ref: 13a74150acae35fef6f9a07900c902335a810660
dir: /sys/lib/lp/process/hpost/
#!/bin/rc if (! ~ $DEBUG '') flag x + REVFLAG='' if (~ $LPCLASS *reverse*) { switch ($REVERSE) { case ''; REVFLAG=1 case 1; REVFLAG='' } } if (! ~ $REVFLAG '') postreverse if (~ $NOHEAD '') { DATE=`{date} face='FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' facedom=`{awk '{ if(match("'$LPMACHID'", $1)) {print $2; exit}}' /lib/face/.machinelist} if (~ $#facedom 0) facedom=$LPMACHID facefile=`{awk '/^'$facedom'\/'$LPUSERID' /{print $2}' /lib/face/48x48x8/.dict} facedepth=8 if (~ $#facefile 0) { facefile=`{awk '/^'$facedom'\/'$LPUSERID' /{print $2}' /lib/face/48x48x4/.dict} facedepth=4 } if (~ $#facefile 0) { facefile=`{awk '/^'$facedom'\/'$LPUSERID' /{print $2}' /lib/face/48x48x2/.dict} facedepth=2 } if (~ $#facefile 0) { facefile=`{awk '/^'$facedom'\/'$LPUSERID' /{print $2}' /lib/face/48x48x1/.dict} facedepth=1 } if (~ $#facefile 0) {facefile=u/unknown.1; facedepth=1} facefile=/lib/face/48x48x$facedepth/$facefile if (! ~ $#facefile 0 1) facefile=$facefile(1) if (~ $#facefile 0 || ! test -f $facefile ) {facefile=/lib/face/48x48x2/u/unknown.1; facedepth=2} if (test -r $facefile ) { switch($facedepth){ case 1 2 face=`{cat $facefile | sed -e 's/0x//g' -e 's/, *//g' | tr 0123456789abcdef fedcba9876543210 }; case 4 8 face=`{iconv -u -c k4 $facefile | dd -bs 60 -skip 1 >[2]/dev/null | xd -b | sed 's/^[^ ]+ //;s/ //g' } facedepth=8 } } } # We have to make sure the face information is set before rc sees the HERE file # so the cat has to be in a separate if statement. This is an rc bug. if (~ $NOHEAD '') cat <<EOF %!PS-Adobe-2.0 div 112 page header - research!pg /banner { /saveobj save def erasepage initgraphics /#copies 1 def /inch {72 mul} bind def /pageborder { 25 747 moveto 590 747 lineto 590 25 lineto 25 25 lineto closepath 2 setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke } def /topborder { 25 773 moveto 590 773 lineto 590 747 lineto 25 747 lineto closepath 2 setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke } def /toptext { 120 756 moveto /Courier-Bold findfont 14 scalefont setfont ($LPUSERID $DATE) show } def /prface { gsave translate rotate scale setgray 48 48 $facedepth [48 0 0 -48 0 48] {<$face>} image grestore } def EOF if (~ $NOHEAD '') switch ($LPCLASS) { case *hp4simx*; echo ' %% set the default papertray to be the lower tray for HP4siMX printers statusdict begin defaultpapertray end 1 ne { statusdict begin 1 setdefaultpapertray end } if' } if (~ $NOHEAD '') cat <<EOF statusdict /setduplexmode known {statusdict begin false setduplexmode end} if statusdict begin /manualfeed false def end pageborder topborder toptext 0 14 14 0 94 752 prface .3 180 180 -90 3.0 inch 10.2 inch prface showpage saveobj restore } bind def banner EOF if (~ $REVFLAG '') cat exit ''