)
'''\"	v) - document nos
'''\"	w) - filing case nos
'''\"	x) - work project nos
'''\"	e( - earlier document
'''\"	m( n( o( p(- authors 1-3 sig
'''\"	r( - responsible person
'''\"	s( - S software string
'''\"	t( - memo type ("for Technical Memorandum", etc.)
'''\"	x( - Mailing Label or DRAFT
'''\"	N2 N3- 2nd 3rd document number
'''\" 	Fi - up to 3 filing cases
'''\"	Xi - up to 3 work program numbers
'''\" diversions
'''\"	WB - abstract
'''\"	ZI - author info section
'''\"	ZC - complete copy addressee primary
'''\"	ZO - complete copy addressee overflow
'''\"	ZS - cover sheet addressee primary
'''\"	ZD - cover sheet addressee overflow
'''\"	ZN - document number info
'''\"	WT - title
'''\" initialization
'''\"		get ms if not loaded
.if !\n(PS .so /sys/lib/tmac/tmac.s
.	\" to foil ms
.if !'\*(d)'' \{\
.	tm You're trying to load the coversheet macros twice - havoc will result
.	tm I'm quitting to keep you from wasting paper
.	ex \}
.rn FE F6
.nr ST 0
.nr CS 1
.ch NP 16i
.ch FO 16i
.ch FX 16i
.ch BT 16i
.nr FM .01i
.nr 1T 1
.nr BE 1
.nr PI 5n
.if !\n(PD .nr PD 0.3v
.pl 11i
.de FT
.fp 1 H
.fp 2 HI
.fp 3 HB
.fp 4 HX
.ps 10
.vs 12
.de FB
.ie !'\\*(TF'' .FP \\*(TF
.el .FP times
.ps 10
.vs 12
.de FE
.nr F4 +\\n(FP
.nr a 0 1
.nr b 0 1
.nr c 0
.nr d 0
.nr e 0
.nr g 0
.nr h 6
.nr i 0
.nr k 0
.nr m 0
.nr n 0 1
.nr o 0
.nr p 1
.nr q 0
.nr r 0
.nr s 0
.nr t 0
.nr u 0 1
.nr v 0
.nr w 0
.nr x 0
.nr y 0
.nr z 0
.nr dv 0
.if '\*(.T'aps' .nr dv 1
'''\"	initialize units per vertical space
.nr l 120
.nr lp 66
.nr np 2 1
.af np i
.nr tp 2 1
.nr tc 2
.af tc i
.nr la 0
.nr a1 0
.nr a2 0
.nr ar 0
.nr u! 1
.nr ud 1
.nr ra 1
.di ZI
.di ZN
.di ZC
.di ZO
.di ZS
.di ZD
'''\"initialize date string - keep for 1st pg of tm
.if \n(mo-0 .ds d) January
.if \n(mo-1 .ds d) February
.if \n(mo-2 .ds d) March
.if \n(mo-3 .ds d) April
.if \n(mo-4 .ds d) May
.if \n(mo-5 .ds d) June
.if \n(mo-6 .ds d) July
.if \n(mo-7 .ds d) August
.if \n(mo-8 .ds d) September
.if \n(mo-9 .ds d) October
.if \n(mo-10 .ds d) November
.if \n(mo-11 .ds d) December
.as d) " \n(dy, 20\n(yr
.ds DY \*(d)
'''			\" initialize strings
.ds m!
.ds m(
.ds n!
.ds n(
.ds o!
.ds o(
.ds x!
.ds y!
.ds z!
'''			\" initialize proprietary notice
.ds o) "Alcatel-Lucent \(em PROPRIETARY
.ds p) "Use pursuant to Company Instructions
.ds q)
.ds r)
'''			\" initialize trademark symbol
.ds MT \v'-0.5m'\s-4TM\s+4\v'0.5m'
.ds s) 0
'''			\"initialize csmacro version string
.ds ve MCSL (07/12/90) 0
'''			\" macros to collect information
.de DT 				\" macro for date
'''\"					store date if non-empty
.if !'\\$1'' .ds d) \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4
.ds DY \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4
.de TI				\" macro for title -TI = mm(TL)
.nr aa 0
.nr TV 1
.ds x( "Mailing Label \}
.in 0
.ll 4.25i
'''\"					diversion for title ZT = mm(tI)
.di WT
.de AH				\" macro for author info AH = mm(AU)
'''\"		name loc dept ext room mail_addr company
'''\"					don't count author unless non-empty
.if !'\\$1'' .nr u \\n+u
.nr AV \\nu
.if \\nu=1 \{\
.	br
'''\"					end title diversion on first author
.	di
.	nr o \\n(dn
.	ll
.	nf
.	ds d! \\$3
.	nr m2 \\$3/10 \}
.ta 0.3i 3.i 4i 5.5i
.ds D\\nu \\$2 \\$3
.ds \\nuL \\$5, x\\$4
'''\"					append to author list ZI = mm(aV)
.da ZI
	\\$1	\\$2 \\$5	\\$4	\\$7
.if !'\\$6'' \{\
.da ZI
.da \}
'''\"					end append; info for signature lines
.AA \\nu "\\$1" \\$3 \\$2 "\\$4" \\$5 \\$6
.ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i 2.0i 2.5i
.de AA
.\"ft 3
.di M\\$1
.di A\\$1
.if !'\\$3'' Org. \\$3
.if !'\\$4'' \\$4 \\$6
.if !'\\$5'' \\$5
.if !'\\$7'' \\$7
.sp .05i
.sy echo \\$2 >/tmp/tt\\n($$
.sy sed -f /sys/lib/tmac/name.sed /tmp/tt\\n($$ >/tmp/tx\\n($$
.so /tmp/tx\\n($$
.sy rm /tmp/tx\\n($$ /tmp/tt\\n($$
.if \\$1<2 .ds T1 \\*(T1-gre
.da G9
.if !'\\*(d!'\\$3' \{\
.	nr u! \\n(u!+1
.	nr m3 \\$3/10
.	if !\\n(m2=\\n(m3 .nr ud \\n(ud+1 \}
.ie \\$1<4 \{\
.	as m! \\l'2.25i'	
.	as m( 	\\$2 \}
.el .ie \\$1<7 \{\
.	as n! \\l'2.25i'	
.	as n(	\\$2 \}
.el \{\
.	as o! \\l'2.25i'	
.	as o(	\\$2 \}
.de TO	\"begin list of im to people
.nr TO 1
.di 1T
.de ET		\"end list of im to people & output pg
.de AP				\" at&t responsible person AP = mm(rP)
.if !'\\$1'' .ds r( \\$1
.rm AP
.de SA				\" macro for abstract info SA = mm(AS)
.ie \\n(.$ \{\ 
.ds a( \\$1
.if '\\$1'no' .ds a(\}
.el .ds a( ABSTRACT
.nr CS 0
.nr LL 7.0i
.ft 1
.di WB				\" WB = mm(aS)
.de SE 				\" macro for end of abstract info SE = mm(AE)
.nr la \\n(dn
.nr CS 1
.ft 1
.de KW				\" macro for keyword info KW = mm(OK)
.ds k)
.if !'\\$1'' .as k) \\$1
.if !'\\$2'' .as k); \\$2
.if !'\\$3'' .as k); \\$3
.if !'\\$4'' .as k); \\$4
.if !'\\$5'' .as k); \\$5
.if !'\\$6'' .as k); \\$6
.if !'\\$7'' .as k); \\$7
.if !'\\$8'' .as k); \\$8
.if !'\\$9'' .as k); \\$9
'''\"					set k flag if we have some keywords
.ie !'\\*(k)'' .nr k 1
.el .nr k 0
.de TY				\" macro for document type TY = mm(MT)
.if '\\$1'TM' \{\
.	nr m 1
.	ds t) TM
.	ds t( "for Technical Memorandum \}
.if '\\$1'IM' \{\
.	nr m 2
.	ds t) IM
.	ds t( "for Internal Memorandum \}
.if '\\$1'TC' \{\
.	nr m 3
.	ds t) TC
.	ds t( "for Technical Correspondence \}
.ie '\\$2'y' .nr s 1
.el .nr s 0
.de NU				\" macro for document number info NU = mm(dN fC wP)
.ie \\ns=1 .ds s( S
.el .ds s(
.ie \\n(wp=0 \{\
.	ie '\\$5'' .ds CX 000000-0000
.	el .ds CX \\$5
.	ds X1 \\*(CX
.	nr wp \\n(wp+1 \}
.el \{\
.	ds CX \\$5
.	if !'\\$5'' \{\
.		if \\n(wp=1 .ds X2 \\*(CX
.		if \\n(wp=2 .ds X3 \\*(CX
.		if \\n(wp=3 .ds X4 \\*(CX
.		if \\n(wp=4 .ds X5 \\*(CX
.		nr wp \\n(wp+1
.		ds x) s\}\}
.if !'\\$4'' \{\
.	ie !\\n(fc=0 \{\
.		if \\n(fc=1 .ds F2 \\$4
.		if \\n(fc=2 .ds F3 \\$4
.		if \\n(fc=3 .ds F4 \\$4
.		if \\n(fc=4 .ds F5 \\$4
.		ds w) s
.		nr fc \\n(fc+1 \}
.	el \{\
.		ds F1 \\$4
.		nr fc \\n(fc+1 \} \}
.ie !'\\$1'' \{\
.	ds NN \\$1-\\$2-\\$3\\*(t)\\*(s(
.	if \\nn=0 .ds N1 \\*(NN
.	if \\nn=1 \{\
.		ds v) s
.		ds N2 \\*(NN\}
.	if \\nn=2 .ds N3 \\*(NN
.	if \\nn=3 .ds N4 \\*(NN
.	if \\nn=4 .ds N5 \\*(NN
.	ie \\nn<4 .as x! \\l'2.25i'	
.	el ie \\nn<7 .as y! \\l'2.25i'	
.	el .as z! \\l'2.25i'	
.	nr n \\n+n \}
.if !'\\$6'' \{\
.	ie !\\n(a!=0 \{\
.		if \\n(a!=1 .as Z1 "	\\$6
.		if \\n(a!=2 .as Z1 \\$6
.		nr a! \\n(a!+1 \}
.	el \{\
.		ds Z1 "	\\$6
.		nr a! \\n(a!+1 \} \}
.el .ds NN
.ta 0.8i 3.5i 5.55i
.da ZN				\" ZN = mm(dM fC wO)
	\\*(NN	\\$4	\\*(CX
.ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i
.de MY				\" macro for mercury selections MY = mm(mE)
.ds a)
.ds b)
.if '\\$1'y' \{\
.	as a) "	CHM - Chemistry and Materials
.	nr b \\n+b \}
.if '\\$2'y' \{\
.	as a) "	CMM - Communications
.	nr b \\n+b \}
.if '\\$3'y' \{\
.	as a) " 	CMP - Computing
.	nr b \\n+b
.	if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
.if '\\$4'y' \{\
.	as a) "	ELC - Electronics
.	nr b \\n+b
.	if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
.if '\\$5'y' \{\
.	as a) "	LFS - Life Sciences
.	nr b \\n+b
.	if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
.if '\\$6'y' \{\
.	as a) "	MAS - Mathematics and Statistics
.	nr b \\n+b
.	if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
.	if \\nb<6 \{\
.	if '\\$7'y' \{\
.		as a) "	PHY - Physics
.		nr b \\n+b
.		if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \} \}
.	if \\nb<6 \{\
.	if '\\$8'y' \{\
.		as a) "	MAN - Manufacturing
.		nr b \\n+b \} \}
.if \\nb=3 .rn b) a)
.de RL				\" lucent distribution ok RL = mm(rA or fA)
.if '\\$1'n' .nr ra 2
.rm RL
.de ED				\" earlier document number ED = mm(eD)
.if !'\\$1'' .ds e( \\$1
.rm ED
.de PR				\" macro for proprietary marking PR = mm(PM)
.if '\\$1'BP' .nr p 1
.if '\\$1'BR' \{\
.	nr p 2
.	ds o) "Alcatel-Lucent \(em PROPRIETARY (RESTRICTED)
.	ds p) "Solely for authorized persons having a need to know
.	ds q) "     pursuant to Company Instructions \}
.if '\\$1'0' .nr p 0
.de GS				\" GS = mm(gS)
.nr r 1
.de CI
.de XE
'''\"				basic distribution leng-to be tailored-set e & h
.if \\nd=0 \{\
.	nr d 1
.	if \\nr=0 .nr e \\ne+2
.	if \\nu<=3 .nr e \\ne+3
.	if \\nu<=6 .nr e \\ne+3
.	if \\nu<=9 .nr e \\ne+3
.	if \\nn<=3 .nr e \\ne+2
.	if \\nn<=6 .nr e \\ne+2
.	if \\nn<=9 .nr e \\ne+2
.	if \\n(ra<=2 .nr e \\ne-3
.	nr e \\ne+27
.	nr h \\ne \}
.de CO				\" macro for complete copy addressees CO = mm(cC)
.ta 2.0i
.ie \\ne>0 \{\
.	da ZC				\" ZC = mm(cA)
.	ds y( \\$1
.	ie '\\$1'y' .so /sys/lib/tmac/complet.1127
.	el .if  !'\\$1'' .so /sys/lib/tmac/complet.\\*(y(
.	dt \\ne OC \}
.el .da ZC
.de OC				\" macro for complete copy overflow - OC = mm(cD)
.ta 2.0i
.da ZO				\" ZO = mm(cO)
.ie \\n(ar>0 .dt \\n(arv ZW
.el .dt 55 ZW
.de ZW
.ie \\n(dn>0 .g (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4
.da CZ
.de CV				\" macro for cover sheet only addresses CV = mm(cS)
.ta 2.0i
.ie \\nh>0 \{\
.	da ZS				\" ZS = mm(dA)
.	ds y( \\$1
.	ie '\\$1'y' .so /sys/lib/tmac/cover.1127
.	el .if !'\\$1'' .so /sys/lib/tmac/cover.\\*(y(
.	dt \\nh OV \}
.el .da ZD
.de OV				\" macro for cover sheet only overflow OV = mm(cT)
.ta 2.0i
.da ZD				\" ZD = mm(cO)
.ie \\n(ar>0 .dt \\n(arv WW
.el .dt 55 WW
.de WW
.if \\n(dn>0 .nr i (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4	\" was ie with no el
.da DZ
.de CE				\" ending all distribution diversions CE = mm(cE)
.if "\\n(.z"ZC" \{\
.	nr g 0
.	rm OC \}
.if "\\n(.z"ZO" \{\
.	nr g -1
.	rm OC \}
.if "\\n(.z"CZ" \{\
.	nr g -2
.	rm OC \}
.if "\\n(.z"ZS" \{\
.	nr i 0
.	rm OV \}
.if "\\n(.z"ZD" \{\
.	nr i -1
.	rm OV \}
.if "\\n(.z"DZ" \{\
.	nr i -2
.	rm )V \}
.if \\ng=-1 \{\
.	ie \\n(dn>0 .nr g (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4
.	el .nr g 0 \}
.if \\ni=-1 \{\
.	ie \\n(dn>0 .nr i (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4
.	el .nr i 0 \}
'''\" macros to help format document
.de HD
.po .5i	\"was .25
.if "\\*(.T"aps" .tl '--''--'
.de FC				\" footer macro FC = mm(fO)
.pl 11.0i
.de ST			\" macro for abstract overflow trap ST = mm(yY)
.rm ST				\" ZB = mm(aT)
.de ZB
.ch ST 16i			\" macro for abstract overflow trap ZB = mm(aT)
.if \\na>0 \{\
.	ft 2
.	ce
.	ft 1 \}
.pl 11.0i
.nr a \\n+a
.rn ZB XX
.rn XX ZB
.wh -0.35i ZB
.HC				\" HC = mm(cH)
.HX				\" HX = mm(tH)
'sp 0.05i
.ft 3
Abstract (continued)
.ft 1
.in 0.2i
'sp 1
.de TK				\" macro for thick lines TKK = mm(tK)
.ps 24
.de HX				\" macro for Title headings and text HX = mm(tH)
'sp 0.05i
'''\"					mark t - Title heading
.mk t
.ft 3
.in 0.7i
.in 0
.ta 0.5i
.nr q \\no/\\nl
.ie \\nq>2 'sp|\\ntu+\\nq
.el 'sp|\\ntu+2
.					\" m1 - mark end of title section - save
.mk m1
.de HC				\" macro for continuation header HC = mm(cH)
.nr np \\n+(np
.in 0
.ft 3
.ta 4.80i
.nr tc \\n(tp
	\\*(N1\f2 (page \\n(np of \\n(tc)
.sp 0.1i
.de DL				\" macro for distribution list headers DL = mm(dH)
.ft 3
.ta 1.0i 4.75i
	\\$1	\\$2
.sp 0.05i
.ft 1
.ta 0.5i 1.0i
.de EJ				\" macro for ejecting continuation page EJ = mm(eP)
.wh 0 HD
'''\"				put out continuation page header & title section
.de CP				\" macro for continuation page CP = mm(cP)
'''\"					calc vert. units for cc overflow (if any)
.ie \\nv<=\\n(.t .nr v 1
.el .nr v 0
.if \\nv=1 .if \\nw<=\\n(.t .nr v 2
.				\" check if cont page needs to be ejected
.in 0
.if \\nc=1 \{\
.				\" - if no abstract overflow
.	if \\na=0 .EJ
.	if \\na>0 \{\
.				\"or if abstract over but no room for list overfl
.		ie \\nv<2 .EJ
.				\" just tk line if abstract over & room for list
.		el .TK \}
.	FT
.	ie \\ne=0 \{\
.		if \\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .DL "Complete Copy" "Cover Sheet Only"
.		if \\ng>4 .if !\\ni>4 .DL "Complete Copy" ""
.		if !\\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .DL "" "Cover Sheet Only" \}
.	el \{\
.		if \\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .DL "Complete Copy (continued)" "Cover Sheet Only (continued)"1
.		if \\ng>4 .if !\\ni>4 .DL "Complete Copy (continued)" ""
.		if !\\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .DL "" "Cover Sheet Only (continued)" \}
.	mk z
.	nr q \\n(.t/\\nl
'''\"					put out complete copy list overflow
.	in 0.2i
.	ZO
.	in 0
.	mk x
.	sp|\\nzu
.	in 4i
'''\"					put out cover sheet list overflow
.	ZD
.	mk y
.	in 0
.	if \\nx-\\ny .sp|\\nxu
.	TK \}
.de ZP					\"compute total pages and diversion lengths
'''\"				calculate vert. units for cc overflow (if any)
.ie \\ng>4 .nr v (\\ng)*\\nl
.el .nr v 0
'''\"					also for cs overflow (if any)
.ie \\ni>4 .nr w (\\ni)*\\nl
.el .nr w 0
.ie \\nv>\\nw .nr j \\nv
.el .nr j \\nw
.					\" set c=1 if either g or i >0
.if \\ng>4 .nr c 1
.if \\ni>4 .nr c 1
.					\" calculate total pages in job (default 2)
.					\" a1 - page 1 portion abstract (units)
.nr a1 \\nyu-\\nxu-1v
.ie \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\
.					\" ar - remainder abstract (units)
.	nr ar \\n(la-\\n(a1
.	nr tp \\n+(tp
.					\" a2 - available continuation page space
.					\" m1 is mark after tk line after title
.					\" 2v for Abstract (continued) + one blank
.	nr a2 11.0i-\\n(m1-2v
.	ZZ \}
.el .if \\nc>0 .nr tp \\n+(tp
.de ZZ				\" ZZ = mm(t1)
.ie \\n(ar>\\n(a2 \{\
.	nr ar \\n(ar-\\n(a2
.	nr tp \\n+(tp
.	ZZ \}
.el .if \\n(ar+\\nj>\\n(a2 .nr tp \\n+(tp
'''\" main macro to handle output of cover sheet
'''\"		mm(CS)
.de SC
.nr CS 0
.nr ST 1
.if \\nu=0 \{\
.	tm WARNING: author must be supplied \}
.if \\no=0 \{\
.	tm WARNING: document title must be supplied \}
.if \\nm=0 \{\
.	tm WARNING: memorandum type undefined or unknown \}
.if \\nm=1 .if \\nb=0 \{\
.	tm WARNING: technical memoranda must have at least one mercury class \}
.if \\nn=0 \{\
.	tm WARNING: document number must be supplied \}
.ll 7.5i
.ft 1
.if \\n(nl .bp
.in 0
'''\" the rs is to restore spacing - ditches big space at top
.sp 0.05i
.ps 16
.ft 3
.ta 4.85i
.					\" put out page 1 heading
	Document Cover Sheet
.wh 0 HD
.sp 0.1i
.ta 0.15i 4.55i
	\s36\(FA\s0	\\*(t( 
.ps 10
.sp 0.05i
.ft 3
.ie \\nu>1 .ds u) s
.el .ds u)
.ta 0.5i 3.0i 3.95i 5.25i
	Author\\*(u) (Computer Address)	Location	Phone Number	Company (if other than BL)
'''\"					output author info
.if !'\\*(r('' \{\
.	ta 0.3i 2.6i
	\\*(r(	(Responsible BL Person) \}
.sp 0.05i
.ft 3
.ta 1.0i 3.3i 5.55i
	Document No\\*(v).	Filing Case No\\*(w).	Project No\\*(x).
.sp 0.05i
'''\"					output document number
'''\"					output keywords if they exist
.if \\nk>0 \{\
.	ft 3
.	ft
.	sp 0.05i
.	ti 0.2i
.	TK \}
'''\"					output mercury info if it exists
.if \\nb>0 \{\
.	ft 3
MERCURY Announcement Bulletin Sections
.	ft
.	sp 0.05i
.	ta 0.6i 3.1i 5.6i
.	ps 8
.	if \\nb>3 \\*(b)
.	ps
.	TK \}
.ft 3
.mk x
.nr b1 \\nx/\\n(.v+1
.nr b2 (\\n(b1*\\n(.v)-\\nx
.sp \\n(b2u
.mk x
'''\" calculate position (19v includes 2v to print version at bottom of page)
.nr y \\n(lpv-19v
.if \\n(F4>0 .nr y \\ny-\\n(F4
.sp -1
'''\"					handle abstract page 1 continuation
.ie \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\
.	ce
.	ft2
(continued on page iii)
.	ft1
.	br \}
.el .sp1
.if \\n(F4>0 \{\
.	FA
.	FG \}
.ps 8
.vs 10
.nr qq \\$1+\\$2+\\n(tp
\f3Total Pages\f1 (including document cover sheet):  \\s+2\\n(qq\\s-2
.ie !'\\*(e('' \{\
Supersedes or amends document number \\*(e(. \}
.el .sp
.mk z
.sp .67i
'''\"					output proprietary notice if it exists
.if \\np>0 \{\
.ft 2
.ti (4i-\\w'\\*(o)'u)/2u
.ti (4i-\\w'\\*(p)'u)/2u
.ti (4i-\\w'\\*(q)'u)/2u
\\*(q) \}
.sp |\\nzu+11v
.ta 5.35i
.ie !'\\*(s)'' \{\
\s8Timestamp: \\*(s)\s0	BELL LABORATORIES \}
.el \{\
.sp 1
.ft 3
.ti 5.25i
.in 0.2i
'''\"					abstract
.if !\\n(la=\\n(a1 \{\
.	wh -0.25i ST \}
.pl \\nyu
.ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i 2.0i 2.5i
.ft 1
'''\"					output the abstract
.if \\n(la=\\n(a1 .sp-1
.rn ZB XX
.wh -0.25i FC
'''\"					output continuation page
.ft 1
.in 0
.wh 0 HD
.ft 3
.ta 5.00i
.nr tc \\n(tp
Initial Distribution Specifications	\\*(N1\f2 (page ii of \\n(tc)\f3
.ft 1
.if \\ne>0 \{\
.	DL "     Complete Copy" "     Cover Sheet Only"
.	mk z
'''\"					put out complete copy list
.	in 0.2i
.	ZC
.	in 0
.	if !\\ng=0 \{\
.		ft 2
.		ti 1.25i
.		ft 1 \}
.	sp|\\nzu
.	in 4i
'''\"					put out cover sheet list
.	ZS
.	if !\\ni=0 \{\
.		ft 2
.		ti 4.75i
.		ft 1 \}
.	in 0
'''\"					starter space value - then tailor
.	sp|5
.	sp \\ne
.	TK \}
.if \\nr=1 \{\
\f3Government Security Classified\f1
.	ft 1
.	sp -0.05i
.	TK \}
\f3Future Alcatel-Lucent Distribution by ITDS\f1
.ti 0.5i
.sp 0.05i
.ie \\n(ra=2 \{\
\f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee without appropriate approval for each request. \}
.el \{\
\f3RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee (excluding contract employees). \}
'''\"					put out author signature section
.ft 3
Author Signature\\*(u)
.ft 1
.ta 2.635i 5.25i
.ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
.if \\nu>3 \{\
.	sp 0.1i
.	ta 2.635i 5.25i
.	ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
\\*(n( \}
.if \\nu>6 \{\
.	sp 0.1i
.	ta 2.635i 5.25i
.	ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
\\*(o( \}
.sp -0.1i
'''\"					output organizational approval section
.ie \\np>1 \{\
\f3Organizational Approval\f1  (Department Head approval \f3required\ff1 for \f2\\*(o)\f1.) \}
.el \{\
\f3Organizational Approval\f1  (Optional) \}
.sp 1
.ta 2.635i 5.25i
.	ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
.if \\nn>3 \{\
.	sp .1i
.ta 2.635i 5.25i
\\*(y! \}
.if \\nn>6 \{\
.	sp .1i
\\*(z! \}
.sp -0.1i
'''\"					recipient section always output
.ft 3
For Use by Recipient of Cover Sheet:
.ft 1
.ps -3
.vs -4
.mk z
 Computing network users may order copies via the \f2library \-k\f1 command;
  for information, type \f2man library\f1 after the UNIX prompt.
.rn fo xx
  Enter PAN if BL (or SS# if non-BL). \l'1.5i'
  Return this sheet to any ITDS location.
.in 4i
Internal Technical Document Service
.ta 1i 2i 3i
( ) AK 2H-28	( ) IH 7M-103	( ) DR 2F-19	( ) NW-ITDS
( ) ALC 1B-102	( ) MV 1L-19	( ) INH 1C-114	( ) PR 5-2120
( ) CB 30-2011	( ) WH 3E-204	( ) IW 2Z-156
( ) HO 4F-112		( ) MT 3B-117
.	\"IZ - initialization
.de IZ
.nr TN 0
.em EM
.po 1i
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.if t .wh -\\n(FMu/2u BT
.if n .wh -\\n(FMu/2u-1v BT
.\"		macro to restore ms foiling
.de SR
.nr BE 0
.nr 1T 1
.nr FM 0
.nr PD 0
.nr HM 0
.nr KG 0
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.nr GA 0
.nr FP 0
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.rn FK FE
.rn FJ FS
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.di ZA
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.so \*(.P/lib/tmac/tmac.rscover
. \" a line for troff to eat
.S1 \}
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.rm n( o( p( s( t( SA ZI ZC ZO
.rm S3
.de RP
.nr ST 2
.de TR
.nr ST 3
.ds MN \\$1
.de SS		\"RP or TR rename the world so old macros called
.rm SG
.nr CS 0
.nr BE 0
.nr 1T 0
.nr FM 0
.nr PD 0
.nr HM 0
.nr KG 0
.nr FP 0
.nr GA 0
.nr FP 0
.ll 6i
.nr LL 6i
.\" changed rn F5 FE added rn FJ FS
.rn F6 FE
.nr FC -1
.nr % 1
.rm IZ
.pn 0
.de TI
.de SA
.AB \\\\$1
.de SE
.de AH
.de DT
.ND \\\\$1 \\\\$2 \\\\$3
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