ref: 04efb3a4a3995015ba739372336e5e4286b96413
dir: /sys/include/httpd.h/
#pragma lib "libhttpd.a" #pragma src "/sys/src/libhttpd" typedef struct HConnect HConnect; typedef struct HContent HContent; typedef struct HContents HContents; typedef struct HETag HETag; typedef struct HFields HFields; typedef struct Hio Hio; typedef struct Htmlesc Htmlesc; typedef struct HttpHead HttpHead; typedef struct HttpReq HttpReq; typedef struct HRange HRange; typedef struct HSPairs HSPairs; typedef struct Bin Bin; #pragma incomplete Bin enum { HMaxWord = 32*1024, HBufSize = 32*1024, /* * error messages */ HInternal = 0, HTempFail, HUnimp, HBadReq, HBadSearch, HNotFound, HUnauth, HSyntax, HNoSearch, HNoData, HExpectFail, HUnkVers, HBadCont, HOK, }; /* * table of html character escape codes */ struct Htmlesc { char *name; Rune value; }; struct HContent { HContent *next; char *generic; char *specific; float q; /* desirability of this kind of file */ int mxb; /* max uchars until worthless */ }; struct HContents { HContent *type; HContent *encoding; }; /* * generic http header with a list of tokens, * each with an optional list of parameters */ struct HFields { char *s; HSPairs *params; HFields *next; }; /* * list of pairs a strings * used for tag=val pairs for a search or form submission, * and attribute=value pairs in headers. */ struct HSPairs { char *s; char *t; HSPairs *next; }; /* * byte ranges within a file */ struct HRange { int suffix; /* is this a suffix request? */ ulong start; ulong stop; /* ~0UL -> not given */ HRange *next; }; /* * list of http/1.1 entity tags */ struct HETag { char *etag; int weak; HETag *next; }; /* * HTTP custom IO * supports chunked transfer encoding * and initialization of the input buffer from a string. */ enum { Hnone, Hread, Hend, Hwrite, Herr, Hsize = HBufSize }; struct Hio { Hio *hh; /* next lower layer Hio, or nil if reads from fd */ int fd; /* associated file descriptor */ ulong seek; /* of start */ uchar state; /* state of the file */ uchar xferenc; /* chunked transfer encoding state */ uchar *pos; /* current position in the buffer */ uchar *stop; /* last character active in the buffer */ uchar *start; /* start of data buffer */ ulong bodylen; /* remaining length of message body */ uchar buf[Hsize+32]; }; /* * request line */ struct HttpReq { char *meth; char *uri; char *urihost; char *search; int vermaj; int vermin; HSPairs *searchpairs; }; /* * header lines */ struct HttpHead { int closeit; /* http1.1 close connection after this request? */ uchar persist; /* http/1.1 requests a persistent connection */ uchar expectcont; /* expect a 100-continue */ uchar expectother; /* expect anything else; should reject with ExpectFail */ ulong contlen; /* if != ~0UL, length of included message body */ HFields *transenc; /* if present, encoding of included message body */ char *client; char *host; HContent *okencode; HContent *oklang; HContent *oktype; HContent *okchar; ulong ifmodsince; ulong ifunmodsince; ulong ifrangedate; HETag *ifmatch; HETag *ifnomatch; HETag *ifrangeetag; HRange *range; char *authuser; /* authorization info */ char *authpass; HSPairs *cookie; /* if present, list of cookies */ HSPairs *authinfo; /* digest authorization */ /* * experimental headers */ int fresh_thresh; int fresh_have; }; /* * all of the state for a particular connection */ struct HConnect { void *private; /* for the library clients */ void (*replog)(HConnect*, char*, ...); /* called when reply sent */ char *scheme; /* "http" vs. "https" */ char *port; /* may be arbitrary, i.e., neither 80 nor 443 */ HttpReq req; HttpHead head; Bin *bin; ulong reqtime; /* time at start of request */ char xferbuf[HBufSize]; /* buffer for making up or transferring data */ uchar header[HBufSize + 2]; /* room for \n\0 */ uchar *hpos; uchar *hstop; Hio hin; Hio hout; }; /* * configuration for all connections within the server */ extern char* hmydomain; extern char* hversion; extern Htmlesc htmlesc[]; /* * .+2,/^$/ | sort -bd +1 */ void *halloc(HConnect *c, ulong size); Hio *hbodypush(Hio *hh, ulong len, HFields *te); int hbuflen(Hio *h, void *p); int hcheckcontent(HContent*, HContent*, char*, int); void hclose(Hio*); ulong hdate2sec(char*); int hdatefmt(Fmt*); int hfail(HConnect*, int, ...); int hflush(Hio*); int hgetc(Hio*); int hgethead(HConnect *c, int many); int hinit(Hio*, int, int); int hiserror(Hio *h); int hlflush(Hio*); int hload(Hio*, char*); char *hlower(char*); HContent *hmkcontent(HConnect *c, char *generic, char *specific, HContent *next); HFields *hmkhfields(HConnect *c, char *s, HSPairs *p, HFields *next); char *hmkmimeboundary(HConnect *c); HSPairs *hmkspairs(HConnect *c, char *s, char *t, HSPairs *next); int hmoved(HConnect *c, char *uri); void hokheaders(HConnect *c); int hparseheaders(HConnect*, int timeout); HSPairs *hparsequery(HConnect *c, char *search); int hparsereq(HConnect *c, int timeout); int hprint(Hio*, char*, ...); int hputc(Hio*, int); void *hreadbuf(Hio *h, void *vsave); int hredirected(HConnect *c, char *how, char *uri); void hreqcleanup(HConnect *c); HFields *hrevhfields(HFields *hf); HSPairs *hrevspairs(HSPairs *sp); char *hstrdup(HConnect *c, char *s); int http11(HConnect*); int httpfmt(Fmt*); char *httpunesc(HConnect *c, char *s); int hunallowed(HConnect *, char *allowed); int hungetc(Hio *h); char *hunload(Hio*); int hurlfmt(Fmt*); char *hurlunesc(HConnect *c, char *s); int hwrite(Hio*, void*, int); int hxferenc(Hio*, int); #pragma varargck argpos hprint 2 /* * D is httpd format date conversion * U is url escape convertsion * H is html escape conversion */ #pragma varargck type "D" long #pragma varargck type "D" ulong #pragma varargck type "U" char* #pragma varargck type "H" char*