Update reference output of tests
Fix some signed/unsigned comparison warnings
Merge pull request #150 from Ben10do/deprecation-positions
Remove Zero Page linker patch `RPN_PCEZP`
Add a warning() function, similiar to yyerror()
Create man5 folder when installing
Merge pull request #146 from AntonioND/an/same-name
Fix bank assignments from linkerscript
Prohibit sections from having the same name
Fix rgblink.5 man page installation path
Merge pull request #140 from AntonioND/an/linkerscript
Document linkerscript format in manpage
Use linkerscript parser in rgblink
Document missing build options
Merge pull request #143 from Sanqui/parametrize-makefile
Parametrize install arguments in Makefile
Merge pull request #141 from AntonioND/an/deprecate-jp-hl
Allow ',' to be escaped in string literals
Merge pull request #139 from chastai/escape-cb
Allow { and } to be escaped in string literals
Merge branch 'contiguous-wram' of git://github.com/TwitchPlaysPokemon/rgbds into TwitchPlaysPokemon-contiguous-wram
Merge pull request #131 from Sanqui/overlay
Require all sections to be fixed when using overlay
Merge pull request #135 from Ben10do/improve-assign-error-messages
Merge pull request #134 from Ben10do/oam-sections
Improve assignment error messages
Replace magic numbers with BANK_COUNT_* constants
Also require ROM0 sections to be fixed when using overlay
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rednex/rgbds into overlay
Merge pull request #125 from Ben10do/section-alignment
Re-allow alignment of 0 bits
Merge github.com:rednex/rgbds into overlay
Merge pull request #16 from yenatch/eval-rpn-bank
Merge pull request #114 from Ben10do/fix-asm-tests
Merge pull request #123 from Ben10do/deduplicate-e-doc
Merge pull request #127 from rogersachan/patch-1
Merge pull request #79 from yenatch/longer-charmap
Merge pull request #120 from TwitchPlaysPokemon/extra-sram
Merge pull request #119 from Ben10do/add-end-checks
Merge pull request #121 from TwitchPlaysPokemon/master
Convert README to markdown
Link to HTML documentation from the manpage.
Move HTML docs to a different repo.
Implement ALIGN keyword in rgbasm
Implement byte alignment in section assingment
Add alignment of sections to objects
Implement a malloc-based readasciiz()
Remove duplicate documentation of -E
Fix WRAM0 symbols returning bank 512 to BANK() expression in linker
Merge branch 'linker-refactor-assign' of https://github.com/Ben10do/rgbds
Verify that IFs, REPTs and MACROs are terminated
Refactor section assignment in linker
Don't segfault on null bytes in REPTs and MACROs
Fix division by zero crashes in instructions
Add ldi a, [hl] and ldd a, [hl] instructions
Merge branch 'fatal-error-noreturn' of https://github.com/Ben10do/rgbds
Emit a single error when using BANK incorrectly
Add noreturn attribute to fatalerror()
Simplify string copy by using strlcpy().
Merge branch 'include-cli' of https://github.com/AntonioND/rgbds
Increase number of include paths through CLI
Output error messages for command line includes
Add a thin wrapper makefile for GNU Make.
Fixes rgbgfx linkage issues with old libpng (pre 1.4.2)
Add a note about installing libpng.
Rename png.h to makepng.h, to avoid conflicts with libpng's png.h.
Fix the order of flags when including libpng.
Merge branch 'export-all-2' of https://github.com/Sanqui/rgbds
Merge branch 'an/fix-gfx-prefix' of https://github.com/AntonioND/rgbds
Declare string uppercase/lowercase functions unconditionally.
Removed the wrong pkg-config.
Remove duplicate PKG_CONFIG.
Fix opening nonexistent overlay files
Add overlay file option to rgblink (-O)
Instead of blindly trusting the first byte, decode UTF-8 safely.
Add -E option to rgbds, allows exporting all labels by default
Increase the length of charmaps.
Avoid a pointless strcpy().
rgbasm: refactor bank range checking, and bump the SRAM limit.
Don't silently truncate banks greater than 255 to 8 bits.
Fix segfault in createpatch() when symbol is an inexistant local label or bank