ref: 1985bebbddc7d47f165e3e7d45ff8614b23acd71
dir: /sys/src/libhttpd/parse.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <libsec.h> #include <bin.h> #include <httpd.h> #include "escape.h" typedef struct Hlex Hlex; typedef struct MimeHead MimeHead; enum { /* * tokens */ Word = 1, QString, }; #define UlongMax 4294967295UL struct Hlex { int tok; int eoh; int eol; /* end of header line encountered? */ uchar *hstart; /* start of header */ jmp_buf jmp; /* jmp here to parse header */ char wordval[HMaxWord]; HConnect *c; }; struct MimeHead { char *name; void (*parse)(Hlex*, char*); uchar seen; uchar ignore; }; static void mimeaccept(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeacceptchar(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeacceptenc(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeacceptlang(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeagent(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeauthorization(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeconnection(Hlex*, char*); static void mimecontlen(Hlex*, char*); static void mimecookie(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeexpect(Hlex*, char*); static void mimefresh(Hlex*, char*); static void mimefrom(Hlex*, char*); static void mimehost(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeifrange(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeignore(Hlex*, char*); static void mimematch(Hlex*, char*); static void mimemodified(Hlex*, char*); static void mimenomatch(Hlex*, char*); static void mimerange(Hlex*, char*); static void mimetransenc(Hlex*, char*); static void mimeunmodified(Hlex*, char*); /* * headers seen also include * allow cache-control chargeto * content-encoding content-language content-location content-md5 content-range content-type * date etag expires forwarded last-modified max-forwards pragma * proxy-agent proxy-authorization proxy-connection * ua-color ua-cpu ua-os ua-pixels * upgrade via x-afs-tokens x-serial-number */ static MimeHead mimehead[] = { {"accept", mimeaccept}, {"accept-charset", mimeacceptchar}, {"accept-encoding", mimeacceptenc}, {"accept-language", mimeacceptlang}, {"authorization", mimeauthorization}, {"connection", mimeconnection}, {"content-length", mimecontlen}, {"cookie", mimecookie}, {"expect", mimeexpect}, {"fresh", mimefresh}, {"from", mimefrom}, {"host", mimehost}, {"if-match", mimematch}, {"if-modified-since", mimemodified}, {"if-none-match", mimenomatch}, {"if-range", mimeifrange}, {"if-unmodified-since", mimeunmodified}, {"range", mimerange}, {"transfer-encoding", mimetransenc}, {"user-agent", mimeagent}, }; char* hmydomain; char* hversion = "HTTP/1.1"; static void lexhead(Hlex*); static void parsejump(Hlex*, char*); static int getc(Hlex*); static void ungetc(Hlex*); static int wordcr(Hlex*); static int wordnl(Hlex*); static void word(Hlex*, char*); static int lex1(Hlex*, int); static int lex(Hlex*); static int lexbase64(Hlex*); static ulong digtoul(char *s, char **e); /* * flush and clean up junk from a request */ void hreqcleanup(HConnect *c) { int i; hxferenc(&c->hout, 0); memset(&c->req, 0, sizeof(c->req)); memset(&c->head, 0, sizeof(c->head)); c->hpos = c->header; c->hstop = c->header; binfree(&c->bin); for(i = 0; i < nelem(mimehead); i++){ mimehead[i].seen = 0; mimehead[i].ignore = 0; } } /* * list of tokens * if the client is HTTP/1.0, * ignore headers which match one of the tokens. * restarts parsing if necessary. */ static void mimeconnection(Hlex *h, char *) { char *u, *p; int reparse, i; reparse = 0; for(;;){ while(lex(h) != Word) if(h->tok != ',') goto breakout; if(cistrcmp(h->wordval, "keep-alive") == 0) h->c->head.persist = 1; else if(cistrcmp(h->wordval, "close") == 0) h->c->head.closeit = 1; else if(!http11(h->c)){ for(i = 0; i < nelem(mimehead); i++){ if(cistrcmp(mimehead[i].name, h->wordval) == 0){ reparse = mimehead[i].seen && !mimehead[i].ignore; mimehead[i].ignore = 1; if(cistrcmp(mimehead[i].name, "authorization") == 0){ h->c->head.authuser = nil; h->c->head.authpass = nil; } } } } if(lex(h) != ',') break; } breakout:; /* * if need to ignore headers we've already parsed, * reset & start over. need to save authorization * info because it's written over when parsed. */ if(reparse){ u = h->c->head.authuser; p = h->c->head.authpass; memset(&h->c->head, 0, sizeof(h->c->head)); h->c->head.authuser = u; h->c->head.authpass = p; h->c->hpos = h->hstart; longjmp(h->jmp, 1); } } int hparseheaders(HConnect *c, int timeout) { Hlex h; c->head.fresh_thresh = 0; c->head.fresh_have = 0; c->head.persist = 0; if(c->req.vermaj == 0){ c-> = hmydomain; return 1; } memset(&h, 0, sizeof(h)); h.c = c; if(timeout) alarm(timeout); if(hgethead(c, 1) < 0) return -1; if(timeout) alarm(0); h.hstart = c->hpos; if(setjmp( == -1) return -1; h.eol = 0; h.eoh = 0; h.tok = '\n'; while(lex(&h) != '\n'){ if(h.tok == Word && lex(&h) == ':') parsejump(&h, hstrdup(c, h.wordval)); while(h.tok != '\n') lex(&h); h.eol = h.eoh; } if(http11(c)){ /* * according to the http/1.1 spec, * these rules must be followed */ if(c-> == nil){ hfail(c, HBadReq, nil); return -1; } if(c->req.urihost != nil) c-> = c->req.urihost; /* * also need to check host is actually this one */ }else if(c-> == nil) c-> = hmydomain; return 1; } /* * mimeparams : | mimeparams ";" mimepara * mimeparam : token "=" token | token "=" qstring */ static HSPairs* mimeparams(Hlex *h) { HSPairs *p; char *s; p = nil; for(;;){ if(lex(h) != Word) break; s = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); if(lex(h) != Word && h->tok != QString) break; p = hmkspairs(h->c, s, hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval), p); } return hrevspairs(p); } /* * mimehfields : mimehfield | mimehfields commas mimehfield * mimehfield : token mimeparams * commas : "," | commas "," */ static HFields* mimehfields(Hlex *h) { HFields *f; f = nil; for(;;){ while(lex(h) != Word) if(h->tok != ',') goto breakout; f = hmkhfields(h->c, hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval), nil, f); if(lex(h) == ';') f->params = mimeparams(h); if(h->tok != ',') break; } breakout:; return hrevhfields(f); } /* * parse a list of acceptable types, encodings, languages, etc. */ static HContent* mimeok(Hlex *h, char *name, int multipart, HContent *head) { char *generic, *specific, *s; float v; /* * each type is separated by one or more commas */ while(lex(h) != Word) if(h->tok != ',') return head; generic = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); lex(h); if(h->tok == '/' || multipart){ /* * at one time, IE5 improperly said '*' for single types */ if(h->tok != '/') return nil; if(lex(h) != Word) return head; specific = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); if(!multipart && strcmp(specific, "*") != 0) return head; lex(h); }else specific = nil; head = hmkcontent(h->c, generic, specific, head); for(;;){ switch(h->tok){ case ';': /* * should make a list of these params * for accept, they fall into two classes: * up to a q=..., they modify the media type. * afterwards, they acceptance criteria */ if(lex(h) == Word){ s = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); if(lex(h) != '=' || lex(h) != Word && h->tok != QString) return head; v = strtod(h->wordval, nil); if(strcmp(s, "q") == 0) head->q = v; else if(strcmp(s, "mxb") == 0) head->mxb = v; else{ /* cope with accept: application/xhtml+xml; profile=, */ while(lex(h) == Word || (h->tok != ',' && h->eol == 0) ) ; return mimeok(h, name, multipart, head); } } break; case ',': return mimeok(h, name, multipart, head); default: return head; } lex(h); } } /* * parse a list of entity tags * 1#entity-tag * entity-tag = [weak] opaque-tag * weak = "W/" * opaque-tag = quoted-string */ static HETag* mimeetag(Hlex *h, HETag *head) { HETag *e; int weak; for(;;){ while(lex(h) != Word && h->tok != QString) if(h->tok != ',') return head; weak = 0; if(h->tok == Word && strcmp(h->wordval, "*") != 0){ if(strcmp(h->wordval, "W") != 0) return head; if(lex(h) != '/' || lex(h) != QString) return head; weak = 1; } e = halloc(h->c, sizeof(HETag)); e->etag = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); e->weak = weak; e->next = head; head = e; if(lex(h) != ',') return head; } } /* * ranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier * byte-ranges-specifier = "bytes" "=" byte-range-set * byte-range-set = 1#(byte-range-spec|suffix-byte-range-spec) * byte-range-spec = byte-pos "-" [byte-pos] * byte-pos = 1*DIGIT * suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length * suffix-length = 1*DIGIT * * syntactically invalid range specifiers cause the * entire header field to be ignored. * it is syntactically incorrect for the second byte pos * to be smaller than the first byte pos */ static HRange* mimeranges(Hlex *h, HRange *head) { HRange *r, *rh, *tail; char *w; ulong start, stop; int suf; if(lex(h) != Word || strcmp(h->wordval, "bytes") != 0 || lex(h) != '=') return head; rh = nil; tail = nil; for(;;){ while(lex(h) != Word){ if(h->tok != ','){ if(h->tok == '\n') goto breakout; return head; } } w = h->wordval; start = 0; suf = 1; if(w[0] != '-'){ suf = 0; start = digtoul(w, &w); if(w[0] != '-') return head; } w++; stop = ~0UL; if(w[0] != '\0'){ stop = digtoul(w, &w); if(w[0] != '\0') return head; if(!suf && stop < start) return head; } r = halloc(h->c, sizeof(HRange)); r->suffix = suf; r->start = start; r->stop = stop; r->next = nil; if(rh == nil) rh = r; else tail->next = r; tail = r; if(lex(h) != ','){ if(h->tok == '\n') break; return head; } } breakout:; if(head == nil) return rh; for(tail = head; tail->next != nil; tail = tail->next) ; tail->next = rh; return head; } static void mimeaccept(Hlex *h, char *name) { h->c->head.oktype = mimeok(h, name, 1, h->c->head.oktype); } static void mimeacceptchar(Hlex *h, char *name) { h->c->head.okchar = mimeok(h, name, 0, h->c->head.okchar); } static void mimeacceptenc(Hlex *h, char *name) { h->c->head.okencode = mimeok(h, name, 0, h->c->head.okencode); } static void mimeacceptlang(Hlex *h, char *name) { h->c->head.oklang = mimeok(h, name, 0, h->c->head.oklang); } static void mimemodified(Hlex *h, char *) { lexhead(h); h->c->head.ifmodsince = hdate2sec(h->wordval); } static void mimeunmodified(Hlex *h, char *) { lexhead(h); h->c->head.ifunmodsince = hdate2sec(h->wordval); } static void mimematch(Hlex *h, char *) { h->c->head.ifmatch = mimeetag(h, h->c->head.ifmatch); } static void mimenomatch(Hlex *h, char *) { h->c->head.ifnomatch = mimeetag(h, h->c->head.ifnomatch); } /* * argument is either etag or date */ static void mimeifrange(Hlex *h, char *) { int c, d, et; et = 0; c = getc(h); while(c == ' ' || c == '\t') c = getc(h); if(c == '"') et = 1; else if(c == 'W'){ d = getc(h); if(d == '/') et = 1; ungetc(h); } ungetc(h); if(et){ h->c->head.ifrangeetag = mimeetag(h, h->c->head.ifrangeetag); }else{ lexhead(h); h->c->head.ifrangedate = hdate2sec(h->wordval); } } static void mimerange(Hlex *h, char *) { h->c->head.range = mimeranges(h, h->c->head.range); } /* * parse it like cookies */ static void authdigest(Hlex *h, char *) { char *s; HSPairs *p; p = nil; for(;;){ while(lex(h) != Word) if(h->tok != ';' && h->tok != ',') goto breakout; s = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); while (lex(h) != Word && h->tok != QString) if (h->tok != '=') goto breakout; p = hmkspairs(h->c, s, hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval), p); } breakout: h->c->head.authinfo = hrevspairs(p); } /* * note: netscape and ie through versions 4.7 and 4 * support only basic authorization, so that is all that is supported here * * "Authorization" ":" "Basic" base64-user-pass * where base64-user-pass is the base64 encoding of * username ":" password */ static void authbasic(Hlex *h, char *) { char *up, *p; int n; n = lexbase64(h); if(!n) return; /* * wipe out source for password, so it won't be logged. * it is replaced by a single =, * which is valid base64, but not ok for an auth reponse. * therefore future parses of the header field will not overwrite * authuser and authpass. */ memmove(h->c->hpos - (n - 1), h->c->hpos, h->c->hstop - h->c->hpos); h->c->hstop -= n - 1; *h->c->hstop = '\0'; h->c->hpos -= n - 1; h->c->hpos[-1] = '='; up = halloc(h->c, n + 1); n = dec64((uchar*)up, n, h->wordval, n); up[n] = '\0'; p = strchr(up, ':'); if(p != nil){ *p++ = '\0'; h->c->head.authuser = hstrdup(h->c, up); h->c->head.authpass = hstrdup(h->c, p); } } /* * "Authorization" ":" "Basic" | "Digest" ... */ static void mimeauthorization(Hlex *h, char *) { int i; static MimeHead authparser[] = { { "basic", authbasic }, { "digest", authdigest }, }; if(lex(h) != Word) return; for (i = 0; i < nelem(authparser); i++) if (cistrcmp(h->wordval, authparser[i].name) == 0) { (*authparser[i].parse)(h, nil); break; } } static void mimeagent(Hlex *h, char *) { lexhead(h); h->c->head.client = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); } static void mimefrom(Hlex *h, char *) { lexhead(h); } static void mimehost(Hlex *h, char *) { char *hd; lexhead(h); for(hd = h->wordval; *hd == ' ' || *hd == '\t'; hd++) ; h->c-> = hlower(hstrdup(h->c, hd)); } /* * if present, implies that a message body follows the headers * "content-length" ":" digits */ static void mimecontlen(Hlex *h, char *) { char *e; ulong v; if(lex(h) != Word) return; e = h->wordval; v = digtoul(e, &e); if(v == ~0UL || *e != '\0') return; h->c->head.contlen = v; } /* * mimexpect : "expect" ":" expects * expects : | expects "," expect * expect : "100-continue" | token | token "=" token expectparams | token "=" qstring expectparams * expectparams : ";" token | ";" token "=" token | token "=" qstring * for now, we merely parse "100-continue" or anything else. */ static void mimeexpect(Hlex *h, char *) { if(lex(h) != Word || cistrcmp(h->wordval, "100-continue") != 0 || lex(h) != '\n') h->c->head.expectother = 1; h->c->head.expectcont = 1; } static void mimetransenc(Hlex *h, char *) { h->c->head.transenc = mimehfields(h); } static void mimecookie(Hlex *h, char *) { char *s; HSPairs *p; p = nil; for(;;){ while(lex(h) != Word) if(h->tok != ';' && h->tok != ',') goto breakout; s = hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval); while (lex(h) != Word && h->tok != QString) if (h->tok != '=') goto breakout; p = hmkspairs(h->c, s, hstrdup(h->c, h->wordval), p); } breakout: h->c->head.cookie = hrevspairs(p); } static void mimefresh(Hlex *h, char *) { char *s; lexhead(h); for(s = h->wordval; *s && (*s==' ' || *s=='\t'); s++) ; if(strncmp(s, "pathstat/", 9) == 0) h->c->head.fresh_thresh = atoi(s+9); else if(strncmp(s, "have/", 5) == 0) h->c->head.fresh_have = atoi(s+5); } static void mimeignore(Hlex *h, char *) { lexhead(h); } static void parsejump(Hlex *h, char *k) { int l, r, m; l = 1; r = nelem(mimehead) - 1; while(l <= r){ m = (r + l) >> 1; if(cistrcmp(mimehead[m].name, k) <= 0) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } m = l - 1; if(cistrcmp(mimehead[m].name, k) == 0 && !mimehead[m].ignore){ mimehead[m].seen = 1; (*mimehead[m].parse)(h, k); }else mimeignore(h, k); } static int lex(Hlex *h) { return h->tok = lex1(h, 0); } static int lexbase64(Hlex *h) { int c, n; n = 0; lex1(h, 1); while((c = getc(h)) >= 0){ if(!isalnum(c) && c != '+' && c != '/'){ ungetc(h); break; } if(n < HMaxWord-1) h->wordval[n++] = c; } h->wordval[n] = '\0'; return n; } /* * rfc 822/rfc 1521 lexical analyzer */ static int lex1(Hlex *h, int skipwhite) { int level, c; if(h->eol) return '\n'; top: c = getc(h); switch(c){ case '(': level = 1; while((c = getc(h)) >= 0){ if(c == '\\'){ c = getc(h); if(c < 0) return '\n'; continue; } if(c == '(') level++; else if(c == ')' && --level == 0) break; else if(c == '\n'){ c = getc(h); if(c < 0) return '\n'; if(c == ')' && --level == 0) break; if(c != ' ' && c != '\t'){ ungetc(h); return '\n'; } } } goto top; case ' ': case '\t': goto top; case '\r': c = getc(h); if(c != '\n'){ ungetc(h); goto top; } case '\n': if(h->tok == '\n'){ h->eol = 1; h->eoh = 1; return '\n'; } c = getc(h); if(c < 0){ h->eol = 1; return '\n'; } if(c != ' ' && c != '\t'){ ungetc(h); h->eol = 1; return '\n'; } goto top; case ')': case '<': case '>': case '[': case ']': case '@': case '/': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '?': case '=': if(skipwhite){ ungetc(h); return c; } return c; case '"': if(skipwhite){ ungetc(h); return c; } word(h, "\""); getc(h); /* skip the closing quote */ return QString; default: ungetc(h); if(skipwhite) return c; word(h, "\"(){}<>@,;:/[]?=\r\n \t"); if(h->wordval[0] == '\0'){ h->c->head.closeit = 1; hfail(h->c, HSyntax); longjmp(h->jmp, -1); } return Word; } /* not reached */ } /* * return the rest of an rfc 822, including \n * do not map to lower case */ static void lexhead(Hlex *h) { int c, n; n = 0; while((c = getc(h)) >= 0){ if(c == '\r') c = wordcr(h); else if(c == '\n') c = wordnl(h); if(c == '\n') break; if(c == '\\'){ c = getc(h); if(c < 0) break; } if(n < HMaxWord-1) h->wordval[n++] = c; } h->tok = '\n'; h->eol = 1; h->wordval[n] = '\0'; } static void word(Hlex *h, char *stop) { int c, n; n = 0; while((c = getc(h)) >= 0){ if(c == '\r') c = wordcr(h); else if(c == '\n') c = wordnl(h); if(c == '\\'){ c = getc(h); if(c < 0) break; }else if(c < 32 || strchr(stop, c) != nil){ ungetc(h); break; } if(n < HMaxWord-1) h->wordval[n++] = c; } h->wordval[n] = '\0'; } static int wordcr(Hlex *h) { int c; c = getc(h); if(c == '\n') return wordnl(h); ungetc(h); return ' '; } static int wordnl(Hlex *h) { int c; c = getc(h); if(c == ' ' || c == '\t') return c; ungetc(h); return '\n'; } static int getc(Hlex *h) { if(h->eoh) return -1; if(h->c->hpos < h->c->hstop) return *h->c->hpos++; h->eoh = 1; h->eol = 1; return -1; } static void ungetc(Hlex *h) { if(h->eoh) return; h->c->hpos--; } static ulong digtoul(char *s, char **e) { ulong v; int c, ovfl; v = 0; ovfl = 0; for(;;){ c = *s; if(c < '0' || c > '9') break; s++; c -= '0'; if(v > UlongMax/10 || v == UlongMax/10 && c >= UlongMax%10) ovfl = 1; v = v * 10 + c; } if(e) *e = s; if(ovfl) return UlongMax; return v; } int http11(HConnect *c) { return c->req.vermaj > 1 || c->req.vermaj == 1 && c->req.vermin > 0; } char* hmkmimeboundary(HConnect *c) { char buf[32]; int i; srand((time(0)<<16)|getpid()); strcpy(buf, "upas-"); for(i = 5; i < sizeof(buf)-1; i++) buf[i] = 'a' + nrand(26); buf[i] = 0; return hstrdup(c, buf); } HSPairs* hmkspairs(HConnect *c, char *s, char *t, HSPairs *next) { HSPairs *sp; sp = halloc(c, sizeof *sp); sp->s = s; sp->t = t; sp->next = next; return sp; } HSPairs* hrevspairs(HSPairs *sp) { HSPairs *last, *next; last = nil; for(; sp != nil; sp = next){ next = sp->next; sp->next = last; last = sp; } return last; } HFields* hmkhfields(HConnect *c, char *s, HSPairs *p, HFields *next) { HFields *hf; hf = halloc(c, sizeof *hf); hf->s = s; hf->params = p; hf->next = next; return hf; } HFields* hrevhfields(HFields *hf) { HFields *last, *next; last = nil; for(; hf != nil; hf = next){ next = hf->next; hf->next = last; last = hf; } return last; } HContent* hmkcontent(HConnect *c, char *generic, char *specific, HContent *next) { HContent *ct; ct = halloc(c, sizeof(HContent)); ct->generic = generic; ct->specific = specific; ct->next = next; ct->q = 1; ct->mxb = 0; return ct; }