ref: 11954a19a6252415c4eae086cc6b09bfbbc1aa9f
dir: /sys/src/cmd/upas/imap4d/mbox.c/
#include "imap4d.h" static int fsctl = -1; static char Ecanttalk[] = "can't talk to mail server"; static void fsinit(void) { if(fsctl != -1) return; fsctl = open("/mail/fs/ctl", ORDWR); if(fsctl == -1) bye(Ecanttalk); } static void boxflags(Box *box) { Msg *m; box->recent = 0; for(m = box->msgs; m != nil; m = m->next){ if(m->uid == 0){ // fprint(2, "unassigned uid %s\n", m->info[Idigest]); box->dirtyimp = 1; m->uid = box->uidnext++; } if(m->flags & Frecent) box->recent++; } } /* * try to match permissions with mbox */ static int createimp(Box *box, Qid *qid) { int fd; long mode; Dir *d; fd = cdcreate(mboxdir, box->imp, OREAD, 0664); if(fd < 0) return -1; d = cddirstat(mboxdir, box->name); if(d != nil){ mode = d->mode & 0777; nulldir(d); d->mode = mode; dirfwstat(fd, d); free(d); } if(fqid(fd, qid) < 0){ close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } /* * read in the .imp file, or make one if it doesn't exist. * make sure all flags and uids are consistent. * return the mailbox lock. */ static Mblock* openimp(Box *box, int new) { char buf[ERRMAX]; int fd; Biobuf b; Mblock *ml; Qid qid; ml = mblock(); if(ml == nil) return nil; fd = cdopen(mboxdir, box->imp, OREAD); if(fd < 0 || fqid(fd, &qid) < 0){ if(fd < 0){ errstr(buf, sizeof buf); if(cistrstr(buf, "does not exist") == nil) ilog("imp: %s: %s", box->imp, buf); else debuglog("imp: %s: %s .. creating", box->imp, buf); }else{ close(fd); ilog("%s: bogus imp: bad qid: recreating", box->imp); } fd = createimp(box, &qid); if(fd < 0){ ilog("createimp fails: %r"); mbunlock(ml); return nil; } box->dirtyimp = 1; if(box->uidvalidity == 0){ ilog("set uidvalidity %lud [new]\n", box->uidvalidity); box->uidvalidity = box->mtime; } box->impqid = qid; new = 1; }else if(qid.path != box->impqid.path || qid.vers != box->impqid.vers){ Binit(&b, fd, OREAD); if(parseimp(&b, box) == -1){ ilog("%s: bogus imp: parse failure", box->imp); box->dirtyimp = 1; if(box->uidvalidity == 0){ ilog("set uidvalidity %lud [parseerr]\n", box->uidvalidity); box->uidvalidity = box->mtime; } } Bterm(&b); box->impqid = qid; new = 1; } if(new) boxflags(box); close(fd); return ml; } /* * mailbox is unreachable, so mark all messages expunged * clean up .imp files as well. */ static void mboxgone(Box *box) { char buf[ERRMAX]; Msg *m; rerrstr(buf, ERRMAX); if(strstr(buf, "hungup channel")) bye(Ecanttalk); // too smart. // if(cdexists(mboxdir, box->name) < 0) // cdremove(mboxdir, box->imp); for(m = box->msgs; m != nil; m = m->next) m->expunged = 1; ilog("mboxgone"); box->writable = 0; } /* * read messages in the mailbox * mark message that no longer exist as expunged * returns -1 for failure, 0 if no new messages, 1 if new messages. */ enum { Gone = 2, /* don't unexpunge messages */ }; static int readbox(Box *box) { char buf[ERRMAX]; int i, n, fd, new, id; Dir *d; Msg *m, *last; fd = cdopen(box->fsdir, ".", OREAD); if(fd == -1){ goinggoinggone: rerrstr(buf, ERRMAX); ilog("upas/fs stat of %s/%s aka %s failed: %r", username, box->name, box->fsdir); mboxgone(box); return -1; } if((d = dirfstat(fd)) == nil){ close(fd); goto goinggoinggone; } box->mtime = d->mtime; box->qid = d->qid; last = nil; for(m = box->msgs; m != nil; m = m->next){ last = m; m->expunged |= Gone; } new = 0; free(d); for(;;){ n = dirread(fd, &d); if(n <= 0){ close(fd); if(n == -1) goto goinggoinggone; break; } for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if((d[i].qid.type & QTDIR) == 0) continue; id = atoi(d[i].name); if(m = fstreefind(box, id)){ m->expunged &= ~Gone; continue; } new = 1; m = MKZ(Msg); m->id = id; m->fsdir = box->fsdir; m->fs = emalloc(2 * (Filelen + 1)); m->efs = seprint(m->fs, m->fs + (Filelen + 1), "%ud/", id); m->size = ~0UL; m->lines = ~0UL; m->flags = Frecent; if(!msginfo(m)) freemsg(0, m); else{ fstreeadd(box, m); if(last == nil) box->msgs = m; else last->next = m; last = m; } } free(d); } /* box->max is invalid here */ return new; } int uidcmp(void *va, void *vb) { Msg **a, **b; a = va; b = vb; return (*a)->uid - (*b)->uid; } static void sequence(Box *box) { Msg **a, *m; int n, i; n = 0; for(m = box->msgs; m; m = m->next) n++; a = ezmalloc(n * sizeof *a); i = 0; for(m = box->msgs; m; m = m->next) a[i++] = m; qsort(a, n, sizeof *a, uidcmp); for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) a[i]->next = a[i + 1]; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if(a[i]->seq && a[i]->seq != i + 1) bye("internal error assigning message numbers"); else a[i]->seq = i + 1; box->msgs = nil; if(n > 0){ a[n - 1]->next = nil; box->msgs = a[0]; } box->max = n; memset(a, 0, n*sizeof *a); free(a); } /* * strategy: * every mailbox file has an associated .imp file * which maps upas/fs message digests to uids & message flags. * * the .imp files are locked by /mail/fs/usename/L.mbox. * whenever the flags can be modified, the lock file * should be opened, thereby locking the uid & flag state. * for example, whenever new uids are assigned to messages, * and whenever flags are changed internally, the lock file * should be open and locked. this means the file must be * opened during store command, and when changing the \seen * flag for the fetch command. * * if no .imp file exists, a null one must be created before * assigning uids. * * the .imp file has the following format * imp : "imap internal mailbox description\n" * uidvalidity " " uidnext "\n" * messagelines * * messagelines : * | messagelines digest " " uid " " flags "\n" * * uid, uidnext, and uidvalidity are 32 bit decimal numbers * printed right justified in a field Nuid characters long. * the 0 uid implies that no uid has been assigned to the message, * but the flags are valid. note that message lines are in mailbox * order, except possibly for 0 uid messages. * * digest is an ascii hex string Ndigest characters long. * * flags has a character for each of NFlag flag fields. * if the flag is clear, it is represented by a "-". * set flags are represented as a unique single ascii character. * the currently assigned flags are, in order: * Fseen s * Fanswered a * Fflagged f * Fdeleted D * Fdraft d */ Box* openbox(char *name, char *fsname, int writable) { char err[ERRMAX]; int new; Box *box; Mblock *ml; fsinit(); if(!strcmp(name, "mbox"))ilog("open %F %q", name, fsname); if(fprint(fsctl, "open %F %q", name, fsname) < 0){ rerrstr(err, sizeof err); if(strstr(err, "file does not exist") == nil) ilog("fs open %F as %s: %s", name, fsname, err); if(strstr(err, "hungup channel")) bye(Ecanttalk); fprint(fsctl, "close %s", fsname); return nil; } /* * read box to find all messages * each one has a directory, and is in numerical order */ box = MKZ(Box); box->writable = writable; box->name = smprint("%s", name); box->imp = smprint("%s.imp", name); box->fs = smprint("%s", fsname); box->fsdir = smprint("/mail/fs/%s", fsname); box->uidnext = 1; box->fstree = avlcreate(fstreecmp); new = readbox(box); if(new >= 0 && (ml = openimp(box, new))){ closeimp(box, ml); sequence(box); return box; } closebox(box, 0); return nil; } /* * careful: called by idle polling proc */ Mblock* checkbox(Box *box, int imped) { int new; Dir *d; Mblock *ml; if(box == nil) return nil; /* * if stat fails, mailbox must be gone */ d = cddirstat(box->fsdir, "."); if(d == nil){ mboxgone(box); return nil; } new = 0; if(box->qid.path != d->qid.path || box->qid.vers != d->qid.vers || box->mtime != d->mtime){ new = readbox(box); if(new < 0){ free(d); return nil; } } free(d); ml = openimp(box, new); if(ml == nil){ ilog("openimp fails; box->writable = 0: %r"); box->writable = 0; }else if(!imped){ closeimp(box, ml); ml = nil; } if(new || box->dirtyimp) sequence(box); return ml; } /* * close the .imp file, after writing out any changes */ void closeimp(Box *box, Mblock *ml) { int fd; Biobuf b; Qid qid; if(ml == nil) return; if(!box->dirtyimp){ mbunlock(ml); return; } fd = cdcreate(mboxdir, box->imp, OWRITE, 0664); if(fd < 0){ mbunlock(ml); return; } Binit(&b, fd, OWRITE); box->dirtyimp = 0; wrimp(&b, box); Bterm(&b); if(fqid(fd, &qid) == 0) box->impqid = qid; close(fd); mbunlock(ml); } void closebox(Box *box, int opened) { Msg *m, *next; /* * make sure to leave the mailbox directory so upas/fs can close the mailbox */ mychdir(mboxdir); if(box->writable){ deletemsg(box, 0); if(expungemsgs(box, 0)) closeimp(box, checkbox(box, 1)); } if(fprint(fsctl, "close %s", box->fs) < 0 && opened) bye(Ecanttalk); for(m = box->msgs; m != nil; m = next){ next = m->next; freemsg(box, m); } free(box->name); free(box->fs); free(box->fsdir); free(box->imp); free(box->fstree); free(box); } int deletemsg(Box *box, Msgset *ms) { char buf[Bufsize], *p, *start; int ok; Msg *m; if(!box->writable) return 0; /* * first pass: delete messages; gang the writes together for speed. */ ok = 1; start = seprint(buf, buf + sizeof buf, "delete %s", box->fs); p = start; for(m = box->msgs; m != nil; m = m->next) if(ms == 0 || ms && inmsgset(ms, m->uid)) if((m->flags & Fdeleted) && !m->expunged){ m->expunged = 1; p = seprint(p, buf + sizeof buf, " %ud", m->id); if(p + 32 >= buf + sizeof buf){ if(write(fsctl, buf, p - buf) == -1) bye(Ecanttalk); p = start; } } if(p != start && write(fsctl, buf, p - buf) == -1) bye(Ecanttalk); return ok; } /* * second pass: remove the message structure, * and renumber message sequence numbers. * update messages counts in mailbox. * returns true if anything changed. */ int expungemsgs(Box *box, int send) { uint n; Msg *m, *next, *last; n = 0; last = nil; for(m = box->msgs; m != nil; m = next){ m->seq -= n; next = m->next; if(m->expunged){ if(send) Bprint(&bout, "* %ud expunge\r\n", m->seq); if(m->flags & Frecent) box->recent--; n++; if(last == nil) box->msgs = next; else last->next = next; freemsg(box, m); }else last = m; } if(n){ box->max -= n; box->dirtyimp = 1; } return n; } static char *stoplist[] = { ".", "dead.letter", "forward", "headers", "imap.subscribed", "mbox", "names", "pipefrom", "pipeto", 0 }; /* * reject bad mailboxes based on mailbox name */ int okmbox(char *path) { char *name; int i, c; name = strrchr(path, '/'); if(name == nil) name = path; else name++; if(strlen(name) + STRLEN(".imp") >= Pathlen) return 0; for(i = 0; stoplist[i]; i++) if(strcmp(name, stoplist[i]) == 0) return 0; c = name[0]; if(c == 0 || c == '-' || c == '/' || isdotdot(name) || isprefix("L.", name) || isprefix("imap-tmp.", name) || issuffix("-", name) || issuffix(".00", name) || issuffix(".imp", name) || issuffix(".idx", name)) return 0; return 1; } int creatembox(char *mbox) { fsinit(); if(fprint(fsctl, "create %q", mbox) > 0){ fprint(fsctl, "close %s", mbox); return 0; } return -1; } /* * rename mailbox. truncaes or removes the source. * bug? is the lock required * upas/fs helpfully moves our .imp file. */ int renamebox(char *from, char *to, int doremove) { char *p; int r; Mblock *ml; fsinit(); ml = mblock(); if(ml == nil) return 0; if(doremove) r = fprint(fsctl, "rename %F %F", from, to); else r = fprint(fsctl, "rename -t %F %F", from, to); if(r > 0){ if(p = strrchr(to, '/')) p++; else p = to; fprint(fsctl, "close %s", p); } mbunlock(ml); return r > 0; } /* * upas/fs likes us; he removes the .imp file */ int removembox(char *path) { fsinit(); return fprint(fsctl, "remove %s", path) > 0; }