ref: f8b4cc52f6bd0cc2e06b531cd8a1a7daceefff9d
dir: /src/link/assign.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2018, Carsten Sorensen and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include "extern/err.h" #include "link/assign.h" #include "link/mylink.h" #include "link/main.h" #include "link/script.h" #include "link/symbol.h" struct sFreeArea { int32_t nOrg; int32_t nSize; struct sFreeArea *pPrev, *pNext; }; struct sSectionAttributes { const char *name; /* bank + offset = bank originally stored in a section struct */ int32_t bank; int32_t offset; int32_t minBank; int32_t bankCount; }; struct sFreeArea *BankFree[BANK_INDEX_MAX]; int32_t MaxAvail[BANK_INDEX_MAX]; int32_t MaxBankUsed; int32_t MaxWBankUsed; int32_t MaxSBankUsed; int32_t MaxVBankUsed; const enum eSectionType SECT_MIN = SECT_WRAM0; const enum eSectionType SECT_MAX = SECT_OAM; const struct sSectionAttributes SECT_ATTRIBUTES[] = { {"WRAM0", BANK_INDEX_WRAM0, 0, 0, BANK_COUNT_WRAM0}, {"VRAM", BANK_INDEX_VRAM, 0, 0, BANK_COUNT_VRAM}, {"ROMX", BANK_INDEX_ROMX, -BANK_MIN_ROMX, BANK_MIN_ROMX, BANK_COUNT_ROMX}, {"ROM0", BANK_INDEX_ROM0, 0, 0, BANK_COUNT_ROM0}, {"HRAM", BANK_INDEX_HRAM, 0, 0, BANK_COUNT_HRAM}, {"WRAMX", BANK_INDEX_WRAMX, -BANK_MIN_WRAMX, BANK_MIN_WRAMX, BANK_COUNT_WRAMX}, {"SRAM", BANK_INDEX_SRAM, 0, 0, BANK_COUNT_SRAM}, {"OAM", BANK_INDEX_OAM, 0, 0, BANK_COUNT_OAM} }; static void do_max_bank(enum eSectionType Type, int32_t nBank) { switch (Type) { case SECT_ROMX: if (nBank > MaxBankUsed) MaxBankUsed = nBank; break; case SECT_WRAMX: if (nBank > MaxWBankUsed) MaxWBankUsed = nBank; break; case SECT_SRAM: if (nBank > MaxSBankUsed) MaxSBankUsed = nBank; break; case SECT_VRAM: if (nBank > MaxVBankUsed) MaxVBankUsed = nBank; break; case SECT_ROM0: case SECT_WRAM0: case SECT_OAM: case SECT_HRAM: default: break; } } void ensureSectionTypeIsValid(enum eSectionType type) { if (type < SECT_MIN || type > SECT_MAX) errx(1, "%s: Invalid section type found: %d", __func__, type); } int BankIndexIsROM0(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_ROM0) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_ROM0 + BANK_COUNT_ROM0)); } int BankIndexIsROMX(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_ROMX) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_ROMX + BANK_COUNT_ROMX)); } int BankIndexIsWRAM0(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_WRAM0) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_WRAM0 + BANK_COUNT_WRAM0)); } int BankIndexIsWRAMX(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_WRAMX) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_WRAMX + BANK_COUNT_WRAMX)); } int BankIndexIsVRAM(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_VRAM) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_VRAM + BANK_COUNT_VRAM)); } int BankIndexIsOAM(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_OAM) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_OAM + BANK_COUNT_OAM)); } int BankIndexIsHRAM(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_HRAM) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_HRAM + BANK_COUNT_HRAM)); } int BankIndexIsSRAM(int32_t bank) { return (bank >= BANK_INDEX_SRAM) && (bank < (BANK_INDEX_SRAM + BANK_COUNT_SRAM)); } int32_t area_Avail(int32_t bank) { int32_t r; struct sFreeArea *pArea; r = 0; pArea = BankFree[bank]; while (pArea) { r += pArea->nSize; pArea = pArea->pNext; } return r; } int32_t area_doAlloc(struct sFreeArea *pArea, int32_t org, int32_t size) { if ((org >= pArea->nOrg) && ((org + size) <= (pArea->nOrg + pArea->nSize))) { if (org == pArea->nOrg) { pArea->nOrg += size; pArea->nSize -= size; return org; } if ((org + size) == (pArea->nOrg + pArea->nSize)) { pArea->nSize -= size; return org; } struct sFreeArea *pNewArea; pNewArea = malloc(sizeof(struct sFreeArea)); if (pNewArea == NULL) err(1, "%s: Failed to allocate memory", __func__); *pNewArea = *pArea; pNewArea->pPrev = pArea; pArea->pNext = pNewArea; pArea->nSize = org - pArea->nOrg; pNewArea->nOrg = org + size; pNewArea->nSize -= size + pArea->nSize; return org; } return -1; } int32_t area_AllocAbs(struct sFreeArea **ppArea, int32_t org, int32_t size) { struct sFreeArea *pArea; pArea = *ppArea; while (pArea) { int32_t result = area_doAlloc(pArea, org, size); if (result != -1) return result; ppArea = &(pArea->pNext); pArea = *ppArea; } return -1; } int32_t area_AllocAbsAnyBank(int32_t org, int32_t size, enum eSectionType type) { ensureSectionTypeIsValid(type); int32_t startBank = SECT_ATTRIBUTES[type].bank; int32_t bankCount = SECT_ATTRIBUTES[type].bankCount; for (int32_t i = 0; i < bankCount; i++) { if (area_AllocAbs(&BankFree[startBank + i], org, size) != -1) return startBank + i; } return -1; } int32_t area_Alloc(struct sFreeArea **ppArea, int32_t size, int32_t alignment) { struct sFreeArea *pArea; if (alignment < 1) alignment = 1; pArea = *ppArea; while (pArea) { int32_t org = pArea->nOrg; if (org % alignment) org += alignment; org -= org % alignment; int32_t result = area_doAlloc(pArea, org, size); if (result != -1) return result; ppArea = &(pArea->pNext); pArea = *ppArea; } return -1; } int32_t area_AllocAnyBank(int32_t size, int32_t alignment, enum eSectionType type) { ensureSectionTypeIsValid(type); int32_t i, org; int32_t startBank = SECT_ATTRIBUTES[type].bank; int32_t bankCount = SECT_ATTRIBUTES[type].bankCount; for (i = 0; i < bankCount; i++) { org = area_Alloc(&BankFree[startBank + i], size, alignment); if (org != -1) return ((startBank + i) << 16) | org; } return -1; } struct sSection *FindLargestSection(enum eSectionType type, bool bankFixed) { struct sSection *pSection, *r = NULL; int32_t nLargest = 0; int32_t nLargestAlignment = 0; pSection = pSections; while (pSection) { if (pSection->oAssigned == 0 && pSection->Type == type && (bankFixed ^ (pSection->nBank == -1))) { if (pSection->nAlign > nLargestAlignment || (pSection->nAlign == nLargestAlignment && pSection->nByteSize > nLargest)) { nLargest = pSection->nByteSize; nLargestAlignment = pSection->nAlign; r = pSection; } } pSection = pSection->pNext; } return r; } int32_t IsSectionNameInUse(const char *name) { const struct sSection *pSection = pSections; while (pSection) { if (strcmp(pSection->pzName, name) == 0) return 1; pSection = pSection->pNext; } return 0; } struct sSection *GetSectionByName(const char *name) { struct sSection *pSection = pSections; while (pSection) { if (strcmp(pSection->pzName, name) == 0) return pSection; pSection = pSection->pNext; } return NULL; } int32_t IsSectionSameTypeBankAndFloating(const char *name, enum eSectionType type, int32_t bank) { const struct sSection *pSection; for (pSection = pSections; pSection; pSection = pSection->pNext) { /* Skip if it has already been assigned */ if (pSection->oAssigned == 1) continue; /* Check if it has the same name */ if (strcmp(pSection->pzName, name) != 0) continue; /* * The section has the same name, now check if there is a * mismatch or not. */ /* Section must be floating in source */ if (pSection->nOrg != -1 || pSection->nAlign != 1) return 0; /* It must have the same type in source and linkerscript */ if (pSection->Type != type) return 0; /* Bank number must be unassigned in source or equal */ if (pSection->nBank != -1 && pSection->nBank != bank) return 0; return 1; } errx(1, "Section \"%s\" not found (or already used).\n", name); } uint32_t AssignSectionAddressAndBankByName(const char *name, uint32_t address, int32_t bank) { struct sSection *pSection; for (pSection = pSections; pSection; pSection = pSection->pNext) { /* Skip if it has already been assigned */ if (pSection->oAssigned == 1) continue; /* Check if it has the same name */ if (strcmp(pSection->pzName, name) != 0) continue; /* Section has been found. */ /* * A section can be left as floating in the code if the location * is assigned in the linkerscript. */ if (pSection->nOrg != -1 || pSection->nAlign != 1) { errx(1, "Section \"%s\" from linkerscript isn't floating.\n", name); } /* The bank can be left as unassigned or be the same */ if (pSection->nBank != -1 && pSection->nBank != bank) { errx(1, "Section \"%s\" from linkerscript has different bank number than in the source.\n", name); } pSection->nOrg = address; pSection->nBank = bank; pSection->nAlign = -1; return pSection->nByteSize; } errx(1, "Section \"%s\" not found (or already used).\n", name); } bool VerifyAndSetBank(struct sSection *pSection) { enum eSectionType Type = pSection->Type; ensureSectionTypeIsValid(Type); if (pSection->nBank >= SECT_ATTRIBUTES[Type].minBank) { if (pSection->nBank < SECT_ATTRIBUTES[Type].minBank + SECT_ATTRIBUTES[Type].bankCount) { pSection->nBank += SECT_ATTRIBUTES[Type].bank + SECT_ATTRIBUTES[Type].offset; return true; } } return false; } void AssignFixedBankSections(enum eSectionType type) { ensureSectionTypeIsValid(type); struct sSection *pSection; while ((pSection = FindLargestSection(type, true))) { if (VerifyAndSetBank(pSection)) { pSection->nOrg = area_Alloc(&BankFree[pSection->nBank], pSection->nByteSize, pSection->nAlign); if (pSection->nOrg != -1) { pSection->oAssigned = 1; do_max_bank(pSection->Type, pSection->nBank); continue; } } if (pSection->nAlign <= 1) { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) in bank $%02lX", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].name, pSection->nBank); } else { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) in bank $%02lX (with $%lX-byte alignment)", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].name, pSection->nBank, pSection->nAlign); } } } void AssignFloatingBankSections(enum eSectionType type) { ensureSectionTypeIsValid(type); struct sSection *pSection; while ((pSection = FindLargestSection(type, false))) { int32_t org; org = area_AllocAnyBank(pSection->nByteSize, pSection->nAlign, type); if (org != -1) { if (options & OPT_OVERLAY) errx(1, "All sections must be fixed when using an overlay file."); pSection->nOrg = org & 0xFFFF; pSection->nBank = org >> 16; pSection->oAssigned = 1; do_max_bank(pSection->Type, pSection->nBank); } else { const char *locality = "anywhere"; if (SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].bankCount > 1) locality = "in any bank"; if (pSection->nAlign <= 1) { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) %s", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[type].name, locality); } else { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) %s (with $%lX-byte alignment)", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[type].name, locality, pSection->nAlign); } } } } char *tzLinkerscriptName; void SetLinkerscriptName(char *tzLinkerscriptFile) { tzLinkerscriptName = tzLinkerscriptFile; } void AssignSections(void) { struct sSection *pSection; MaxBankUsed = 0; /* * Initialize the memory areas */ for (int32_t i = 0; i < BANK_INDEX_MAX; i += 1) { BankFree[i] = malloc(sizeof(*BankFree[i])); if (!BankFree[i]) { errx(1, "%s: Couldn't allocate mem for bank %d", __func__, i); } if (BankIndexIsROM0(i)) { /* ROM0 bank */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0x0000; if (options & OPT_TINY) BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x8000; else BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x4000; } else if (BankIndexIsROMX(i)) { /* Swappable ROM bank */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0x4000; BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x4000; } else if (BankIndexIsWRAM0(i)) { /* WRAM */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0xC000; if (options & OPT_CONTWRAM) BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x2000; else BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x1000; } else if (BankIndexIsSRAM(i)) { /* Swappable SRAM bank */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0xA000; BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x2000; } else if (BankIndexIsWRAMX(i)) { /* Swappable WRAM bank */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0xD000; BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x1000; } else if (BankIndexIsVRAM(i)) { /* Swappable VRAM bank */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0x8000; if (options & OPT_DMG_MODE && i != BANK_INDEX_VRAM) BankFree[i]->nSize = 0; else BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x2000; } else if (BankIndexIsOAM(i)) { BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0xFE00; BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x00A0; } else if (BankIndexIsHRAM(i)) { /* HRAM */ BankFree[i]->nOrg = 0xFF80; BankFree[i]->nSize = 0x007F; } else { errx(1, "%s: Unknown bank type %d", __func__, i); } MaxAvail[i] = BankFree[i]->nSize; BankFree[i]->pPrev = NULL; BankFree[i]->pNext = NULL; } /* * First, let's parse the linkerscript. */ if (tzLinkerscriptName) { script_InitSections(); script_Parse(tzLinkerscriptName); } /* * Second, let's assign all the fixed sections... */ for (pSection = pSections ; pSection; pSection = pSection->pNext) { if (!((pSection->nOrg != -1 || pSection->nBank != -1) && pSection->oAssigned == 0)) continue; /* User wants to have a say... */ switch (pSection->Type) { case SECT_WRAM0: case SECT_HRAM: case SECT_ROM0: case SECT_OAM: pSection->nBank = SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].bank; if (area_AllocAbs(&BankFree[pSection->nBank], pSection->nOrg, pSection->nByteSize) == -1) { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) at $%X", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].name, pSection->nOrg); } pSection->oAssigned = 1; break; case SECT_SRAM: case SECT_WRAMX: case SECT_VRAM: case SECT_ROMX: if (!(pSection->nBank != -1 && pSection->nOrg != -1)) break; if (VerifyAndSetBank(pSection) && area_AllocAbs(&BankFree[pSection->nBank], pSection->nOrg, pSection->nByteSize) != -1) { do_max_bank(pSection->Type, pSection->nBank); pSection->oAssigned = 1; } else { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) at $%X in bank $%02X", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].name, pSection->nOrg, pSection->nBank); } break; default: errx(1, "%s: Internal error: Type %d", __func__, pSection->Type); } } /* * Next, let's assign all the bankfixed ONLY sections... */ for (enum eSectionType i = SECT_MIN; i <= SECT_MAX; i++) AssignFixedBankSections(i); /* * Now, let's assign all the floating bank but fixed ROMX sections... */ for (pSection = pSections ; pSection; pSection = pSection->pNext) { if (!(pSection->oAssigned == 0 && pSection->nOrg != -1 && pSection->nBank == -1)) continue; if (options & OPT_OVERLAY) { errx(1, "All sections must be fixed when using an overlay file: '%s'", pSection->pzName); } switch (pSection->Type) { case SECT_ROMX: case SECT_VRAM: case SECT_SRAM: case SECT_WRAMX: pSection->nBank = area_AllocAbsAnyBank(pSection->nOrg, pSection->nByteSize, pSection->Type); if (pSection->nBank == -1) { errx(1, "Unable to place '%s' (%s section) at $%X in any bank", pSection->pzName, SECT_ATTRIBUTES[pSection->Type].name, pSection->nOrg); } pSection->oAssigned = 1; do_max_bank(pSection->Type, pSection->nBank); break; case SECT_ROM0: case SECT_WRAM0: case SECT_OAM: case SECT_HRAM: default: /* Handle other sections later */ break; } } /* * OK, all that nasty stuff is done so let's assign all the other * sections */ for (enum eSectionType i = SECT_MIN; i <= SECT_MAX; i++) AssignFloatingBankSections(i); } void CreateSymbolTable(void) { const struct sSection *pSect; sym_Init(); pSect = pSections; while (pSect) { int32_t i; i = pSect->nNumberOfSymbols; while (i--) { const struct sSymbol *tSymbol = pSect->tSymbols[i]; if ((tSymbol->Type == SYM_EXPORT) && ((tSymbol->pSection == pSect) || (tSymbol->pSection == NULL))) { if (tSymbol->pSection == NULL) sym_CreateSymbol( tSymbol->pzName, tSymbol->nOffset, -1, tSymbol->pzObjFileName, tSymbol->pzFileName, tSymbol->nFileLine); else sym_CreateSymbol( tSymbol->pzName, pSect->nOrg + tSymbol->nOffset, pSect->nBank, tSymbol->pzObjFileName, tSymbol->pzFileName, tSymbol->nFileLine); } } pSect = pSect->pNext; } }