ref: 00575e07bbc3ea12a174732a4a8328787b4f210f
dir: /sys/src/cmd/ip/rip.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ip.h> enum { Version= 1, Pasize= 4, /* * definitions that are innately tied to BSD */ AF_INET= 2, AF_UNSPEC= 0, /* * Packet types. */ Request= 1, Response= 2, Traceon= 3, Traceoff= 4, Infinity= 16, /* infinite hop count */ Maxpacket= 488, /* largest packet body */ }; /* * network info */ typedef struct Rip Rip; struct Rip { uchar family[2]; uchar port[2]; uchar addr[Pasize]; uchar pad[8]; uchar metric[4]; }; typedef struct Ripmsg Ripmsg; struct Ripmsg { uchar type; uchar vers; uchar pad[2]; Rip rip[1]; /* the rest of the packet consists of routes */ }; enum { Maxroutes= (Maxpacket-4)/sizeof(Ripmsg), }; /* * internal route info */ enum { Nroute= 2048, /* this has to be smaller than what /ip has */ Nhash= 256, /* routing hash buckets */ Nifc= 16, }; typedef struct Route Route; struct Route { Route *next; uchar dest[Pasize]; uchar mask[Pasize]; uchar gate[Pasize]; int metric; int inuse; long time; }; struct { Route route[Nroute]; Route *hash[Nhash]; int nroute; Route def; /* default route (immutable by us) */ } ralloc; typedef struct Ifc Ifc; struct Ifc { int bcast; uchar addr[Pasize]; /* my address */ uchar mask[Pasize]; /* subnet mask */ uchar net[Pasize]; /* subnet */ uchar *cmask; /* class mask */ uchar cnet[Pasize]; /* class net */ }; struct { Ifc ifc[Nifc]; int nifc; } ialloc; /* * specific networks to broadcast on */ typedef struct Bnet Bnet; struct Bnet { Bnet *next; uchar addr[Pasize]; }; Bnet *bnets; int ripfd; long now; int debug; int readonly; char routefile[256]; char netdir[256]; int openport(void); void readroutes(void); void readifcs(void); void considerroute(Route*); void installroute(Route*); void removeroute(Route*); uchar *getmask(uchar*); void broadcast(void); void timeoutroutes(void); void fatal(int syserr, char *fmt, ...) { char buf[ERRMAX], sysbuf[ERRMAX]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg); va_end(arg); if(syserr) { errstr(sysbuf, sizeof sysbuf); fprint(2, "routed: %s: %s\n", buf, sysbuf); } else fprint(2, "routed: %s\n", buf); exits(buf); } ulong v4parseipmask(uchar *ip, char *p) { ulong x; uchar v6ip[IPaddrlen]; x = parseipmask(v6ip, p); memmove(ip, v6ip+IPv4off, 4); return x; } uchar* v4defmask(uchar *ip) { uchar v6ip[IPaddrlen]; v4tov6(v6ip, ip); ip = defmask(v6ip); return ip+IPv4off; } void v4maskip(uchar *from, uchar *mask, uchar *to) { int i; for(i = 0; i < Pasize; i++) *to++ = *from++ & *mask++; } void v6tov4mask(uchar *v4, uchar *v6) { memmove(v4, v6+IPv4off, 4); } #define equivip(a, b) (memcmp((a), (b), Pasize) == 0) void ding(void *u, char *msg) { USED(u); if(strstr(msg, "alarm")) noted(NCONT); noted(NDFLT); } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-bnd] [-x netmtpt]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int dobroadcast, i, n; long diff; char *p; char buf[2*1024]; uchar raddr[Pasize]; Bnet *bn, **l; Udphdr *up; Rip *r; Ripmsg *m; Route route; static long btime; setnetmtpt(netdir, sizeof(netdir), nil); dobroadcast = 0; ARGBEGIN{ case 'b': dobroadcast++; break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'n': readonly++; break; case 'x': p = ARGF(); if(p == nil) usage(); setnetmtpt(netdir, sizeof(netdir), p); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND /* specific broadcast nets */ l = &bnets; while(argc > 0){ bn = (Bnet*)malloc(sizeof(Bnet)); if(bn == 0) fatal(1, "out of mem"); v4parseip(bn->addr, *argv); *l = bn; l = &bn->next; argc--; argv++; dobroadcast++; } /* command returns */ if(!debug) switch(rfork(RFNOTEG|RFPROC|RFFDG|RFNOWAIT)) { case -1: fatal(1, "fork"); case 0: break; default: exits(0); } fmtinstall('E', eipfmt); fmtinstall('V', eipfmt); snprint(routefile, sizeof(routefile), "%s/iproute", netdir); snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/iproute", netdir); now = time(0); readifcs(); readroutes(); notify(ding); ripfd = openport(); for(;;) { diff = btime - time(0); if(diff <= 0){ if(dobroadcast) broadcast(); timeoutroutes(); btime = time(0) + 2*60; diff = 2*60; } alarm(diff*1000); n = read(ripfd, buf, sizeof(buf)); alarm(0); if(n <= 0) continue; n = (n - Udphdrsize - 4) / sizeof(Rip); if(n <= 0) continue; up = (Udphdr*)buf; m = (Ripmsg*)(buf+Udphdrsize); if(m->type != Response || m->vers != Version) continue; v6tov4(raddr, up->raddr); /* ignore our own messages */ for(i = 0; i < ialloc.nifc; i++) if(equivip(ialloc.ifc[i].addr, raddr)) continue; now = time(0); for(r = m->rip; r < &m->rip[n]; r++){ memmove(route.gate, raddr, Pasize); memmove(route.mask, getmask(r->addr), Pasize); v4maskip(r->addr, route.mask, route.dest); route.metric = nhgetl(r->metric) + 1; if(route.metric < 1) continue; considerroute(&route); } } /* not reached */ } int openport(void) { int ripctl, rip; char data[128], devdir[40]; snprint(data, sizeof(data), "%s/udp!*!rip", netdir); ripctl = announce(data, devdir); if(ripctl < 0) fatal(1, "can't announce"); if(fprint(ripctl, "headers") < 0) fatal(1, "can't set header mode"); sprint(data, "%s/data", devdir); rip = open(data, ORDWR); if(rip < 0) fatal(1, "open udp data"); return rip; } Ipifc *ifcs; void readifcs(void) { Ipifc *ifc; Iplifc *lifc; Ifc *ip; Bnet *bn; Route route; int i; ifcs = readipifc(netdir, ifcs, -1); i = 0; for(ifc = ifcs; ifc != nil; ifc = ifc->next){ for(lifc = ifc->lifc; lifc != nil && i < Nifc; lifc = lifc->next){ // ignore any interfaces that aren't v4 if(memcmp(lifc->ip, v4prefix, IPaddrlen-IPv4addrlen) != 0) continue; ip = &ialloc.ifc[i++]; v6tov4(ip->addr, lifc->ip); v6tov4mask(ip->mask, lifc->mask); v6tov4(ip->net, lifc->net); ip->cmask = v4defmask(ip->net); v4maskip(ip->net, ip->cmask, ip->cnet); ip->bcast = 0; /* add as a route */ memmove(route.mask, ip->mask, Pasize); memmove(route.dest, ip->net, Pasize); memset(route.gate, 0, Pasize); route.metric = 0; considerroute(&route); /* mark as broadcast */ if(bnets == 0) ip->bcast = 1; else for(bn = bnets; bn; bn = bn->next) if(memcmp(bn->addr, ip->net, Pasize) == 0){ ip->bcast = 1; break; } } } ialloc.nifc = i; } void readroutes(void) { int n; char *p; Biobuf *b; char *f[6]; Route route; b = Bopen(routefile, OREAD); if(b == 0) return; while(p = Brdline(b, '\n')){ p[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; n = getfields(p, f, 6, 1, " \t"); if(n < 5) continue; v4parseip(route.dest, f[0]); v4parseipmask(route.mask, f[1]); v4parseip(route.gate, f[2]); route.metric = Infinity; if(equivip(route.dest, ralloc.def.dest) && equivip(route.mask, ralloc.def.mask)) memmove(ralloc.def.gate, route.gate, Pasize); else if(!equivip(route.dest, route.gate) && strchr(f[3], 'i') == 0) considerroute(&route); } Bterm(b); } /* * route's hashed by net, not subnet */ ulong rhash(uchar *d) { ulong h; uchar net[Pasize]; v4maskip(d, v4defmask(d), net); h = net[0] + net[1] + net[2]; return h % Nhash; } /* * consider installing a route. Do so only if it is better than what * we have. */ void considerroute(Route *r) { ulong h; Route *hp; if(debug) fprint(2, "consider %16V & %16V -> %16V %d\n", r->dest, r->mask, r->gate, r->metric); r->next = 0; r->time = now; r->inuse = 1; /* don't allow our default route to be highjacked */ if(equivip(r->dest, ralloc.def.dest) || equivip(r->mask, ralloc.def.mask)) return; h = rhash(r->dest); for(hp = ralloc.hash[h]; hp; hp = hp->next){ if(equivip(hp->dest, r->dest)){ /* * found a match, replace if better (or much newer) */ if(r->metric < hp->metric || now-hp->time > 5*60){ removeroute(hp); memmove(hp->mask, r->mask, Pasize); memmove(hp->gate, r->gate, Pasize); hp->metric = r->metric; installroute(hp); } if(equivip(hp->gate, r->gate)) hp->time = now; return; } } /* * no match, look for space */ for(hp = ralloc.route; hp < &ralloc.route[Nroute]; hp++) if(hp->inuse == 0) break; if(hp == 0) fatal(0, "no more routes"); memmove(hp, r, sizeof(Route)); hp->next = ralloc.hash[h]; ralloc.hash[h] = hp; installroute(hp); } void removeroute(Route *r) { int fd; fd = open(routefile, ORDWR); if(fd < 0){ fprint(2, "can't open oproute\n"); return; } if(!readonly) fprint(fd, "delete %V", r->dest); if(debug) fprint(2, "removeroute %V\n", r->dest); close(fd); } /* * pass a route to the kernel or /ip. Don't bother if it is just the default * gateway. */ void installroute(Route *r) { int fd; ulong h; Route *hp; uchar net[Pasize]; /* * don't install routes whose gateway is 00000000 */ if(equivip(r->gate, ralloc.def.dest)) return; fd = open(routefile, ORDWR); if(fd < 0){ fprint(2, "can't open oproute\n"); return; } h = rhash(r->dest); /* * if the gateway is the same as the default gateway * we may be able to avoid a entry in the kernel */ if(equivip(r->gate, ralloc.def.gate)){ /* * look for a less specific match */ for(hp = ralloc.hash[h]; hp; hp = hp->next){ v4maskip(hp->mask, r->dest, net); if(equivip(net, hp->dest) && !equivip(hp->gate, ralloc.def.gate)) break; } /* * if no less specific match, just use the default */ if(hp == 0){ if(!readonly) fprint(fd, "delete %V", r->dest); if(debug) fprint(2, "delete %V\n", r->dest); close(fd); return; } } if(!readonly) fprint(fd, "add %V %V %V", r->dest, r->mask, r->gate); if(debug) fprint(2, "add %V & %V -> %V\n", r->dest, r->mask, r->gate); close(fd); } /* * return true of dest is on net */ int onnet(uchar *dest, uchar *net, uchar *netmask) { uchar dnet[Pasize]; v4maskip(dest, netmask, dnet); return equivip(dnet, net); } /* * figure out what mask to use, if we have a direct connected network * with the same class net use its subnet mask. */ uchar* getmask(uchar *dest) { int i; Ifc *ip; ulong mask, nmask; uchar *m; m = 0; mask = 0xffffffff; for(i = 0; i < ialloc.nifc; i++){ ip = &ialloc.ifc[i]; if(onnet(dest, ip->cnet, ip->cmask)){ nmask = nhgetl(ip->mask); if(nmask < mask){ mask = nmask; m = ip->mask; } } } if(m == 0) m = v4defmask(dest); return m; } /* * broadcast routes onto all networks */ void sendto(Ifc *ip) { int h, n; uchar raddr[Pasize], mbuf[Udphdrsize+512]; Ripmsg *m; Route *r; Udphdr *u; u = (Udphdr*)mbuf; for(n = 0; n < Pasize; n++) raddr[n] = ip->net[n] | ~(ip->mask[n]); v4tov6(u->raddr, raddr); hnputs(u->rport, 520); m = (Ripmsg*)(mbuf+Udphdrsize); m->type = Response; m->vers = Version; if(debug) fprint(2, "to %V\n", u->raddr); n = 0; for(h = 0; h < Nhash; h++){ for(r = ralloc.hash[h]; r; r = r->next){ /* * don't send any route back to the net * it came from */ if(onnet(r->gate, ip->net, ip->mask)) continue; /* * don't tell a network about itself */ if(equivip(r->dest, ip->net)) continue; /* * don't tell nets about other net's subnets */ if(!equivip(r->mask, v4defmask(r->dest)) && !equivip(ip->cmask, v4defmask(r->dest))) continue; memset(&m->rip[n], 0, sizeof(m->rip[n])); memmove(m->rip[n].addr, r->dest, Pasize); if(r->metric < 1) hnputl(m->rip[n].metric, 1); else hnputl(m->rip[n].metric, r->metric); hnputs(m->rip[n].family, AF_INET); if(debug) fprint(2, " %16V & %16V -> %16V %2d\n", r->dest, r->mask, r->gate, r->metric); if(++n == Maxroutes && !readonly){ write(ripfd, mbuf, Udphdrsize + 4 + n*20); n = 0; } } } if(n && !readonly) write(ripfd, mbuf, Udphdrsize+4+n*20); } void broadcast(void) { int i; readifcs(); for(i = 0; i < ialloc.nifc; i++){ if(ialloc.ifc[i].bcast) sendto(&ialloc.ifc[i]); } } /* * timeout any routes that haven't been refreshed and aren't wired */ void timeoutroutes(void) { int h; long now; Route *r, **l; now = time(0); for(h = 0; h < Nhash; h++){ l = &ralloc.hash[h]; for(r = *l; r; r = *l){ if(r->metric < Infinity && now - r->time > 10*60){ removeroute(r); r->inuse = 0; *l = r->next; continue; } l = &r->next; } } }