ref: 015956ea614096cd51f9544c6742772c3ca3d425
dir: /rc/bin/inst/configppp/
#!/bin/rc # desc: configure your internet connection via ppp over a modem switch($1) { case go devs=`{ls -p /dev/eia? >[2]/dev/null} if(~ $#devs 0) { echo 'No serial port found; this can''t happen.' # because confignet checks exit } # not going to use the mouse for PPP if(~ eia^$mouseport $devs) devs=`{echo $devs | sed 's/eia'^$mouseport^'//'} if(~ $#devs 0) { echo 'The only serial port you have is your mouse.' echo 'Cannot configure PPP.' exit } echo echo 'Please choose the serial port or modem to use to connect to your ISP.' echo for(i in $devs) { n=`{echo $i | sed 's/eia//'} n=`{hoc -e 1+$n} echo ' '^$i^'(Windows'' COM'^$n^')' } echo prompt 'Serial device' $devs pppdev=$rd echo echo 'Pick a baud rate for the PPP connection.' echo prompt -d 115200 'Baud rate' pppbaud=$rd echo echo 'You can specify your dialup phone number, username, and password,' echo 'or you can log in manually by typing the modem commands yourself.' echo prompt 'Dialing method' auto manual pppmethod=$rd switch($pppmethod){ case auto prompt 'PPP phone number'; pppphone=$rd prompt 'PPP phone username'; pppuser=$rd prompt 'PPP phone password'; ppppasswd=$rd } export pppdev pppmethod pppphone ppppasswd pppuser pppbaud exec ./startppp go case checkdone if(! ~ $#pppmethod 1 || ! test -f /dev/$pppdev){ configppp=notdone export configppp } }