ref: 023d957e6b80f88584fdff30a95be6330613b27a
dir: /sys/src/9/bcm/main.c/
#include "u.h" #include "tos.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" #include <pool.h> #include "rebootcode.i" /* Firmware compatibility */ #define Minfirmrev 326770 #define Minfirmdate "22 Jul 2012" uintptr kseg0 = KZERO; Mach* machaddr[MAXMACH]; Conf conf; void machinit(void) { Mach *m0; m->ticks = 1; m->perf.period = 1; m0 = MACHP(0); if (m->machno != 0) { /* synchronise with cpu 0 */ m->ticks = m0->ticks; } } void mach0init(void) { m->mmul1 = (PTE*)L1; m->machno = 0; machaddr[m->machno] = m; m->ticks = 1; m->perf.period = 1; active.machs[0] = 1; active.exiting = 0; up = nil; } static void launchinit(void) { int mach; Mach *mm; PTE *l1; for(mach = 1; mach < conf.nmach; mach++){ machaddr[mach] = mm = mallocalign(MACHSIZE, MACHSIZE, 0, 0); l1 = mallocalign(L1SIZE, L1SIZE, 0, 0); if(mm == nil || l1 == nil) panic("launchinit"); memset(mm, 0, MACHSIZE); mm->machno = mach; memmove(l1, m->mmul1, L1SIZE); /* clone cpu0's l1 table */ cachedwbse(l1, L1SIZE); mm->mmul1 = l1; cachedwbse(mm, MACHSIZE); } cachedwbse(machaddr, sizeof machaddr); if((mach = startcpus(conf.nmach)) < conf.nmach) print("only %d cpu%s started\n", mach, mach == 1? "" : "s"); } void main(void) { extern char edata[], end[]; uint fw, board; m = (Mach*)MACHADDR; memset(edata, 0, end - edata); /* clear bss */ mach0init(); quotefmtinstall(); bootargsinit(0); confinit(); /* figures out amount of memory */ xinit(); uartconsinit(); screeninit(); print("\nPlan 9 from Bell Labs\n"); board = getboardrev(); fw = getfirmware(); print("board rev: %#ux firmware rev: %d\n", board, fw); if(fw < Minfirmrev){ print("Sorry, firmware (start*.elf) must be at least rev %d" " or newer than %s\n", Minfirmrev, Minfirmdate); for(;;) ; } /* set clock rate to arm_freq from config.txt (default pi1:700Mhz pi2:900MHz) */ setclkrate(ClkArm, 0); trapinit(); clockinit(); printinit(); timersinit(); cpuidprint(); archreset(); vgpinit(); procinit0(); initseg(); links(); chandevreset(); /* most devices are discovered here */ pageinit(); userinit(); launchinit(); mmuinit1(0); schedinit(); assert(0); /* shouldn't have returned */ } /* * starting place for first process */ void init0(void) { char buf[2*KNAMELEN], **sp; chandevinit(); if(!waserror()){ snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", "ARM", conffile); ksetenv("terminal", buf, 0); ksetenv("cputype", "arm", 0); if(cpuserver) ksetenv("service", "cpu", 0); else ksetenv("service", "terminal", 0); snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "-a %s", getethermac()); ksetenv("etherargs", buf, 0); /* convert plan9.ini variables to #e and #ec */ setconfenv(); poperror(); } kproc("alarm", alarmkproc, 0); sp = (char**)(USTKTOP - sizeof(Tos) - 8 - sizeof(sp[0])*4); sp[3] = sp[2] = sp[1] = nil; strcpy(sp[0] = (char*)&sp[4], "boot"); touser((uintptr)sp); } void confinit(void) { int i, userpcnt; ulong kpages, memsize = 0; uintptr pa; char *p; if(p = getconf("service")){ if(strcmp(p, "cpu") == 0) cpuserver = 1; else if(strcmp(p,"terminal") == 0) cpuserver = 0; } if(p = getconf("*kernelpercent")) userpcnt = 100 - strtol(p, 0, 0); else userpcnt = 0; if(p = getconf("*maxmem")) memsize = strtoul(p, 0, 0) - PHYSDRAM; if (memsize < 16*MB) /* sanity */ memsize = 16*MB; getramsize(&conf.mem[0]); if(conf.mem[0].limit == 0){ conf.mem[0].base = PHYSDRAM; conf.mem[0].limit = PHYSDRAM + memsize; }else if(p != nil) conf.mem[0].limit = conf.mem[0].base + memsize; conf.npage = 0; pa = PADDR(PGROUND((uintptr)end)); /* * we assume that the kernel is at the beginning of one of the * contiguous chunks of memory and fits therein. */ for(i=0; i<nelem(conf.mem); i++){ /* take kernel out of allocatable space */ if(pa > conf.mem[i].base && pa < conf.mem[i].limit) conf.mem[i].base = pa; conf.mem[i].npage = (conf.mem[i].limit - conf.mem[i].base)/BY2PG; conf.npage += conf.mem[i].npage; } if(userpcnt < 10) userpcnt = 60 + cpuserver*10; kpages = conf.npage - (conf.npage*userpcnt)/100; /* * can't go past the end of virtual memory * (ulong)-KZERO is 2^32 - KZERO */ if(kpages > ((ulong)-KZERO)/BY2PG) kpages = ((ulong)-KZERO)/BY2PG; conf.upages = conf.npage - kpages; conf.ialloc = (kpages/2)*BY2PG; conf.nmach = getncpus(); /* set up other configuration parameters */ conf.nproc = 100 + ((conf.npage*BY2PG)/MB)*5; if(cpuserver) conf.nproc *= 3; if(conf.nproc > 2000) conf.nproc = 2000; conf.nswap = conf.npage*3; conf.nswppo = 4096; conf.nimage = 200; conf.copymode = conf.nmach > 1; /* * Guess how much is taken by the large permanent * datastructures. Mntcache and Mntrpc are not accounted for. */ kpages = conf.npage - conf.upages; kpages *= BY2PG; kpages -= conf.upages*sizeof(Page) + conf.nproc*sizeof(Proc) + conf.nimage*sizeof(Image) + conf.nswap + conf.nswppo*sizeof(Page*); mainmem->maxsize = kpages; if(!cpuserver) /* * give terminals lots of image memory, too; the dynamic * allocation will balance the load properly, hopefully. * be careful with 32-bit overflow. */ imagmem->maxsize = kpages; } static void rebootjump(void *entry, void *code, ulong size) { void (*f)(void*, void*, ulong); intrsoff(); intrcpushutdown(); /* redo identity map */ mmuinit1(1); /* setup reboot trampoline function */ f = (void*)REBOOTADDR; memmove(f, rebootcode, sizeof(rebootcode)); cacheuwbinv(); (*f)(entry, code, size); for(;;); } /* * exit kernel either on a panic or user request */ void exit(int) { cpushutdown(); splfhi(); if(m->machno == 0) archreboot(); rebootjump(0, 0, 0); } /* * stub for ../omap/devether.c */ int isaconfig(char *, int, ISAConf *) { return 0; } /* * the new kernel is already loaded at address `code' * of size `size' and entry point `entry'. */ void reboot(void *entry, void *code, ulong size) { writeconf(); while(m->machno != 0){ procwired(up, 0); sched(); } cpushutdown(); delay(2000); splfhi(); /* turn off buffered serial console */ serialoq = nil; /* shutdown devices */ chandevshutdown(); /* stop the clock (and watchdog if any) */ clockshutdown(); wdogoff(); /* off we go - never to return */ rebootjump(entry, code, size); } void setupwatchpts(Proc *, Watchpt *, int n) { if(n > 0) error("no watchpoints"); }