Check if integer constants only contain radix prefix
Fix typo in documentation
Remove unused str2int()
Update HTML documentation
Remove alphabetical list of keywords.
Fix Bl -column widths: the arguments are strings as wide as the column.
Escape some operators.
Mark up #define with Fd.
Use .Fn for defining functions.
Remove excess tabs in column lists.
Cleanup "Sections" section.
New sentence, new line.
@, &, $, {, and } don't need to be escaped.
Eliminate \[dq] escapes and superfluous double quotes.
Use charmaps in const expressions.
Merge pull request #294 from yenatch/utf-8
Remove signoff step from contributing guide.
checkpatch: Don't expect Signed-off-by lines in commit messages
Test binary output for rgbasm tests
Run checkpatch in a separate build.
Fix UTF-8 characters with an even number of bytes.
Merge pull request #287 from Ben10do/remove-dummymem
Fix test projects compilation in OS X
Re-enable OS X builds in Travis CI
Merge pull request #285 from Ben10do/allow-test-repos-to-be-kept
Use specific commits when running tests
Replace pointers to ‘dummymem’ with NULL
Update html documentation
Update descriptions of how flags are pushed/popped
Allow test repos to be kept locally
Fix the global checksum calculation in rgbfix
rgbasm: Allow variations of 'ld [$FF00+c],a'
Increase version number to 0.3.7
rgbasm: Check the values of operands in bit shifts
Enable GCC options to detect undefined behaviour
checkpatch: Ignore warnings about SPDX
rgbfix: Fix checkpatch issues
Don't generate output file if overlay isn't found
Document `Section ID == -1` in object files
Merge pull request #264 from inmemrgbfix
Rewrite rgbfix to perform most actions in memory.
tests: Update references
rgbfix: Add check to malloc()
Replace tabs by spaces in fprintf()
rgbasm: Fix declaration of fatalerror()
Merge pull request #261 from warnings
Cleanup GCC compiler attributes
Check code style as part of the CI tests
Remove check for C11 in helpers.h
Create makefile target to check all warnings
Rename stdnoreturn.h to helpers.h
Remove C++ check in stdnoreturn.h
Enable a few warning flags
Add default clauses to switch statements
Enable more optional warnings
Don't save '@' in map and sym files
Simplify parsing of variable-length lists
Allow to JR to numeric constants
Increase version number to 0.3.6
Fix crash in rgbgfx with height not multiple of 8
Document character maps
Add a new flag, -f, which allows independently fixing or trashing checksums.
Merge pull request #237 from continue-lines
Document line continuation syntax
Fix style of code sections in manpages
Allow line continuations in list of macro args
Allow to scape `"` in lists of macro args
Allow to continuate lines except inside macros
Add flag to rgbasm to disable LD->LDH optimization
Add safeguards against string overflows
Add CSS file for the html documentation
Handle newlines and comments correctly
Allow JR between sections
Introduce command PRINTI to print integers
Fix HIGH() and LOW() for constants
Merge pull request #235 from obskyr/rgbgfx-color
Allow superfluous height for 1-tile-wide images
Clarify and update rgbgfx documentation
Handle grayscale images as expected
Add color and transparency support to rgbgfx
Fix typo in rgblink manpage
Increase version number to 0.3.5
Move version files out of extern folder
Fix linkerscript man page
Fix nit in rgbasm.5 man page
Fix local execution of script
Add test to verify hex codes of all instructions