shithub: riscv

ref: 04efb3a4a3995015ba739372336e5e4286b96413
dir: /sys/src/9/teg2/arm.h/

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 * arm-specific definitions for cortex-a8 and -a9
 * these are used in C and assembler
 * `cortex' refers to the cortex-a8 or -a9.

#define NREGS		15	/* general-purpose regs, R0 through R14 */

 * Program Status Registers
#define PsrMusr		0x00000010		/* mode */
#define PsrMfiq		0x00000011
#define PsrMirq		0x00000012
#define PsrMsvc		0x00000013	/* `protected mode for OS' */
#define PsrMmon		0x00000016	/* `secure monitor' (trustzone hyper) */
#define PsrMabt		0x00000017
#define PsrMund		0x0000001B
#define PsrMsys		0x0000001F	/* `privileged user mode for OS' (trustzone) */
#define PsrMask		0x0000001F

#define PsrThumb	0x00000020		/* beware hammers */
#define PsrDfiq		0x00000040		/* disable FIQ interrupts */
#define PsrDirq		0x00000080		/* disable IRQ interrupts */
#define PsrDasabt	0x00000100		/* disable asynch aborts */
#define PsrBigend	0x00000200

#define PsrJaz		0x01000000		/* java mode */

#define PsrV		0x10000000		/* overflow */
#define PsrC		0x20000000		/* carry/borrow/extend */
#define PsrZ		0x40000000		/* zero */
#define PsrN		0x80000000		/* negative/less than */

#define PsrMbz		(PsrJaz|PsrThumb|PsrBigend) /* these bits must be 0 */

 * MCR and MRC are anti-mnemonic.
 *	MTCP	coproc, opcode1, Rd, CRn, CRm[, opcode2]	# arm -> coproc
 *	MFCP	coproc, opcode1, Rd, CRn, CRm[, opcode2]	# coproc -> arm

#define MTCP	MCR
#define MFCP	MRC

/* instruction decoding */
#define ISCPOP(op)	((op) == 0xE || ((op) & ~1) == 0xC)
#define ISFPAOP(cp, op)	((cp) == CpOFPA && ISCPOP(op))
#define ISVFPOP(cp, op)	(((cp) == CpDFP || (cp) == CpFP) && ISCPOP(op))

 * Coprocessors
#define CpOFPA		1			/* ancient 7500 FPA */
#define CpFP		10			/* float FP, VFP cfg. */
#define CpDFP		11			/* double FP */
#define CpSC		15			/* System Control */

 * Primary (CRn) CpSC registers.
#define	CpID		0			/* ID and cache type */
#define	CpCONTROL	1			/* miscellaneous control */
#define	CpTTB		2			/* Translation Table Base(s) */
#define	CpDAC		3			/* Domain Access Control */
#define	CpFSR		5			/* Fault Status */
#define	CpFAR		6			/* Fault Address */
#define	CpCACHE		7			/* cache/write buffer control */
#define	CpTLB		8			/* TLB control */
#define	CpCLD		9			/* L2 Cache Lockdown, op1==1 */
#define CpTLD		10			/* TLB Lockdown, with op2 */
#define CpVECS		12			/* vector bases, op1==0, Crm==0, op2s (cortex) */
#define	CpPID		13			/* Process ID */
#define CpDTLB		15			/* TLB, L1 cache stuff (cortex) */

 * CpTTB op1==0, Crm==0 opcode2 values.
#define CpTTB0		0			/* secure ttb */
#define CpTTB1		1			/* non-secure ttb (v7) */
#define CpTTBctl	2			/* v7 */

 * CpFSR op1==0, Crm==0 opcode 2 values.
#define CpDFSR		0			/* data fault status */
#define CpIFSR		1			/* instruction fault status */

 * CpFAR op1==0, Crm==0 opcode 2 values.
#define CpDFAR		0			/* data fault address */
#define CpIFAR		2			/* instruction fault address */

 * CpID Secondary (CRm) registers.
#define CpIDidct	0

 * CpID CpIDidct op1==0 opcode2 fields.
#define CpIDid		0			/* main ID */
#define CpIDct		1			/* cache type */
#define CpIDtlb		3			/* tlb type (cortex) */
#define CpIDmpid	5			/* multiprocessor id (cortex) */

/* CpIDid op1 values */
#define CpIDcsize	1			/* cache size (cortex) */
#define CpIDcssel	2			/* cache size select (cortex) */

 * CpID CpIDidct op1==CpIDcsize opcode2 fields.
#define CpIDcasize	0			/* cache size */
#define CpIDclvlid	1			/* cache-level id */

 * CpCONTROL op2 codes, op1==0, Crm==0.
#define CpMainctl	0		/* sctlr */
#define CpAuxctl	1
#define CpCPaccess	2

 * CpCONTROL: op1==0, CRm==0, op2==CpMainctl.
 * main control register.
 * cortex/armv7 has more ops and CRm values.
#define CpCmmu		0x00000001	/* M: MMU enable */
#define CpCalign	0x00000002	/* A: alignment fault enable */
#define CpCdcache	0x00000004	/* C: data cache on */
#define CpBigend	(1<<7)
#define CpCsw		(1<<10)		/* SW: SWP(B) enable (deprecated in v7) */
#define CpCpredict	0x00000800	/* Z: branch prediction (armv7) */
#define CpCicache	0x00001000	/* I: instruction cache on */
#define CpChv		0x00002000	/* V: high vectors */
#define CpCrr		(1<<14)	/* RR: round robin vs random cache replacement */
#define CpCha		(1<<17)		/* HA: hw access flag enable */
#define CpCdz		(1<<19)		/* DZ: divide by zero fault enable (not cortex-a9) */
#define CpCfi		(1<<21)		/* FI: fast intrs */
#define CpCve		(1<<24)		/* VE: intr vectors enable */
#define CpCee		(1<<25)		/* EE: exception endianness: big */
#define CpCnmfi		(1<<27)		/* NMFI: non-maskable fast intrs. (RO) */
#define CpCtre		(1<<28)		/* TRE: TEX remap enable */
#define CpCafe		(1<<29)		/* AFE: access flag (ttb) enable */
#define CpCte		(1<<30)		/* TE: thumb exceptions */

#define CpCsbz (1<<31 | CpCte | CpCafe | CpCtre | 1<<26 | CpCee | CpCve | \
	CpCfi | 3<<19 | CpCha | 1<<15 | 3<<8 | CpBigend) /* must be 0 (armv7) */
#define CpCsbo (3<<22 | 1<<18 | 1<<16 | CpChv | CpCsw | 017<<3)	/* must be 1 (armv7) */

 * CpCONTROL: op1==0, CRm==0, op2==CpAuxctl.
 * Auxiliary control register on cortex-a9.
 * these differ from even the cortex-a8 bits.
#define CpACparity		(1<<9)
#define CpACca1way		(1<<8)	/* cache in a single way */
#define CpACcaexcl		(1<<7)	/* exclusive cache */
#define CpACsmp			(1<<6)	/* SMP l1 caches coherence; needed for ldrex/strex */
#define CpAClwr0line		(1<<3)	/* write full cache line of 0s; see Fullline0 */
#define CpACl1pref		(1<<2)	/* l1 prefetch enable */
#define CpACl2pref		(1<<1)	/* l2 prefetch enable */
#define CpACmaintbcast		(1<<0)	/* broadcast cache & tlb maint. ops */

 * CpCONTROL Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.
#define CpCONTROLscr	1

#define CpSCRscr	0			/* secure configuration */

 * CpCACHE Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.  op1==0.
 * In ARM-speak, 'flush' means invalidate and 'clean' means writeback.
#define CpCACHEintr	0			/* interrupt (op2==4) */
#define CpCACHEisi	1			/* inner-sharable I cache (v7) */
#define CpCACHEpaddr	4			/* 0: phys. addr (cortex) */
#define CpCACHEinvi	5			/* instruction, branch table */
#define CpCACHEinvd	6			/* data or unified */
// #define CpCACHEinvu	7			/* unified (not on cortex) */
#define CpCACHEva2pa	8			/* va -> pa translation (cortex) */
#define CpCACHEwb	10			/* writeback */
#define CpCACHEinvdse	11			/* data or unified by mva */
#define CpCACHEwbi	14			/* writeback+invalidate */

#define CpCACHEall	0			/* entire (not for invd nor wb(i) on cortex) */
#define CpCACHEse	1			/* single entry */
#define CpCACHEsi	2			/* set/index (set/way) */
#define CpCACHEtest	3			/* test loop */
#define CpCACHEwait	4			/* wait (prefetch flush on cortex) */
#define CpCACHEdmbarr	5			/* wb only (cortex) */
#define CpCACHEflushbtc	6			/* flush branch-target cache (cortex) */
#define CpCACHEflushbtse 7			/* ⋯ or just one entry in it (cortex) */

 * CpTLB Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.
#define CpTLBinvi	5			/* instruction */
#define CpTLBinvd	6			/* data */
#define CpTLBinvu	7			/* unified */

#define CpTLBinv	0			/* invalidate all */
#define CpTLBinvse	1			/* invalidate single entry */
#define CpTBLasid	2			/* by ASID (cortex) */

 * CpCLD Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields for op1==0. (cortex)
#define CpCLDena	12			/* enables */
#define CpCLDcyc	13			/* cycle counter */
#define CpCLDuser	14			/* user enable */

#define CpCLDenapmnc	0
#define CpCLDenacyc	1

 * CpCLD Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields for op1==1.
#define CpCLDl2		0			/* l2 cache */

#define CpCLDl2aux	2			/* auxiliary control */

 * l2 cache aux. control
#define CpCl2ecc	(1<<28)			/* use ecc, not parity */
#define CpCl2noldforw	(1<<27)			/* no ld forwarding */
#define CpCl2nowrcomb	(1<<25)			/* no write combining */
#define CpCl2nowralldel	(1<<24)			/* no write allocate delay */
#define CpCl2nowrallcomb (1<<23)		/* no write allocate combine */
#define CpCl2nowralloc	(1<<22)			/* no write allocate */
#define CpCl2eccparity	(1<<21)			/* enable ecc or parity */
#define CpCl2inner	(1<<16)			/* inner cacheability */
/* other bits are tag ram & data ram latencies */

 * CpTLD Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.
#define CpTLDlock	0			/* TLB lockdown registers */
#define CpTLDpreload	1			/* TLB preload */

#define CpTLDi		0			/* TLB instr. lockdown reg. */
#define CpTLDd		1			/* " data " " */

 * CpVECS Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.
#define CpVECSbase	0

#define CpVECSnorm	0			/* (non-)secure base addr */
#define CpVECSmon	1			/* secure monitor base addr */

 * MMU page table entries.
 * memory must be cached, buffered, sharable and wralloc to participate in
 * automatic L1 cache coherency.
#define Mbz		(0<<4)			/* L1 page tables: must be 0 */
#define Noexecsect	(1<<4)			/* L1 sections: no execute */
#define Fault		0x00000000		/* L[12] pte: unmapped */

#define Coarse		(Mbz|1)			/* L1: page table */
#define Section		(Mbz|2)			/* L1 1MB */
 * next 2 bits (L1wralloc & L1sharable) and Buffered and Cached must be
 * set in l1 ptes for LDREX/STREX to work.
#define L1wralloc	(1<<12)			/* L1 TEX */
#define L1sharable	(1<<16)
#define L1nonglobal	(1<<17)			/* tied to asid */
#define Nonsecuresect	(1<<19)			/* L1 sections */

#define Large		0x00000001		/* L2 64KB */
#define Noexecsmall	1			/* L2: no execute */
#define Small		0x00000002		/* L2 4KB */
 * next 3 bits (Buffered, Cached, L2wralloc) & L2sharable must be set in
 * l2 ptes for memory containing locks because LDREX/STREX require them.
#define Buffered	0x00000004		/* L[12]: 0 write-thru, 1 -back */
#define Cached		0x00000008		/* L[12] */
#define L2wralloc	(1<<6)			/* L2 TEX (small pages) */
#define L2apro		(1<<9)			/* L2 AP: read only */
#define L2sharable	(1<<10)
#define L2nonglobal	(1<<11)			/* tied to asid */
#define Dom0		0

/* attributes for memory containing locks */
#define L1ptedramattrs	(Cached | Buffered | L1wralloc | L1sharable)
#define L2ptedramattrs	(Cached | Buffered | L2wralloc | L2sharable)

#define Noaccess	0			/* AP, DAC */
#define Krw		1			/* AP */
/* armv7 deprecates AP[2] == 1 & AP[1:0] == 2 (Uro), prefers 3 (new in v7) */
#define Uro		2			/* AP */
#define Urw		3			/* AP */
#define Client		1			/* DAC */
#define Manager		3			/* DAC */

#define AP(n, v)	F((v), ((n)*2)+4, 2)
#define L1AP(ap)	(AP(3, (ap)))
#define L2AP(ap)	(AP(0, (ap)))		/* armv7 */
#define DAC(n, v)	F((v), (n)*2, 2)

#define HVECTORS	0xffff0000